Through Uncharted Space: A Phoenix Adventures Sci-fi Romance (23 page)

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“Exactly,” Dakota said.

The woman stared at her. “You were very dedicated to finding it.”

“For my own selfish reasons.” Dakota swallowed. “But it’s your treasure. It was never mine.”

“Now you’re happy to let it go so easily?”

“Let’s just say I’ve learned what real treasure looks like.” She looked up at Dare, and smiled. “What it feels like.”

Tsani inclined her head. “A priceless lesson.”

“My brother is hurt,” Dare said, worry underscoring his tone. “Can you help him?”

Tsani waved a hand at the scholar. “Asun is skilled in healing.”

The young man leaned over Rynan’s still form and ran his hands over Rynan’s injury.

“Olok informed us you’d discovered the temple and that he’d stranded you down here,” Tsani said.

“That bastard almost killed us,” Dare bit out.

“I am sorry. We were only protecting our heritage,” Tsani said. “We have a submersible to transport you back to Sori Sanu and back to your shuttle. I will leave some of my people here to safeguard the treasure.” The woman leaned down and picked something up. When she straightened, she was holding an emerald. It glowed green in the light. She held it out to Dakota. “A finder’s fee.”

Dakota stared at the jewel. Part of her wanted to take it, to feel its cool, beautiful surface.

Finally, she shook her head. “No. I don’t want it.” She gently pushed Tsani’s hand away.

When the woman opened her mouth to speak, Dakota shook her head again.

“Thank you, really, but please don’t say anything else. I might change my mind and take it, otherwise. And I shouldn’t. It belongs here.”

She felt Dare squeeze her shoulder.

“Just get us to our shuttle,” Dakota added. “That will be thanks enough.”

The next part of the trip happened in a bit of a haze. A large manta-ray ship moved up to the dome entrance, and the Maronians helped carry Rynan aboard.

As they ascended out of the Abyss, Dakota couldn’t help but poke at the spongy, gray walls of the ship. It was pretty darn interesting.

Soon, the dark depths got lighter and lighter. When they arrived back at the city, Dakota blinked at the change in brightness.

She’d left the treasure behind, and now it was time to leave Maro behind, too.

Dare and Justyn got Rynan settled on a stretcher in the shuttle, strapping him in securely.

After more farewells, they left the dome, powering through the water before taking to the air.

Dakota stared out the viewscreen, lost in thought. It wasn’t long before she saw the shape of the
Sky Nomad
in the distance.

“You’re quiet,” Dare said.


Dakota realized that her one purpose, her reason for being for such a long time, was gone.

So, where did that leave her?


Dare stood in the med bay, watching Elana working on a motionless Rynan.

His brother was under a med scanner, and Elana’s worry was easy for Dare to see. She hovered over Ry, double and triple checking monitors.

“How is he?” Dare asked.

“There’s some damage to his brain,” she said.

“What? How bad?”

Elana raised a shaky hand to her mouth. “I won’t know until he wakes up.” She reached out and stroked Ry’s dark hair.

Dare watched her. “When are you going to tell him that you love him?”

A sad smile. “We both know he wouldn’t welcome it. I’m his friend, his employee. He’d see it as a betrayal.”

Everything she said was true. Rynan was fighting his own demons left over from their childhood.

“Besides,” she said, stroking his hair again, “he doesn’t believe in love.”

“I didn’t either. Things can change.”

Elana eyed him. “So I see. I guess if Dare Phoenix can fall in love, anything is possible. Where is Dakota?”

“I’m going to find her now. She disappeared as soon as we came aboard.” He stared at his brother’s face. “You’ll take care of him?”

“You don’t have to ask,” Elana answered.

Dare went in search of Dakota. He checked his cabin, and found a damp towel on the floor by his bed. He checked the galley, but it was empty.

He found himself entering the arboretum.

And he found Dakota sitting on the bench under the tree. He smiled to himself, remembering her horrible, ugly disguise when she’d first come aboard the
and entered his life.

He remembered her plucky fight against the assassin, right here under this tree.

She was looking up at the glass dome above, and the stars beyond.

Then she looked at him. “How’s Rynan?”

“Not great.” With a sigh, Dare sat down beside her. “I hate feeling so damn helpless. He might have some long-term brain damage.”

“I’m so sorry, Dare.”

“He’s as tough as steel. And stubborn. He’ll pull through.” He had to. Dare looked down at her. “What are you thinking about?”

“Can’t a girl just enjoy a view of the stars?”

“Nothing’s ever quite that simple with you.”

“What do I do next?” she said. “I have no treasure, no e-creds, nothing. There will be no fancy house, or farm, or a ship of my own.”

Dare felt his hands flex, and in his veins, he felt a slight trickle of something that he identified as panic. She wanted to leave. He wanted her to stay.

But he couldn’t force her to stay. He wouldn’t cage her.

“Do whatever you want,” he said.

“I’m not exactly sure what that looks like yet.” She tilted her head. “No demands? No orders? That’s very unlike Dare Phoenix.”

He wanted to reach for her, but he kept his hands to himself. “You have to come to me willingly. I can offer you a home here, Dakota.”

“But it won’t be mine.”

“No, but it can be


All Dakota could hear was the beat of her heart in her ears.

She stared at Dare’s handsome face, and realized what he was offering her might just be what she’d been looking for all along.


Someone leaped out of the bushes behind them, knife in hand. “For Golden Nova!”

It was Amber Lynn, of the long, lean body and flirtatious smiles. Before either Dakota or Dare could react, the knife sliced into Dakota’s arm.

Dakota leaped backward off the bench and Dare charged to his feet. Amber Lynn swung again, and Dakota ducked, feeling the current of air brush over her skin.

Dare made a growling sound. “You’re the one who sabotaged my ship.” He kicked out, catching the woman in the knee and sending her stumbling. “And now you’re trying to hurt my woman.”

Dakota moved in. She was sick and tired of people trying to kill her. “No more.” She slammed her fist into the woman’s face, and Amber Lynn fell to the grass with a cry.

Leaning down, Dakota punched her again. The woman groaned and then flopped back, out cold.

Dakota sat back down on the bench, dusting her hands on her trousers. “Where were we?”

“You’re bleeding,” he said.

“So are you.”

“I’m never going to have a nice, quiet, controlled life with you, am I?”

Dakota climbed onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You don’t want that anyway.”

“I love you, Dakota Jones.”

“I love you, too, Dare Phoenix.”

His hands snuck up under her shirt, one moving to cup her breast. She smiled to herself. He was still her pushy, demanding man. She’d need all her wits to keep him in line and on his toes.

“You’ll be mine,” he growled, his voice rough.

“Looks like I already am.”

“You’ll stay here with me.”

She’d finally have a home no one could take from her. “Yes.”

He kissed her—long and deep—until she was breathless. He nuzzled his face against hers. “So, how many kids do you want?”

Dakota’s mind went blank. “Kids? Oh no, no, no, no.”

“I can see a little girl with your stunning blue eyes and stubborn chin.” He cupped the chin he’d just described, stroking it. “When you’re ready. I want you to myself for a while first. But one day.”

She paused, her shock fading. For the first time in her life, she imagined herself having a child. Dare’s child. Their child.

She instantly pictured a boy with dark hair and silver eyes. A child who would never know the pain his father had. Or the abandonment that his mother had endured.

“Well, maybe you could bring me around,” she said. “We’ll need lots of practice making babies, though.”

He laughed. “So how many?”

She shrugged. “I’d like to make one, but maybe we could adopt some unwanted children as well. From Mase or your homeworld.”

His arms tightened on hers. “That can be arranged.”

“So I guess as many rugrats as it takes to drive you crazy, Phoenix, and keep you on your toes.”

“I have you for that.”

She brought her lips to his. “That you do, Dare Phoenix. And I won’t ever let you forget it.”


~ Official Document ~

Galaxy’s Edge Space Station

Notice of Appointment #N-5946712

Subject: Phoenix Deep-Space Convoy’s new Antiquities Curator and Dealer

The Phoenix Deep-Space Convoy is pleased to announce a new addition to the team. Dakota Jones joins the crew as the new Antiquities Curator and Dealer. Ms. Jones has extensive and varied experience working with historical artifacts.

Ms. Jones will be creating a museum and gallery aboard the convoy’s flagship, the
Sky Nomad
. This will display some of the convoy’s magnificent finds from uncharted space, and allow passengers to purchase pieces as well.

Convoy master Dare Phoenix said he was extremely pleased to have Ms. Jones join them, saying her eye for spotting valuable artifacts, and her dedication to what she loves is without compare.


I hope you enjoyed Dare and Dakota’s story!

The Phoenix Adventures will return in 2017 with a collection of adventure-packed novellas, BEYOND DISTANT STARS.

For more action-packed romance, read on for a preview of the first chapter of
, the first book in my award-winning Hell Squad series.

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containing three action-packed romances.

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Preview – Hell Squad: Marcus

Her team was under attack.

Elle Milton pressed her fingers to her small earpiece. “Squad Six, you have seven more raptors inbound from the east.” Her other hand gripped the edge of her comp screen, showing the enhanced drone feed.

She watched, her belly tight, as seven glowing red dots converged on the blue ones huddled together in the burned-out ruin of an office building in downtown Sydney. Each blue dot was a squad member and one of them was their leader.

“Marcus? Do you copy?” Elle fought to keep her voice calm. No way she’d let them hear her alarm.

“Roger that, Elle.” Marcus’ gravelly voice filled her ear. Along with the roar of laser fire. “We see them.”

She sagged back in her chair. This was the worst part. Just sitting there knowing that Marcus and the others were fighting for their lives. In the six months she’d been comms officer for the squad, she’d worked hard to learn the ropes. But there were days she wished she was out there, aiming a gun and taking out as many alien raptors as she could.

You’re not a soldier, Ellianna
. No, she was a useless party-girl-turned-survivor. She watched as a red dot disappeared off the screen, then another, and another. She finally drew a breath. Marcus and his team were the experienced soldiers. She’d just be a big fat liability in the field.

But she was a damn good comms officer.

Just then, a new cluster of red dots appeared near the team. She tapped the screen, took a measurement. “Marcus! More raptors are en route. They’re about one kilometer away. North.” God, would these invading aliens ever leave them alone?

“Shit,” Marcus bit out. Then he went silent.

She didn’t know if he was thinking or fighting. She pictured his rugged, scarred face creased in thought as he formulated a plan.

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