The Wrong Billionaire's Bed (15 page)

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She hoped.

His hand on her back was like a brand against her skin, her body acutely aware of that small, polite touch. He led her through the thickening trees and into the woods, far from the cabin. They left the lake behind and headed even deeper, until she couldn't see the night skies overhead because the trees had grown so thick, and it grew steadily darker.

“Do you know where you're going?” she had to ask at one point.

“I do,” he agreed. “The perfect little spot. It's not much further.”

“Is it safe to be out here? What about bears and wildcats and things?” Audrey hadn't been thinking of such things when she'd suggested the woods, but she was thinking about them now that it was so incredibly dark and the trees so thick.

She heard his chuckle. “We'll be making too much noise. Don't worry about it. You don't want Cade to find us again, do you?”

“God, no,” she breathed, annoyed at his small snort of derision. What was
supposed to mean? But she didn't have the chance to ask.

“Here we are,” Reese said, gesturing at the area in front of him.

She had to admit, to her night-blind eyes, it didn't look like much. There was a pair of trees growing close together, forming a bit of a cradle between the roots in the ground, but that was about it. “Should I be impressed? What am I looking for?”

“These trees are perfect for us, my scowly little firecracker. They'll keep us shielded from the wind and the branches are low enough to climb if anything decides to check us out.”

She froze. “I thought you said we were safe?”

“I know, but my ass is spectacular when it's naked, and you never know.” She caught a glimpse of his white smile flashing in the darkness. “Plus, I hid a few things out here earlier.”

“Did you?” She hadn't realized he'd left the house. “Things like what?”

He took the blanket out of her hands and began to unfold it. “You'll see.”

“Things like what?” she repeated. “I'm can't say I'm into whips and things, if that's what you have in mind. I'm not that kind of girl.” Plus, the thought of Reese having whips at hand at all times—and probably to use on Camilla—bothered the hell out of her. The bolt of jealousy that slammed through her was humiliating.

“Calm down, Audrey,” Reese said in a slightly annoyed voice, spreading the blanket between the cradle of the tree roots. “Nothing weird, Miss Prim. Condoms. Bottles of water. Things like that. Jesus.”

“Oh.” Well, now she felt stupid. “Don't call me Miss Prim.”

“Miss Prim,” he teased in that irritating voice, turning to face her. His arms crossed over his chest, as if daring her to do something about it. “You are Miss Prim. Your hair's up again, even. Didn't I ask you to wear it down?”

So she'd pulled it into a ponytail for tonight. Like that was supposed to be weird? It didn't give him leave to insult her. She gave his chest a slight shove out of irritation. “Stop it, Reese. You're being a dick.”

“And you're being Little Miss Goody Two Shoes all over again. I have to say, I'm not a fan. What happened to that wild redhead who molested me by the woodpile earlier this morning?”

Her mouth tightened. “I'm not your Barbie doll. I'm not going to put my hair a certain way just because it makes your dick hard.”

“Gee, and I thought you wanted my dick hard. You certainly seemed to this morning. Remember that? You had your mouth open, just waiting for me to shove it in—”

Fury blossomed through her and she grabbed the front of his shirt, wanting to shake him for being such a douchebag. Why was he being like this? It was like he was deliberately trying to piss her off. And he just kept talking, which made her angrier, so she did the only thing she could think of to shut him up.

She planted her mouth on his in a furious kiss.

That worked. The stream of irritating conversation coming from him immediately dried up as her lips mashed on his in that furious lip lock. Suddenly his hands were on her shoulders and he was clenching her against him, the kiss grew hotter and wilder. Their lips ground together without any regard for coordination, all teeth and lips and furious, frantic kissing. It was punishment and wildness all rolled into one, and her body practically vibrated with emotion as his tongue swept against her own.

She captured his tongue with her lips and sucked on the tip, then flicked her own tongue against it, rewarded with his groan of pleasure. All that anger had turned, somehow, into a competitive sort of spirit, and she suddenly wanted to drive him wild. To make him as mindless and crazy as he made her. So Audrey became more aggressive with the kiss, continuing to suck at his tongue, then let him slide away from her. Then she tugged his lower lip into her mouth and lightly bit down on it as she raked her fingernails down the front of his shirt in an aggressive mood.

Reese groaned again, louder, and she felt his fingers clench on her shoulders. He wasn't moving, either; he was letting her take the lead.

Well, she'd show him just how much she could do with the lead, she decided. Her hands went to his shirt and she jerked at it, trying to tear it off him without breaking the locked, tongue-tangling kiss they were sharing. She took the advantage on the kiss, her tongue moving against his in an aggressive pace, letting out all the emotion she'd built up for the day. She'd pictured their coming together a dozen times earlier that day; each one had involved slow, sweet, romantic sex. A leisurely exploring of bodies. The reality was nothing like that—she needed this, and she needed it rough and hard and right away, and she was going to demonstrate to him exactly what she needed.

Reese raised his arms so she could jerk the shirt over his head, but it was too tight and not moving nearly fast enough for her liking. The sound of fabric tearing made her pause for a moment, breaking the kiss as she stared down at the jagged hole she'd torn through the collar of his shirt. Then she ripped that tear, suddenly aroused by the thought of tearing the shirt off this man, and the fabric came apart in her hands.

He groaned, reaching for her ponytail, and pulled her hair free. “You ripping all my clothes off, sexy?”

“Hush, Reese,” she told him, shoving the fabric of the destroyed shirt aside. “No talking.” She slid her hands over the flat planes of his stomach, admiring the way his muscles felt under her fingers. God, that was good. His nipples were flat and hard, and when her exploring fingertips scraped over them, he hissed in response.

So she leaned in and bit one.

He made a surprised sound, and then his hands went to her hair, holding her head against him, as if he wanted her to bite him again. So she did, taking the hard little nub of his nipple between her teeth and giving it a small, sharp bite, then flicking away the pain with her teeth. All the while, her hands went to his sleep pants and she jerked at the knot holding them there. It came free and she slammed his pants down his thighs, freeing his cock.

No underwear, again. She wondered if Reese even wore the things. Then she decided she didn't care.

She pressed a kiss on his abdomen, her mouth urgent, and then slid the pants all the way down his legs. “Lie down,” she commanded him.

He did so without a word of protest, moving onto the blanket. She tugged at her own pajama pants, frantic with the need to get them off, and as she stripped them from her legs and divested herself of her panties, she heard the crinkle of a condom. She turned to look at him, and he patted the blanket next to him. As if she was going to lie next to him and let him take over.

Fat chance.
She was still burning with an angry mix of rage and desire, and that meant that she was taking control. Ignoring the rest of her clothing, she moved, her bottom half bare, to the blankets and shoved at his shoulder until he lay on his back. Then, she straddled him and lay on his stomach, enjoying the way his eyes widened in the darkness.

“You going to ride me, firecracker?” His voice was a husky, pleased whisper.

Audrey didn't answer him. She simply rolled her hips against his belly and enjoyed his muffled sound of pleasure. His hands went to her bare thighs, holding her against him. She leaned in and gave him another punishing kiss, this one all furious lips and pent-up desire, and when they were both panting with need, she raised her hips, grasped his cock, and guided him inside her, lowering until she was seated on his length.

And then she gave a small sigh of pleasure at that.

“Ah, fuck, Audrey. Damn, you feel good.” His hands clenched on her thighs. “I think I like it when you get all bossy and pissed.”

He wanted to see bossy and pissed, did he? She let her nails scrape over one of his nipples again, and then she bucked her hips, just a little. The resulting sensation that rippled through her nearly drove her mad, though. He was so big, so full inside her that it hit all of her nerve endings just right, soothing the ache that had made her crazed with need all day. That itch needed to be scratched, and it needed it right now.

So she began to rock, adjusting a little here and there to find a rhythm. It was surprisingly easy to find one despite the fact that she was almost never the one on top when she had sex. She was normally too self-conscious of her large breasts and how they jiggled. But they weren't bare right now and she was too fired up to even care, so she began to bounce on top of him, her hips rising and slamming back down on the full length of him. He responded, flicking his hips up with quick, short thrusts to match her movements and to give them more power.

Soon enough, they were driving against each other, each thrust progressively rougher and wilder. A low ache began to burn inside her with each wild thrust, and she recognized it as her oncoming orgasm. It was an elusive, flighty thing without oral, though, so she closed her eyes, braced her hands on his chest, and concentrated her movements on making it happen. She was barely aware of him, lost in the chase of her own pleasure as she rode him, the roughness exciting her body and making her become even more wild, more abandoned on top of him. Each body-rocking slam brought her that much closer.

And then it was there, blossoming through her body and making her clench. She cried out in surprise at just how good it felt, her pussy spasming with the sheer pleasure, her thighs locking. She lost her rhythm, but it didn't matter. Reese had her, and his movements underneath her took on a furious edge. He pounded into her, grunting with every hard, bracing thrust as she lost herself in the spiral of her orgasm.

Then he cussed, his body stiffening against hers, and she realized he was coming, too. His hips jerked one more time, and she felt the tremor that rolled through him.

And she collapsed on his chest, breathing hard and utterly pleased with herself.

She'd just used a man. And it was awesome.


Well, damn.
That had worked out better than he'd hoped.

Reese ran a hand along the back of the woman collapsed on top of him and tried not to smile. Audrey was naked from the waist down, her pants discarded somewhere in the bushes nearby. She straddled him, laying over his chest, and still wore the zipped hoodie and shirt she'd started with.

She'd been in such a rush to climb on top of him that she hadn't realized she was still half-dressed. Either that, or she simply hadn't cared. Either one was a turn on.

He'd realized, when Audrey had been jumpy earlier, that she was having second thoughts. Lots of second thoughts. And that was disappointing to him. He'd been watching her all day as she cleaned the cabin from top to bottom, keeping busy. The seductive, wild Audrey he loved to coax out to play had disappeared entirely behind industrious, do-gooder Audrey, and that drove him batty.

Though he had to admit, the sight of that tight little bun she wore was starting to be a turn on for him. Maybe it was because he knew that underneath that perfect, no-nonsense exterior, she was a demon waiting to be unleashed.

He'd wanted that demon crawling all over him tonight, too. But when she'd been hesitant and snippy, he figured he had one chance to make her forget all about what was bothering her.

So he'd irritated her.

It had worked, too. She'd more or less pounced on him with bruising kisses and then torn the shirt right off his back. She'd commanded him to lay down, straddled him, and then rode him with an intense look on her face that told him that it was all about her in that moment, not him.

He'd felt a little used. And more than a little aroused. She'd gone after what she'd wanted and she'd made it happen. Reese had been worried for a moment that he'd have to deal with hesitant, cold Audrey, to whittle down her defenses until she'd been moaning under his hands.

He shouldn't have worried. His Audrey was fierce and even though she was a bit of a dictator between the sheets, he had to admit he'd enjoyed every moment of it.

Then he frowned at himself.
Audrey? What the hell was he thinking? Then again, it did seem like there were two parts to Audrey Petty—one part efficient, buttoned-up assistant who didn't know how to have fun if it bit her in the ass, and one part sexual glutton.

It was an enticing combination.

His hand slid over her ass, enjoying the feel of the naked, plump cheek under his fingers. Now that she was sated, he could enjoy leisurely exploring her. Seeing her naked. He'd gotten a good look at her lush figure on the dock when they'd been skinny-dipping, but touching and seeing were two different things, and he wanted to touch everything, explore with his hands.

So he reached behind him and felt around until he found the small bag he'd stashed in the roots of the nearby tree. He pulled out the small camping lantern and set it at his head, then clicked it on.

She squinted, sitting upright on his chest. The look on her face was half-sated, half-confused. “What's that for?”

“That's so I can get a good look at that delicious body of yours,” Reese told her, reaching for the zipper on the hoodie she still wore and easing it down. “Unless you're not done using me.”

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