The Suitcase (15 page)

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Authors: Sergei Dovlatov

BOOK: The Suitcase
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94. Borys Conrad,
My Father Joseph Conrad
95. J. De Mille,
A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder
96. Émile Zola,
Dead Men Tell No Tales
97. Alexander Pushkin,
Ruslan and Lyudmila
98. Lewis Carroll,
Alice’s Adventures Under Ground
99. James Hanley,
The Closed Harbour
100. T. De Quincey,
On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts
101. Jonathan Swift,
The Wonderful Wonder of Wonders
102. Petronius,
103. Louis-Ferdinand Céline,
Death on Credit
104. Jane Austen,
Northanger Abbey
105. W.B. Yeats,
Selected Poems
106. Antonin Artaud,
The Theatre and Its Double
107. Louis-Ferdinand Céline,
Journey to the End of the Night
108. Ford Madox Ford,
The Good Soldier
109. Leo Tolstoy,
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth
110. Guido Cavalcanti,
Complete Poems
111. Charles Dickens,
Hard Times
112. Baudelaire and Gautier,
Hashish, Wine, Opium
113. Charles Dickens,
Haunted House
114. Ivan Turgenev,
Fathers and Children
115. Dante Alighieri,
116. Gustave Flaubert,
Madame Bovary
117. Alexander Trocchi,
Man at Leisure
118. Alexander Pushkin,
Boris Godunov and Little Tragedies
119. Miguel de Cervantes,
Don Quixote
120. Mark Twain,
Huckleberry Finn
121. Charles Baudelaire,
Paris Spleen
122. Fyodor Dostoevsky,
The Idiot
123. René de Chateaubriand,
Atala and René
124. Mikhail Bulgakov,
125. Goerge Eliot,
126. Edmondo De Amicis,
127. Petrarch,
128. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
The Sorrows of Young Werther
129. Alexander Pushkin,
Eugene Onegin
130. Fyodor Dostoevsky,
Notes from Underground
131. Luigi Pirandello,
Plays Vol. 1
132. Jules Renard,
Histoires Naturelles
133. Gustave Flaubert,
The Dictionary of Received Ideas
134. Charles Dickens,
The Life of Our Lord
135. D.H. Lawrence,
The Lost Girl
136. Benjamin Constant,
The Red Notebook
137. Raymond Queneau,
We Always Treat Women too Well
138. Alexander Trocchi,
Cain’s Book
139. Raymond Roussel,
Impressions of Africa
140. Llewelyn Powys,
A Struggle for Life
141. Nikolai Gogol,
How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
142. F. Scott Fitzgerald,
The Great Gatsby
143. Jonathan Swift,
Directions to Servants
144. Dante Alighieri,
145. Mikhail Bulgakov,
A Young Doctor’s Notebook
146. Sergei Dovlatov,
The Suitcase
147. Leo Tolstoy,
Hadji Murat
148. Jonathan Swift,
The Battle of the Books
149. F. Scott Fitzgerald,
Tender Is the Night
150. A. Pushkin,
The Queen of Spades and Other Short Fiction
151. Raymond Queneau,
The Sunday of Life
152. Herman Melville,
Moby Dick
153. Mikhail Bulgakov,
The Fatal Eggs
154. Antonia Pozzi,
155. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Wilhelm Meister
156. Anton Chekhov,
The Story of a Nobody
157. Fyodor Dostoevsky,
Poor People
158. Leo Tolstoy,
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
159. Dante Alighieri,
Vita nuova
160. Arthur Conan Doyle,
The Tragedy of Korosko
161. Franz Kafka,
Letters to Friends, Family and Editors
162. Mark Twain,
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
163. Erich Fried,
Love Poems
164. Antonin Artaud,
Selected Works
165. Charles Dickens,
Oliver Twist
166. Sergei Dovlatov,
The Zone
167. Louis-Ferdinand Céline,
Guignol’s Band
168. Mikhail Bulgakov,
Dog’s Heart
169. Rayner Heppenstall,
Blaze of Noon
170. Fyodor Dostoevsky,
The Crocodile
171. Anton Chekhov,
Death of a Civil Servant
CHEMODAN (The Suitcase)
Copyright © 1986 by Sergei Dovlatov
Translation © Antonina W. Bouis, 1990, 2011
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the Publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This is a work of fiction.
The Suitcase
first published in Russian as
in 1986 This translation first published in the US by Grove Weidenfeld in 1990
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.
1919 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
eISBN : 978-1-582-43883-2
Distributed by Publishers Group West

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