The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2) (34 page)

BOOK: The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2)
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I stepped out and waited for his next move. This was what I craved. Theo in charge, setting the pace, allowing me to follow. I'd do anything he wanted, if he asked it. Right now I was his to command, and he knew it. A smug smirk graced those kissable lips.

Next came my bra, a small flick of his fingers behind my back and the garment was undone, sliding down my arms to be discarded with the rest of my clothes. He crouched down before my near naked body and turned his attention to my socks, removing one while lifting my leg with a well placed palm on my calf, then repeating the process with the other.

Completely naked, I stood before him as he came back up to his full height. His gaze trailing over every inch of my flesh, as though by looking alone he touched. My eyes landed on the rapidly beating pulse at the side of his neck, then took in the broad expanse of his chest as it rose and fell in equal swiftness. He was still fully clothed and the difference between our appearances made everything so much more wickedly delicious. I was his to peruse, to view. He was my promised reward.

"Your turn," he whispered, standing stock still, hands hanging loosely at his sides, eyes heavy with unfulfilled lust.

My hands shook as I reached up to undo the top button on his shirt. The trembling didn't ease the more I fumbled open. It wasn't nerves, as such. I was past those types of  inexperienced feelings. It was pure anticipation of what lay beneath the soft fabric under my fingers.

My first glimpse of his bare chest never failed to steal my breath. How was that possible? Even after seeing it repeatedly I felt in awe. My hands coasted over his silky flesh; soft to touch, hard underneath. A sound of delighted pain erupted from deep inside him.

"That's not part of the task," he pointed out, a little breathlessly. "No petting," he added. "Just unwrap."

Oh. I smirked, brushing my thumbs across those oh-my-god muscles above his hips, as I worked towards the front of his trousers and the zip and clasp there. He growled a warning, but didn't offer further reprimand. The zip came down, the button slipped through and his trousers gaped to reveal the already impressive size of his erection, poking out of the top of his boxer shorts.

I'm no saint, inexperienced or otherwise. There was no way in freaking hell that I could pass up stroking the flat head of his arousal. It was begging for my touch. Gleaming with pre-come, weeping for attention. I may not have had access to
my Pyrkagia
, but I was all hot blooded woman.

One sweep of my thumb across the broad tip of his erection and Theo exploded.

I was swept up into his arms, my legs spread around his waist with gentle, but determined direction from his hands, and then my back was against the bathroom wall, his lips on mine. Tongues tangled, as his hips rocked and steam rose up around us from the still running shower. He moaned into my mouth, moving his hips and legs, somehow ridding himself of the last of his clothing, then spun us towards the shower and under the spray.

Water ran over sensitive flesh, as his lips and tongue and teeth did miraculous things to me. His erection rubbed through my folds, teasing my little nub, making me grind back seeking more contact.

"You still play with Fire, little
," Theo rasped against me. "Even when it's been contained."

may have been contained, but no one could argue that our desire for each other had been too. Theo would always want me. And I would always want him. No matter what.

"Give me what I want," I complained, still trying to get him to enter me, to stretch me as only he had ever done. I
that connection, I
his touch, deep down inside.

"You broke the rules," he panted against me, slowing his thrusts through my folds to teasing strokes. "Maybe I should punish you."

I started laughing, my head too heavy to lift from where it rested on his shoulder. My body shook against his, making the teasing thrust of his erection become irresistible, desperate, consuming. For a second neither of us said anything, and then Theo stilled. No more teasing thrusts. No more anything, other than our rapid breaths and heartbeat.

"No punishment?" he asked, his lips pressed into my hair when he spoke.

"To punish me would be to punish you," I pointed out; the reason behind my laughter. There was no way he could deny himself now.

"Ah," Theo replied with understanding. "Do you trust me?"

He'd asked me this before, when we'd first become intimate. I'd had to think about my answer back then, now it was a given.


"Then do as I say,
as I say. Understand?"


He moved his hips, one hand pressing between our bodies to find his erection and positioning it exactly where he needed it to be. Then with one firm, deliciously slow glide of his hips he sank deep inside.

No. There was no way he could deny himself.

He rocked, I ground back, our breaths intermingling; erotic and fast and out of control. An orgasm built within seconds of him seating himself completely. A need so strong I was biting my lip to stifle my cries.

"Don't come," Theo whispered in my ear. I ignored him. Continuing to seek my release. "You promised," he added, and my eyes blinked open in confusion.

When did I promise?

"Do as I say," Theo semi-repeated, reminding me of what exactly I had promised.

," I whimpered, when understanding caught up with me.

"Yes," he breathed, rocking faster, seeking his own release. "This is your punishment,

A surge of anger rushed through me at that. No fair! I wanted to come, too.

He let out a huff of breath on a laugh and taunted, "I'm so close. Can you feel me getting bigger?"

Oh, freaking hell. I shook my head, my lip firmly caught between my teeth, eyes clenched shut, my moans and whimpers getting louder, as an orgasm teased on the edges of my senses.

"Hold back, deny yourself," he grunted, revealing some of the effort he was expending right then, too.

"Theo," I begged.

," he cried, bucking and pounding harder into me. The harder he thrust, the more I wanted, and the closer that damn orgasm came.

My body came alive along every nerve ending. The sting of water against sensitive flesh making me writhe. The slide of his engorged length spearing me against the wall of the shower stall, making my stomach flip, my innards contract and a pool of luscious desire to coat my centre, running freely down Theo's and my thighs. I had no idea I could be so turned on, so
, so desperate to come and still because he'd commanded it, I denied myself.

"Ah, Casey," Theo rasped against the wet skin of my neck. "My
!" he moaned, sinking his teeth into my flesh, on the curve that meets my shoulder.

And if I thought I was turned on before, it was nothing to the feeling I had when Theo claimed me again as his. Marking me for all to see this evening at the banquet. A display of his possession, but also an intimate gesture of his desire for me. I'm not sure if it was strategic on his part, or just a natural progression of getting ourselves so worked up in this shower stall right now. Or maybe the conversation beforehand, of not knowing what lay ahead for us both and taking what we could today. It didn't matter, I wanted it, and my cries of "Yes!" and "More!" and "Oh, God!" let him know just how much.

He pulled back, groaning, panting with his need to climax, then just as his lips found mine he rasped, "Come with me."

The moment his tongue touched mine I fell apart, a scream swallowed by his kiss, as the world exploded in technicoloured splendour, sending me over the edge of the abyss into sheer, blinding bliss. I came apart into I-don't-know-how-many different pieces and only Theo could put me back together.

Panting, breathless, light-headed and more than just sated, I found myself sitting in Theo's lap on the floor of the shower. The water still falling around us, steam coating the glass walls, sealing us inside our little haven. His hand was softly stroking through my hair, my cheek was against his chest, which was rising and falling as rapidly as mine.

Holy freak, I'd lost a few seconds there, unsure how we'd gotten to the ground. I blinked, trying to focus, but just having to wait for the rest of my body to catch up.

"Worth it?" he husked, his voice still sounding way too turned on.

I nodded, words were impossible right then.

His index finger found his mark and traced its outline.

"Yeah," he said, a little cockily. "It was fucking worth it."

I shook my head instead this time, receiving a chuckle in return.

We sat like that, basking in our respective glows for several minutes, until a loud knocking on the main bedroom door shattered the moment.

"That will be our clothes," Theo pointed out, trying to shift me, but having co-ordination problems.

"The banquet," I said with understanding, helping him get us upright. We both looked a little unsteady as we stood to full height.

Theo blinked at me, then smiled, his hand coming up to cup my neck, his thumb finding his mark with ease.

"Let the games begin," he murmured, his eyes shifting to where his thumb stroked absently.

And I realised then, that with Theo, despite his undying love for me, the mark had been as much for possession and desire, as it had been for strategy. Theo was a prince, a politician, and a warrior... and he always would be.

Perhaps I should have been miffed at that realistic wake-up call, but I wasn't. Because there was no one else I'd want beside me, when facing a
and his people in an enemy's land.

And the
, for all their help, were still enemy

I needed to remember that.

Chapter 24
I Was So Hoping You'd Say That

My dress was the palest of blues, almost an ice blue, with hints of white in the bias stitching. It shimmered under the lights, as though speckled with miniature crystal beads. The bodice curved with my waist, fitting to perfection and not leaving a hell of a lot to the imagination. The décolletage was low, emphasising what little cleavage I had, and revealing Theo's mark blatantly for all to see. The skirt was floor length, but hugged my legs making movement restricted. I wondered if that was done on purpose, because there was no way I could run in this thing. It was as good an imprisonment as any cell would have been.

It wasn't enough that the
contained my
, they also ensured my body was contained, too.

I didn't trust them, although they hadn't really done anything that warranted outright suspicion. It was just a feeling I had, or I was becoming more like an
with time, and paranoia was seeping into my psyche. But with every 'nice' or 'helpful' thing they did, I was sure they had an ulterior motive. I just hadn't figured out what that was yet.

When Hip and two Guards came for us, to escort us to the banquet, I was already a nervous wreck. Theo had done his best to calm me, his eyes drawn to my outfit even though he was clearly not aware of the distraction it caused. I couldn't help feeling that was also part of the
plan. Make Theo salivate over my state of dress, compromising him when he needed his wits the most.

With my heart in my throat I followed behind the two Guards, Theo at my back and Hip trailing at the rear. The procession was slow and long, my pace in this beautiful, but restrictive dress making the going tough, and the size of the
building we were in adding further time on our progression.

Finally we came to a set of carved doors, similar to those outside the shaman's rooms, but this time depicting mountains and clouds only. The Guards stood to either side of them, while Hip stepped past us and without further delay pushed both sides open dramatically to reveal a magnificent room.

High arched ceilings painted to reflect a star-filled night sky. Impressive cathedral style windows displaying the view from the mountaintop over Machu Picchu, but as it was late in the day, replicating the fresco on the ceiling. Stars twinkled in a clear ocean of blue-black, strategic muted lighting making the ruins of the ancient Inca city stand out. It was breathtakingly gorgeous, but my attention was soon back on those inside the room.

At least a hundred
were in attendance, dressed in all their finery, pale blue eyes that matched the ice-blue of my dress staring back at us. Not a sound was made as we crossed the threshold, walking between the silently observing people towards a raised platform at the end of the long room, where a large blond haired man, and equally blonde haired woman sat.

Aeras Rigas
White sparked within both their eyes, creepy yet somehow mesmerising. Their hair lifted off their shoulders, floating in its own breeze, in an obvious display of power. I couldn't feel any electricity - reminiscent of lightning - on the air, but I think that was more to do with their control, than lack of
. Both watched our approach with a detached interest.

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