The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2) (25 page)

BOOK: The Soothing Scent Of Earth (Elemental Awakening, Book 2)
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"Thank you!" I almost cried out, as Theo pushed me down on the settee, and covered my body with his bigger, much harder one. "I gotta go!" I added.

"You might consider releasing your hold on
," the butler said mildly. "It amplifies your
making it impossible for Theodoros to fight back."

I yelped. "Really?"

"Yes, Miss Eden. Give the man a fighting chance." The last was said on a chuckle. "And I'll start organising safe passage to Urubamba in Peru."

"Uru-what?" I asked, stifling a squeal when Theo's hand found its way under my yoga pants.

"Machu Picchu, Miss Eden. The
reside there."

Holy freaking hell.
Machu Picchu.

"Release your
, Cassandra," Aktor reminded me, then said, "And good luck." The crackle of the flames changed pitch letting me know he had gone.

Leaving me alone with a very turned on, very determined, very experienced

Chapter 17
Would It Consume Me?

For an incredibly brief and self indulgent moment I considered not releasing my hold on
. The orchids in the room smelled sweet, offering a perfumed accompaniment to the sensations Theo was creating with his touch, his lips, his fingers and teeth. It was beautiful. It was breathtaking.

It was so wrong.

I sighed, which Theo matched with a moan, fortifying my resolve, and let the Earth flow through me one last time and then bleed free into the air around us. Theo's
rushed to replace my
; burning, heating, blistering away any possible hold I had over him. Filling me, commanding me, ruling my every move and thought and feeling.

I moaned, which Theo matched with a moan of his own.

Hold on. He was supposed to pull back and berate me, not increase his efforts to get into my pants.

"Um, Theo?" I said, my voice way too low and husky to mean anything good right then.

"Mmm?" he mumbled in reply, his lips too busy wrapping around a naked nipple.

"You're not stopping."

"No," he somehow managed to articulate, but still not let my breast go.

"You're supposed to be righteously angry at my influence," I pointed out and he chuckled, a rumble sending vibrations right through to my bones.

"I never waste an excellent opportunity when presented with one," he replied, lifting his head and offering me his signature toothy grin. "I have no intention of stopping what you inadvertently, but deliciously, have started."

"Oh," I said.

"Oh, indeed," he murmured, returning his attention to my nipple.

It didn't take more than a minute for him to get me wholeheartedly on board with his plans. Hot hands palmed my breasts, wicked fingers pinched my nipples, as a wet, sinful tongue licked its way over my upper torso. I squirmed, which soon became a writhe and was accompanied by a loud and embarrassingly revealing moan.

By the time I'd started begging, Theo was blazing gold from his eyes and Fire coursed unrestrained through my body. I was aching, desperate for him to fill me up, to make me complete. His
only managing to make me crave more and more.

Theo pulled back, his eyes surveying the effect he'd had over me. I was naked beneath him on the couch, the heat of the fire in the hearth a pale imitation of the Fire he'd stoked and nurtured inside of me right then. Lust filled eyes finally lifted to mine and he smugly smirked.

"Lesson number three,
he husked, his fingers slowly trailing a delicate swirl over my right hip. "When compromised, use your opponent's
against them."

"You could tell I was using my
on you?" I asked, finally able to catch my breath. "But you chose not to fight it," I surmised.

"Exactly," he murmured, focusing closely on the goosebumps he had created all over my right thigh and up my right side. He chased them with a fingertip, the smirk becoming an amused smile.

"I've got a lot to learn," I admitted, trailing my own finger down his beautifully defined upper arm.

"And I intend to teach you everything, sweet little
." He leaned closer and blew hot breath across my nipple, then flicked his tongue out to lick across the hardened tip. I arched my back, presenting more of an easier target, shamelessly offering myself up to this man. "But first, I'd like to see how well you respond to this."


His hand skated down over my stomach, paused above my thatch of blonde curls as his eyes lifted to watch my face. Then with deliberate slowness he stroked a solitary finger through my folds, bypassing my little nub, and coating himself in my abundant wetness. He teased, there was no other word for it. The more he touched me
, the more I wanted. His soft, slow strokes became tortuous, no longer sublime, but causing a fierce ache to take up between my thighs. A longing he created with his touch, an emptiness that only existed because he was so close, but denying me what I wanted.

He watched my every reaction with an attentiveness that seemed to consume him. His eyes flickered differing shades of yellow-gold, orange-gold, even red-gold. My chest rose and fell faster and faster, the more he drew this out. But there'd been a challenge to his words. An elicit temptation to hold out, to not beg, to not let him see how much I desired his touch to be deeper.

But the longer he took teasing, his own breaths even and his stance relaxed, I realised he could go on for hours like this. Touching me, discovering me, enjoying me. And it wasn't as though I wanted his touch to stop. It was just not enough. I wanted more.

Still, I fought the urge to plead. I did moan, I did writhe, that was impossible to deny. But I would not say the words he obviously knew I was thinking. Instead, I decided to set a trap. To lure him with my
. If he wanted me to learn from his lessons, then I would. But not the way he had probably intended.

I reached out as delicately as I could and brushed my Fire over his skin, causing little beads of sweat to erupt all over his deliciously naked body. He shuddered, a brief full body shake, but I don't know whether he realised I'd created the heat that caused the movement, as his teasing touch never faltered.

I decided to test my abilities further. Besides, it was giving me something else to concentrate on other than the fervent need to have him slip those questing fingers inside, to pump them with conviction, to give me what I desperately desired. I licked my lips, aware gold was probably glowing from my eyes now too, but hoping Theo would put that down to the Fire he was building inside, and not blame it on mine.

This time my
stroked lower, over his rigid abdomen, across those beautiful oblique muscles I adored, and down, down, down. Oh good Lord, I could feel where my Fire touched. I could sense every dip and curve, every swell and hollow. It was like an extension of my own hand, my fingers curled into my palms and I rocked my hips up off the couch before I realised what I was doing.

Freaking hell. This was probably having more of an effect on me than him.

And then my
reached its goal.

Wrapping around his stiff erection, stroking across the flattened head, tightening around the thick shaft, and matching the rhythm of my hips.

!" Theo exclaimed, his eyes closing as his head fell forward, dark strands of his hair covering his face. "Casey!" he cried out as his own hips started to rock against my
, pushing back, seeking further contact, as urgently and desperately as I was seeking further contact from him. "You are a quick learner," he breathed, lifting burnished, hungry eyes to mine. "Let's see how well you fare when distracted," he added, and before I had a chance to comprehend what he was suggesting, two fingers slipped inside my core, then pumped twice, hard.


I writhed beneath his touch, rocked onto his fingers, grinding myself with abandon against his hand, moaning, panting, so close. My
faltered, flickered in my mind's eye like a light bulb about to go out, and in the next instant his fingers were gone.

"Ah-ah," he chided softly. "Concentrate."

"Theo," I complained.

"You want them back,
? Make it worth my while." He purposely rocked his hips, causing his arousal to rub against my thigh. The arousal that was no longer being stroked by my

All right,
. You asked for it.

Instead of going straight for the obvious, I made my
run heated fingers over his chest, rubbed seductively across his nipples, and then in a sudden thought, urged that heated bliss up to his neck. To the exact spot he had bitten me in when he claimed me as his
. For a second I wasn't sure if he would see the significance, or even if my touch with my
side was as delicate or precise as my
. But as my Fire burned deliciously against the skin between his neck and shoulder, and a mark began to appear where I concentrated that Fire, his head threw back, as his lips parted on a deep groan and his eyes blazed the brightest shining gold yet.

"Cassandra," he breathed, his fingers seeking to reward, not so much as distract now. "Harder," he ordered.

I increased the touch of my Fire, at the same time I said, "Harder," back, rocking my hips up to meet the next thrust of his fingers.

His head fell forward, eyes alight and almost blinding me, he rasped, "Are you sure?"

I nodded, arched my back - as my
burned its possession for all to see on his skin - and moaned when he started to pump a steady and slow rhythm inside.

"Like this?" he whispered huskily. "Or do you want more?"

"More," I murmured, my head thrashing from side to side, as an exquisite sensation of bliss grew bigger and bigger. Tempting me with delicious explosive release, enticing me with what was to come.

Theo withdrew his fingers briefly, receiving a complaining mewl of protest from me, and then three fingers slowly edged their way inside. And OK, maybe more hadn't been a good idea, because three fingers were almost too much.

"Easy," he encouraged. "I won't go too far. But
," he murmured, voice low and seductively purring, "sometimes stretching yourself can feel so damn good."

I let a small moan of discomfort out, which was soon washed away as his mouth found mine; little nibbles on the edge of my lips, then a deep thrust of his tongue entwining it with mine. I fell into the kiss without a second thought, and before I knew it the burn between my legs had become an ache, and my hips were rising to meet each gentle pump, begging for more already.

"That's it," Theo whispered against my mouth, pleased with my hunger. "Now the real test, sweet
." He breathed hot air against my sweat soaked skin for a suspended moment, the realisation that he was on the edge of letting go himself, just by touching and watching me, almost sending me over. "Stroke me," he rasped, in such an erotic gravelly voice I couldn't contain my reaction.

I moaned, writhed, bucked and clutched at his shoulders, digging nails into skin, while he pumped his fingers hard enough to make me pant, stretching me beyond any place I had ever been before.

And he wanted me to use my
to stroke him now?

"Casey," he pleaded, obviously needing that contact as much as I needed him to go faster, harder, deeper still.

I willed my attention back to my
, bemused to find it within easy reach. I shouldn't have been. Theo was building that Fire inside me diligently, making me burn from the inside out. I was washed in
, I was floating on the embers of its flames.

With barely a thought, I made my own Fire reach out again and stroke lovingly down his spine. His back bowed, his breathing increased in both volume and pace, and then when I wrapped delicate
fingers around his shaft and
, he let a garbled cry of triumph out. His pace between my legs became erratic, increasing the Fire just by mixing things up. Not to mention that the knowledge that he was losing control under my influence was enough to make me lose all hold on reality and blissfully welcome oblivion in the form of release.

I cried out as the most mind-blowingly intense orgasm consumed me. My body doing God knows what beneath his touch - but I was aware of panting, and biting, and screaming, and writhing - as his body matched my loss of control above me, releasing a shout of ecstasy as we both managed to time our climaxes to perfection.

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