The Secret Billionaire: A BWWM Love Story For Adults (3 page)

BOOK: The Secret Billionaire: A BWWM Love Story For Adults
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never wanted to be a burden on you, or anybody.” Alice wiped
her tears.

Vera dropped the clothes on the floor and took her mother to her bed.
After sitting her down, Vera kneeled down in front of her and held
her hands, “You are not a burden on me. And will never be.”

Alice looked
at her daughter after cleaning her eyes.

is just a phase. I guess.” Vera was trying to come up with
excuses for her almost dead social life. “You know I am
planning to switch my job.”

know. You had always wanted to go on adventures. But even then, I am
holding you back.”

It's nothing like that Mom.” Vera explained. “I don’t
want to do that anymore. All I want now is a better job with growth

Alice could
tell when her daughter was lying to her, and all the signs were
present on Vera’s face right now. But she was trying to cheer
her up so hard, that Alice did not call Vera out on her lies.
Instead, she listened to her with love and patience.

soon as I find another job, I am leaving this one. I will have a
better pay and career graph.” Vera was quite confident with her
lie. Maybe because she had told this lie to herself so many times
that it seemed like a sure thing to her.

Vera,” Alice reminded her. “You are not bound by my
responsibilities. You deserve a good future with someone you love.
Don’t hold yourself back, just because of me.”

Vera looked
down to the floor and then looked at her mother. Their was a big
smile on her face, “I won’t Mom. I am telling you. The
moment I will find a good guy, I am going to jump on him.”

This made
Alice chuckle and suddenly, both of them forgot everything else. They
shared some more jokes and good memories from their past, and enjoyed
some quality time together in Vera’s room.

Chapter 2

The ocean sprawled in
all the directions with the moon showering it with its bright light.
The water moved with each breeze, creating a tiny wave. There was
nothing to hear, not a sound known to human ear.

you feel it?” Archer Finch — 29 year old tall man with
broad shoulders and blue eyes, walked behind his lovely companion.

think I do.” Reggie, a 23 year old gorgeous model, kept looking
at the ocean while drinking from her glass of wine. She picked up the
bottle to pour some more into her glass.

Archer’s golden
hair seemed silver in the full moon light. His broad shoulders
supported the beautiful embroidered shirt that fluttered with the
wind. He stood really close to Reggie and looked around them —
“It's haunting isn’t it?” he asked. Archer and
Reggie were standing in the middle of the ocean on a beautiful yacht,
owned by him.

I think it's awesome!” Reggie said.

course, it's awesome. But look at it carefully.” Archer
explained. “If you were on a raft made out of planks and bamboo
right now, instead of this yacht. Would it still seem beautiful to

And suddenly, Reggie’s
eyes grew wide. She gulped all her wine in one go and picked up the
bottle for another refill. “Damn, we are out.” Reggie
said looking at the empty bottle.

She then turned to
Archer who was still staring at the open sea, “You just killed
my buzz with that idea. Why would anybody want to imagine themselves
on a bamboo raft when they are on a million dollar yacht?”

Archer pressed a beeper
on the table and took the empty bottle from Reggie, “Because
life is not just about pretty and shiny things. Sometimes you need to
know how brutal it can be. And what can be more brutal than this
unforgiving sea?”

Mr Finch?” an obedient voice came out of the speaker in the

pressed the
button, “We need a bottle of wine on the deck here.”

Mr Finch!” the voice replied.

are one of the richest people on earth. You don’t need to worry
about these kinds of things? Shouldn’t you be thinking about
where to spend your holidays and what to wear?” Reggie was
eagerly waiting for the new wine bottle to arrive.

only thing I worry about beside my business, is what I am doing with
my life.” Archer replied, “As I just said, life is not
just about pretty and shiny things. It;s much deeper than that.”

An attendant arrived on
deck with a wine bottle. He opened the bottle in front of Archer and
placed it in the ice box. “There you go Mr Finch. Anything
else?” he asked picking up the empty bottle.

will be all, Alex. Thank you!” Archer smiled at the young man.

Alex smiled and left
with the empty bottle.

all billionaires like you?” Reggie quickly filled her glass.

all the other
models like
you?” Archer countered her question. “Tell me.”

Reggie chuckled, “I
get it. You are special.” She took a big sip from her glass and
then looked eagerly in Archer’s eyes. “Tell me where are
we going to spend this weekend?”

have not decided yet.” Archer replied.

You took me out for this boat ride and you still don’t know
where we are going?”

where do you want to go?” Archer asked with a smile.

warm. Like a beach. Where we can stay in a beautiful room that opens
right onto the beach. There should be a kickass bar there and we will
get drunk the whole day.” Reggie replied, closing her eyes.

Seems like you have figured it all out.” Archer sat down.

Reggie smiled closing
her eyes. She seemed quite proud of her plan. “Oh yes. I have
my whole life planned ahead of me.”

that so?” Archer looked at her with surprise.

I am going to continue modeling for a few more years, and then I will
launch my own clothing line.” Reggie unfolded her life plans
before Archer while filling her glass with more wine.

Archer wanted to warn
her about her excessive alcohol consumption, but he was finding
Reggie more entertaining when she was drunk. When she was sober, she
behaved like any typical model, putting up a facade of elegance and
sensibility. But she was showing her real self after getting some
wine in her. Archer was really enjoying getting to know this person.
Though it was quite clear she was not his type. He was just enjoying
her company for the moment they were together on this trip.

Reggie finished her
glass while babbling about her clothing line from the future. She
also told Archer about how petty her fellow models were. “They
are just jealous because I am better looking.” And soon,
Archer was getting bored. This girl was turning into every drunk girl
who had been with him only to enjoy the fine wine and expensive

do you want to call it a night? We will be on a beach tomorrow.”
Archer politely tried to stop Reggie’s binge drinking.

Reggie looked at Archer,
and all the wine inside her stomach was now showing its magic.
Archer’s handsome face was making her body parts tingle and
slowly she stood up. Archer noticed how she was fumbling while
getting up.

you alright?” he asked.

than ever!” Reggie said as she sat over Archer. She then held
his face with both her hands and kissed him. “You are so
fucking hot!” She pulled her face back only to declare this and
went back to kissing him.

we get on that beach, I am going to fuck your brains out.”
Reggie told Archer about her plans. Right then, she felt something
vibrating in Archer’s pants.

she chuckled.

my phone.” Archer explained while gently pushing her away. He
then took his phone out of his pocket. “I am sorry, I need to
take this,” he said getting off his chair.

Reggie stood up and as
Archer walked away, she fell in his chair, “Come back soon. I
am horny!” she yelled.

Archer quickly went
inside the cabin and closed the door. After he made sure Reggie was
not able to hear him, he answered the call, “This is not going

happened?” The voice on the other end of the phone inquired. It
was Phillip Sanchez, Archer’s trusted advisor and friend.

said this girl was different from the others.” Archer said
looking at Reggie from the glass window.

she has a degree in philosophy. I guess.” Phillip replied.

don’t think so. Because all she could think of is going to a
beach, getting drunk and having sex with me.”

is that bad?” Phillip wondered.

Archer started walking
inside the cabin. He opened the door that led to the corridor and
walked towards his room. “If I wanted to have sex with a
beautiful woman, there was no need for me to come here, to the middle
of the ocean.”

you are already there...” Phillip suggested. “So what is
the harm in bumping a quick ugly and come back?”

you are talking just like her.” Archer opened the door to his
room. Inside, he took off his shoes and crashed in his bed. “Hold
on for a second.”

He then pressed the
intercom by his bed.

Mr Finch!” Alex’s voice poured through the speakers.

I am in my room, but my friend is still on the deck. Would you be so
kind and look after her. If she needs anything?” Archer
politely told Alex what to do.

Mr Finch. And what should I say if your friend asks for you?”

her I am on a conference call.” Archer gave him the answer.

well Mr Finch. Do you need anything in your room?” Alex asked
in his never changing polite tone.

thanks Alex, I am fine.”

Mr Finch.”

are leaving a hot drunk girl on the deck of your yacht, while you sit
in your room, talking to a guy…” Phillip recapped the
situation for Archer. “Give me one good reason why somebody
won’t assume you are gay?”

you are confusing me with somebody who cares about what other people
think of him.” Archer smiled. “How does it matter if I am
straight or gay? I have a hot drunk girl on my deck who wants me.”

just used my argument against me.” Phillip said.

you always tell me I could be a good lawyer, remember?” Archer
chuckled. “Besides I don't have sex with drunk girls. Right now
she wants me because I own this yacht and the expensive wine she is
chugging down.”

are good looking too. Don’t forget that.” Phillip
reminded him.

that logic, every good looking guy should be sleeping with a
Victoria’s secret model.”

don’t believe it. Do you know how many guys would kill to be in
your spot right now?” Phillip almost cried.

are you talking like her? You know I am not looking for
I came out on this date because you said this girl was different. You
wanted to play matchmaker, and now I am stuck with a drunk girl who I
quote, wants to fuck my brains out.”

say this like it's a bad thing.”

me, where I am right now in my life, I am really tired of this shit.”
Archer said. “Every girl I meet is interested in me only
because I have a shit load of money.”

you say this like it's a bad thing.” Phillip was not able to
understand why Archer was getting so mad at this.

to me, I have told you many times, and I am telling this to you
again.” Archer spoke very slowly. “I want somebody to
love me for who I really am. And not for my money!”

There was complete
silence on the phone for a few seconds.

you understand what I just said?” Archer confirmed breaking the

get it.” Phillip replied, “You want a girl who should
love you for who you really are.. but the problem is, you
a billionaire, and that is why so many girls love you.”

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