The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: The Runner's Enticement (Men of Circumstance Book 2)
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Whatever the reason, he needed to figure out exactly who he was and what he had to offer. Because he wanted nothing more than to find a way to have Anna as his wife. Beyond that, he had no answers.

Nate set down his glass.
Time to search for the rest of myself.

Chapter 44

Anna seemed to be floating in an endless fog. As the haze slowly lifted, a deep pain resonating from her shoulder became her focus. It hurt . . . badly. Actually, worse. Was there something worse than bad? Obviously, yes, because she felt it.

Remaining still as possible, in hopes the horrid feeling would ease, she blinked heavy lids which fought against opening. When the lights from the room hit her eyes, they watered, protesting the bright blaze. What was wrong with her?

After a few more labored blinks, the light no longer tortured her and she managed to keep her eyes open long enough to take in her surroundings. Focusing on the blur of movement around her proved difficult. Someone was in the room with her.

More solid blinks and the blurs started to form definite shapes. She released a shaky breath of relief and concentrated on bringing the world around her into focus. With increased clarity, the cloudiness of her mind dissipated and sounds started to buzz around her. She strained to discern the muffled words.

Oh God, was she drunk? Had she unthinkingly indulged too much? She rarely, if ever, imbibed, though she doubted inebriation would be cause for people to take up vigil in her bedchamber. The haze had lifted enough to recognize her own bed if not much else.

The rest remained a mystery.

Someone lifted her hand—thankfully on the side not screaming pain at her—and squeezed it between two strong, very familiar palms. It would take more than a foggy head and blurry vision for her body to not recognize Nate’s touch.

She turned her head to his blurry outline. Slowly and carefully, since she had yet to determine what would set off the unrelenting, worse-than-bad feeling in her shoulder.

As she focused on him, his features emerged and his deep voice broke through the haze. “Anna, love, can you hear me? Anna?”

She couldn’t seem to answer. Try as she might, the words clogged in her throat and died on her lips. They either wouldn’t form or wouldn’t move. Her mouth felt like she hadn’t taken in liquid for weeks.

Her eyes, gaining clarity, flickered from Nate to the glass of water sitting by the bed. Nothing had ever looked so tempting—discounting the handsome man sitting at her bedside.

In a silent plea, she shifted her eyes to him then back to the glass. Thank God the glorious man understood her needs and didn’t hesitate before bringing the glass to her lips. She managed to get most of the water down her dry throat and not over her chin.

By time Nate pulled the glass back, she was able to move her throat enough to speak. “How . . . what . . .?”

Thankfully her father, who she could now see clearly, saved her from struggling to form words. “Shhh. Save your strength. Nathaniel will explain what you missed the last four days while I summon the doctor.”

Nathaniel? Four days? Doctor?

Endless questions circling her head effectively shoved aside the foggy mist. Faster than she’d seen him move in years, her father placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before quitting the room. Leaving her alone with the man at her side, who’d reclaimed her hand after abandoning the water glass to the bedside table.

Ignoring the pain in her shoulder, Anna gingerly focused her attention on Nate. Unsmiling lips instead of his usual charming grin. Shadowy worry in the deep blue depths of his eyes with their sudden lack of determination and sometimes-teasing glint.

He spoke before she could question the change. “Do you need anything? More water? Are you in pain?” He shook his head. “Of course you are in pain. You were shot only days ago.”


Then it all came rushing back.

The folly.

Mr. Rollins.

The Viper.

The gun.

The harrowing fear she’d never see Nate again. And the final detail . . . her decision to prevent that from happening. No matter the cost.

The worse-than-bad feeling flashed from her shoulder down her arm. She’d been shot. Spent the last four days in bed. Who knew being shot could hurt so much?

“I for one,” Nate chuckled, and she realized she’d croaked the question aloud.

She vividly recalled the scar from his wound that hadn’t come close to marring his beautifully sculptured body.

His smile vanished. “What the hell were you thinking? You scared the life out of me. You could have been killed.” His blue eyes blazed hot. “Promise to never do that again.”

“Never get shot again? I promise.”

The grin she would never get enough of returned. “Not exactly what I meant but I’ll take it.”

He seemed hale enough, yet she had to ask, “Were you hurt?”

The sensation of his thumb massaging the back of her hand had her struggling to focus on his answer. “Physically, no. But, I swear my heart stopped beating when you lunged at Jarvis.” He closed his eyes briefly before that vivid blue locked on her once more. “I still don’t understand why you did it. You were safe. Foxmoore had you out of the folly and away from The Viper. Why risk your life?”

If not for the screaming shoulder pain, she would have pulled him closer. Or knocked him upside the head in retaliation for questioning her decision. “I wasn’t thinking about myself. I couldn’t leave you alone with him. You weren’t even armed, Nate. He would have killed you.” As her voice grew in power, she heard herself yelling. And as the fear she’d felt that night returned, she ceased caring how loud she got. “You were going to
him kill you!”

Tears pricked her eyes but before they fell, he shifted to the bed and curved his hand along her jaw, silencing her with his nearness. “Anna, it was never my intention to die. I wouldn’t have given up without a fight but I couldn’t have done so until you were safe. I couldn’t focus on my safety without ensuring yours first.”

“But you were unarmed . . .” Her voice was softer, mesmerized by the warmth growing under his solid hand against her cooler skin.

“Was I?” he asked with an undeniably charming tilt of his brow. “I’m not a novice. Just because you didn’t see a weapon doesn’t mean there wasn’t one in my possession.” His thumb brushed against her cheek. “I would have fought to my last breath to see you again.”

The revelation sent her heart into an uncontrollable flutter. Somehow this very appealing and impossibly breathtaking man noticed
. She no longer stood alone on the side of the room as the world danced by. Even if her solitary status had been by choice, didn’t mean it hadn’t been lonely at times.

Not only did she have his attention, he had hers. He stirred more than just parts of her body. He excited her mind. Though at times such excitement blended with his inflexible stubbornness, she would take it.

Where that left them, she didn’t know. Was their mutual desire to protect the other at any cost enough on which to build a future? Did he even
a future with her? Had he forgiven her for her deceit?

Nate still cupped her cheek. “What are you thinking, love? I can see your mind working.”

She swallowed her fears and asked, “Where do we go from here?”

He released her gently but didn’t vacate the bed. “Hopefully the doctor will deem you on the mend and in a few days, you will be on your feet. Being shot will be a distant memory.”

Not exactly what she’d been asking, but knowing there would be no lasting effects from her injury was welcome news.

Something other than Nate and their mutual feelings weighed on her mind. “Does Papa know about Mr. Rollins and his connection to the artifacts?”

A faint shake of his head shifted the strands of hair falling over his forehead. “No. And he never will. As far as your father, and outside those who need to know, Rollins was an associate of The Viper’s. Since Foxmoore and my men were able to discover where Rollins lived, and reclaimed all the missing items, no one will ever know otherwise.”

She studied him in silence. When Nate had first appeared, she’d agonized he would be the one to expose her treachery to her father. Instead, he’d protected and ultimately rescued her. His actions confused her, especially recognizing she had penance to pay for her role in these unfortunate events.

A pawn of Mr. Rollins she might have been, still she vowed to atone for the last few months.

Knowing she wouldn’t have the opportunity without Nate’s sacrifices, she whispered a soft, “Thank you.”

“You are more than welcome. I know what the school means to you. If anyone understands honoring their mother, it is me.”

“But I failed. Despite all the dealings with Mr. Rollins, I was unable to successfully implement necessary changes. It is only a matter of time before the school will need to close.”

A gentle smirk lifted his lips, reminding her of all the other wonderful things he could do with his mouth. “Not necessarily. While you were asleep, Foxmoore and I discussed the school. He believes, after a few adjustments, you could continue your pledge to help all young ladies, regardless of their station, and keep the school running. He wants to make a donation to the school.”

Now she
speechless. Would the wonderful and unbelievable things this man brought into her life ever cease?

She was saved from having to coax words past her lips when he leaned in. Instead of forming words, her lips were moving under his in a kiss.

Too short of a time later, he eased away. “I’ve wanted to do that for days.”

“What took you so long?”

“I don’t normally take advantage of unconscious women but if I’d have known you’d been open to the possibility, I wouldn’t have held back.”

They were both laughing, hers restrained since it only increased the sharp ache in her shoulder, when her father returned. At the intrusion, Nate rose from the bed as disappointment pricked her.

“The doctor is on the way. How are you feeling?”

Still saddened by all she’d put her dear father through, tears brimmed her eyes at the love and concern shining from his face. How could she have betrayed him in such a way? She again vowed to make amends.

“A little sore but I don’t think it is anything serious.”

“You scared me, Annabel, dear. Don’t ever think about doing that again.” If possible, her father looked older than he had four days ago.

“Never again. I promise, Papa.”

The tension in him seemed to ease. “Has everything been resolved here?”

Nate answered hastily, “Not exactly.”

“It will be some time before the doctor arrives. I will give you a moment to settle matters.”

Since he appeared to be speaking to Nate with keen purpose, Anna kept silent as her father retreated. Instead she turned her attention to the quiet man who had his eyes pinned on the door her father closed behind him.

“Why do I feel something else is going on? Am I dying?” She didn’t think it a possibility, even with the worse-than-bad feeling causing her to catch her breath every so often. She’d merely wanted to gain his attention.

His eyes focused on her. “Not amusing, Anna.”

With him standing above her, she was able to study every familiar line of his face. He was still the same appealing man who’d managed to wiggle his way past her defenses—even when she hadn’t liked him very much. The scruff running over his lower cheeks and jaw seemed fuller and longer today, as if he hadn’t taken the time to attend to shaving. It only made her want to rub her fingers against the roughness.

His eyes held the most change from a few minutes ago. Instead of the carefree, charming spark or determined glint piercing the tranquil blue, their clearness had shadowed. Whatever her father alluded to, it unsettled Nate.

“If I’m not dying, why the seriousness?”

He dropped into the chair by the bed, scraping a hand along the faint start of beard she’d been eyeing dreamily. “If you haven’t noticed, your father has been leaving you alone with me rather easily.”

“I did notice.” Since it fell in her favor, she had chosen not to question it.

“Well, it isn’t because he is an understanding man.” Nate hesitated before continuing. “He extracted a promise from me. One he is more confident about than I am.”

was worried.

Nate clasped her hand between his. The strength she felt there lessened her concern. “This probably isn’t the best time but, unless I want to be banished from your room—and probably the house, it is the only time.” His eyes remained clouded but she swore a touch of pleading hid behind his anxiety. “There is something I haven’t told you.”

Her concern returned and she knew it showed on her face when he chuckled. “It isn’t bad, or at least I
you don’t think so.”

Anna found little comfort in his words. Where’d the confident Runner—who’d eluded her attempts to outsmart him—disappear to?

“Just tell me. I’m starting to think not knowing is worse.” Or so she hoped.

“I love you.”

Had he truly blurted a declaration of love, or had her dizziness returned, causing her to mishear?

Only one way to find out. “Can you repeat that?”

The grin appearing on his lips failed to ease the tension etched in the lines of his face. “I love you, Anna.”

Oh, lord! He

As he waited for her reaction with obvious nervousness, she struggled with her response. Despite her loving him desperately. Despite dreaming of hearing those three words fall from his lips. Despite her sharing her body with him. She’d never thought a man as beautiful, as solid and sure of life as Nate, would love someone like her, a bluestocking with a passably average appearance.

When she didn’t answer, he let her hand slip from his. “Well . . . that about says it all.” The hollowness of his words bit at her heart and churned at her stomach.

He rushed on before she could stop him. “I should have listened to myself. Instead I allowed others to tell me differently. I knew I wouldn’t be enough. Hell, I
I’m not enough. You are too beautiful, too wonderful, to want to spend your life with a lowly, bastard Runner.”

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