The Ragged Edge of the World (42 page)

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Kolman, Zev
Korea, DMZ ecosystem in
Koslovsky, Stacy
Kubrick, Stanley
Kulishova, Olga
Kuroda, Suehisa
Kurosawa Current
Kusin, Kurau
Kyoto Treaty
LaBureur, Michel
Langevin, Paul
and chimps
loss of
traditional knowledge as
Lanjub, Jayl
Lanting, Frans
Larsen B Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Laurent, Jean Jacques
Laysan ducks
Liang Bua cave
Lihan, Juing
Limbang Trading Company
Linden, Eugene:
Affluence and Discontent
The Alms Race
Apes, Men, and Language
“Apes and Humans,”
career decisions of
disease picked up by
The Future in Plain Sight
“Inside the World's Last Eden,”
“Lost Tribes, Lost Knowledge,”
military experiences of
The Octopus and the Orangutan
The Parrot's Lament
“This Tortured Land,”
Winds of Change
See also
Rasenberger, Mary
Little Orchestra Society
Loki, Group Commander
Lomolino, Mark
and James H. Brown,
lost worlds
Lotz, Karen
Lovejoy, Tom
Lucero, Lisa
Lucy (chimp)
Lu, Hefen (Monica)
Lyme disease
MacArthur, R. H.
Machu Picchu
MacKinnon, John
Macri, Mike
Madre de Dios River, Peru
Majnep, Saem
Malaysia, and Borneo
Malenky, Richard
Malong, Peng Hulu Wan
Mamae (spirit)
mammoths, survival of
Manam Island, history of
Manu Wildlife Center, Peru
Marcel (driver)
Marianas Trench
Maru, John
Maugham, W. Somerset
Max (chimp)
McPhee, Ross
Mead, Margaret
Medley, Leah
Mendez, Chico
Mercader, Julio
Meserve glacier
Michener, James,
Return to Paradise
Midgely, Charles
Midway Atoll
albatross of
avian species of
climate of
endangered species on
formation of
and global warming
no economic value of
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
and World War II,
Mihalic, Father Frank
Mike (assistant to Sholley)
Mill Hill missions
Mitani, John
Mitani, Masazumi
Mobutu, Joseph-Desiré
Mohamad, Mahathir
Mokeli Mbembe (Pygmy monster)
monk seals
Montreal Protocol on Subsances That Deplete the Ozone
Morgan, Homer
Mount Hagen festival, New Guinea
Mugurousi, Francis
Munn, Charlie
muntjac, giant
MZM Inc.
National Geographic
“Apes and Humans,”
National Science Foundation
Natural Resources Defense Council
Ndokanda (Pygmy tracker)
Ndoki Forest
changes in
hunters and poachers in
logging in
as lost world
Nuabale-Ndoki National Park
protection of
and tourism
wildlife in
N'donazi, Bernard
Neanderthals, last of
New Age
New Guinea
birds of paradise
cargo cults in
creation myths of
crime in
driving in
elders losing control in
evolution as a nation
extended families in
and “Lost Tribes, Lost Knowledge” article
missionaries in
Mount Hagen festival in
new species discovered in
pidgin in
Pygmies in
scams in
strangeness of
tourism in
tribal cultures in
tribal warfare in
Western contact with
Ngau, Harrison
Ngogo Primate Project
Nicaragua, civil war in
Nichols, Nick
North Atlantic Gyre
Northern Sea Route, opening of
North Pacific Fur Seal Treaty
North Pacific Gyre
North Pole, water under and around
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
Northwest Passage
Nuabale-Ndoki National Park, Congo
nuclear tests
Nunez Del Prado, Juan
plastic pollutants on
protection of
Oliveros, Durán
O'Neal, Ryan
as liars
stresses on
Osmani (guide)
Otto, Father
Outamba (chimp)
Overseas Weekly
owl, bare–legged
ozone hole
“Pacific paralysis,”
Pacific plate, movement of
Paleo–Eocene Thermal Maximum
Palmyra Atoll
Pan Am airlines
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, Midway
Papua, name of
Papua New Guinea, evolution as a nation
Parrot's Lament, The
Patel, Gita
Patrice (businessman)
Peace Corps
Pearl, Mary
Penan tribe
and Christianity
and fruiting seasons
generation gap in
loss of indigenous knowledge
ritual and taboo
traditional medicine
populations of
Perera, Antonio
Perez, Alberto
Permian epoch
Cordillera del Cóndor Peace Park
esotéricas in
Inca rituals in
Machu Picchu
Manu Wildlife Center
tropical life force of
Peterson, Dale
Pfaff, William
Phillips, Dan
Piet, Father
Pieta, Kathi
Pitcairn Island
polar bears
and global warming
(tree snails)
author's trips to
contact with outside world
deep culture in
diving in
fantasy land of
loss of indigenous knowledge in
modernity vs.
navigation in
“Pacific Paralysis” in
Polynesian rat
predator paranoia
Preust, Jill
Pribilof Islands
Prof (chimp)
Profit, Nick
profit motive
pseudoryx (Vu Quang ox)
and Bantu people
everyday magic in lives of
indigenous knowledge of
and Ndoki
trackers and porters
Raiatea island
anemic international action on
destruction of
and problem of scale
protection of
tropical life force of
Rangiroa Atoll
Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
Rasenberger, Mary (author's wife)
Raymond, Charles
Read, Andy
Remus, Melissa
René, Father
Revelle, Roger
declining populations of
in Vietnam
ribbon development
Ripley, Dillon
Roberts, Wade
Rockefeller, John D.
Romano, Marc
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rufe, Roger
Rush, Tom
Ambarchik prison camp
and Beringia
ecological degradation in
Siberian tigers in
“This Tortured Land,”
Rutgers, Nick
Rwanda, Karisoke gorilla refuge
Rwandan Patriotic Front
Sabah, logging in
St. Paul Island
Sakha Republic
Samori (Pygmy tracker)
Sand Island
saola (Vu Quang ox)
Sapaim, Sydney
Sapaim, Tacuma
butterfly in
hunting in
logging in
religion in
Sarno, Louis
Saturday Review
Segundo, Campay
Sepik River, New Guinea
Seraphim (Pygmy)
Service, Thomas
Sheehan, Mike
Sherer, Reed
Sholley, Dan
Siden, Debaran
Simba (Rottweiler)
Simon, Julian
Sipai, Yahya
sloth, giant
Smith, Harrison
social contract, lack of
Somare, Michael
Somari (Pygmy)
Soviet Union, collapse of
Speth, James Gustave “Gus,”
Between Two Worlds
Red Sky at Morning
Spit Island
Springer, Alan
Stacks, John
Stalin, Joseph
Stellar sea lions, decline of
Stirling, Ian
Stocky (chimp)
Stookey, Jeff
Suau, Tony
Gunung Leuser park in
logging in
Sunderbans, tigers in
Sun Ranch
Suriname, Maroons in
Swahili (African pidgin)
Systems Dynamics modeling
Taber, Mary
author's 1971 trip to
author's 1995 trip to
exotics introduced in
expatriates ensnared in
fantasy of
Miss Lonelyhearts
modernity vs.
monotony of
state of mind in
Tai Forest
Tanganyika, Lake
Tanzania, Gombe Stream Reserve in
Teti (Pygmy guide)
thermocline, changes in
Thompson, Robert
Thompson-Handler, Nancy
Tibetan Buddhism
“Inside the World's Last Eden,”
“Lost Tribes, Lost Knowledge,”
Ndoki story for
“This Tortured Land,”
time warp
Tok Pisin (pidgin)
Torres, Orlando
Transition Zone Chlorophyll Front (TZCF)
Trobriand Islanders
Tropical Forest Action Plan (TFAP)
Trotsky, Leon
Tulum (Mayan ruin)
Turkalo, Andrea
turtles, leatherback
Uganda, roads in
unconscious, and memories
United Nations:
Conference on Environment and Development
Development Program (UNDP)
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
“Year of Indigenous Peoples,”
Unwin, Thomas
Upolu, Western Samoa
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Vayda, Andrew
Vetter, Amy
author's trips to (1971); (1994)
deforestation in
dense population of
Long Binh Stockade in
new species discovered in
Vietnam War
antiwar movement
and author's military experiences
Camp Eagle
Colt 45 firebase in
ecological damage of
fragging in
luck and survival in
My Lai massacre
ontological issues raised by
troop morale in
Vladimir (captain)
Vollers, Maryann
Vu Quang, Vietnam:
as lost world
new species discovered in
Vu Quang ox
Wallace Line
Wallis, Samuel
Walter (Piro Indian)
Wamba, Zaire
Washoe (chimp)
Watts, David
Webber, Bill
West, Nathanael,
Miss Lonelyhearts
West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS)
whales, beluga
Whillans, Ian
Wildlife Conservation Society
Wildlife Trust
Wilkie (chimp)
Wilkins Ice Shelf, Antarctica
Wilson, E. O.
and R. H. MacArthur,
Theory of Island Biogeography
Wolf Fund, The
and “predator paranoia,”
in Yellowstone
Wolves in Paradise
(PBS documentary)
Wong, Datuk James
woodpecker, ivory–billed
Woodwell, George
World Bank
World Resources Institute
World Trade Center
World War II, and Midway

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