The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series) (24 page)

BOOK: The Price of a Gift (The Price of Secrets Series)
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Mom walked in carrying my dress. I ran over and hugged her tight. "Thank you so much. It's better than I imagined it. This is the best birthday gift ever."

I could tell that my PDA caught her off guard but she quickly recovered. "You are very welcome my baby girl."

Jaycee's mom, Carol, came out of the kitchen with cups and plates. I went over to hug and thank her too.

Jaycee came up behind me. "Don't be doing that. You're gonna make her start expecting that mushy stuff from me. Then she's going to get all disappointed and it will be all your fault."

Unfazed by her daughter's remark, Carol hugged Jaycee. "You're welcome too." Carol told her.

"It's beautiful, Mom." That was the extent of Jaycee's mushiness. But it was the way she said it, not the words, that had brought tears to Carol's eyes. Not wanting anyone to see, just like Jaycee, she walked away before they fell. "Ok," Jaycee turned to me, "if we are done with this greeting card commercial, let's go get ready."

Jaycee and I took our stuff to the office that we had dedicated as our dressing room. A few
moments later, Kayla and Phoebe showed up with dresses in hand. Just like me, they were in awe over the decorations. They were all ready and just needed to put on their dresses. So I took the chair behind the desk and opened my makeup bag. Jaycee sat at the table beside the window.

Phoebe watched me through the mirror while I put on foundation. "Hannah, let me do your eye shadow."

"I don't wear eye shadow." I answered.

"I know. That's why I want to do it." I hesitated. "Just turn around and hush." She said.

I sighed. "Ok, but don't make me look like I'm planning on standing at a street corner tonight." After she was finished, she let me see myself in the mirror. I was shocked. Not only did she put eye shadow on me, but she talked me into blush too. She did an awesome job. My cheeks only showed just a hint of pink and my eye shadow was layers of shimmery white to silvery pale blue to match my dress, topped off with eyeliner and mascara. "Phoebe, you should do this for a living. This looks professionally done.” Jaycee took one look at me and asked Phebs to do her makeup too.

While they were doing that, I stripped down to my panties and strapless bra and started
lotioning my legs and worked my way up. I picked this lotion because it smells so good, but also because it has glitter in it. Since I have to wait for it to dry before I can put my dress on, I helped Kayla into hers. She chose a spaghetti strap, royal blue, tea length dress. The color showed off her pale porcelain skin. "Kayla, you're beautiful!"

"Thank you. Will you help me with my mask?" She wore her hair up, making it easy to tie the mask around the back of her neck.

"Come zip us up so we can be beautiful too." Phoebe teased. She, of course, chose a form fitting bright green mini dress with a matching mask.

"You look fierce." Jaycee complemented.

"So do you." I told Jaycee. She too went for a form fitting dress, except hers was a little bit longer and was the color of lipstick red. "Mike is gonna flip."

will too if that's all you're planning on wearing."

I looked down at myself and realized I was still just in my underwear. "It's a good look for me. Don't cha think?"

After putting on my dress, I examined myself in the mirror. I really liked the dress when I tried it on in the store. But with my hair and makeup fixed, I loved it. It was a pale blue, strapless dress that stopped above my knee. The beaded top was tight and heart shaped. Then at the waist, it poofed out a bit. Tracey had curled my hair, yes curly hair can be curled, and pinned the side up with white baby's breath on the combs. It went perfectly with the dress. I topped it off with Mom's diamond earrings.

"You look like a princess." Jaycee said. "Where's your mask? I'll put it on for you."

"No worries." I picked up my mask. "I wanted one that's on a stick so it won't mess up my hair." It was pale blue like my dress, and had silver feathers on the side.

She said.

"Come in." Phoebe answered the knock at the door.

It was my mom. "I was just checking to see if you girls needed any help." Her words died off when she saw us. "Oh my goodness. The four of you are just gorgeous. Stand together so I can take pictures. Carol, John, come look!" Mom yelled out the door for Jaycee’s parents.

By 7:30 the party was in full swing. I couldn't believe how many people came. The place was packed. Jaycee's dad surprised us by showing up with a DJ, and he had everyone on the dance floor. The smoke machine was so cool. It made the whole place look like a dream. I was dancing with Luke and trying not to think about the fact that Daniel hasn't shown up yet. I left my phone with Mom
and strict orders to come get me if it rang or buzzed. But like Jaycee said, this is our night and I'm going to have fun with or without him. Speaking of Jaycee, I spotted her and Mike dancing over in the corner. She had already taken her mask off. It must have been preventing her from stealing kisses from Mike. When the song was over I went over to the refreshment table and poured myself a drink. I stood there and just watched. I enjoyed seeing everyone having a great time. Ashley and Josh were cozied up at one of the tables. They really do seem happy. Jacob had Kayla on the dance floor trying to get her to loosen up. Even Phoebe looked to be having a good time. Chase had her laughing about something.

I was perfectly content with my people watching. That is until I was pulled, kicking and screaming, from my happy place by an announcement from the DJ. "Jaycee and Hannah, will you please come to the center of the dance floor and honor us with a father daughter dance." Half the crowd turned to me while the other half looked for Jaycee. I've already been seen so I couldn't run and hide. So I pushed
myself toward the dance floor where my Dad was waiting for me. Seeing him took the dread away. This was my Daddy and I was going to dance with him. Some old slow song about turning sixteen came on and the four of us started dancing.

"Happy Birthday Hannah Banana.
On a scale of one to ten, how mortified are you?" He asked.

Ummm, I'd say a solid four." I smiled.

"Just a four?"
He acted disappointed. "Are you having a good time?"

"The best time.
I'm loving it." The song faded away to a current fast song. When Dad tried to leave I grabbed his arm. "Oh no you don't, now it's time for you to give me a number from one to ten."

I don't think I have laughed so hard or enjoyed myself more than watching my Dad dance. And I danced right along with him. Truth be told, he was actually pretty good.

After the song was over, Dad kissed me on the cheek. "Have fun. I'm going back to the dungeon, I mean kitchen." He said with a smile.

I squeezed his hand. "Thanks Dad."

I headed for the restroom to touch up my makeup and ran into Phoebe. She was doing the same thing. "Hey are you having fun? Is Daniel here?" She asked.

"No, he hasn't showed up, but yes I'm having a great time.
How bout you?"

"I’m having a ball. Chase is keeping me entertained. He's a sweetheart. Here, let me fix your makeup." She had such a knack for this. Within seconds she had me looking good as new. She even touched up my hair for me.

"You really should do this for a living." I told her.

"We'll see. I plan on marrying rich, but if that falls through this could be my backup." We
laughed and went back out to join the party.

I barely had time to take a few sips of my drink before the DJ made another announcement. This one was worse. "Ok, if Hannah and Jaycee would join us back on the dance floor with their escorts, we have a special song for them." That means
its 9 o'clock and Daniel's not coming. My heart fell and my eyes started to sting. I had to push the tears back along with the huge knot in my throat, because I had no clue who I was taking to the dance floor.

I think Jaycee must have sent Luke over because he showed up out of nowhere. "Come on." He held out his arm. "I'm a good dancer and I make a pretty hot arm candy." He joked.

I held my mask up to my eyes then took his offered arm and let him lead us to the dance floor. "Thanks." I whispered.

As soon as we met up with Jaycee and Mike, the DJ s
tarted playing Something About the Way You Look Tonight. Within just a few notes into the song, I knew. I felt his eyes searching for me the minute he walked in. Once they found me I could feel the heat boring into my skin. I nonchalantly turned Luke into a slow circle so I could search the crowd for him.

There he was, coming this way, with the cloud-like smoke as his backdrop. His walk was confident and had him looking like he was on a mission. Just like the first time I saw him, he took my breath away. He was wearing black dress pants and a silky white button up shirt that clung to him in all the right places. His black hair was long and tousled, like he had been running his fingers through it. What lucky fingers. Covering those
eyes that he has yet to take off of me, was a simple black mask. It was all I could do to keep my own mask to my eyes because my hands were shaking so bad.

He walked right up to us on the dance floor, for all to see. "May I cut in?" He asked.

"Sure. Way to make an entrance. Very cool." Luke said and patted Daniel on the back.

"Thanks." Daniel said while still watching me. He held out his hand and I took it. The electricity was stronger than I have ever felt it before.

"Very cool indeed." I murmured. He pulled me in close to him and we started dancing. We were still just looking at each other. I couldn't hold my mask any longer so I dropped it to my side.

I saw his eyes narrow for a brief second before he finally spoke. "You stopped my heart the moment I walked in. You are devastatingly beautiful."

My mouth suddenly became very dry. "Thank you”. I laid my head on his shoulder and breathed in his freshly showered scent. I could tell our spotlight was over when people started joining us on the dance floor. The song ended, but thankfully, the next song was a slow one also.

Daniel lowered his head to my ear. "I'm so sorry I let you down. Please forgive me. I did everything I could to try to get here on time."

I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued to sway to the music. "You're here. That's all that matters." I was well aware of his arms around my waist. I never felt safer or more elated than right now.

"No, I ruined your night." He said evenly. His eyes were smoldering. Is he that mad at himself for being late? I tried to say that his being here has made this the best party ever, but he kept talking. "My parents found out this morning that they needed to stay in Oklahoma for another day. So I talked them into letting me keep my ticket for today’s flight and they took me to the
airport. My stop in Atlanta was only supposed to be an hour. It ended up being almost three. I finally got to Charlotte, grabbed my bag and found Dad's car. Then I had a flat tire on the interstate. I made it home without any other delays. I took a shower and got here as quick as I could. I worried that you were here thinking that I broke my promise to you."

All for me.
He did all that for me. My heart filled with! I think I'm falling in love with this sweet, honest, caring, handsome guy dancing with me. "That is the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me. I can't tell you how much that means to me."

Daniel looked relieved, yet still so serious. "I had tonight all planned out for you."

"How many times do I have to tell you that it's ok?" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"I just... I just wanted you to have the night you dreamed of."
For the first time he looked away from me and took a deep breath. I waited for his eyes to meet mine again. "When I read your diary, there was a part in there where you wrote how you wanted your sweet sixteen to be just like in the movies. I never forgot that. I wanted tonight to be perfect."

I sent up a prayer of thanks for sending Daniel to me. This makes up for all the years I felt like I had been cursed with this gift. "Daniel, I don't know what to say. You are amazing." I tried to clear the fog covering my brain. "This, right here, is perfect. The wo
rds you have said, perfect. The way you looked at me when you walked in, perfect. You being here is not only perfect, but the best gift I could have ever asked for."

"We'll see about that." He said while pulling away from me. "Come with me." He took my hand and
lead me off the dance floor.

We passed Jaycee and Mike.
"Hey Chief. Glad you made it, and that entrance, very hot." Jaycee said.

"Thanks." Was all Daniel said while still
walking. I looked back at Jaycee, and she gave me a wink.

We didn't stop until we made our way to the side exit. Daniel opened the door for me. There was a small concrete patio with built in benches on two sides. Carol and Mom added a portable, tent like, gazebo, just in case it rained. The canopy was lit up with the same small white lights as inside.

"Look how beautiful." I said, talking about the lights and decoration.

Daniel didn’t take his eyes off me. "I see." I knew he was talking about me, and I could feel my cheeks blush. I know it sounds cheesy, but I did say I wanted cheesy on my birthday.

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