The Pope's Daughter: The Extraordinary Life of Felice Della Rovere (53 page)

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Authors: Caroline P. Murphy

Tags: #Social Sciences, #Women's Studies, #History, #Renaissance, #Catholicism, #16th Century, #Italy

BOOK: The Pope's Daughter: The Extraordinary Life of Felice Della Rovere
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part v dispossessed and repossessed

229 View of Monte Giordano, also showing Palazzo de Cupis, sixteenth century 232 Jerome Cock, after Maarten van Heemskerck ‘Death of Bourbon’, 1555 236 View of Palazzo dei Dodici Apostoli, sixteenth century 241 View of Boat Sailing down the Tiber, sixteenth century 244 View of Fossombrone, late sixteenth century 249 Jerome Cock, after Maarten van Heemskerck, ‘Landsknechts at Castel Sant’Angelo’, 1555 254 People in front of ruined buildings in Rome, sixteenth century 257 View of Campo dei Fiori, Orsini palace with clock tower in background, sixteenth century 261 View of
around Trinità dei Monti 264 Print of Michelangelo,
Tomb of Julius II
269 ‘Unmarried Young Woman’, from Christofano Bertelli,
The Ages of Woman
, 1580s 275 Maarten van Heemskerck,
Young Man Leaning over a Balcony
280 Vicovaro, sixteenth century 286 C. Boel, after Antonio Tempesta ‘Bourbon sends Troops to Attack’ 289 Maarten van Heemskerck,
People in Front of the Vatican

part vi the most loving mother in the world

297 ‘Old Age’, from Christofano Bertelli,
The Ages of Woman
, 1580s 312 Jean Thomas Thibault,
View of Bracciano,

plate section one

1 Raphael di Sanzio,
Mass of Bolsena,
fresco, Stanze, Vatican Palace, 1512 2 Detail of Felice from Raphael,
Mass of Bolsena,
fresco, Stanze d’Eliodoro, Vatican Palace, 1512 3 Melozzo da Forlì,
Pope Sixtus IV and his Nephews
, fresco, Vatican Palace, 1478 4 Baldassar Peruzzi and Pinturicchio (att.,),
Madonna Enthroned, with donor, Bernardino de Cupis

fresco, circa
, Church of San Onofrio, Rome Bernardino Pinturicchio, Detail of frescos from Borgia apartments featuring Lucrezia Borgia and Pope Alexander VI,
s, Vatican Palace.

6 Giuliano da Sangallo, Palazzo della Rovere, 1490s, Savona 7 Pope Julius II, recto of medal by Caradosso, 1506 8 Raphael,
Portrait of Julius II
, 1512, London, National Gallery 9 Raphael,
Portrait of Baldassar Castiglione
, 1514, Paris, Louvre

Santi di Tito,
Portrait of Niccolò Machiavelli
s, Florence, Palazzo della Signoria

11 Raphael,
Portrait of Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino
, circa 1500, Florence, Uffizi

12 Raphael,
Portrait of Elizabetta Gonzaga, Duchess of Urbino
, circa 1500, Florence, Uffizi

13 Titian,
Portrait of Isabella d’Este
, 1535, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum

14 Rubens after Titian,
Portrait of Isabella d’Este
, circa 1600, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum Courtyard of Palazzo Sforza Cesarini (Cancelleria Vecchia) 1470s, Rome

16 Marcello Foglino,
Dinner Scene
, circa 1520, Malapaga Castle, nr Bergamo

17 Castle of Bracciano

18 Antoniazzo Romano, detail from frescos of life of Gentile Virginio Orsini, 1480s, Castle of Bracciano

plate section two

19 Courtyard at Bracciano
at Bracciano, attributed to Peruzzi

Venus Felix and Amor
, 2nd century AD, Vatican Museums

22 Sebastiano del Piombo,
Portrait of a Lady (Felice della Rovere?)
, circa 1518, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya Barcelona

23 Raphael,
Portrait of Leo X and His Nephews
, 1518, Florence, Uffizi

24 Raphael,
Portrait of Cardinal Dovizi da Bibbiena
, circa 1518, Florence, Pitti Palace Sebastiano del Piombo,
Portrait of Pope Clement VII
, circa 1526, Naples, Galleria di Capodimonte

26 Titian,
Portrait of Cardinal Ippolito de’Medici
, circa 1531, Florence, Pitti Palace

27 Castle of Palo

28 Palace of Monte Giordano, façade renovations by Peruzzi, early 1530s

29 Titian,
Portrait of Francesco Maria della Rovere, Duke of Urbino
, 1532?, Florence, Uffizi Titian,
Portrait of Eleonora Gonzaga, Duchess of Urbino
, 1532?, Florence, Uffizi

31 Titian,
Venus of Urbino
, 1534, Florence, Uffizi

32 William Holman Hunt,
Rienzi Vowing to Obtain Justice for the Death of his Young Brother, Slain in a Skirmish between the Colonna and Orsini Factions
, 1849

33 Michelangelo Buonarroti, Detail of Rachel from
Tomb of Pope Julius II
, circa 1534, Church of San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome

34 Signature of Felice della Rovere

Photographs and illustrations in the plate sections are reproduced by kind permission of the following: Vatican Museums and Galleries /
1, 2, 3
); Photo Scala, Florence (
5, 16, 18
); National Gallery, London /
); Louvre, Paris /
); Palazzo Vecchio (Palazzo della Signoria) Florence
11, 12, 23, 29, 30, 31
); Ali Meyer (
); Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna /
); Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona (
); Palazzo Pitti, Florence / Alinari
24, 26
); Galleria Nazionale de Capodimonte, Naples / Giraudon /
); Private Collection
). Henry Dietrich Fernández (
6, 17, 19, 20, 21, 28, 33
). Plurigraf (
). Archivio di Stato di Firenze (
). The illustration on page
is reproduced by kind permission of Fine Arts Library, Harvard University, and those on pages
by permission of Charles Plante Fine Arts
(10); Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence / www.bridge (
/ (

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