The Plume: The Second Anthology (2 page)

Read The Plume: The Second Anthology Online

Authors: Ella Ardent

Tags: #inter racial, #sharing, #submission, #bondage, #Menage, #spanking, #private sex club, #domination, #linked series, #Erotic Romance, #BDSM, #continuing characters, #Erotica

BOOK: The Plume: The Second Anthology
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“I love you,” he replied, catching her close
for a kiss.

Life was perfect, as far as Mike was
concerned, with Joanna his willing slave and partner. There was
nothing better than waking up, knowing that she was captive in the
dungeon he’d installed in the basement or securely trussed in the
bed beside him. When she stayed at her own apartment, one call was
all it took for her to obediently bind and gag herself in
preparation for his arrival – never mind that he had his own keys
to her place. She carried bonds in her purse, so he could take her
on a whim – at work, in a restaurant, in the back of a cab.

The thing was that each time he proved his
mastery over her, she tightened her hold over him a little more. He
couldn’t even imagine being with another woman anymore, and
certainly couldn’t think of ever letting Joanna go.

She spun before him, holding out the apron,
and he knew she liked the outfit as well.

“You look like a bride,” he said.

Her smile broadened. “Not a very respectable

“My bride,” he said, catching her chin in her
hand and giving her a hard kiss.

“I guess then you can do what you want with
me,” she whispered, her breath against his mouth and her eyes

“I guess I can.” He indicated the leather
stool in the corner of the bedroom. “First, sit and open your legs
to me.”

She quivered, evidently guessing what he
would do. Mike got the little jar of stimulant from the Plume and
opened it. He wanted to take his time, but he needed to ensure that
she was hot and ready. He was tormented by the possibilities, so
Joanna could be as well. Her bottom lip trembled as he smoothed
some of the unguent on her clitoris, then she shivered and closed
her eyes.

“How does it feel?” he whispered.

“It makes me burn more for you.”

Mike leaned down, letting her fold her legs
around him as he kissed her thoroughly. “Good thing it’s a holiday
today,” he murmured against her throat. “This could take a

Her breath caught. “Yes, Mike.”

“What do you want me to do with you?”

“Whatever you want, Mike. I’m all yours.”

It was exactly what he wanted to hear.

Mike took Joanna’s hand and urged her to her
feet, handing her the lipstick. She touched up her mouth as he
watched, his arms folded across his chest. It was ideal how she
knew exactly what he wanted, how she anticipated his desire.

She was trained to be his forever.

The idea made Mike’s heart pound. He turned
Joanna around and led her toward the kitchen, knowing exactly how
he’d start. He roughened his tone, knowing it excited her.

“First, I want that ass as red as your
lipstick,” he whispered, liking how she caught her breath. “Get the
leather paddle from the dungeon.”

“Yes, Mike,” she said, her voice strained.
“And the gag?”

“No. You’ll keep silent just because I tell
you to.”

She pivoted to look at him at the top of the
stairs to the basement. Her eyes were wide with surprise and he
knew he’d never tire of catching her unawares.

Mike smiled, letting his hand slide over her
smooth shoulder and the curve of her breast. He pinched the taut
nipple. “I will tie you down, though. Bring the red cord when you
get the paddle.”

She swallowed, then nodded agreement. She
started down the stairs, walking carefully in her high heels. Mike
could have stood there and watched her all day, but the doorbell

Good thing he was dressed.

He indicated to Joanna that she should
continue, but didn’t answer the door until she had disappeared down
the stairs to the basement.

To his astonishment, it was Rex.

And he was furious. His eyes were blazing
green and his jaw was clenched.

“You forgot something,” Rex said by way of
greeting, then dumped a duffle bag into Mike’s foyer. Mike looked
down, guessing from the size of the bag what – or who – was in

“I thought you’d like a gift,” he started to
say, but Rex grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt.

He gave Mike a shake and spoke through his
teeth. “She hasn’t been to the Plume. She hasn’t submitted an
application or signed a contract.”

Mike smiled. “Come on, Rex. That’s just
paperwork. It was supposed to be fun...”

“How is it fun to risk everything we’ve built
at the Plume?” Rex demanded. “How is it fun to risk the security of
every member there?” He gave Mike one last shake, then threw off
his grip. “You went too far. You were wrong.” He nudged the bag
with his toe. “And you can fix it.”

Then Rex pivoted and strode down the front
steps, anger in his every gesture.

The duffle bag wriggled. Mike sighed and shut
the door, then took Louise into the kitchen to untie her. He didn’t
really want Joanna’s lusty roommate to join what had been shaping
up to be a great morning. He preferred when it was just the two of
them instead of a threesome.

Why couldn’t Rex have just played along? He
was such a control freak that it spoiled not only his own fun but
that of everyone else.

“What’s happening?” Joanna asked from the
landing. She was keeping out of sight of the door. Mike left the
bag where it was and went to her.

“Rex returned his Christmas present.” He
grimaced, then reached out to trail his finger across her
collarbone. He dropped his voice to a whisper. “But I don’t feel
like sharing today.”

Joanna’s answering smile was conspiratory.
She glanced toward the kitchen then spoke softly. “Me,

Mike smiled at her, letting his fingertip
slide around her nipple. She inhaled sharply and arched her back,
pushing her breast into his hand. “Why don’t I take her back to
your place, while you stay here?”

Joanna squirmed a little, reminding him of
the unguent on her sex. “Only if you hurry.”

“Don’t worry,” Mike said. “I’ll give you lots
to think about while I’m gone.” He turned her on the stairs and
gestured down to the dungeon. Joanna followed his bidding, as
obedient and pliant as ever, but he could smell her

It thrilled him.

“Onto the platform,” he instructed once they
were in the small leather-padded room. Joanna sat on the leather
covered box in the middle of the room, her expression uncertain. He
took the red rope she’d brought, liking how smooth and shiny it
was. He posed her, on her back with her hands over her head and her
legs spread wide. He coaxed her down the length of the box so that
her butt was at one end, her sex wide and welcoming and wet. Her
legs were bent, her ankles on either side of the box.

With one end of the rope, he bound her ankle
to one corner of the box. There were d-rings mounted on it for that
purpose and he ensured that there were many circuits of the red
rope around her ankle. It looked better that way.

He ran the rope across the end of the box and
lashed her other ankle down in the same way, liking how the red
rope contrasted with the white kid leather and the black leather.
The white lace looked fabulous, too.

He took a black leather pillow and put it
under her back, lifting her butt and leaving her back arched. Her
breasts looked as if her nipples were reaching for the sky and they
were so hard that they must ache. He wound the rope around her
waist, tying it to the same d-rings as her ankles, and ensuring
that she couldn’t straighten her legs at all. He used a lot of
rope, too much rope, and got harder with every loop he made around
her body. Joanna was trembling, her sex almost dripping.

When Mike wrapped the rope around her wrists,
binding them securely together and lashing them to the d-ring at
the other end of the box, she gave a little sigh of surrender. He
pulled the bond so that she was stretched taut.

“Struggle,” he commanded and she did, unable
to make more than a millimeter of difference to her position.

He walked around her, just looking. “Are you
my captive?”

“Yes, Mike.”

He ran one hand over the length over her. “My
helpless sex slave?”

Joanna swallowed, her breath coming in
anxious spurts. “Yes, Mike.”

“Then I have a present for you,” he said on
impulse. He went to the arsenal of toys and picked up the vibrator,
the soft one that was filled with silicon. When he turned, Joanna
saw it and caught her breath. She moaned as he fitted it over her
clitoris and secured it there with the leather bands that buckled
around her thighs.

He touched the remote control and it began to
hum against her. Although he couldn’t see its movement, Joanna’s
gasp and the way she tried to pump her hips told him everything he
needed to know.

She’d be more than ready for him when he

“Be good,” he said and kissed her lips

“Mike!” she gasped as he headed for the

“Be silent,” he said sternly, pausing on the
threshold. She wriggled in a very sexy way. “I’m already going to
spank you hard, but if you’re naughty, I’ll make sure you won’t get
any satisfaction at all.” He waited to see her flush with
frustration, then secured the door to the dungeon behind himself
and left.

Outside, he used the remote control for the
vibrator to make its movement more insistent. He smiled when Joanna

Mike couldn’t drive quickly enough to the
apartment Joanna shared with Louise.

And when he got back home, nothing would
entice him to leave for the rest of the holiday.


* * *


Louise had had better days.

Mike had brought her home, but he hadn’t been
interested in anything she had to offer. He’d cut her bonds,
freeing her arms and her ankles, then left her in the middle of the
living room before she could even spit out the gag. He was gone by
the time she was free, abandoning her just as Rex had.


Louise showered and made herself a sandwich,
trying to stifle her annoyance with Rex. She wanted two things out
of this life – to have a show of her sculpture and to get into the
Plume. Rex could have made both possible, but no. She guessed now
that if she made an application through the website, he’d be sure
she wasn’t accepted for membership.

Louise was furious. She couldn’t see why
people had to have so many rules and contracts. She had always
wanted to see the eye candy at the Plume, and the photographs that
Rex had taken were so spectacular that she wanted to see more. Her
idea of a photography exhibit of Rex’s work was brilliant and she
couldn’t understand why he didn’t see the promotional upside. She
knew she wasn’t the only one who was curious about the secretive
private sex club. That it was beautiful as well as hidden would
just add to its allure.

They’d be overwhelmed with people wanting to
become members, which presumably meant they’d make a fortune.
Louise was sure that Plume members must pay dues – and if they
didn’t, they could. Rex must be one of the owners. This was his
chance to get rich.

All she had to do was change his mind.

Fortunately, Louise was more observant than
most people. She figured that was part of being an artist. She’d
seen out the window of Rex’s apartment and knew what part of town
he lived in. Even better, she’d seen his identity on his

Rex wasn’t in the phone book, but she’d
expected that. She dressed and headed for that part of town. She’d
guess his place was a condo and she knew it was on a high floor
from the view. At least fifteen stories up. She’d just look at the
mailboxes in the lobbies of the buildings that looked right until
she found his name.

Piece of cake.


* * *


Joanna was sure she couldn’t stand it a
moment later when she heard footsteps outside the dungeon in Mike’s
townhouse. She froze, afraid as always that it was someone else who
would find her like this.

But the door opened and it was Mike, looking
as sexy and confident as ever. He grinend at her and tossed his
jacket aside, striding closer to consider her. “Were you a good
girl?” he asked, bending to brush his lips against hers.

Joanna arched her back, straining to reach
him. “Yes, Mike.”

He caressed her breast. “You look great like
this.” He winked at her, suddenly mischievous. “Maybe I should send
Rex a picture. Tempt him with what he’s lost.”

“Don’t be mean.” Joanna said before she could
stop herself.

Mike made a show of being surprised. “Are we
being impertinent?”

“I’m sorry, Mike.”

He smiled slowly. “Not as sorry as you will
be.” He reached for a gag that was shaped like a leather-covered
tube. “Let’s protect you from yourself,” he mused. “Open wide.” He
pushed the tube into Joanna’s mouth and a wave of relief passed
through her. She preferred when she was truly powerless and, right
on cue, that thrilling sense of futility filled her. It let her be
open to possibilities and to accept the pleasure inflicted upon
her. So long as she could speak or fight, she felt obliged to
struggle against ecstasy.

“Now, let’s get rid of that cream that’s
tormenting you,” Mike said. His voice was low and silky, dangerous,
just the way Joanna liked it. The glint in his eyes made him look
unpredictable and reckless. She loved that about him.

He strolled around her, giving her a moment
to worry about what he intended to do, giving her heart a chance to
race. Then he stood between her knees. He removed the vibrator with
quick gestures, running his fingertips over her skin. He tugged on
a pair of leather gloves as she watched, his expression revealing
that he knew how much she loved the feel of them. He braced his
hands on her knees, bent down and began to eat her with

Joanna moaned.

She tried to writhe.

She felt his tongue flicking against her, his
strong hands holding her open wide to his caress. She fought her
bonds and knew it was futile to struggle. She bucked against them
all the same, not sure whether she wanted to evade his teasing
tongue or press herself against his mouth and demand more. She was
hot and shivery, right on the cusp of orgasm, when Mike abruptly

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