The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (9 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Well she was eighteen when we met,” Nate rectified. “But yeah, we were. . . . uhh, friends.” He smiled slyly, looking at me.

“Where’s Matt, sweetheart? Is he any better?” I asked Erin, to change the subject. She raised her eyebrows at me, chewing her bottom lip just as Matt walked in.

“Hey, babe.” I embraced him with a hug. “You feeling better?”

“Yeah, I’m good Mum,” he said as he looked at Nate. “Are you gonna introduce us?”

“Yes of course. Matt this is Nate. Nate this is my son, Matt and daughter Erin.”

Smiling, Nate extended his hand to Matt. “Pleasure to meet you, mate.”

Erin was still stood silent in the corner of the room. I could feel her piercing stare on me. I was starting to feel uncomfortable and glared back at her, shaking my head a little in warning. Nate, noticing the silent altercation between Erin and me, looked at us both with a confused expression on his face.

“I’d better let you get on,” I directed at Nate, hoping he’d take the hint and leave before Erin said something stupid.

“Oh right,” he said, standing up and looking a little stunned. Placing his still full cup in the sink he reached for my hand. “Can you see me to the door, Liv?” Erin’s brows rose even higher and Matt grinned and winked at me.

As we reached the door he pulled me a little closer. “Can I see you tomorrow night?” He dropped my hand and moved his hand up to my face, cupping my chin and tipping my head back to look in my eyes.

“I can’t tomorrow night, Nate. I’ve already arranged a night out with Beth and Lexi. Sorry.”

“Oh wow, you still see Beth and Lexi?” he asked, surprised, dropping his hand instantly.

“Yeah, we never lost contact.” I swallowed when I realised what I’d said and hoped Nate hadn’t picked up on it but I was disappointed.

“Well at least you kept in touch with someone.” He glowered at me, “How about Monday night?”

“Oh God. Monday’s no good either, I have an appointment.”

I was starting to feel bad but he narrowed his eyes. “Who has appointments at night?” he queried, obviously thinking I was putting him off.

“I do.” I shrugged, looking down at the floor.

“Do you have a cocktail dress?” he suddenly asked. Perplexed, I nodded to him. “Good. I have a gala dance to attend next Saturday night and I want you to accompany me,” he demanded before he leaned into me. “I
you to come, baby,” he whispered in my ear as his hand slipped down my back and skimmed over my bottom.

Goosebumps spread over my body and my pussy throbbed. There had only ever been Nate that could turn me on so intensely. I sucked in a breath, nodding frantically as a small groan rumbled in the back of his throat. His fingers spread on the low of my back as he worked little kisses from my cheek towards my mouth.

Gasping, I pulled back and reached for the door, opening it for him. “I’ll ring you about Monday morning,” he said as he left the house and walked down the path back to his car.

Shutting the door, I leaned against it and took a large gulp of air. Erin was stood in the hallway, giving me a shrewd look. “Don’t Erin,” I warned.

She shook her head, grinning at me and ascended the stairs. Halfway up, she stopped and turned. “He has lovely
pure . . . blue . . . eyes.
” She smirked, emphasising each word. “Don’t you think Mom?” she added as she carried on up the stairs.

* * *

Late Saturday night, Beth, Lexi and I were drunk and sitting on stools around a large floor to ceiling column in ‘Pulse’ the local nightclub.

“Give me your shoes, Liv.” Beth ordered.

“Ha, not a chance girl.”

I was wearing my favourite red high heels. I had bought them about six months ago when I’d had a bad episode and needed retail therapy. Hence, the £840 Christian Louboutin, red leather with black mottled overlay, peep toe, 5” stiletto. They were my ultimate favourites and I would still be paying for them in 5 years.

Tonight I’d been risky and teamed them with my tight, short black leather skirt and my red, ruffle neck top. Ever since yesterday’s intimate moment with Nate I had been feeling horny and that reflected in my outfit tonight. The only problem with this was I was getting a lot of unwanted male attention.

“But you love me,” Beth continued.

“I’m not even gonna let you borrow them,” I proclaimed, sticking my tongue out at her.

“But those shoes are man magnets. You’ve had loads of attention tonight. It must be the shoes.” Her eyes once more dropped to my shoes as she gazed at them dreamily.

“Nah, that’s just Liv’s aura,” Lexi stated as she pointed at me rather fidgety. “I can almost
her sex appeal tonight.” She told Beth then turning to me she said, “Damn Girl. You’re oozing in eroticism.” Her eyes narrowed before she suddenly declared, “You got laid!”

Beth jumped with excitement, toppling off the high stool and landing with a harsh bump on her arse on the floor. Lexi and I, laughing hysterically, tried to help her up but we were laughing so hard, we couldn’t lift her.

Eventually we all managed to pull her up and the other revellers cheered as Beth took a bow. Climbing back onto our stools Beth looked at me. “So come on, Liv. You get nailed?”

“No,” I stammered.

“Now don’t lie to us,” Lexi chastised, waggling her finger at me.

“I’m not lying,” I defended, feigning a deep interest in my wine glass.

“But something’s up,” Beth argued, taking a mouthful of her vodka. I turned my attention to the dancers and tried to ignore their interrogation. “Liv?” Beth prodded me. “Spill.”

I slowly turned back to her. “Nate’s back,” I blurted.

The vodka glass slipped from her grasp and smashed on the floor as her jaw dropped with it. She was deadly silent as she scanned my face. “What the fuck?” Lexi exclaimed as she struggled for breath. I lowered my eyes and fixed them on my twiddling fingers.

“What do you mean ‘Nate’s back’?” Beth finally managed.

“Just what I said, Nate’s back. He owns NSC Industries. He’s been in America for the last six months so I didn’t know. I bumped into him yesterday . . . literally,” I giggled, remembering my epic face plant.

“Don’t pissing laugh Liv, this is serious,” she cautioned with a glare. “Have you told him?”

“No!” I cried, my eyes fixing her with a glare of my own.

“You gonna tell him?” Now it was Lexi’s turn to scrutinize me.

“I . . . I don’t know,” I stammered, tears forming behind my eyes.

“Oh, babe.” Beth sighed, reaching over to me and squeezing my hand with tears in her own eyes.

“On a lighter note, is he still fucking hot?” Lexi sniggered as she put her hands over her heart and sighed deeply.

“Jesus, yes.” I breathed, closing my eyes and picturing his hard body. Pressing my thighs together and chewing my bottom lip, I declared it was time to go home.

I had business to take care of.

* * *

It was 2am and I was laid in bed; the house was empty as the kids were at my mother’s for the weekend and my mind was wandering to the times I had made love to Nate. I couldn’t shake this damn arousal. Everything was pulsing in me.

My fingers skimmed under the duvet, stroking the inside of my thigh and picturing Nate’s sexy smile as they ventured further up, rubbing against my clit. My other hand caressed my breast as my breath hitched. Inserting two fingers, I was amazed how wet I was. I was dripping. Working at a frantic rhythm, I urged to get release. Getting frustrated, I reached over and opened my side drawer. Retrieving my vibrator, I switched it with my fingers. Nate’s image appeared in my mind, his body pumping away frantically at me as I mimicked the action with my vibrator.

Just as I was nearing my orgasm, my phone trilled its text message alert. “Fuck me!” I grunted, the moment now gone.

I reached for my phone; sure it was Beth up for a late night texting session. I was surprised to see it was from Nate:


You awake Liv?

Well I would be now, even if I had been asleep.


Yh x


What you up to? Xx

What a stupid thing to ask at 2am on a Sunday morning.


In bed xxx


Oh . . .


What r u wearing? ;-) Xxx

Now it was getting interesting, and I was still ultra horny so I decided to have some fun.


A smile! Xxx


Oh Jesus xxx


;-) Xxx


Is BOB there? Xxx


He’s laid beside me Xxx


(Gulping) what’s he doing?



Nothing ‘NOW,’ he says he’s feeling ‘drained’



Lucky sod, u should give him a rest, you’re wearing him out baby

You need the real thing



Mmm yes I do!!!!! BOB’s now saying that I only use him for sex

And I don’t care about him



(Groaning) he needs somebody to take the pressure off for him ;-)



(Groaning also) It’s my pressure I need taking care of



(Panting) I’d ‘LOVE’ to take the pressure off for u baby



(Panting hard) the pressures getting pounding now Nate (moaning)



(Panting harder) Pounding???



(Panting and pounding faster) Yes!!

It’s really hammering now Nate



(Panting and hammering faster)

I’m really hammering my pressure too Liv

You ready to release your pressure Baby?



(Gasping) GOD YES NATE!!!!!



(Breathless) Better baby?



(I think I actually STOPPED breathing)

Much better, thank u ;-)



(Grinning like a Cheshire cat)

Good, me too



(Very relaxed now)

Goodnight Nate



(Rolled over for a cuddle)

Night baby


I rolled over and drifted off to sleep, wearing nothing but a huge grin.

Chapter Six

MONDAY MORNING HAD rolled round again and as usual I was running late.

Jumping from the shower I wrapped a towel around me and ran across the landing to my room. Rummaging around in my wardrobe for my favourite mint green, sheer blouse that I needed to team with my black and green skirt, I realised it wasn’t in there. “Erin!” She was always ‘borrowing’ my clothes but she never returned them. I ran to her bedroom and after opening her wardrobe doors, I found it straight away. Rushing back across the landing I bumped into Nate coming out the bathroom.

“What the hell?” I mumbled into his hard chest.

“Morning, baby.” His voice was low and husky as he looked over my body. “You ready for me?” he asked, his lips twitching.

“What the hell are you doing here, Nate? You’re way too early” I sniped, pulling my towel higher.

He didn’t answer me as he slowly gazed over my near-bare form, his eyes stopping at the scar I had running across my right collarbone. I flinched as he ran his finger delicately across it. “I was up early and thinking of you, so I thought I’d have a coffee before work,” he said softly, still tracing the scar with his finger and his troubled eyes. “How did you get this?” he asked, narrowing his eyes and searching my face.

Swallowing hard I stepped back. “Matt should be in the kitchen, he’ll make you a drink while I get dressed,” I stuttered and pushed past him.

Closing the bedroom door behind me I let out a breath when I heard Nate descend the stairs.

I sat on my bed and desperately fought for some control. I knew that this part of my life was going to be the hardest thing I’d ever have to face. He was like a magnet, pulling me in every time with a hold so strong I would have to rip myself in two to get away from him; a hold so deep it had endured twenty years.

I had always wondered if I’d see him again but I didn’t expect the attraction to be so strong between us still. I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him, especially after the sexting episode Saturday night, but I wondered if he’d still feel that attraction after he saw the real me.

Quickly dressing, I hurried downstairs, apprehensive at leaving Matt alone with an inquisitive Nate.

As I entered the kitchen they were both laughing and chatting about the superbike championship that had took place over the weekend.

“Morning mum, Nate’s been telling me about his bike.” He beamed. “He said he’d take me for a ride one day . . . if it’s okay with you?”

Nodding, I turned to Nate. “You still ride?” This was something I hadn’t expected now that he was a high-profiled businessman.

“Course,” he answered, giving me a bewildered gaze. “I’ll never give up the thrill of the ride Liv,” he added with a twitch of his lips.

Goddam it! Everything he said had me heating up like a horny hormonal teenager.

“Your mum used to love riding with me,” he told Matt, his eyes bright and clear. “The buzz she gave off was electrifying, the excitement in her as we tore through the streets was mesmerising.”

His eyes held mine as he pulled us both into those memories. The images of us speeding through the countryside, laughing as I held on to him, the wind in our face and not a care in our lives.

“Right, I’d better leave for school,” Matt interrupted, clearing his throat. Sensing his embarrassment I chuckled softly. “You seeing Dr Greene tonight?” he blurted.

Closing my eyes on a sigh I hoped Nate hadn’t heard him, once again I was disappointed. “Are you ill, Liv? We can miss work if you’re not feeling good.”

Matt laughed. “Nooo, it’s her ‘head doctor,’” he enlightened.

Pressing my fingertips on my temples, I was starting to get a headache. Turning my back on Nate I glared at Matt. “
” I hissed at him. “I’m meeting Dr Greene tonight and you’re at Grandma’s for tea. I’ll tell her to poison that loose mouth of yours.”

Cringing and mouthing sorry, he swiftly picked up his bag and rushed out of the door.

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