The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (23 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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It was torture and I was soon begging for release. “Please, Nate.”
I groaned loudly as he inserted two fingers into me and stroked my internal walls, his tongue flicking at my stimulated bud of nerves.

I cried as I lifted my hips to meet his mouth. My fingers pulled on his hair as I exploded off the counter, screaming my release and smashing into my peak.

I was still panting hard as Nate stood and put my legs around his waist. “Hold on.” He cradled me to him then walked us out to the patio, sitting on a plush sun chair and positioning me over him.

“Make love to me, Angel,” he ordered softly, his lips resting against my shoulder.

I reached down and nudged him into me as I slowly slid down his shaft, taking all of him in to the root. He moaned and wrapped his arms around my back, his hands clutching my shoulders from behind, pulling me close so my chest was touching his and my mouth was at his forehead.

My hands grasped his hair and tilted his head back as I kissed him feverishly, slowly sinking down on him and rising up to the tip in a painstakingly unhurried pace.

His lips trailed down my throat and across my collarbone to my shoulder blade as we continued our unhurried love-making.

“Faster, Liv” Nate begged now that his arousal was nearing the crave for its goal.

I leaned my arms back as far as I could reach, bracing my hands either side of his knees on the end of the lounger, my breasts lifted high as my back arched and increased my pace, pumping my hips harder and harder.

“That’s it, baby.” He moaned. “God, that’s good.” He leaned back as far as he could and slammed his hips up to meet me in a frantic pace. “Come on, baby,” he groaned. “I need you to come.” His thumb swept over my clit and my body gave up its fight as my orgasm hit and waves of pure ecstasy rolled over and over. I clenched round Nate as he pushed all the way into me, lifting me high and ejaculating vehemently, crying out loudly as he erupted inside me.

The birds were singing, the sun was just setting and I could hear the trickle of the brook as we sat together, naked on a sun lounger in the evening summer sun.

Nate grabbed my hands and pulled me back towards him, lifting me so he could slip out and then turned me to sit in his lap, my back to his chest so I could look out at the stunning scenery.

He embraced me and settled his chin on my shoulder. “So beautiful,” he whispered, snuggling into my hair and inhaling.

“Very,” I whispered back, my eyes drooping on a yawn.


“Mmm,” I murmured lazily.

“You want a bath?” he asked quietly, his fingers stroking up and down my arm idly.

”Mmm.” I sighed again.

He chuckled, enfolding me further. “A tour?” he tried.

“Mmm,” I nestled deeper into him.

“Wine?” I could feel his slight smile in the question.

“Yes.” I giggled.

He scoffed. “Good God, woman!” His finger slid across my chest and down to my stomach. “I think next time you see Dr Greene baby that you might want to tell him about your little vino problem.”

I gasped faintly then giggled. “I do not have a problem with alcohol and if I do, it’s all medicinal.”

“Is that what you tell yourself, baby?” he chuckled back, his fingers sneaking towards my ribs.

“Don’t you dare Nathan Carter,” I warned, sensing his mischief.

“I come in peace,” he laughed holding out his hands in front of me.

“Ha, Yes! I’m glad you know who’s in charge. It’s a good sign that so close into the relationship you understand your position,” I joked and then squirmed when his fingers started waggling.

“You sure about that Liv, my fingers are very good at torture.”

I spun round to face him, sneaking my hand down to his semi-hard cock and grasped his balls. “So are mine,” I smirked with a sly smile.

“Okay, okay you win,” he laughed and slid his hands under his backside, submitting.

“Good boy.” I grinned and kissed him on the nose.

“Come on, baby” he said, climbing off the chair and pulling me up. “How about a bath, glass of wine and. . . .” He waggled his eyebrows and mine lifted. “ . . . Haribos,” he finished with a grin as he pulled me into his arms.

“You really are spoiling me, Mr Carter,” I grinned back.

* * *

An hour later after Nate had given me a tour of his ‘mansion’ we were both sat in a huge roll-top bath, filled to the brim with luxurious bubbles; my back on his chest behind me and a glass of wine, including a share-size bag of Haribos perched on the edge, while he fed them to me.

My head was rested against his shoulder as his toes slid up and down my legs. “God this is good,” I sighed appreciatively as I took another sip.

“Mmm.” Nate sighed. “I could stay here, like this forever. You sure you have to go shopping with Beth tomorrow?”

“I have to Nate, I’m sorry.” He stiffened slightly and tried to hide it with a cough but I felt it and frowned. “Everything okay?”

“Mmm,” he murmured into my head. “Liv?” he started. My senses prickled. “You can tell me anything, you know,” he said softly. “If there’s anything I need to know, then I want to know.”

My frown deepened. Did he know? How had he found out? He seemed too calm if he had uncovered the truth, and if not, was this the right time to tell him? Every thought available seemed to blast round my head at the same time and I swallowed hard.

Turning in the bath to face him I placed my palm on his cheek and looked into his eyes “I . . . I . . . I just . . .” I struggled with the words.

“What is it, baby?” he urged with an encouraging look in his eyes.

“I . . .” I swallowed, my heart was racing and my breathing was strained. “I . . . I love you, Nate.”

I couldn’t tell him, not at that moment when we were happy and relaxed, when the thought of hurting him ripped me in two.

He frowned and then nodded sadly, as though disappointed with my answer. “I love you too, Liv.” He gave me a strained smile and I knew our romantic night together was lost. He had suspicions and I didn’t know how to eradicate them for him, not yet anyway.

Chapter Seventeen

I WOKE TO a strange noise the next morning with Nate wrapped around me as though I had tried to escape in the night. His breathing was hard and he was sweating heavily. His legs were twitching, his body almost thrashing and he was mumbling in his sleep.

“Nate,” I tried quietly, shaking him gently.

His murmurs got louder, my heart lurching when he started to sob in his sleep. “Liv? . . . Liv . . . No, please.” His voice sounded strangled and his jolts were getting harsher. “Liv please, baby?” He groaned again.

“Nate!” I turned to face him, my hand resting against his face. “Nate, wake up, Babe.” He grunted and his arm came over me, pulling me close, so tight I couldn’t breathe against his heaving chest. His legs wrapped around mine in a vice. “Nate” I shouted this time in hope to rouse him.

“Liv?” he asked more coherently this time and I knew he had woken.

“Babe, let me go.” I struggled in his embrace and his arms loosened their grip.

“Shit, I’m sorry.” he looked confused. There was a remaining teardrop on his cheekbone. I reached up and wiped it away, placing it on my lips like he had done so many times.

“You were dreaming,” I told him softly.

“Really?” He looked bewildered.

“It’s okay.” I smiled reassuringly. “It’s time to get up anyway.”

I climbed out of bed and hunted in my bag for my clothes while he watched me silently. We had brought my things in from the car last night but I hadn’t had chance to put any items away as a result of Nate’s desperate and primal love-making. He had made love to me in a fever last night; the turmoil in him had escaped in a flurry of frenzied drives along with his fervent grunts and cries as he clung tightly to me.

“I’m going to grab a shower, is that okay?”

“Baby, you don’t need to ask.” He frowned. “There’s one in the en-suite or a bathroom down the hall if you want more privacy” he said, swinging his legs out of bed and sitting on the edge to study me.

“The en-suite will be fine.” I smiled and walked into the large bathroom.

I expected him to join me but he didn’t and after a quick wash I entered back into the bedroom. He was still sat on the edge, completely naked and musing over something.

“Babe?” I stroked his hair. “You okay, Nate?” He pulled me into him, me stood between his thighs as he rested his forehead on my stomach.

We stayed like that for a long time, me stroking his hair as he leant against me. “I love you, Liv” he murmured suddenly.

I dropped to my knees in front of him and grasped his chin, forcing his gaze at me. “I love you too Nate, so much that it frightens me. I know there’s something on your mind and I would do anything to alleviate any pain you’re in. If it’s something I’m doing wrong then I’m sorry, but you need to know that I will
to hurt you purposely.” I leant in and kissed him tenderly, my palm placed on his cheek as my other rested at the nape of his neck.

He drew back and scrutinised me, then smiled gently. “I know, Liv.” He kissed me on the nose. “Just ignore me, I think the dream spooked me.” He stood and walked into the en-suite.

An hour later Nate was kissing me goodbye as he set off to work. “Make yourself at home, Liv. Slob, eat, play music, whatever. I’ll be home about 6ish,” he told me. “The gate number is 2212; you’ll need it to get in after you’ve been shopping.” His face grew serious. He tenderly hugged me and put his lips to my ear. “Please come back, Liv.”

What a strange thing to say. I pulled a grimace at him. “Of course I’m coming back Nate, what do you mean?”

He shook his head, gazing at me with his brow creased. “I love you, baby.” He gave me one last lingering kiss and got into his car. I smiled, told him I loved him back and blew him a kiss before venturing back into the house.

Finding an iPod dock in the lounge I selected some of Nate’s music and turned the volume up, dancing round the house as I cleaned and removed yesterday’s dinner pots from the dishwasher.

Cleaning the kitchen I found my phone on the worktop where I had thrown it to help Nate clean up after the bottle breakage; picking it up I saw three missed calls from Jay. He was supposed to be texting me a venue and time to meet today and I hoped he wasn’t ringing to cancel.

Connecting to his phone, it rang a few times and he answered. “Hey,” he said sounding relieved. “I was wondering what had happened to you.”

Sliding my backside onto a stool I frowned. “You were supposed to be texting me a time and where to meet you, Jay,” I reminded him.

“I did, last night but you never replied that’s why I rang you late on but you didn’t answer either, so I rang you a couple of times this morning and I was getting worried.”

I looked at the display on my phone to check if there was a text message. “I didn’t get your text, Darling and I left my phone in the kitchen last night so I didn’t hear it, I’m sorry.” I felt guilty for making him worry; he’d done enough of that in his life.

“Hey, no problem at least you’re okay. Anyway I text last night to say I’ll meet you in ‘The Kitchen’ about 12.30, is that okay with you?”

I smiled, looking forward to seeing him. “Yeah, that’s great. I’ll see you then.”

I ended the call after he’d said goodbye and made a coffee, taking it out to sit on the patio. It was a horrible rainy day but the terrace had a canopy. The rain made everything smell extra fresh, it was absolutely tranquil and I lazed away for a good while with doing some work on my laptop.

At 12 O’clock I got into Betty and drove to the restaurant. Pulling up in the car park I saw Jay’s car was already there and I eagerly rushed inside.

He was sat a table facing the door looking for me. As soon as he spotted me he broke into a huge grin, stood up and opened his arms for me. Dashing across the room, I flew into his embrace. He lifted me and twirled me round. “God, it’s good to see you,” he beamed.

“God and you Jay, it’s seemed like forever but I know it’s only been eight weeks.” I laughed as he pulled out my chair for me as I sat.

Sitting back in his chair he took hold of my hand across the table. “How have you been?” he asked, tilting his head.

“I’m really good.” I grinned back as he looked at something over my shoulder a little curiously. His eyes came back to my face and he smiled again.

“Erin says you had a bit of trouble last week?” He scowled at me. “You need to ring me when you’re feeling down. You know that. I love you and I want to help you through it.” He frowned at my shoulder again.

“I’m fine Jay, I promise,” I assured him, squeezing his hand.

He looked over my shoulder again and this time spoke to somebody behind me. “Can I help you, mate?”

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as I turned and saw Nate staring at Jay.

My stomach dropped as my lungs emptied all at once. I stood quickly, my chair flying backwards, “Nate!” I wheezed.

He continued to stare at Jay’s face and then very slowly his eyes turned to me and my whole world collapsed when I saw his expression.

“Nate, please,” I begged.

“Mum?” Jay quizzed, getting to his feet.

Nate’s gaze shot to Jay when he had said ‘Mum’ and then he returned to look at me. “How old is he, Liv?” His face was white and I could see his hands shaking.

I heard Jay somewhere behind me whisper, “Holy Fuck!” I knew he had realised who this man was.

I kept my eyes on Nate’s. “Nineteen,” I said quietly.

He nodded slightly as he savagely bit his lower lip. “Why, Liv?” he asked me quietly.

I lowered my gaze. I knew the moment he had seen Jay he would know who he was. Jay had inherited his father’s pure blue eyes and blonde curls.

“Why?” he repeated, sterner but I couldn’t look at him. “I ASKED YOU WHY, LIV?” he bellowed. I flinched, his face contorted in rage and shock.

“Hey,” Jay warned him, coming round the table and slipping his arm around my shoulder, “don’t you dare raise your voice at my mother again. I DON’T give a fuck who you are.”

Nate turned to him, his expression softened for a second as he looked at his only son. He shook his head, turned away and walked out of the restaurant.

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