The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (19 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“Well what?”

“Well since when did you get back together?” she grilled, “I thought I was your best friend. You should tell me straight away when you get laid.”

Rolling my eyes at her frankness, I filled her in on everything concerning mine and Nate’s progress in the relationship. She sat and listened quietly, nodding her head every now and again and shaking it when she heard I hadn’t yet told him about Jay.

“Babe, he’s not gonna be happy but he’s gonna be more hurt that you have hid it from him.”

I nodded glumly. “I know Beth, but I’m scared he’s going to hate me. I’ve just got him back and this is gonna sink the ship when he finds out, and what the hell do I tell Jay? He’s the most important in all this.” I had tears in my eyes. It had been playing on my mind since me and Nate had got back together and now that I was facing it, the tears started to flow.

“How do you know Nate’s going to react like you think he is, Liv? He might understand. And Jay will be happy, for you and him, babe.”

“Would you understand?” I scoffed, shaking my head solemnly. “I know I wouldn’t if someone had kept something like that from me.”

She raised her eyebrows. “Well that’s hardly gonna happen, Liv.” She laughed. “Seriously though, it’s taken you ten fucking years to move on and trust somebody enough to let them in. After how you hide your body I thought you’d never share your bed with anyone ever again. Nate
you to trust him Liv, he loves you . . . he always did, babe. So trust him . . . and yourself Liv, trust yourself and tell him,” she pleaded, picking up the bottle and topping me up. “Anyway enough morbid talk and tell me all about the sex,” she grinned and winked.

We ate our lunch and decided to visit the cinema for a movie. Luckily I had put my phone on silent as I popped it in my bag and placed it at my feet. I felt it buzz five times during the film and halfway through I slipped it out of my bag in case it was my mother confirming a time to drop off the kids.

I was surprised to see there was an actual text message from the unknown caller.



I gasped and Beth caught it, looking over me to read the text. She frowned fiercely and looked at me when I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head, mouthing ‘It’s fine.’

It was the first time the caller had sent me a message and it unnerved me. It was starting to frighten me a little now and as soon as I got to work tomorrow I would ring and get it changed.

Relaxing now at my decision to obtain a new number and all this would be over, I enjoyed the rest of the movie.

I paid the taxi as he dropped me off and walked up to my front door, inserting the key in the lock and turning but it wouldn’t twist.


Trying again and when it still didn’t budge I tried the handle and the door opened. The kids must have returned earlier than was arranged.

Stepping through the door I shouted their names but was met with silence, the house was still empty. Mortified that I mustn’t have locked the door, I phoned Nate to check.

“Hey, baby,” his sexy voice rolled through the phone, making my heart skip a beat.

“Hi,” I smiled down the phone, hearing his voice always relaxed me. “Did you see me lock the door when we left this afternoon?”

“No. I locked it for you while you put your tax disk in your car if you remember. Why?”

“I don’t think you locked it properly, Nate cos’ I’ve just got home and it was unlocked,” I told him, wandering round the house checking I hadn’t been burgled.

“Oh God Liv, I’m sorry but I could have sworn I locked it,” he apologized. “Have you checked the house?”

Finishing my inspection without finding anything amiss, I nodded and then realised he couldn’t see me through the phone. “Yeah, just done it and everything’s fine,” I reassured him, checking in the pantry now feeling a little spooked.

“You had any more calls from the mystery caller, Liv?”

I cringed. “No!” I said a bit too cheerfully.

“Are you sure?” he asked as if sensing my lie.

“Yeah sure,” I assured him.

“Mmm. Why do I get the feeling you’re lying to me, Liv?”

“Don’t be silly Nate. It’s not as if you don’t know about him and I’m trying to hide it. What reason would I have not to tell you?”

“Okay,” he seemed to relax a little, “What time are the kids’ home?”

Looking out of the front window I saw my mother pull up and wave to me as Erin and Matt climbed out. I waved back, “They’ve just pulled up now so I better go.”

“Okay baby. Love you.”

“I love you too Nate.” I ended the call as the kids walked through the door.

“Hi, Mom.” They both kissed me on the cheek. Erin stood scrutinizing me. “There’s something different about you mum,” she said, narrowing her eyes on me.

I shrugged my shoulders at her. “I don’t know what sweetheart,” I said, looking over myself thinking she meant my appearance.

“No, not your body, just . . . I don’t know, something in your eyes. They have a kind of sparkle.” She frowned harder, and then her brow rose high to her hairline. “Oh My God!” She grinned slowly. “Good on you, Mother.” She looked happy and proud of me.

Grinning again, she looked me up and down as though because she had figured out I was having a sexual relationship with somebody, I had got the words ‘I’VE JUST HAD ROCKIN’ SEX’ written all over me.

I gave her a shift of my eyes towards Matt, telling her to not blurt anything out in front of him. She winked at me and mouthed ‘Nate?’

Matt tramped up the stairs, informing me he had some homework to finish. I could tell he had figured out we were heading for a ‘girlie’ chat.

I nodded at Erin and couldn’t hold in my smile. “Yes. It’s Nate.” I blushed.

“Good girl, he’s hot!” she beamed at me.

“Are you sure you are okay with it?”

“Hell Yes! Mum, I’m ecstatic for you. I didn’t think you would ever find anybody after what my dad did and you deserve a man who treats you well. I like Nate, he seems good for you.” She took my hand, her face suddenly softening. “Is he . . . you know!?
she asked, cringing slightly.

I nodded and turned away. “What do you want for tea, sweetheart?” I busied in the fridge.

“Mum! Don’t change the subject. Does Jay know?”

“Not yet. And don’t go telling him Missy!” I pointed a finger in her direction. “He’s visiting Thursday, I’ll tell him then.”

She held her hands up in submission. “I’m not gonna tell him. That’s your job” She walked over to me, pulling me into a hug. “I’m so happy for you mum but tell him if he hurts you, then I’ll rip his balls off and feed them to next doors dog!” I raised my eyebrows at her and we both fell about laughing hysterically.

Chapter Fourteen

MONDAY WAS GOING to be extremely hot according the weathermen so I had chosen to wear my baby blue pleated mini skirt and white sleeveless ruffle shirt with a white lace bra and thong set; no stockings for coolness, teaming the summery look with some open- toed white heels.

As I arrived at work, I immediately sorted out the number change with my service provider, requesting an immediate replacement and their promise to look into the prank calls.

I was sat at my desk, checking some documents that Grace had asked me to look at. Because of Peterson’s dismissal, Grace had been promoted to temporary Financial Director until they found a replacement.

Josh came in holding a vast amount of flowers and a huge grin. “For you Sweetie,” he chirped happily. There was a bunch of twelve pink and white roses with a card reading:


Pink and white roses: meaning; ‘I love you still and always’

And I do love you now and always Baby

I love you

Nate xxx

12 yellow and orange roses with a card reading:


Yellow and orange roses: meaning; ‘passion’

My passion for you is unbelievably immeasurable Baby

I love you

Nate xxx

12 tulips with a card reading:


Tulip: meaning; perfect lover

We are explosive together, you blow my mind Baby

I love you

Nate xxx

12 Musk Roses with a card reading:


Musk roses: meaning; beauty

You are so beautiful, you take my breath away

I love you

Nate xxx

And finally, 12 orchids with a card reading:


Orchid: meaning; love and beauty

When we make love it’s the most beautiful act in the world baby

I love you

Nate xxx

I was gobsmacked by his utterly romantic gesture. They must have cost a bloody fortune but . . .

I couldn’t get my breath past the lump in my throat. Tears streamed down my face as I read each extremely loving sentiment.

“Hey,” Josh laughed and hugged my shoulders. “He’s got it bad for you, Sweetie.”

I couldn’t speak as I sat staring at the flowers that completely covered my desk. I didn’t think it was possible to love him any more than I did but this had just proved me wrong. As Josh left I got my phone out and texted Nate.


WOW Nate WOW!!!

I’m overwhelmed by the flowers

Thank you, thank you, and thank you

They are stunning and I can’t stop grinning

I love you so much


I sat there for another ten minutes, just staring at the flowers. Luckily they had all been delivered in vases, arranged to perfection. Everybody that came in commented on them, making my grin even wider each time.

Nate text back about thirty minutes later so he must be busy.


You are so welcome Angel

I’m happy that I made you smile

It will help me get through my horrendous Monday

ILY2 xxx

Smiling at the thought of me smiling, made him smile I texted back.


I’m sad that you are having a bad day

Anything I can do to help ;-)

ILY2 more xxx

I was having an idea blooming in my head and I smiled wickedly to myself.


God! There’s lots of things you can do Baby

But most of them are too X-rated to put in a text ;-)

ILY2 even more xxx


Why Mr Carter! I can’t possibly imagine what you are referring to!

Even though I have some pretty hot images now!

ILY 2 immensely more xxx


Well Miss Adams, I could always demonstrate what I’m referring to

I am also picturing some pretty hot images!!!

ILY2 extremely more xxx


I think you should resume with your work Mr Carter

Before you have an accident imagining these hot images!

ILY2 immeasurably more xxx


It may well be too late Miss Adams ;-)

But you must also recommence with your tasks before

Your boss gets on top of you ;-D

(Now I have even more hot images Lol)

ILY2 infinitely more xxx


We wouldn’t want my boss to get on top of me

That would be just too inappropriate Mr Carter!

ILY2 by a long way xxx

PS I have a meeting now and have to go

Enjoy your American update ;-)


OK bye Baby

I’m sooo looking forward to my American Update

ILY2 so much it takes my breath


I was now feeling pretty aroused. Nate could always make me horny with a click of fingers, ever since our university days but even more so lately; he was an amazing lover.

At 12.20 I alerted Grace that I was taking my lunch break and I scooted across to the local deli, buying Nate a ham salad on rye and his favourite hazelnut latte.

At 12:40, I walked into his reception area, much to Rachel’s annoyance.

Holding up the brown paper bag containing Nate’s sandwich I looked at her. “You don’t have to buzz Rachel, he’s just text me asking to bring him a sandwich up. I’ll take it in. Can you make sure he’s not disturbed please as he has his conference call with America,” I informed her, giving the impression that I had come up on Nate’s request. She scowled as she nodded at me.

Standing outside his door I took a deep breath and entered without knocking. He was sat behind his desk looking immensely bored as a random voice spoke through the hands free. He smiled a huge grin when he saw me. I put a finger to my lips to inform him not to say anything as the caller droned on.

I slowly walked over to him and placed the bag and polystyrene cup on his desk then walked behind his chair and whispered in his ear ,“I have brought your lunch, Mr Carter but I’m feeling
really, really
” His eyebrows shot up as I added, “Don’t move!”

The American voice continued as I locked the door and sat on the couch facing his desk, the coffee table in front of me. I sat staring at him and popped my fingertip against my lips, slowly stroking across them then unhurriedly ran it down my neck and down to my breasts, cupping them in my hands over my shirt. Massaging them I felt my nipples peak. I pinched them through the flimsy material, never removing my eyes from Nate’s as the caller still rattled on.

Moving my fingers to the buttons of my shirt I undid them one by one, painstakingly slow then slid the two halves of my shirt open, revealing my white lace bra, my erect nipples dark underneath the transparent material; our eyes still linked.

I ran my finger along the edge of my bra over the swell of my breast and then gently pulled one cup down, my breast pushed up high above the cup. I saw Nate’s eyes drop to my chest as I sucked my finger and then rolled it around my sensitive nipple. He bit his bottom lip, his pupils dilated so much they were black.

“Yes!” he grunted when the caller asked if he was still there and then continued to rattle on as Nate shifted slightly in his seat, his erection growing uncomfortable.

I deliberately placed each of my heeled feet on the edge of the coffee table in front of me and very slowly slid them apart, giving Nate the perfect view of my thong covered pussy.

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