The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (156 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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I gripped the hem of his shirt and yanked it over his head and he took my lips again as soon as it was off. I frantically tugged at his belt buckle and fought to unzip him.

He unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them over my hips and I pulled a leg up and out of them. I cried out in delight when he wedged me against the wall, lifted my leg over his hip and thrust into me.

“Oooh baby,” he groaned, “I missed you,” he breathed as he suckled on the skin beneath my ear.

Gripping his shoulders tightly I swung my legs over his hips, driving myself deeper onto him. “Hurry Mason, I need your cum inside me.” He groaned when I clawed my fingernails down his back.

He deepened his thrusts and my body cried out in ecstasy when his teeth clamped the sensitive skin of my neck and I climaxed immediately. “Yes! Mason. Fuck I missed you.”

His mouth came onto mine for a hungry controlling kiss before they found my neck and I pulled him into me, “Own me again,” I told him. He hissed sharply but didn’t waste time in biting and sucking me, driving me into oblivion as he marked me repeatedly.

The office door swung open and Greg stood in the doorway, his eyes wide but the grin on his face told us everything. “Fuck off,” Mason snarled.

He laughed and dipped his head, “With fucking pleasure.” He winked and we heard his happy laughter all the way down the corridor.

I heard Mason grunt and then he jerked. “Ava!” he yelled as he pumped into me furiously, his eyes open and holding mine as he erupted into me. I tipped my head back and orgasmed again, the sheer rapture in his face igniting my pleasure.

He stumbled over to the sofa, still buried deep inside me as he sat and cradled me whilst we panted and heaved in breaths.

I straddled his thighs and rested my forehead against his. “When did you last score?” I asked him and he grinned.

“The day before you locked me in the garage,” he whispered and my eyes shot open.

“Really? You didn’t fall back when I walked out?”

He shook his head and smiled softly. “I did it for you baby. I’d do anything to get you back. I’ll admit I’ve had a drink but no drugs, not for six months now.”

I beamed at him and then frowned. “And the last time you saw Rebecca?” I asked and swallowed heavily.

“The day you left me,” he revealed as he swiped his fingers over my cheek “I’m so sorry Ava, for everything. I know I hurt you so much and I . . . and I . . .”

I placed my fingers against his lips. “A year,” I said frankly and seriously, “You have a year and if you keep away from the drugs and Rebecca then on the twins second birthday I will marry you,” I told him.

His eyes widened and then his lips twisted into a wild and bright grin. “You’re giving me another chance?” he asked as he palmed my cheek and I smiled sadly.

“I can’t live without you, Mason, but I won’t let you destroy our relationship anymore. I can’t do it, I won’t survive it again.”

His lips crashed over mine as his hand cupped the back of my head and held me to him. “I won’t hurt you again, I promise my little warrior,” he whispered before he lay me down on the sofa and made love to me slowly and passionately. We clung to each other in desperation and ecstasy as we once again fought for our relationship.


I STOOD IN the full length mirror and swiped the forbidden tear from my cheek as I stared into my own eyes. I closed them, fighting against the tears that wanted to swill from me. Taking a deep breath I opened them and gasped as my eyes met another’s in the mirror. She smiled softly at me and then nodded as her eyes twinkled with happiness and delight.

She blew me a kiss then turned away and the tears poured. “Goodbye,” I whispered to Katie’s retreating figure, “I love you, hun.”

She looked over her shoulder and winked at me. Her image blurred and Mason came into view. I knew she had now left me in the hands of another, who loved the very ground I walked on and would protect me with his life.

His hand settled on my shoulder as his chin rested on my head. “Has she gone?” he asked softly and I choked out a sob, his understanding and compassion amazed me.

“Yes,” I breathed and he spun me around.

“I’m here now Ava and she knows it. I promised her I will look after you and I won’t break that promise,” he said softly and I nodded against his chest.

He held me until a knock came on the door. “Ready?” Courtney asked as she popped her head around the door and her eyes widened. “Get the hell out!” she yelled at Mason. He chuckled and winked at me.

“I’ll see you later.” He glanced at his watch, “In about an hour, don’t be late.” He kissed the top of my head.

I grabbed his hand as he took a step towards the door. “I know we’ll be fine Mason. I know we’re gonna make it because she wouldn’t leave me otherwise.”

He smiled widely and nodded, “I know.” He stroked my cheek with the back of his fingers before he left the room.

* * *

George gasped as my foot settled on the last step. “Princess . . .” he breathed and I beamed at him, “You look stunning.” He took my hand and sucked on his lips as he fought back his tears.

My dress was a simple silk cream formfitting one with a long skirt. The strapless fitted bodice was adorned with tiny pearls and the back was threaded with silk ribbon but what I adored about it was the initials ‘M & A’ embroidered into the skirt. It was simply beautiful and I loved it.

He gazed at me and I nodded as he took my hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. “I love you so much, Ava and I’m so damn proud of you,” he whispered as we approached the doorway.

I took a deep breath as George nodded to someone and he turned to look at me. “Your parents and Katie are with you sweetheart, they will always be with you.”

I smiled and looked him in the eye. “I know but I’m so very glad how my life turned out because it brought me you.” I kissed his cheek and he flushed before we nodded to each other as Gabrielle Alpin’s ‘The Power of Love’ played softly and he led me into the room.

I gasped as Mason came into view at the end of the aisle, his sheer magnificence and beauty holding me captive.

He gulped and his eyes shimmied with unshed tears as he saw me. He couldn’t smile, I knew because I couldn’t either. The emotions I was feeling were too strong. The only thing I was capable of was putting one step in front of the other to bring me closer to my man, to my soul and to the one person that had managed to rebuild my heart and fortify it with extra walls.

The last year had been heaven; he had kept true to his word and hadn’t let me down. He was pure pleasure and he was mine, and I knew we would get through the most difficult situations in life because he loved me wholly and I loved him entirely.

George kissed my cheek and dropped my hand into Mason’s as we approached him. “You are so utterly breath-taking my little warrior,” he rasped as he stroked a finger across the new tattoo that ran across my left collarbone that I had inked especially for my husband.

Mrs. Fox

I beamed at him. “You like it?” I asked, holding my breath slightly, nervous of his reaction. He nibbled his bottom lip furiously and I noticed his eyes darken. He leaned into my ear, his soft lips wisping across my skin. “It’s fucking hot! It shows you’re mine and god damn Ava, I really need to sink into you right this minute,” he growled low.

I smirked, winked and wiggled my finger at him, “And me, you.”

He tipped his head back and laughed.

The End


Sometimes, love is all that you need


The most beautiful things

in the world

cannot be seen or even touched,

they must be felt

with the heart.

Helen Keller

Chapter 1


I SAW HIM as soon as he entered the room. My footing stuttered, causing a slight slip of my sole on the cool metal.

He dominated the room potently as soon as his heavy foot hit the floor; he always did. His aura and presence demanded each and every eye in the club, as his own eyes prowled the girls, flicking from each and every one in his quest for tonight’s entertainment. He was well known with the pro’s as well as enjoyed
the pro’s. As soon as he entered the club they all vied for his attention, hoping they would be the one he chose that particular night.

The word that went around was that he knew how to please a girl, could make her scream in absolute ecstasy, but he was also known for his tendency to dominate and command. His need for total control was the reason he came in the club, knowing that some of these girls specialised in that field.

I swung round into the dove position so I could take a better look at him. He usually glanced over at me a few times, but then he would always disappear into a private room with one of the submissive girls.

His dirty blonde hair was mused into its usual messy style, the top of it stuck up in all directions giving him that just fucked look. His chiselled cheekbones emphasised his piercing blue eyes and his strong jaw held the usual popular stubbled beard.

His firm body was the ultimate in heavenly sin. His wide shoulders gave a sense of authority and his slim hips and tight arse gave a girl palpitations.

You just knew by looking at him, that naked he would be obscene and delicious, all rolled into a tight little package. His clothes were designer and always tailored to fit him stylishly. Every time he visited The Black Panther he was adorned in a classy and modern suit, as though he had arrived straight from the office.

He was the essence of masculinity, the epitome of virility and the Master of fucking, but nobody seemed to know much about him, apart from the fact he went by the name of ‘Hunter.’

He leaned his back to the bar and scanned the room again; his eyes narrow and steely as his friend leaned in and said something to him. Hunter nodded once in some sort of acknowledgement but his eyes never left the scene.

I flexed, and finished my performance with a Rainbow Marchenko as Harry, one of my regular spectators, stepped up and slipped a twenty down my cleavage. Another younger man tucked one into the waistband of my small blue fringe skirt.

I winked at Harry as I smiled my thanks to the other viewer. “Anytime, Willow sweetheart.” Harry winked back, calling me by my professional name.

My real name was kept secret from the club, my need for privacy was important. Some professionals and dancers didn’t mind the clients using their real names but I wanted my normal life to be kept separate to my professional life. I needed it that way in fact.

“When you back darlin’?” Harry asked, interrupting my thoughts.

“Tomorrow, Harry” I informed him as I pulled on a robe and stepped off the stage.

He leaned in for his usual cheek kiss and I pecked his leathery skin. “You take care getting home, love.” I urged him and he elbowed me gently.

“Tough as old boots me, darlin.’ No fucker getting their hands on my goods” he smirked and I shook my head in humour as I watched him hobble across the dim room.

“Willow,” Owen shouted from the bar and I glanced over at him, “private booking, room 7” he announced with a grimace and then proceeded to mouth ‘sorry.’

I sighed and nodded before making the short journey down the corridor to the dressing room, eager to change quickly before performing again.

“You okay, sugar?” Misty asked as I flopped in a chair and pulled my boots off. My new six inchers were swine’s at bedding in and I flexed my toes with a moan.

“Yeah, just tired tonight.” I puffed as I pulled off my fringe skirt and replaced it with a white thong and pale pink feather mini skirt.

“You got a private?” she asked with a frown as she pulled on her jeans, her night finished already.

I nodded and groaned. “Yep” I answered, swapping my bra for a pale pink peasant top and pulled on some matching sheer thigh highs, tying the top bows before stepping into a pair of white five inch heels.

“Ooh, new gear” Puss drooled as she flicked at the bows.

“You like?” I asked, giving her a twirl and a waggle of my eyebrows. Puss nodded and beamed, her eyes studying me from top to bottom. I winked as Puss’s jaw dropped when I pulled on some pink femme fatale armbands.

“Oh babe, you gonna share?” Puss begged.

I chuckled as I took a gulp from a bottle of water. “Uh, uh” I shook my head slowly and blew her a kiss before making my way up to room 7.

From what I could see in the dim room, it contained about six men and three entertainers and I sighed when I knew it was gonna get explicit.

I really didn’t understand why men hired a private dancer when there were entertainers in the room as well. The performers never even got watched on these occasions, as they were all busy doing other things . . . mainly fucking.

Flicking on the pole spot light, I placed the bottle beside the music system and selected some music.

Thinking these men would appreciate something raunchy and fast instead of slow; I chose
Kevin Rudolf ft.
Flo Rida ‘You Make the Rain Fall’
and began my sequence.

Ten minutes in and I could already make out the erotic grunts and groans across the room and I retreated into my own little world, letting myself flow with the music.

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