The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone (151 page)

BOOK: The NSC Boxset: Heart of Stone
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“You know him?” I asked as Elijah barked orders to his men.

“Yeah, he works at The Loft,” he informed me as he grabbed some sunglasses that had worked free from the sun visor and were skimming across the dash.

“Never! The Harvey who works behind the bar?” I asked and Greg nodded. “Wow, he nearly took me home one night!” I shuddered.

“Elijah . . . I need some help here, haven’t a clue where I’m going!” I told him as I sped round a roundabout but our tail just drove over it. “Fuck, hang on!” I sped up again now recognising where we were. Greg yelped as I mounted the curb and raced through some park gates, his arse repeatedly leaving his seat.

“What the fuck are you doing, Ava?” he asked and I just smiled wickedly.

Now I had him! I led him through the quiet dark park. Knowing it like the back of my hand I headed towards the lake, poor Greg banging his head on the ceiling as I flew over the grassy terrain.


I rolled my eyes. “Hang on, Greg.” I floored the pedal again and grinned to myself when I watched our tail do the same.

“Come to Mama,” I chuckled under my breath as I sped up more, heading straight over the dark grassy area and hoping no drunk teenagers were hiding out in the darkness.

As soon as I saw the twinkle of the lake water I handbrake turned, skidding us round to the right and then floored the accelerator again, boarding the path as the BMW sailed straight into the lake behind us.

“Fuck Ava!” Greg spluttered as he hung his head out of the window to watch the car bob about on the water before the bonnet tipped and started to sink.

“Jesus Christ Ava, where the fuck did you learn that?” Elijah shouted through the car speaker and I grinned.

“It was Katie’s speciality when we had nicked a car and were trying to outrun the police.” I laughed and silently sent a thank you up to my friend, her help and guidance still saw me through even though she wasn’t with me.

“God bless Katie,” Greg chuckled and squeezed my thigh as I pulled us back out of the park and headed towards home.

“Straight back, Ava,” Elijah said. “I’ve got some guys entering the park now to find him.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yes Elijah,” I said as I ended the call. “God that man annoys me!” I declared and Greg laughed.

“I still can’t believe what you did, Ava.”

My phone rang and I frowned at the display. “William?” I answered.

“Ava, Darling,” William’s gravelly voice greeted and then he sighed, “I’m afraid I have your fiancé in my club and he’s in a bit of mess, just thought I should let you know.”

I grit my teeth and Greg groaned. “On my way William, can you watch him, I’ll be twenty minutes.”


GREG AND I walked through the main doors to The Black Panther and I smiled at the big burly guy on reception. “Hi, I’m here to see Mr Jackson, Ava Stone.”

He nodded once and pressed a button on his desk. Almost immediately the back door opened and William grinned at me through the glass partition before he opened the interior door and huddled me into his embrace immediately.

“William,” I breathed as I hugged him tightly. “It seems I owe you another favour.” I smiled at him but he kissed my cheek.

“Nonsense.” He waved his hand at me as he led us through the door and along the corridor that led to the main bar. “Is Mason okay? He seems a bit . . . well a bit . . .” He didn’t finish and I groaned and grabbed William’s arm before he opened the door.

“Is he high?” I asked hesitantly and he frowned at me.

“I don’t think so, just really, really drunk,” he offered sadly as he opened the door.

I halted my step when I saw Mason sat at one of the tables and my heart constricted. I felt Greg’s hand settle on my shoulder. “Breathe, Ava,” he whispered. I bit my lip to fight back the tears and the rage that was simmering in the pit of my gut.

“Has he been here the whole night or has he disappeared into one of the rooms?” I asked William who smiled softly.

“No Darling, he’s been sat at this table all night, don’t worry I’ve kept my eye on him.” He winked and I smiled and then took a huge breath.

“Ava, I don’t think this is a very good idea,” Greg warned and William placed his arm around my waist.

“Not in here Ava, please.” I nodded at William and squeezed his hand to reassure him.

Closing my eyes and digging up some much needed patience and tolerance I strode over to Mason. He didn’t notice me at first, Greg and I just stood watching him. Eventually, Mason broke the kiss and turned to the side, his eyes widening when he saw us then he dropped his gaze.

I stood silent as I turned my gaze to the woman sat next to him, realising how much of a fuck whore she really was when I saw her outfit. She had a black leather skirt that resembled a belt and a black bra and . . . well that was it.

I smiled sweetly to her and she gulped, shifting in discomfort in her seat. “Now did I not warn you what I would do if I found you with Mason again Rebecca?” I sneered and she gulped. I was thoroughly calm and Greg shifted his feet beside me when he felt the malevolence and fury radiating from me.

“Take him home,” I told Greg.

“But. . . .” He spluttered beside me.

“Take—him—home!” I repeated. He sighed but nodded and went to grab hold of Mason.

“Come on Mase, let’s get you home, dude,” he said as he pulled him from the booth and Mason slung his arm around Greg’s shoulder.

“Ava . . .” he slurred but I raised my hand to him and cut him off. “Baby, I . . . I need you . . .”

I rolled my eyes to him and cocked my head at him, the ice in my glare made him take a step backwards. “Watch him until I get back, he wants to score,” I told Greg as my hand shot out and grabbed Rebecca’s hair as she tried to squeeze past me.

“Ava . . .” William warned.

“Don’t worry, William,” I said warmly.

“You need to use my office?” he asked as Greg pulled a struggling Mason through the door.

I shook my head. “Nah, I don’t wanna ruin your carpet.” I grabbed hold of Rebecca’s wrist as I still held her hair. “Let’s walk,” I told her quietly and smiled when I heard a small whimper leave her lips. “Cameras?” I asked William as I pulled her behind me, my anger giving me the firm grip I needed to hold her.

“Front door, beginning of the side alley and car park,” he informed me frankly and I nodded.

“Thank you, I’ll be back in shortly.” I dragged Rebecca behind me along the corridor and through the front doors to the wide eyed security guy.

“Everything okay, Miss Stone?” he asked and I smiled softly at him.

“Everything is fine, thank you.”

I dragged her along the alleyway until we reached the bottom where I knew there were no cameras and I shoved her into the fence; she hit it and slumped to the floor. “Get up,” I snarled but she shook her head vehemently. I turned my head when I heard footsteps behind me. William and big security guy stood a small distance away just watching. I guessed William was watching out for me.

“GET. UP!” I demanded. She scurried to her feet at the vehemence in my tone.

“Ava, I didn’t . . . I wasn’t going to do anything with him, he just . . . he just turned up tonight and . . . and I was already here,” she defended.

I nodded slowly. “And why didn’t you walk away?” I asked quietly and she gulped.

“Well, well . . .”

I landed the first punch to her face and five minutes later I landed the last to her stomach before I turned around and walked off, wishing I didn’t have to leave her alive but I wasn’t leaving a child without a mother, I knew how much that hurt.

William took my hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. “I made sure Mason didn’t . . . well all they did was kiss. I think Rebecca had other ideas but Mason kept refusing her so . . . well I suppose that’s something,” he placated and I smiled at him.

“Thank you, William.”

I removed my hand from his arm and rubbed my face with my hands, groaning loudly. “He’s just been through a rather bad heroin withdrawal,” I revealed. William halted beside me.

“Oh Ava, sweetheart,” he sighed and I patted his hand.

“Hey were good, I’m just grateful he stuck to alcohol and didn’t score.”

William nodded but didn’t voice an opinion. “And when are you and Mason going to pay a visit to the club, Ava?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye and I nudged him with my elbow, grinning at him.

“Well I did mention it to Mason but as yet we haven’t found the time,” I told him and he halted again, his eyes sincere and sad.

“I heard about Dane, Ava sweetheart.” He cupped my cheek, “I’m sorry, Darling.”

I side hugged him. “Hey, I’m good,” I told him as we walked back through the main doors and my phone rang.

“Hi,” I whispered and he sighed.

“Stay there, I’m on my way.” I closed my eyes in relief at Nate’s voice. I nodded and then realised he couldn’t see me.

“Okay,” was all I said before I cut the call. God, I loved the male half of my best friends, he knew exactly what I needed and when I needed it.

I downed the vodka and slid off the barstool when I saw Nate walk through the double doors. His steps increased when he saw me. His arms enveloped me tightly as he reached me. “Jesus fuck Ava, I am gonna slaughter your fiancé one day,” he growled.

“Who rang you?” I asked as he continued to hold me.

“Courtney,” he said and I smiled into Nate’s chest. God, I loved the female half of my best friends, she knew exactly what I needed when I needed it.

I hugged William goodbye and I let Nate hold me tightly around my waist as he led me out to his car and I sunk into the seat.

“Home or mine?”

I desperately wanted to say his but I thought better of it, knowing Mason would need to be watched tonight. “Home, I’m afraid” I told him and he glanced at me as he pulled off.

“Fuck him Ava, let him get fucking stoned and mess up everything good he’s ever had in his life if that’s what he wants to do,” he spat and I sighed.

“Nate, please,” I pleaded but he shook his head.

“Do you know, Ava? When I found Liv again after being apart and I found out what her husband had done to her, I thought ‘Why the hell didn’t she leave him? Why did she put up with the rapes and beatings?’ Well now I look at you and the exact same thoughts are racing through my head.” He indicated left and pulled into a street.

“But . . .” I started but he cut me off with his hand.

“Don’t tell me he would never hit you Ava because I know he probably never would but he rules you, he fucks up time and time again because he knows you put up with it and will take him back every time he does. He’s sick Ava, he has an addictive personality and if it isn’t drugs, then its alcohol and if it isn’t alcohol . . .” he looked at me, “well then it’s you or her,” he breathed the last line and I inhaled sharply.

Our eyes met and he knew I understood what he was saying. I nodded and turned to the window. “I can’t help who I fall in love with Nate; I didn’t pick him out of a list of nominations that had documented curriculum vitae’s of their lives so I could pick the best. It just happened and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it . . . there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it . . . I love him, it’s that simple and I know he loves me, more than life itself.” I bit my lip, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall but disallowing them.

He settled his hand over mine on my lap as he pulled up Mason’s driveway. “I know that Ava, I don’t doubt that he loves you sweetheart but he’s . . . he’s tearing you apart, he’s slowly destroying every bit of passion you ever had and he’s trampling your identity, your spirit and your fucking heart, sweetheart.”

I sighed and nodded. We remained in the silence of the car for a few more minutes whilst I plucked up the courage to go in and confront Mason.

“There is plenty of room for you, Georgie and Katie, Ava if you need it,” Nate offered softly as he swept my hair from my forehead and planted a soft kiss.

“I know, Nate,” I whispered as I took a deep breath and exited the car.

I stood immobile and silent for a while after Nate pulled off, pondering his words and preparing myself for the sleepless night I knew was ahead of me.

As I took a step towards the house I heard loud heavy revs of engines and then tyres on the gravel behind me. I turned towards the sounds and frowned as I saw three cars tear up the drive and squeal to a stop at the side of me.

Elijah shot out of one of the doors with a huge grin. “We’ve got him Ava, we’ve fuckin’ got him, he was in the car you turned into a sub.”

I sank to my knees on the gravel and closed my eyes, taking calming breaths before I opened them and saw Dane held by the arms between two heavy guys. I cocked my head at him and grinned, a pure evil grin that made him shudder.

“Well, well,” I smirked and he squirmed in his hold. “Better go wake, Mason.” I laughed as I saw Dane’s face pale but then he smirked back.

“How’s his addiction, Ava?” he chuckled and then cocked his head back at me with a gleam in his eye. “My friend did a good job of nurturing Mason’s addictive tendencies.” The curl that donned his lips made my fury surge.

“What?” I asked quietly as Elijah and Neo came to stand beside me.

Dane laughed again, a hearty laugh that made his disfigured face seem even more mutilated. “Well I couldn’t let you have all the fun, Ava. Let’s just say a friend of mine introduced Mason to the delights of heroin.” He pursed his lips at me and he knew I understood the meaning of his words.

Neo settled a hand on my shoulder as I saw Greg and Sam walk out of the house and gawp between Dane and I, their eyes widening hugely when they realised who was being held before me.

“Don’t bite, Ava,” he said quietly in my ear. Elijah grabbed my hand and I squeezed it tightly, trying to fight back the urge to slaughter the man on my driveway.

I walked slowly over to Dane, breathing steadily. I rolled my head around my neck, amazed at how calm I actually felt. I stood before Dane and leaned forward; taking a chunk of his hair in my grip I yanked his ear to my mouth. “I am going to enjoy watching you scream in pain. First I am going to smile whilst I take the whip and watch it peel through every inch of your slimy skin and then I’m going to take the poker and make sure it’s good and hot before I ram it up your fucking arse and I’m going to laugh every second that I witness you beg for me to finish you,” I whispered in his ear.

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