The Heat Is On (3 page)

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Authors: Katie Rose

BOOK: The Heat Is On
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Chapter 5

She was gone when he looked for her after the game.

Connor was disappointed but not entirely surprised. She had indicated that she might not stay all nine innings. She and her parents may have had plans on a Sunday night. They were getting older, and maybe couldn't hang in for the whole game.

Or maybe she was seeing someone else

He didn't like the way the thought knotted him up inside. He didn't want to picture her out to dinner with another guy, laughing and flirting. Or worse, in another man's arms.

“That sucks,” he heard Jimmy say to Chase, and then gave him a knowing look. “Totally wrong call.”

“We've got a lot more to worry about than a single pitch,” Pete said immediately, glaring at Jimmy. “What the hell was going on today? The Yankees shut us out!”

A few of the younger players grumbled, but Connor kept to himself. He knew as well as anyone that the call had not necessarily been wrong, that the batter had caught the ball with the top of the wood. It could have just as easily fouled off, but instead he managed to make enough contact to get the winning run.

It sucked, but that was baseball. Yet Pete was right. The lack of runs was a lot more concerning. Jake and Gavin had given it their best effort and had managed to get on base twice along with Connor, but the rest of the team simply hadn't shown up to play.

Pete continued, obviously disgruntled. “And when I see you guys coming in late, not getting any batting practice, shuffling around the bases, it is clear why we got this kind of result. Even though Connor just started with us, he was here on time and performed, as did Jake and Gavin. But the rest of you…”

He shook his head and popped his gum in disgust. “I'd better see some improvement next game. Otherwise…” He didn't finish the sentence before heading to his office and slamming the door. But the players simply shrugged, unperturbed by what they perceived as an empty threat.

Jimmy scowled on his way out. “I still say if we had Cody catching, we'd have had a chance.”

“Don't let him bother you,” Chase said when he'd gone. “He and Cody were pretty tight.”

“I get it.” And he did. Jimmy was looking for a scapegoat, and he was convenient. And it was the perfect opportunity to do as Pete suggested and step into a leadership role. He noticed no one in the locker room did that. While Jake was the heart of the team, he didn't think in terms of managing the other players. He led by example. And pitchers on the whole were solitary contributors. They had to focus on their own game and shut out distractions.

So there was no one who spoke up to reinforce Pete's words and remind the team that they had to pull together. And after he got dressed, Connor walked out with everyone else.

As the new guy, he had enough on his plate. And if Pete had a motivational issue, it was up to him to solve it.


Her phone was ringing when she got home. Thankfully her mother had made dinner, saving her from that chore. She let the call roll into voice mail, chiding herself for listening, not even daring to hope it would be

Instead, as she deposited four sleepy children into bed, she heard her best friend, Jillian, leaving her a singsong message.

“Hey, baby, it's me, your tall, hot, and handsome baseball player. What are you wearing? Because I want you real bad…”

Tracy grinned as she slipped into her sweats, and then poured herself a glass of wine. Taking a seat on the sofa, she relaxed for the first time all day and returned the call.

“Very funny,” she said, juggling the cell phone in one hand, the wineglass in the other.

“So how was it? Did you see him?”

Gray eyes burning into hers. Biceps bulging in his jersey. Washboard abs. And when her eyes threatened to drift lower
…She cleared her throat. “I asked him for an autograph for Mason.”

“You're kidding,” Jillian deadpanned.

“Nope, I did. He seemed glad to see me, though.” She closed her eyes and replayed the moment, felt the thrill all over again.

“Did he ask for your number or anything?”

“He did. I'm sure it's just to be polite. I'm not going to hear from him, so don't even try it.” She was telling herself the same thing, firmly.

“How do you know? I remember you guys were pretty tight in college.”

“That was a long time, a marriage and four kids ago,” Tracy reminded her.

“Did it ever occur to you that maybe you had something to do with why he came back here?” Jillian's voice was rich with meaning.

“No,” Tracy responded flatly. “Did you see his last girlfriend? She was a Victoria's Secret model!” Before Jillian could respond, Tracy continued. “We dated in college. But Connor now lives in another world, and I would be silly not to recognize that.”

“You sell yourself short,” Jillian continued as if she hadn't spoken. “Let's get to the good stuff. How did he look?”

“Amazing,” Tracy admitted. Closing her eyes, she said what she was thinking out loud. “You know how some guys just don't age well?”

“Yeah. I see that at our reunions.”

“Whatever,” Tracy said. “But Connor somehow looks even better. Like the boyish stuff has faded, and now he's even more masculine…”

“I so know what you mean. Totally Denzel Washington.”

Tracy heard her best friend sigh as if they were fourteen all over again and studying the latest

“Yep. He could have any woman he wants. So I would be out of my mind to think for a minute he'd be interested…”

Her call waiting beeped, and she tapped on her cell. Her mouth fell open as she recognized the number. “It's him,” she said in disbelief. “He's calling.”

“Well, answer the phone!” Jillian said. “Just use the flash and come back to me as soon as you're done. I've got to hear this.”

Tracy fumbled with the cell, nearly hanging up on Connor in the process. But somehow she managed to make the connection, and she heard his voice a moment later.

“Is that you, Trace?”

She felt as if she were transported back in time and nothing had changed. She was in her sweats, kicking back for the night, and Connor Jackson was calling. That sexy voice still made her shiver, and her blood pulsed with awareness. It was like being in a weird time warp, except for the fact that there were four sleeping children in their beds upstairs.

“Connor! I didn't think, that is, I mean…” Cringing, she realized she sounded entirely too excited, and she forced herself to take a breath. “I figured you were busy settling in.”

That was better. More like something an old pal would say.

She heard him chuckle, and then the sound of him cracking open a beer bottle. Apparently it was Miller time in his household as well.

“I don't exactly have a whole lot to settle in. I got a place that is furnished, and they moved my clothes and stuff. So not much effort on my part.”

“Oh, that's right.” She couldn't repress the urge to tease. “You are now a superstar.”

He laughed again, this time warmly. “That's what I miss about you. Your honesty. You always say exactly what's on your mind. I meet very few people like that these days.”

She winced as she thought of her omission earlier that day, when she didn't bring up the fact that she had children. Before she could rectify that now, he continued in the same manner.

“Anyway, do you have a free night this week? I'd love to see you. Thought we could grab some dinner, catch up.”

Her throat stuck as she tried to formulate a response. Fortunately, she thought of Jillian waiting on the other line, and how much she would harass her if she screwed this up. He wanted to go out this week—that wasn't so easy with her responsibilities.

“Hang on a minute.” She put down the cell and raced to open her calendar. Her sitter was free on Thursday this week. Returning to the call, she fought to maintain her composure. “How is Thursday?”

“Perfect. It's an off night for us. Can you text me your address? I'll pick you up around six.”

“Yes. I mean sure. I mean that's fine.” She stopped talking before she said anything else stupid.

“Great. And Tracy? You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this.”

Then he hung up.

Chapter 6

“So?” Jillian practically jumped down her throat when she flashed back to her call.

“He asked how I was doing, how things were going. You know…”

“Oh, come on. I can tell by your voice something happened.”

Tracy laughed, and then quietly admitted, “Well, he did ask me out.”

“What? That's fantastic! Did he say where he wants to go, where he wants to take you?”

“No!” Tracy mentally reran the conversation. “I think I was so nervous, I didn't ask. He mentioned dinner.”

You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to this…

“Wow!” Jillian laughed. “Now this should be interesting from a wardrobe perspective. Do you go dressy or casual?”

“Right.” She was pacing the kitchen. “It's been so long since I've been out on a date, I've forgotten all this stuff. I guess I should have asked.”

Her eyes settled on the toy box in the dining room, its contents spilled all over the floor. The kitchen counter was littered with cookie crumbs, and three pairs of sneakers were lined up at the door. Putting her earbud in her phone, she began to automatically return the toys into the wooden receptacle.

“Well, it sounds like shopping time to me,” Jillian said cheerfully. “I've seen your wardrobe lately, and it's totally soccer mom. You've got to do better than that for a date with Connor Jackson!”

“I don't know if I will have time between now and Thursday.” Tracy sighed. “We have the dentist on Monday, swim class for Mason Tuesday night. Then there's gymnastics…”

“I'll take them Tuesday to the swim class.”

“I appreciate that, but even with one in the pool, there are still three more.” She pictured Jillian with her perfect black hair, painted nails, heels, and short skirts chasing Ethan and Chloe with Lily screaming in her seat. She cringed. “It might be a bit challenging.”

“I can manage for a couple of hours. And I'm sure there will be other moms there if I get into trouble. Look, you need this. No one knows that better than me. So where is he meeting you?”

“He said he'd pick me up.”

Jillian was quiet for a moment. “Did you tell him about the kids?”

Tracy struggled to answer. “No, not yet. I thought he could meet them when he came here.”

Her friend continued cautiously. “Don't you think that's a lot for him to deal with on a first date?”

“But I can't pretend they don't exist!” Tracy was appalled. Even though that's what she had been doing…

“I'm not suggesting that. I'm just thinking that it would be a little overwhelming to a guy like him to meet all four kids at once. He's used to the nicer things in life, fine dining, people crowding to get his autograph, first class all the way. It might be better to go out and enjoy yourself, and reconnect with him before introducing him to the gang.”

Tracy smiled at Jillian's description of her children but couldn't stop the sad awareness that rose inside of her. “I'm not sure it's going to matter. I think as soon as he realizes the truth, that will be that. And we are probably totally jumping the gun here. Maybe he just wants to be friends?”

I'd love to see you…

She swallowed hard. Something in his voice told her otherwise.

“I doubt it.” Jillian echoed her thoughts, and Tracy could see her grinning through the phone. “Guys like him don't hang out with girls as gal pals. But if you really believe that the only thing you can get out of this is a couple of hot dates, is there anything wrong with that?”

“No,” Tracy agreed, automatically wiping up the cookie crumbs and then putting Lily's pacifier under the faucet.
Hot date? Holy crap
. Her heart thudded as she remembered how good he was in bed. And that was then, when he was young and inexperienced. Now…

“It's up to you. I just think you don't want to kill something before it has a chance to ignite. You know you can't seriously date him without him meeting the kids at some point. But even for their sake, wouldn't it make more sense to find out if this is something real before involving them, getting their hopes up?”

Tracy paused at that. She didn't think of that. She didn't know where this was going, if anywhere. But she owed it to herself to find out.

Tracy sucked in a breath. “Okay, can you really handle things on Tuesday?”

“Not as good as you, but we'll manage,” Jillian said cheerfully. “Just get yourself a nice outfit, some earrings, and let him see the girl he used to know. Then if that's all there is, at least you have a great memory.”

One to go along with the rest
, Tracy thought as she clicked off her cell. The idea of going out on a date, doing her hair, wearing something pretty, and having a man like Connor Jackson sweet-talk her the way he had on the phone was…intoxicating.

And scary as hell.

Could she do it? Could she just think of herself for one night, even if that was all it was? Could she emotionally distance herself, forget about forever and just enjoy the now?

And was Jillian right?

It kind of felt like yes.


They met at a place called the Tiger's Tail Bar and Grill. It was easier than Tracy would have thought; she simply suggested that he meet her there, and Connor didn't question it. And since she knew the restaurant had a rustic vibe, she could wear jeans and only needed to pick up a silk watercolor top and, as Jillian proposed, a pair of Kate Spade sparkly earrings.

And instead of her sneakers, she found a pair of kitten heels that looked really cute with the outfit. Thankfully, her sitter showed up early, so she was able to straighten her hair and put on some makeup in peace.

He was waiting for her when she came into the bar, and that warm Colgate smile sent shivers straight through to her toes. Dressed in a white shirt and jeans with a couple of the buttons conveniently open, she could see a few chest curls, and remembered taking off his clothes a long, long time ago, running her fingers down through the soft hair, those rock-hard abs, and then lower still…

“You look great,” he said, those twinkling gray-green eyes dropping from her face to the new scoop blouse, down to her shoes and back again.

Tracy slid into the seat next to him, her heart pounding. What was wrong with her? Why was she fantasizing? And why was she so scared? This was Connor, her Connor. He probably just wanted to catch up as friends. Was she that depraved that she was already thinking of him in bed? Yet she felt as if he had touched her, his gaze was so intense, and she had to fight to keep from squirming in her chair.

“You haven't changed a bit,” he continued appreciatively.

“That's nice of you,” she replied with a knowing smile. After all, it had been a long time, and she didn't look like some innocent college girl anymore. Then she felt uneasy as she thought of everything that had changed: particularly four little everythings. But when he leaned over, taking a lock of her rebellious blond hair and tucking it behind her ear, she couldn't think at all.

“I ordered you a Chardonnay,” he said, sending her a wicked grin. “I was going to ask for a bottle. I seem to recall you can handle more than one glass.”

She smacked him playfully, well aware of what he meant. “Okay, just because I got trashed one time at your frat party doesn't mean I do that on a regular basis.”

“I know. I thought it was adorable. I remember carrying you back to my room, and you were singing…”

“ ‘The Boys of Summer,' ” she said, returning his grin as her wine appeared along with a beer for him. “I thought I was pretty good.”

“You were terrible.” He laughed. “I should have recorded it. It would have been blackmail evidence for years.” Then his eyes darkened to a smoky look that still made her blush. “I'd have you right where I want you.”

She gulped. That same primal excitement she had felt the first time he kissed her returned, and if anything, was hotter. They were both more mature now, knew what they wanted. Erotic sensations pooled in her belly and lower, reminding her that it had been over a year since she'd had sex…

“So what were you thinking about dinner?” She forced herself to focus on something else.

“Is this okay for you? It's probably just bar food, but I'm thinking it would give us more time to catch up. And we could really relax,” he continued.

“Sounds perfect.” And it did. Maybe that was all he wanted—to talk. Some of the tension left her as if she'd stuck a pin in a balloon. She was a little disappointed, but at least she felt calmer.

He got up and walked to the hostess to put their name in for a table and she indulged herself for a long moment, letting her eyes wander over him unobserved. He had gotten more muscular over the years, and she could see his tight waist, the bulge of his shoulder muscles beneath his shirt, not to mention a perfect butt. Everything about him was just So Damn Sexy.

She caught the gorgeous redhead three seats down giving him the same once-over. It was as if someone had thrown a glass of cold water at her and brought her back to the real world.

He could have this woman. A guy like Connor could have any woman he wanted. She needed to keep that in mind, or she stood to get badly hurt.

“Okay, we are set. We can finish our drinks and then grab a bite. Unless you want to eat here at the bar?”

Tracy smiled. “Sounds good to me.”

The bartender provided menus and signaled to the hostess that they were staying put. They ordered burgers, sipped their drinks, and chatted comfortably like two old friends.

Except for that chemistry simmering just beneath the surface.

The burgers arrived and they dug in, enjoying the perfectly cooked meat and crispy fries. Catching up on old acquaintances, they shared updates on their families, and filled in some of the blanks that had been created with the years. So much was eerily the same. They still laughed at the same jokes, and more than once finished each other's sentences. Tracy hadn't imagined it would be so easy, picking up where they'd left off. But it was.

She was avoiding the subject of her marriage, divorce, and the kids, but she had decided that Jillian was right. It wasn't a good idea to involve him with all of that so soon without knowing his intentions.

And, although it seemed wrong to admit it, she was enjoying being with him again, feeling like a woman, and experiencing the electric sensations that flooded through her when he gave her that heated glance. It had been a long time since a man had paid her this kind of attention, and it was heady.

Especially when that man was Connor Jackson.

She reached for the check but he grabbed it first.

“You're kidding, right?” He gave her that sexy grin, digging out his wallet when the bartender dropped the check.

“At least let me get the tip,” she said, determined to show him that she wasn't a gold digger. But when she reached inside her purse, Lily's pacifier bounced to the floor.

Mortified, she stared at the little pink and yellow piece of plastic, unable to think of anything to say, any possible explanation other than,
It's my daughter's. And by the way, there are three more.

But Connor simply grabbed the binkie, then tossed it back to her with an amused smile. “Looks like you lost something?”

She could feel her face get hot, but as she started to respond, the bartender interrupted. “Do you need change?”

“No, thanks,” Connor said firmly, steering Tracy out of the restaurant before she could protest. “I asked you out, so that means I pay.”

He said it like his word was final, and she decided it would be foolish to argue.

Outside, he looked up at the sky, where a few stars were beginning to emerge, and gave her that enticing smile. “Do you have to get right back? It's a nice night for a walk.”

She glanced covertly at her phone and was surprised to see that it was well past eight o'clock. Her sitter had to be home by nine on a weeknight, and by the time she got home, saw to the kidlets, and paid her, it would be tight.

“I'd better go,” she said regretfully. She had been having such a good time, she didn't want it to end. Much as she loved her children, it was so great having an adult conversation without four continuous interruptions. And if this was all he wanted, just to see her once after all this time, it would have to be enough. He would return to his glamorous life, while she made sure her sitter got home before her curfew.

“Okay,” he said, taking her hand as they walked to her car, and she noticed that even that small gesture seemed intimate. Tracy wondered if he thought it was odd that she needed to leave so early, but he didn't comment. Instead, when they approached the modest Ford Escape waiting in the parking lot, she withdrew her hand, immediately missing his warmth as she fumbled for her keys.

“This is me,” she said, leaning against the car, aware that her nerves were doing a silent tap dance inside her. He wasn't going to kiss her, was he? His eyes seemed to settle on her lips, but when he didn't make a move, she silently scolded herself for being ridiculous. Reaching for the door handle, she looked over her shoulder and gave him a smile. “It's been great seeing you again, Connor.”

She turned to go, but he covered her hand with his own before gathering her into his arms. Her lips parted in surprise, and that appeared to be all the invitation he needed.

His mouth met hers, his kiss soft and questioning at first, but that sexual tension that had been sparking between them all night quickly ignited. Her arms lifted around him, pulling him closer even as he slipped his arm around her waist and positioned her right up against him.

Desire shot through her, hot and hard, as his mouth possessed her, eliciting a long forgotten passion. It was good, so good that she reached up on her toes, wanting more, wanting everything his hard-muscled body could deliver. Her blood pounded, pooling from her veins into her belly, and then lower still. Hundreds of long-buried memories popped into her brain: Connor undressing her, stroking her, thumbing her nipple until it was erect, his finger slipping into her hot, slick sex, kissing her until she was begging…

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