The Heat Is On (15 page)

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Authors: Katie Rose

BOOK: The Heat Is On
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“You're right,” Tracy said.
One day at a time

Chapter 25

A couple of weeks later, when Tracy got home and put the kids to bed, she settled down in front of the television to watch the game. The American League series was already decided, with the Yankees taking the pennant. Her heart was in her throat as she saw they were in the ninth inning, and the Sonics were beating L.A. for the National League Championship.

They'd won three games so far, and it was best of seven. But now they just had to hold onto the lead, just get through this last inning, and they would make it to the World Series.

Jimmy trotted out to the mound. Tracy remembered that he was a lefty, and Pete was making a strategic decision to put him in the game to face a switch hitter. Normally they would go to the bullpen for their closer, but Connor had mentioned that the guy was exhausted, and the manager obviously was hoping to save him for the Series.

She could feel the tension in the ballpark as the crowd quieted, and she found herself on the edge of her seat. Connor squatted behind home plate, signaling for the next pitch, and she saw Jimmy wind up and throw.

The batter made contact, but he fouled the ball into the stands behind him. Strike one. Now she was pacing, unable to stand the stress, tempted to turn off the game and tune in later for the results.

This time Jimmy threw a fastball that missed, and the batter hit a line drive down the middle and got to first.
she thought, her stomach in knots.

But he got the next guy to pop up, and struck out the second. She could see Connor's shoulders relax as he got to his feet and walked out to the pitcher's mound. Was he looking to settle the pitcher? Or maybe just discuss strategy?

The opposing fans began to boo as they chatted, gloves to their face, and then Connor strode back to home plate and assumed his position. Whatever he'd said to Jimmy seemed to work, for he threw a series of changeups, and the last batter went down looking.

Relief poured over her, and Tracy collapsed into her chair as the ballpark exploded. Tears stung her eyes as Jimmy enveloped Connor in a bear hug, and the team rushed onto the field to celebrate victory.

“How do you like that?” the announcer boomed. “The New Jersey Sonics are once more headed for the World Series!”

She turned off the television, feeling as drained as if she'd been playing the game herself. And when the phone rang a few minutes later, she picked it up and smiled as she saw the caller ID, her heart overflowing with emotion.

“You won! Oh, my God, Connor, you won! I can't believe it!”

“Yeah, it's pretty amazing!” She could see that smile, his eyes warm with pleasure, and she felt a rush all the way to her toes. “We were a little worried when Pete called on Jimmy, but he seems to be totally onboard now.”

“Connor, I am so happy for you!”

“Me, too. Listen, I've got to get back. The Champagne is flowing, and the reporters want interviews. But I really missed having you and the kids here, to be part of all this. Do you think we could bring them to the Series games?”

Tracy took a deep breath, feeling the excitement that flowed through her. How amazing would that be, for her and the kids to watch Connor play in the biggest games of all?

But then the counselor's words came back to her, and she experienced a moment of doubt. Mason was old enough to understand what a World Series meant. Bringing him to the game would create a memory that would be hard to shake. And if things didn't work out between her and Connor…

“Let me think about that. It might be better for me to leave the kids with my parents, and come by myself.”

“Okay,” Connor said after a moment's hesitation. She could tell he was confused by her response. “I just thought the kids would get a kick out of it.”

“I know.” God, she hated this, hated being unsure of what was the best thing to do. “But it will be late, and they don't do well when their schedule gets disrupted.”

“Okay,” he said, and she could hear his disappointment. “You know what's best for them. I'll call you later.”

“I love you,” she said, and then clicked off her cell. Connor was making an effort to include her children in their relationship. His gesture touched her heart, that even in his moment of victory he wanted to share the experience with not only her but the kids. And he was right, they would get a kick out of it, especially Mason.

And that was the problem.


Connor clicked off his cell and stuck it in his pocket just as a bottle of Champagne poured down his back. He turned and saw his buddy Carlos grinning, one empty bottle in his left hand, a full one in his right.

“You going to join the party?”

“Yeah.” He took the full bottle and drank, cupping the Champagne as if it were water. Carlos's brows came together even as he retrieved the Champagne.

“You okay?”

“I'm fine. I just called Tracy and asked her to bring the kids for the World Series games.”

“Hey, that's great! I was hoping that was working out for you, and that you were getting to know her children. We are bringing the kids, too. Tracy met Camelia at Jake's party. She's welcome to join my wife. The kids can have fun together.”

“Well, that's just it. She doesn't want them to come.”

Carlos's head cocked in confusion. “Why not? It should be a great time.”

“I don't know. And I don't get it. I know she wants me to have a relationship with them. And this is the perfect thing.”

“Maybe she just thinks it will be too hard. My wife's parents will probably come, too, and help out. Maybe she doesn't have that kind of support.”

“She seems pretty tight with her parents.” Connor shrugged as Carlos passed the bottle back. “But she was acting funny about it. Like something's changed.”

“She can't do this,” Carlos said emphatically. When Connor looked at him in confusion, the pitcher shook his head.

“Do what?”

“Change up the routine,” Carlos explained as if talking to a moron. “You don't want to jinx our success. For some reason the baseball gods are blessing us.” He made the sign of the cross. “Nothing can be different.”

“Do you really believe that crap?” Connor laughed.

Carlos nodded. “You know how it is in baseball. If you think you're winning because you are having great sex, you are. Or if it's because of the kids, it is!”

Before Connor could comment, Jimmy ran up behind them and doused both of them with fresh Champagne. Dripping, Carlos indicated the clubhouse.

“I think we should get in on the fun. We can always figure the woman thing out later.”

“You've got women figured out?” Connor asked, following Carlos off the field.

The pitcher looked at him as if he was crazy.

“Not a chance.”


Pete came into the locker room a few minutes later as the party continued. He stood watching the team drowning each other in Champagne, hooting and high-fiving their success. He enjoyed it for a few minutes like a proud papa, and then strode to the center of the team.

“Can I take a minute here?”

The players subsided with their celebrations, respectfully turning their attention to the manager. “I want to say I'm really proud of you all. Things have gotten real good in the past couple of weeks, and now we have momentum on our side.”

A couple of the players cheered, and Pete continued. “I'm also really glad to see a few of the guys really step up their game.” He looked directly at Jimmy. “I think all of us know the only way we can win this thing is for every single player to give it their all. We can't afford a single weak link in the chain.”

The room quieted even more, and several heads nodded in agreement.

“Now I know you boys all want to have a good time tonight, and you deserve it. Have fun, enjoy the victory. We can do this. We got close once before,” Pete said, looking at Chase, who grimaced. “And I think we've all been hankering to get back there again and win.”

The players cheered and clapped, while Jake wolf-whistled.

“So next time we get together, remember, you are the real deal. We fought to get there. And I want every one of you boys walking away with a ring that you can hand down to your grandchildren.”

As he finished his speech, Pete turned to walk away and found himself doused with three bottles of Champagne as Chase grinned, holding one of them. Jake had the second, Gavin the third. They didn't stop until the manager was thoroughly soaked, but he didn't seem to mind in the least.

The Sonics were going to the World Series.


Connor called Tracy the following morning, aware that there were more than a few cobwebs still stuck in his brain.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

“I like the sound of that,” Tracy said, and he could picture her smile. “The Sonics need to win more often!”

“Well, this time we plan to win all the way,” he continued, popping a couple of aspirin and a big glass of water. “We have a few days off before the Series games, so tonight I thought I could pick up a pizza, some juice boxes for the kids, and a bottle of wine for us. How does that sound?”

She hesitated, and when she finally spoke, he could hear something guarded in her voice.

“I'd love to. But how about I get a sitter, meet you somewhere, so it's just you and me?”

Connor frowned, remembering Carlos's words. But it was more than just superstition; Tracy was definitely changing things up. And it wasn't in Connor Jackson's DNA to walk away from confrontation.

“Is something going on?” he asked point-blank.

“What do you mean?”

“It just seems like suddenly you want to keep me away from the kids.”

There was a long pause, then Tracy sighed as if cornered into telling the truth. “I just think it would be best to keep our relationship between us for a while.”

He frowned, wondering if he'd done something to offend her. “Why's that?”

“Mason is having some problems at school,” she said in a rush. “His counselor felt it would be a good idea to put some distance there for a while. Just until things calm down.”

“This counselor isn't suggesting this is my fault?” He couldn't keep the irritation out of his voice.

“Not exactly. She just said it would be best to simplify things until we got to the bottom of these issues and Mason's grades improve.”

There was a lot more to it than that, Connor thought, but he decided not to press her. Tracy sounded upset, and he didn't need another argument right in time for the World Series. But when it was over, he intended to get to the bottom of this.

“Okay, you're in charge. I'll pick you up around seven, then?”

He heard her breath of relief and knew he was right. “Sounds great.”

Chapter 26

Connor wanted to take Tracy out somewhere really nice since she was getting a sitter, especially since their first couple of dates had been casual. After asking around for some recommendations, he made a reservation at the Peacock Inn, a restaurant in Princeton noted for fine dining.

When he pulled up at the house in the Corvette, top down, he frowned as she dashed out immediately, and obviously determined to keep their date a secret from the children. But any annoyance he felt disappeared quickly when he saw her light blue dress, silver sandals, and sparkling earrings.

“Wow, you look great!”

She actually blushed, her cheeks turning an attractive shade of pink. “Thanks. This was actually an Old Navy bargain, but I thought it was cute.”

“It's more than cute. It's hot.”

And he meant it. His blood was already heating when she slid into the seat beside him, her skirt riding upward and giving him a great view of her legs.

The flush deepened, and he realized it had been awhile since they'd been together. It was almost unnerving to realize that he wanted her with an intensity that was almost painful.

She gave him a flirty sideways look from under her lashes. “That sounds promising.”

“That's it.” He pulled into a secluded park at the edge of her community that featured a lake and a thick grove of trees.

“Connor, we can't…” she protested, looking around in alarm.

“Sure we can.” He grinned. “Tell me you never went parking.”

“Not since…” She gave him a slow grin. “You?”

“Well, then.” He wouldn't admit how pleased he was with her answer. “I'm making up for lost time.”

He reached for her over the stick shift, and Tracy melted in his arms as he kissed her.

It was hot, incredibly erotic, and full of a sense of a tease as his mouth took hers, his tongue flicking her lips, easing them apart as he fully possessed her mouth. Connor was rewarded with a groan as Tracy rose up, leaning into him, making it blatantly clear that she wanted more, wanted everything he could give.

It was all the encouragement that he needed. He heard her gasp of surprise when he reached for her, lifted her out of the seat and into his lap. When he'd settled her bottom on his zipper, her legs anchored on either side of his hard thighs, he gave her a wicked grin.

“I've got you right where I want you.”

“Yes, you do,” Tracy whispered, her eyes dark with passion. “So what are you going to do with me?”

He loved this sexy, playful side of her, and answered her question with another kiss, this one devouring her. She practically mewled in pleasure, squirming in his lap, doing incredible things to his jock as he got immediately hard. Deciding paybacks were a bitch, he slid his hand up to cup her breast, while his other held her firmly around the waist.

She gasped as he found her nipple, stroking it until it became a hard little point, then he did the same with the other. Now she was definitely whimpering, and in her position, unable to reach for him and return the favor.

“No fair,” she breathed when his lips finally left hers.

“Life is unfair,” Connor said, giving her a wicked grin even as he reached for her clothes. “Hold onto the steering wheel.”

She did as he ordered, and in the rearview mirror he could see her nose wrinkle in confusion. But then her brows arched in shock as he hiked her dress clear up to her waist.

“Connor!” Her breath inhaled sharply as she tried to tug it back down. “Someone might see us!”

“No one's here,” he reassured her, taking a quick glance around the little picnic grove for added insurance. Her legs were on either side of his firm muscled thighs, and he opened his thighs, spreading hers wide in the process.

“Connor, I can't!”

His mouth took hers in another erotic kiss, even as his fingers found the hot, wet lace of her panties.

“Yes, you can,” Connor whispered as he heard her moan as he teased her, running his hand along her silken thigh, and then back to her heated core. Then her breathing changed, became quicker as her body responded to his touch, and he felt her legs tighten against him, but this time not to close them…

“Oh God,” she whispered, and he felt her climax against his hand. Slipping a finger inside her, she contracted against him as her thighs went limp, and her body leaned back into him for support.

“Okay?” he asked, kissing the top of her head even as he withdrew his hand, smoothing the top of her panties.

“Okay?” She opened her eyes a few minutes later, and he would never forget the look she gave him: stunned surprise, naughty pleasure, and something else, something that humbled him and made him more determined than ever to be the man of her dreams. “It was unbelievable.”

A sound came from the distance, and Connor kicked his door open, helping her out and into the passenger seat so by the time three kids rode into the grove on their bikes, they were both totally decent once more.

“Hey, nice night.” Connor waved to the boys as Tracy frantically straightened her dress. One of them stopped short.

“Are you…Connor Jackson?” He gazed at the ballplayer in awe, while the kid beside him snorted.

“Nah. He isn't fat enough to be the Con Man. He's just some dude making out with his chick. Let's go.”

They disappeared into the woods, and Connor exchanged a look of pure amusement with Tracy before they both burst into laughter.

“Let's go,” he said, turning on the engine. “While I've still scored a few points.”


The Peacock Inn was an old wood-clad building, dating back to the 1700s. Tracy hesitated as they entered the beautiful hallway, glancing into an adjoining room decorated in burgundy and silver. Peacock feathers were embossed in the wallpaper, and an original fireplace faced the linen-covered tables at the far side of the room.

“Am I dressed enough for this?” She glanced at her simple dress, and then at the elegantly garbed diners enjoying their meal.

“You're the most beautiful woman here.” He led her firmly into the restaurant.

“Come right this way.” A hostess appeared, confirmed the reservation, and then indicated one of the rooms off the hallway. “I've a beautiful table right near the window.”

“I think that woman recognized you,” she said when the hostess walked away, leaving the menus behind her.

“Why do you say that?”

“Look at this table!” She gestured to the view. “If I had come here with the kids, believe me, we wouldn't be sitting here.”

“I asked for the best table when I made the reservation.” He gave her a wicked grin. “But I'm not sure she knew who I was. After all, I'm not fat enough to be Connor Jackson.”

Tracy couldn't help it: she dissolved into laughter.


The tasting menu was to die for, with the ahi tuna starter, the salmon main dish, the chocolate mousse cake for dessert. Everything was perfectly prepared, and the sommelier suggested an amazing crisp white wine to go with the meal.

And they talked, about Connor's hopes for the upcoming series, Tracy's concerns with the kids. But then they moved on to discuss local events, music they liked, movies they wanted to see, what the future might look like…all of the things that brought couples closer together.

When they'd finished, Tracy sat back in her chair and gave Connor a big smile. “Thank you. This has been a great night.”

“It's not over yet,” he said when he paid the check, and gave her a heated look.

Tracy shivered. He'd ignited a desire in her earlier that was now growing by the minute, especially since she was well fed, had enjoyed some wine and good company, and was now openly lusting after this man.

“Well then,” she said, giving him a look intended to drive him crazy. “We'd better go.”


They returned to Tracy's, and as she unlocked the door, she turned to Connor.

“Let me take care of the sitter, and make sure everyone's asleep,” Tracy said, reaching for her wallet. “I'll pay her and then we can have some time together.”

“Why don't you let me take care of it?” he offered. “This must be expensive for you.”

Tracy shot him a look and Connor raised his hands, laughing. “Okay! I get it!”

“That's really sweet to offer, but I can afford this. You paid for everything else.”

Chrissy was waiting on the sofa, watching the latest reality TV. She turned it off and got to her feet as the door opened, and then her jaw dropped as she recognized Connor.

“I know you! You play for the—”

“New Jersey Sonics.” Connor grinned as the babysitter stared at him, stepping backward and nearly falling over a footstool.

“I saw the championship series,” the girl babbled, as if in the presence of a rock star. “You guys were so good! Nobody thought you'd go this far this year, you so sucked earlier! OMG, I can't believe I said that!”

“It was rough going for a while, but we pulled through,” Connor said, laughter in his voice.

“I think you need to get home by ten, right?” Tracy interrupted.

“Yes. Right. I mean, I do have to go.” She pocketed the money Tracy handed her, and then backed out the door as if unwilling to take her eyes off the ballplayer for one second.

“Looks like someone has a crush.” Tracy grinned, even as Connor pulled her into his arms.

“If you mean me, you're right.” His head lowered to hers, intending to pick up where he'd left off, but Tracy stopped him.

“Let me check on the kids first, make sure everybody's okay.”

He nodded, releasing her as she went up the stairs and peeked into the bedrooms. Ethan and Mason were sound asleep, as was Chloe. Lily stirred as she opened the door, but then turned over and was quiet once again.

Tracy breathed a sigh of relief. All was well. But as she descended the stairs, she heard her cell phone ringing.

“That's odd,” she said to Connor, who had taken a seat on the couch. “My parents' number. They never call this late.”

“Maybe they just want to see how your hot date went?” He grinned, fingering the strap of her dress as if he couldn't wait to get her out of it.

Tracy clipped on her earbud and then turned on the phone. “Hello?”

“Tracy, sorry to bother you this late. But I wanted to let you know your father has just been taken to the hospital.”

“What?” She stared at the cell in disbelief, a numbness taking over.

“He had some trouble breathing, said he didn't feel good. I called his doctor, who said to take him to the ER, that it could be a heart incident. Apparently his last tests showed some signs of coronary artery disease.”

“Oh my God.” Tracy turned to Connor even as she continued the call. “I just let my sitter go. Let me see if I can figure something out and I'll come over.”

“That would be great,” her mother said, and Tracy heard her sigh of relief as she clicked off the phone.

“What happened?” Connor asked in concern.

“My dad may have had a heart attack. My mother is a nervous wreck, I can hear it in her voice. I can't take the kids, it's too late. I might be able to get hold of Jillian, or maybe a neighbor—”

“I'll do it,” Connor said simply, looking at Tracy as if she were crazy.

“You can't. I can't. I appreciate it, really, but this is too much…”

“What are you talking about? They're asleep!” He gestured to the silent rooms upstairs.

“Are you sure?” She looked doubtfully up the stairs.

Connor rose and put his arms around her. “Look, I don't care what this counselor said. I haven't done anything to upset or harm your children. You and I both know that. And this is an emergency. I'm here already. I'll just stretch out on the couch and wait for you to come home. I know I'm not the most capable guy when it comes to kids, both I think I can manage that much.”

That made her relax enough to smile. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

“Don't mention it. We are a team, remember? Now go. And don't forget your phone.” He handed her the cell as she made a dash for the door.

“Thank you. I'll call you soon as I know what's going on. And Connor?” When he sat back down, she exhaled. “I love you.”

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