The Dusk Watchman: Book Five of The Twilight Reign (92 page)

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Lehm, Suzerain Preter
– Farlan nobleman

Lesarl, Chief Steward Fordan
– Principal advisor to the Lord of the Farlan

– Farlan Ascetite soldier, attached to Lord Isak’s Personal Guard

Litania (the Trickster)
– Aspect of Larat

Lomin, Duchess Feya
– Deceased Farlan noblewoman, wife of Koren Lomin, mother to Duke Karlat Certinse, sister to Cardinal Certinse, Knight-Cardinal Certinse and Suzerain Tildek

Lomin, Duke Koren
– Deceased Farlan nobleman and former ruler of Lomin

Lomin, Duke Belir Ankremer
– Farlan nobleman and ruler of Lomin, bastard of the previous duke

Lopir, General
– Narkang general

– Byoran, first among Ruhen’s Children

Macove, Count Perel
– Farlan nobleman and member of the Brethren of the Sacred Teachings

Malich, Cheliss
– Deceased mage from Embere who led the expedition to Castle Keriabral, father of Cordein Malich and tutor to Morghien

Malich, Cordein
– Deceased necromancer from Embere

Maram Boatman
– The mysterious entity that patrols the River Maram between Ghain and the home of daemons, Ghenna

Marn (ab Codor ab Veir)
– A Harlequin

Mekir, Count Terman
– Farlan nobleman from Lomin

Menax, Sergeant
– Menin sergeant commanding Amber’s guards

Mihn (ab Netren ab Felith)
– Failed Harlequin, now Lord Isak’s bodyguard and dubbed ‘The Grave Thief’ by the witch of Llehden

– A drifter of Embere descent, known as the man of many spirits

– Former acolyte to the deceased necromancer Isherin Purn

– God of the Night, Storms and Hunters. Patron of the Farlan tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

Nostil, Prince Velere
– Aryn Bwr’s heir, first owner of the Skull of Ruling, assassinated during the Great War

– Goddess of Travellers

Osir, High Priest Beras
– High Priest of Death and member of the Ruling Council of the Knights of the Temples

– Undead mercenary, leader of the Legion of the Damned

– Mage from the Byora quarter of the Circle City

Perforren, Captain Halier
– Farlan officer of the Knights of the Temples, aide to the Knight-Cardinal

Pettir, Swordmaster Korpel
– Farlan soldier who succeeded Swordmaster Kerin as Commander of the Swordmasters and Knight-Defender of Tirah

Purn, Isherin
– Deceased Menin necromancer, once apprenticed to Cordein Malich

– Deceased minstrel originally from Embere who died in Scree only to reappear in Venn’s shadow, first among Azaer’s disciples

– The name taken by Azaer as a mortal

– Agent of Ilumene’s and servant of Azaer

Saroc, Suzerain Fir
– Farlan nobleman and member of the Brethren of the Sacred Teachings

Saroc, Scion Intonay
– Farlan nobleman, teenage heir of Suzerain Saroc

Sebe (Sebetin)
– Deceased member of the Brotherhood, also the name Isak uses when in Vanach

Sechach, High Priest Usech
– High Priest of Tsatach and member of the Ruling Council of the Knights of the Temples

– Minor Aspect of Vasle that now inhabits Morghien

– Young devotee of the Lady from south of Aroth

Shanatin, Witchfinder Otei
– Member of the Knights of the Temples from Akell and servant of Azaer

– Farlan Ascetite agent attached to Lord Isak’s Personal Guard

– God of Healing and Forgiveness.

Soldier, the
– One of the five Aspects of Death known as the Reapers

Sorolis, Priesan Estess
– Vanach Commissar of the Fifth Enlightenment, Anointed First of the Sanctum and effective ruler of Vanach

Sourl, Cardinal
– Ruler of the Akell quarter of the Circle City and member of Ruling Council the Knights of the Temples

—, Scion Kohrad
– Deceased Menin white-eye, son of the former lord

—, Duke
– Menin white-eye, former Lord of the Menin

—, Marsay
– stillborn younger sister of Major Amber

Tachan, Captain Choes
– Member of the Knights of the Temples originally from Lochet

Tebran, Suzerain Kehed
– Deceased Farlan nobleman

Tebran, Scion Pannar
– Farlan nobleman, son of Kehed Tebran

Thonal, King Emin
– King of Narkang and the Three Cities

Thonal, Gennay
– Deceased elder sister of King Emin

Thonal, Queen Oterness
– Queen of Narkang and the Three Cities

Thonal, Prince Sebetin
– Son of King Emin and Queen Oterness

Tillen, Captain
– Officer of the Knights of the Temples

Timonas, Sergeant
– Witchfinder of the Knights of the Temples from Akell

– Farlan ranger and General Lahk’s twin brother, member of Lord Isak’s personal guard

Torl, Suzerain Karn
– Farlan nobleman and member of the Brethren of the Sacred Teachings

Tremal, Harlo
– Member of the Brotherhood

– Goddess of Romantic Love and Fidelity, one of the three linked Goddesses – with Etesia, Goddess of Lust and Kantay, Goddess of Longing – who together cover all the aspects of love

– God of Fire and the Sun, patron of the Chetse tribe and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon

– God of Rivers and Inland Seas

Veil, Arin
– Member of the Brotherhood

Vener, General Telith
– Member of the Knights of the Temples and ruler of Raland

Venn (ab Teier ab Pirc)
– Former Harlequin, now disciple of Azaer

Verliq, Arasay
– Celebrated mage and academic, killed by the last Menin lord

Vesna, Evanelial
– Farlan soldier and Mortal-Aspect of Karkarn called the Iron General, once Count of Anvee

Vrerr, Duke Sarole
– Ruler of Tor Milist

Vres, Heser
– Village headman in Tarafain

– God of the Beasts and member of the Upper Circle of the Pantheon, formerly an Aspect of Veren before Veren’s death

Vrill, Duke Anote
– Menin white-eye general

Vukotic, Princess Araia
– Second of the Vukotic children, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

Vukotic, Price Feneyaz
– Third of the Vukotic children, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

Vukotic, Prince Koezh
– Ruler of the Vukotic tribe, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

Vukotic, King Manayaz
– Former ruler of the Vukotic tribe and ally of Aryn Bwr who died during the Great War

Vukotic, Prince Vorizh
– Fourth of the Vukotic children, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle and subsequently driven insane

Vukotic, Princess Zhia
– Youngest of the Vukotic family, cursed with vampirism after the Last Battle

Wentersorn, Edelay
– Mercenary battle-mage from Akell

Wither Queen, the
– One of the five Aspects of Death known as the Reapers

– Deceased Yeetatchen white-eye intended to be Isak’s queen, who had the Skull of Dreams fused to her hand

Yokar, Commissar
– Vanach Commissar of the First Enlightenment





Also by Tom Lloyd from Gollancz:


The Stormcaller

The Twilight Herald

The Grave Thief

The Ragged Man

A Gollancz eBook

Copyright © Tom Lloyd-Williams 2012

All rights reserved.

The right of Tom Lloyd-Williams to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published in Great Britain in 2012 by


The Orion Publishing Group Ltd

Orion House

5 Upper Saint Martin’s Lane

London, WC2H 9EA

An Hachette UK Company

This eBook first published in 2012 by Gollancz.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978 0 575 09669 1

All characters and events in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor to be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

Table of Contents

Title page





What has gone before

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44


Acknowledgements (Part Two):

Dramatis Personae

Also by Tom Lloyd


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