The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: The Boston Debutante (The Debutante Series Book 1)
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She had money bred into her blood and that is what she wanted not a cowboy. She was taught to only go out with boys with rich parents.

Macy still deep down wanted to marry someone she loved rather than just for money but all the talks her parents had with her were not about love but money.

Her parents had left her enough money for her and the person she married the rest of their life so she didn’t have to marry into money to live good. She could spend the rest of her life and never put a dent in the wealth they had left her.

There was one thing about Turk. If he fell in love with her it wouldn’t be for money.

She was sure Aunt Maude would leave him plenty. She hadn’t lived frugally on that ranch all her life for nothing.

They started back to the line shack. The girls lagged behind talking the whole way.

“Macy you have to tell me more about the kiss.”

“Oh there isn’t much to tell. He was going to help me up on a rock so I could spot cows for him. Except instead of helping me up he pulled me tight against him and told me he was going to pay me back for hitting him in the head yesterday. I thought he was fixing to kill me so I closed my eyes tight so I wouldn’t see the punch coming.

He pinned me against the rock and then kissed me. I tried to fight him off but you know how strong that bull is. I couldn’t move so I ended up letting him kiss me until he got enough. It didn’t seem like he was going to get enough. He would stop, look in my eyes and start again. He felt so good leaning against
me I didn’t want him to stop.

Then he actually started apologizing to me. I have never had someone kiss me before like that and then apologize to me. I got weak in the knees. If he hadn’t been holding me so tight I would have fell on the ground.

Megan I felt all funny inside. What does that mean?”

“That means he kissed you right. You are in love with him.”

“No I’m not Megan. I can’t be. I am engaged.”

“You might be engaged but you are in love with Turk. Mom is going to have a fit when I tell her.”

“Megan don’t you dare tell her that. I am not in love with Turk.”

“Macy you can deny it all you want but those feelings are what you feel when you are in love. After he kissed you didn’t you want him to do it again?”

“Well yes I guess I did.”

“See Macy, you love a man when you want him to kiss you.”

The heavy rain had washed most of the mud off Macy and she didn’t feel as grimy.

When they made it to the line shack it was gone. 

All that was left was splinters of wood from the floor. 

The tree that Megan and Macy had sat under was twisted and broken off about ten feet off the ground.

Turk looked at what was left and said, “Gang It looks like we might as well head back to the ranch. They turned due east and started riding again.

Macy was getting tired and her thighs were sore. It felt like blisters were starting to form from the constant rubbing of the wet jeans and the saddle.

Megan told her, “Macy put your right leg over the saddle and hang it over the horn.” 

She did as Megan told her and it felt better.

About midnight Turk rode up beside her.

“Macy, are you doing Ok?”

“No my back hurts and the inside of my legs are raw and hurting.”

Turk said, “Hold up guys I have to do a little doctoring. Megan you come too.”

He led Macy’s horse deep into a thicket.

Once he was out of sight of the guys he got off his horse and helped Macy get off hers. 

When she was standing he said, “Macy pull your pants down.”

She looked at him and replied, “I am not going to pull my pants down in front of you. I am not that kind of girl.”

She looked over at Megan who was grinning.

He laid a blanket on the g
round. Macy looked at it and then looked at him.

He had a determined look on his face.

“Macy you pull those pants off right now or I am going to do it.”

“Oh my God, Please don’t. Turk you are going to rape me aren’t you? If you do you are going to be disappointed. If you touch me I will scream.”

Megan started grinning again. Turk grinned. 

“Are you out of your little goody two shoes mind? You think I would have ask Megan to come with us if I was going to rape you and I know I wouldn’t be
disappointed. There is nothing about a woman that looks like you that could disappoint me. It would be the best I ever had.”

Megan said, “Macy just do what he said. He just wants to put some salve on you so you want get sores on your legs. The salve will stop them from hurting and
burning to. If you don’t you are going to have blisters on them.”

“If I wanted to rape you screaming wouldn’t do any good. Don’t flatter yourself. I would never have sex with you even you begged me for
it. You are too cute to ruin like that.” 

She replied, “One minute you act like you have feelings for me and the other minute you are acting like a wild animal waiting for an opportunity to strike, and why wouldn’t you have sex with me if I begged for it.”

“I just want to doctor your legs with some salve that will deaden the pain. If I don’t you are really going to be in pain in the morning.”

She starred at him wondering whether to believe him or not. Reluctantly she pulled her dirty jeans down exposing her conservative white panties.

Turk looked at her thighs. Her thighs were almost bleeding from the chafing.

“Macy your legs are a mess. Why didn’t you say something before now?”

“Turk I didn’t know there was anything that would help.”

Turk pulled some salve out from his saddlebags and handed it to Megan.

“Put this on Megan, I know she won’t let me put it on.” Macy grinned at him and laid down on the blanket. 

The coldness of the salve made Macy twitch as it hit her sore skin.

Turk was standing back watching Megan put the salve on her legs about to go crazy. He wished he was the one putting on the salve but he didn’t want to do anything that might get her upset.

When Megan had finished Turk reached down and pulled her up to her feet.

“Ok you can pull your jeans up cutie pie. I think that will hold you till we get to the ranch. We don’t want to do anything to those beautiful legs.” 

She thought she detected a little quiver in his voice. 

She knew that he must have enjoyed it as much as she did. 

When she looked into his eyes she saw a different person than the one she had despised.

Somehow his whole personality had changed. She couldn’t put her finger on the change but it was definitely something there.

He reached down and picked up the blanket.

Macy’s legs no longer hurt.

“How does that feel now?”

“Thank you Turk, that feels a lot better. Can I get a kiss for making me feel better?”

“Macy you just think you can take advantage of me any time you want to.”

“No Turk, I was just thinking I could kiss you for making my legs feel better.”

Megan was about to crack up. Macy had taken him seriously.

He leaned over and gave her a soft kiss.

“There you go sweet cheeks now don’t you think you can have a kiss from me any time you want it. I don’t want to feel like I am being used like a piece of meat you can sample any time you want.”

Macy finally realized he was just fooling with her and she smiled at him.

“Megan you didn’t see that.”

“Macy I saw that and I am going to tell everyone that you kissed Turk against his will right Turk.”

“Absolutely; she forced me to kiss her. I am going to tell Momma on you.”

“Turk you just got what you have been hinting at.”

Turk helped her get on her horse before mounting his.

When she rode out of the thicket Megan rode beside her. 

She could see that Macy’s face was flushed.

“Macy what’s going on with you?”

Macy looked at her with a blank look on her face for a second.

“I just saw something in Turk’s face that kind of scares me.

He watched you rubbing salve on my legs and I could see a change come over him. I was watching his eyes.

Something changed and he was no longer looking at me like his prey. I can’t believe I thought he was going to rape me when he asks me to pull my pants down. He was just trying to help me feel better.”

Megan replied, “He just wanted to see your legs. 

He got me to do it while he watched. He probably got off watching me do that to you. You know how men’s minds work.”

Macy thought about it for a second realizing that Megan had to be wrong.

“Well as bad as I was hurting I would have let him do anything to me if it stopped the pain. As forward as he is I am surprised he let you put it on.”

“Macy I hate to tell you this but Turk is in love with you. I saw it in his eyes. I think this is great. You are in love with Turk and he is in love with you.
If he put that salve on you I am afraid he might have gone further with his hands. He would have ended up sticking his hands in your panties.

“No Megan you are wrong, you have to be wrong. We don’t get along that well. How can we be in love?”

Megan looked at her and laughed.

They rode on to the house while Macy watched Turk setting tall in the saddle.

He rode proud in the saddle like he was born there.

No matter what had been drilled in her head all her life she still was having ideas about the unknown world she was being introduced to. The thoughts were giving her new sensations she had never had before.

She shook herself out of her daydream. She didn’t want to be having any dreams like that.

She knew in her mind it was wrong and she didn’t want to have any of those thoughts.




















They reached the ranch about 2AM in the morning. Macy almost ran as she headed to her bedroom. She pulled her boots off first then she pulled her jeans off.

As she made it to the bed she pulled her shirt and off. 

She fell on the bed face down and was asleep as soon as she quit bouncing. Turk walked by the room after he came upstairs and saw Macy lying on the bed.

              He propped against the doorframe and crossed his legs as he looked at Macy with her breast bulging out each side and just her panties on.

His eyes slowly scanned from the tips of her toes up her smooth legs to her firm well-shaped buttocks. He noticed she still had bits of mud caked in her hair and on her arms. 

Megan came up behind Turk and said, “Nice isn’t she.”

“Yes she is. I fell in love with her tonight. Her skin is so soft and she is so beautiful.  Megan I want her for my wife.” 

Megan looked into his eyes and could see the love in his eyes that she had noticed. She thought that must have been what Macy saw and didn’t recognize it. She probably had never seen it before. She had never seen that look before in him but she had seen it before in other men’s eyes.

“I’ll tell you one thing. She told me she was starting to like you but I think it goes deeper
than that. She told me when you held her against that boulder this morning and kissed her she had all kind of funny feelings.” 

He grinned
. “Look in there on the bed in her panties with lace around the legs. She is one high-class woman. Can you blame me for wanting her? She was standing in front of me looking up into the rain. Raindrops had her lips so shinny and soft looking I couldn’t resist. I had to taste them with my lips.

After I kissed her I looked down into her eyes. She was so innocent looking I felt bad about doing that to her. Honestly Megan I think she wanted me to kiss her again.”

“Turk I know she did. She told me she wanted to forget about the cows and just kiss you while you held her in your arms. She was disappointed when you told her you were sorry and wouldn’t do it anymore. That’s why she asks you for a kiss after we doctored her legs. She just wanted to put her lips on yours one more time.”

“Megan I wonder what she would do if I went in there and crawled in bed next to her?”

“Turk you are such a dog. If you did that she would bolt like a rabbit and she would never trust you again. I think she really likes you though. It’s going to be up to me to show her that she does. 

I don’t think she has ever had any experience when it comes to love. She just thinks she is in love with that jerk in Boston. She doesn’t know how to tell when she is in love.

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