The Assassin's Mark (Skeleton Key) (10 page)

Read The Assassin's Mark (Skeleton Key) Online

Authors: Sarah Makela,Tavin Soren,Skeleton Key

Tags: #New Adult Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Assassin's Mark (Skeleton Key)
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To my culturally untrained eye, we seemed to blend in.

The small roads we were on slowly became wider and well maintained as we approached the main trade routes between the cities. Even as the roads merged, I began seeing suspicious activity that indicated possible ambushes were already being prepared.

Between the trees that lined the roads, I saw platforms that could be used for a lookout or an archer. Rope and sharpened sticks hung from trees as if ready to jump out on an unwitting bystander.

Still, we kept riding along, not giving any indication of fear for our lives. The moon shone above us, and a nearby small town would be a wise stopping point. We didn’t want to face the bandits. The small town would benefit us since I doubted they’d seen their princess’s face before, and I only hoped Doyle and his agents were still unaware of us having broken away from our main force. As we neared the town, the sights and smells of town mixed with the lilting sound of singing. It didn’t take long for us to find the local tavern.

Chapter Thirteen



The tavern had a several townsfolk in it, but thankfully, there were still rooms available. The town didn’t seem to get many travelers. It might get some passing through as we were, but it wasn’t a hotspot of activity. None of that mattered now. I was just grateful that we were off the road. Horseback riding was enjoyable enough when done on occasion, but it was becoming ever more tiring. It was all I could do to remain in the saddle during the last few hours of our rode.

Part of me wanted to go directly to my room, clean up, and fall sleep, but all the horseback riding had stirred my hunger. The tavern might not serve food on par with my family’s castle, but it would probably be better than what I was used to been getting on the road…hopefully.

Our group sat in a corner with the Edward and Sir Alan keeping an eye on the door. Tabitha remained quiet for once. Perhaps she was tired from our travels too. The other knights talked amongst themselves, but I toned their conversation out. The cloak’s hood covered the top of my face, and I reached for the brim to push it back.

Edward caught my wrist and shook his head slightly. His warm hand on me sent shivers up my arm. “Not yet,” he said in a low voice so no one at the other tables could hear.

“Right. I’m sorry.” I took a sip of ale, doing my best to cope with the hood. It was a challenge, but I managed. No one could know who I was here. If they found out, word would reach Doyle.

We weren’t sure who was feeding him information about me, but the fact he’d known where I was every step of the way so far disturbed me. Who had betrayed us? Were they among me now? I looked at Tabitha, Edward, Sir Alan, and the two other knights with me. While I didn’t know who they were, I trusted Sir Alan’s judgment in bringing them along. He had never let me down before, even if he wasn't happy that Edward was helping us. He didn't seem to trust Edward much, but I did.

I looked between the two of them. Their faces were stoic as they sat there like two sentinels. I shook my head and focused on the delicious ale, finishing off a tankard in barely no time at all before waving for the bar wench to bring me another. The second one went down just as easily as the first, and by that time, our food had arrived and with it another ale.

The food tasted great. I'd never eaten so quickly in all my life. Perhaps I'd been hungrier than I realized. The ale was quenched my palate, and I choked on a giggle. The alcohol made me a little lightheaded and giddy. I typically didn't drink so heavily when I was in the castle, but this seemed as good a time as any to imbibe. It wasn't as if I had anything else to do but cower in fear from Doyle.

I clenched my hands into fists at the thought of his name and pushed back from the table, nearly tipping over as I did. My knees trembled, but Tabitha steadied me. I shoved her hands away. We were just a group of travelers. I couldn't be having someone dote on me. That would draw attention to us. We both knew it too.

Tabitha's lips curved into a frown from beneath her hood, but she didn't say anything. She remained quiet and seated letting me retire to my room alone. We shared a room since it was better to stick together, especially since Edward and Sir Alan likely wanted someone to keep an eye on me at all times. I grimaced as I turned my back on them.

It took all of my focus to place one foot in front of the other and not teeter over. The hallway to the rooms blurred a little, and I tried to remember what room was supposed to be mine. There was one for Sir Alan, one for the two knights, one for Edward, and one for Tabitha and me. I leaned against the wall and stared at the four doors, willing them to let me in on their secrets.

When they didn't, I picked the door closest to me. All of the rooms were decorated in a similar fashion. I couldn't be sure if I'd picked the right one. However, my body was weak and drunk. I didn't really care if this was my designated room or not. I pulled off the heavy cloak and tossed it to the floor along with as much of the armor they'd saddled me with as I could before collapsing onto the bed. The moment my head hit the pillow, I was fast asleep. Not even dreams intruded on my drunken stupor.

"Princess?" A voice stirred me from sleep.

"Go away." I turned to face the wall, not wanting to be disturbed.

"You're in my room. I can't." The crisp, masculine tone held a hint of humor.

I jerked into a sitting position, instantly regretting the sudden movement as nausea swept over me.

Edward sat beside me on the bed. His gaze remained trained on my face, but as I moved, he let it slide lower. Heat filled his eyes, and he jerked his attention back to my face. "I'm sorry to disturb you..."

I glanced down to see what he saw. My pants were gone. The only clothing on me was the leather armor covering my chest and my undergarments. "Um, I think I'm the one who should be sorry." I tried to pull the blanket over me, but we were sitting on it. Besides, I wasn't exactly unhappy to be here with him. I'd never been in a state of undress with a man before, but Edward didn't make me feel improper or vulnerable.

"No need to apologize. It's fine. Here, let's get you to your room." He rose to his feet and helped me up. My legs gave out from the still potent buzz I had, and I careened into his chest, clinging to his armor. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and warmth curled into the pit of my stomach. He held me close, and even when I'd regained my footing, he didn't let go.

I glanced up at him and ran my fingertips over the stubble covering his strong jawline. He was more handsome than any man I'd ever seen before. Before I knew what I was doing, I rose on tiptoes and pressed a kiss against his lips.

Edward stiffened beneath my touch, and fear raked its claws over me. Had I been too bold? I hardly ever let go of my inhibitions. Now I had firsthand experience of why I shouldn't.

I pulled back a little. "My apologies. I--" 

But he didn't release me. Instead, he covered my mouth with his. His lips brushed against mine, and the tip of his tongue slid over my lower lip as if beckoning me to open my mouth for him. When I did, he moved in slowly as if we had all the time in the world. He ran his hands up my back and stripped away the leather armor, only pulling away enough to push it my shoulders.

"I've wanted you ever since..." He stopped and shook his head. "For a while now. If you don't feel the same, I won't pressure you into this."

I didn't respond. I didn't need to. I just wrapped my arms around his shoulders and savored his warm embrace as I trailed my tongue over his lower lip. Desire for him tightened my core, and I wanted to be with him more than I'd wanted anything in a long time. Perhaps our paths were meant to cross. The doors between realms were precise and always did what they chose to do for a reason.

Edward wrapped his arms around my waist, and he leaned in to place kisses against my neck and shoulders. I couldn’t suppress a moan as he nipped the tender flesh of my throat. My body burned with him this close. I wanted things I’d never really known I could have before.

I slid my hands over his broad chest feeling his tight muscles coil beneath my touch. What would it be like to feel his hot skin against mine? I leaned up on my tiptoes to kiss him again.

My people didn’t favor consummating relationships before the wedding night, but part of me wasn’t sure if I’d ever have a chance to partake in those festivities. My own uncle...

I shook that thought from my mind. Now wasn’t the time to think of all we’d learned. I would deal with him once I reached my family’s castle. For now, I could only take solace in Edward’s arms. He’d protected me time and again. I cared for him in a way I’d never felt before.

He slid his hands down my waist to my backside, and his hot palms kneaded the muscles there soothing me as he walked me back toward the bed. “You’re sure about this, princess?” he asked, pulling away a little.


Edward pulled me closer. “Close your eyes and indulge in the sensations, love. Be with me in this moment.”

“I’m sorry. I… It’s hard knowing my own family is plotting against me. That my uncle might have killed my parents.” I bit my lower lip. “I want this. I want what we have together. Please.”

He stared into my eyes. “Take a few deep breaths with me and clear your mind.” He drew in a deep breath before letting it out, then drew in another in a calming, rhythmic pattern. I followed his lead and just as he'd said, the deep breaths seemed to relax my body and mind. "That really does work." I smiled at him in wonder.

"Yes, it does."

I could kick myself for ruining the moment. Who knew if this would be one of our last moments of safety and reprieve before pressing onto my family's castle? We were alone, and in between Tabitha and Sir Alan, that was hard to manage.

I untied the cord on his leather armor, wanting to see his skin and press my bare chest against it. He watched my fingers move, and the slow burn of heat glowed like embers in his smoky eyes. I wanted to fan myself by just being this near him.

He dropped his armor onto the floor beside us, started stripping away his other clothes, and put his knife and gun in a safe spot near the head of the bed.

I wrapped my arms around his waist when he was done and pressed kisses against his massive chest. He moaned, and it rumbled through his chest against my lips making me giggle. He ran his fingertips through my hair and caressed the back of my head.

I trailed my hands down his chest feeling his abdomen clench beneath my touch, then I untied his leather pants. With a glance up at him, I hesitated for a moment, unsure what to do since I’d never been intimate with a man. I’d heard stories from literature and others that women were basically there to make heirs. They were laid on their backs and let the man have their ways with them to reproduce. That didn’t ring true with the desire that welled within me and moistened my thighs. There was more between Edward and me than merely procreating.

“No need to be bashful, princess.” Edward’s warm voice made me smile, and he placed his hands gently over mine as we pushed the leather pants away. “We’ll not get far by keeping them on, and I intend to do more than just kiss and pet you.” He pulled me toward the bed, and I glanced down to see his thick shaft protruding from his body.

My eyes widened a little, and I ran my fingertips over him enjoying his groans of pleasure.

“That’s dangerous.” He placed his hand over mine and leaned me back on the bed. “I want to explore your body and take my time getting to know you intimately.” His thumbs hooked into my undergarments and flashed me a handsome grin.

Our bodies came together in whirlwind of pleasure. We took our time indulging in one another’s bodies. I muffled my cries in Edward’s passionate kisses for fear the knights would barge in, but no one bothered us. This night was one of the best I’d ever experienced. Edward had opened up new worlds to me. I only hoped we lived through the coming weeks, so we could make many more of these sacred moments.


Chapter Fourteen



The past few days left me exhausted, both physically and mentally. I hadn’t planned on developing feelings for a woman I’d had known for long. Yet I couldn’t help but feel warmth burn in my chest when I thought of her.

While I wouldn’t mind remaining here and exploring our newfound emotions for another, we had to press on. I wasn’t sure if the group knew what transpired between us, but I wanted to keep what we had private, just in case.

Tabitha sat down next to me, and the look she gave us signaled that she knew something. It made sense really because Brigit had only returned to her room early this morning. What did it matter even if she did? I hadn’t done anything to the princess that she hadn’t wanted me to.

I turned my attention back to my breakfast and thought of how I’d gotten into this mess. I’d gone through a door without much choice, protected a princess, got caught in a power grab, and now had isolated her away from the proper assortment of troops, leaving us in middle of nowhere between Skyhaven and Darkview, the kingdom’s capital.

“We have some news about your uncle,” Sir Alan said, keeping the reverence in his voice, even if he had to omit the words linking Brigit to her proper position. “It seems he’s moving around the kingdom toward Darkview with his eyes on...some poor man’s house. I swear, unless he keeps his head down, he’ll make some powerful enemies there,” he said, trying to mask his message. None of that was news. It was just as I’d expected. I hated being right.

“My uncle has a way with people, though. He’s not afraid to use his charms to make people see his way.” Brigit frowned as she tore off another piece of bread.

Instead of charms, I think extortion, torture, blackmail, and outright murder fit better. He seemed like an excellent player of dirty politics and would play out his schemes to whatever ends he had.

I stole a glance between the two of them. Their attempt at being discreet was nice, but it’d fool no one if the right person overheard them. “You might as well plant a sign out there. Neither of you are being subtle. I’m sure the trade routes have more than enough merchants for us to trade with instead. There’s no need to venture all the way out to him to state our business. Why not sell the mining claim to one of the fancy nobles riding their groomed tall horses?” Both of them stared at me as if I’d lost my mind.

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