That Man 3 (7 page)

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Authors: Nelle L’Amour

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

BOOK: That Man 3
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It was the perfect first snow of the winter. Three feet deep and powdery. Our house—in
fact, the entire street, looked like a Hallmark Christmas card—with the trees and
rooftops dusted with a thick layer of the pearl white powder. The temperature was
cold, but not unbearable, and the sun was shining brightly, creating a glare from
the snow.

Bundled up in waterproof winter gear, Blake and I wasted no time frolicking in my
backyard. I beat him to it and threw a snowball at him. I got him good in the chest.

“You’re going to pay for that, McCoy,” he growled. Wasting no time, he retaliated
and got me hard in the ass as I tried to escape.

“That hurt,” I giggled.

“Not as much as this one,” he shouted back at me, throwing yet another ready made
one straight at me. Hah! This time I ducked behind a tree, and he missed.

Our snowball fight escalated until we were out of breath and doubled over with laughter.
Blake wrapped his arms around me from behind and nuzzled the little exposed area of
my scarf-shrouded neck. “Come on. Let’s build a snowman.”

“Cool.” Crouching, I instantly formed a snowball and began packing it with snow. Blake
squatted down and followed suit. Side by side, we rolled our snowballs across the
dense white powder. In no time, we built three giant but different sized snowballs
as well as built up a sweat beneath our heavy clothes. Blake stacked the three weighty
balls, one on top of the other. I scouted the yard for anything we could use to make
a face—coming up with a few chunks of coal and twigs for his arms. Blake topped him
off with his silly reindeer hat, stretching it over Mr. Snowman’s head until it almost
ripped. I couldn’t stop laughing.

“Too bad we don’t have a carrot for his nose,” I snorted through my tears of laughter.

“Too bad we don’t have a cucumber for his dick,” laughed my companion. I laughed harder,
so hard my face hurt.

And then, without warning, Blake collapsed onto the snow-covered ground, flat on his
back with his arms outstretched. His eyes were glued shut.

“Blake!” Panic gripped me. Maybe he’d had a heart attack or something. All that shoveling
and those heavy snowballs. Ridden with guilt and despair, I fell to my knees beside
him. My fingers raked his hair. “Blake, Blake, are you okay? Please be okay.”

There was no response. Oh, God. He was going to die in my backyard. If he died, a
part of me died too. At that moment, I realized how much I really,
loved him.

“Blake,” I pleaded again, “please open your eyes. I love you so much.” A tear fell
onto his lips. I pressed my lips against his and kissed it away. Oh, God. Was this
going to be the last time his soft lips touched mine?

Then suddenly, magically, just like in Snow White, his eyes fluttered open. The power
of a kiss! “Gotcha!” he laughed.

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I was at once relieved and furious with him.

“That wasn’t funny,” I scoffed, tossing a handful of snow at him.

I still wasn’t over his little prank when he began to repeatedly open and close his
arms and legs in tandem. It was if he was doing jumping jacks lying down in the snow.

“What are you doing, you crazy man?”

“Seriously? I’m making a snow angel. Don’t tell me you’ve never made one.”

“Are you kidding? My parents would never let me lie down in the snow.”

“Come. Let’s make one together. Get on top of me.”

Hesitantly, I did as bid, positioning my body so my arms and legs were directly on
his outstretched ones. My chin rested on his chest, and even beneath his heavy down
jacket, I could feel his heart beat for me.

“Perfect. Now just follow my movements.” He began to scissor his arms and legs again,
and as he opened and closed them, I did the same with mine. Wow! This was fun.

As we got into a rhythm, it was more than just his heartbeat I felt. Beneath my torso,
I could feel an erection pressing into me. His cock was hardening and swelling. Holy

“Having you on me this way is giving me a fucking hard-on. Tiger, let’s show this
dickless snowman what he’s

My eyes grew as round as saucers. “You want to fuck in the snow?”


“You’ll freeze your ass off.”

“No, I’ll
freeze my ass off. Now, pull down your pants.”

Raising myself a little, I managed to somehow to slide my snow pants—and my tights—down
enough to give him entry. The cold air stung my buttocks.

His arms and legs continued to slice the snow. “Now, pull down my fly and put my cock
inside you.”

With one hand, I reached into the tight space between us and did as he asked. Holy
cow! He’d gone Commando. I could feel the heat of his cock through my gloves, and
as I inserted it into me, its hotness contrasted sharply to the coldness of the air.
I moaned into his chest.

“Oh, baby, you’re like a fucking oven,” he breathed as he filled me to the hilt.

I moved my arms back onto his, and we went back to making our snow angel, opening
and closing our limbs, wider and faster, as he pounded into me, keeping pace. Harder
and deeper. Faster and faster. The melody of “Jingle Bells” echoed in my head.
Oh what fun, it is to ride your cock in the deep white snow and play.

Despite the frigid temperature, my body was heating up. I could feel sweat beading
on my skin beneath my heavy clothes. My chin rested on his chest and I gazed up at
him. The expression on his glowing face was one of pure ecstasy. My fingers clasped
his wrists like manacles so I wouldn’t fall off, and my legs pressed firmly against
his powerful muscular thighs. I was sure we were melting the snow.

“Oh, tiger,” he groaned. “I’m so fucking close to coming.”

“Me too,” I moaned. The pulsing in my core rose to a feverish pitch. I was like a
volcano ready to erupt. I roared his name as I climaxed around him. Waves of white
bliss, as blinding as the snow, spiraled through me. In a breath, I felt him jolt
with his own volcanic eruption, his hot molten lava pouring into me.

I rested my head against his chest for a few long minutes until our breathing calmed
down. My stinging, frozen ass brought awareness back to me.

“Blake, that was amazing.”

He blew out of puff of air. “Yeah, fucking amazing.” A boyish dimpled grin lit up
his handsome face. “Come on, tiger, let’s see how our snow angel turned out. We may
have fucked it up.”

Giggling at his double entendre, I got into a squatting position between his spread
out, V’d legs. Definitely not my most graceful move. He sat up and then helped me
stand up with him. As I pulled my snow pants and tights up over my butt, I watched
as he tucked his spent dick into his pants and zipped up his fly. Snow pants were
not the most flattering things to wear, but on him, they looked sinfully sexy because
I knew what was beneath.

“Look!” A warm smile spread across his face as his vision took in our creation. “I’m
going to take a picture.” He whipped out his ubiquitous iPhone from a jacket pocket
while I stared at the snow angel we’d created together in awe.

“Oh my God!” I rasped. Where our arms had flapped madly, there were wings, and below,
a bell-shaped gown was etched in the snow from the movement of our legs. To my utter
amazement, around the imprint of our heads, the sun cast a halo. Our beautiful angel!
Heaven on Earth! Magic! Pure magic! Tears spilled from my eyes.

“Don’t cry on me again,” whispered Blake, removing a glove to wipe them away.

“I can’t help it,” I sniffed. “An angel is watching us.”

are my angel.” And with that, he crashed down on my mouth with a hot, passionate
kiss while Mr. Snowman looked on with envy.

Chapter 8


e warmed each other up by taking a hot bath together. Jennifer sat between my legs,
her back toward me. Happy to see the necklace I’d given her around her neck, I intermittently
sponged her and covered her with kisses. But something was weighing on my mind.

“Jen, I didn’t use a condom outside.”

“I know.”

“It’s the first time I’ve never used one. I should have told you I’ve been tested
and asked if you were on birth control.”

“I am.”

I inwardly sighed with relief and nuzzled her neck. She lifted her ponytail to give
me better access.

“Blake, I’ve never had sex without a condom either.”

So, we had shared firsts. Sex with Jennifer was incredible. I didn’t think it could
get better. Fucking her in the snow was the best sex I’d ever had. I could still feel
her raw warmth against my own heated rawness. The feeling of spilling into her and
feeling her pussy throb all around me had sent me flying to the moon. My cock swelled
at the sweet memory. Pulling her tight against me, I wondered—had it been as good
for her as it was for me?

One word from her mouth gave me my answer. “Again.”


After our mind-blowing tub sex, we dressed in jeans and sweaters and headed downstairs.
Jen made us lunch—ham and cheese sandwiches—and we cuddled up together on the living
room couch to watch some TV.

“Oh, Blake! The SpongeBob Christmas episode is on,” she squeed after channel surfing.

I remembered her mentioning at my parents’ Shabbat dinner that
SpongeBob SquarePants
was her favorite cartoon. It had become apparent to me she was obsessed with this
animated dude. She’d even written her master’s thesis on him. On his sexual appeal
of all things. As stupid as this may sound, I was jealous of some dumbass cartoon
What does
he have that I don’t?
I needed to know.

“Why do you like SpongeBob so much? I mean, he’s a total spineless geek who looks
like a wedge of Swiss cheese on legs. He probably doesn’t even have a dick.”

She hit me with a pillow. “Don’t talk about SpongeBob that way. He’s funny, sweet,
and innocent. And has a big heart. He always sees the good in people despite their
faults. He’s a virgin, holding out for the right woman. His Sandy. That’s what makes
him appealing. Give him a chance, Mr. Burns.”

Thirty laugh-out-loud minutes later, I was a SpongeBob convert. Call me gay. I loved
the goofy little guy. But I loved my little tiger now even more as if more was possible.
Had I not been afraid of her parents bursting through the front door, I would have
fucked her senseless on the couch and smothered her with kisses.

After watching the cartoon, Jennifer had an idea. She wanted to give me a mini-tour
of Boise. Taking my Jeep, we passed by Boise State where her dad had taught and then
headed downtown. After en­thus­iastical­ly pointing out various sites, Jen grew pensive.

I lowered the sound of the radio and asked, “What are you thinking about, tiger?”

She twitched a half-smile. “You.”

I smiled back and tugged at her adorable knit cap. “That’s always a good thing.”

“I’m not sure.”

“What do you mean?” My voice was edgy. Fuck. Was she having doubts about our relationship?

“I’m worried about how we’re going to handle things. We work together. You’re my boss.
And there’s no way I can keep it a secret from my roommate Libby, who has the biggest
mouth in the world.”

I chewed my lip. To be honest, I hadn’t give much thought to the future. Except she
was in it. She had a point. We needed to figure out how to handle the situation at
work. I’d never had an office affair. And this was beyond an affair.

After much deliberation, I responded. “I’m going to talk to my father. He’ll know
what to do.”

Jennifer nodded. “That’s a good idea. I guess I’ll tell Libby.”

I wasn’t too crazy about her tell-Libby-tell-the-world friend. She was such a know-it-all.
“How do you think she’ll react?”

To my utter surprise, Jen burst out laughing. “Not too well. She thinks you’re a self-centered,
arrogant asshole.”

“Screw her.” My blood was boiling. “She doesn’t know me the way you do.”

Her laughter deepened. “For your information, Mr. Burns, you actually can be a self-centered,
arrogant asshole but—”

Before she could finish her sentence, I pulled off the road with a screech.

“You’re pissing me off.”

She was not the least bit intimidated. “You didn’t let me finish my sentence.”

My forehead creased as her face softened.

“I was going to say: but I love you so much anyway. Now get over here.” Grabbing the
edges of my scarf, she yanked me toward her. Her lips went down on mine with a wild,
spontaneous kiss that she deepened with her tongue. She tasted like warm sugar. So,
so good. We moaned into each other’s mouths. The little tease rubbed my cock. It stirred
beneath the denim of my jeans and grew rigid. Fuck. I needed her to give me head.

Just as I reached for my fly, there was a loud rapping on my passenger door window.
I abruptly pulled away from Jen. Able to see who was outside the door, she pressed
her lips together as if she was stifling laughter. I pivoted my head and could feel
my face turn candy-cane red. Balls. It was a cop. I thought they didn’t work on Christmas.
I quickly lowered my window.

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