Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel (23 page)

Read Tease: A Kings of Korruption MC Novel Online

Authors: Geri Glenn

Tags: #Romance, #MC Romance, #Contemporary Romance

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She laughs again.
“Yeah, except when we were in the sex shop.
He did not enjoy watching us feel up all the dildos.”

We roar with laughter.

“Who stays with you when Ryker’s away?” I ask her.

“Another prospect.
His name’s Bosco.”
She pauses, and I hear her blowing on her coffee.
“He’s OK, but like someone else we know, he doesn’t have much to say.”

“I haven’t met him yet.”

“To be honest, I kind of miss Tease.
He was broody, but we kind of got used to each other, you know?”

I nod.

“How are things with you two anyways?” she asks.

I grin.
“Really great, actually.
He still doesn’t talk much, but he’s opening up.
He’s awesome, actually.”

“Good, honey.
I’m glad.”
I can hear the smile in her voice.
“He’s lucky to have found you.”

I shake my head.
I’m the lucky one.
My life was so boring before I met him, but I didn’t even know it.
Now I have friends and a hot boyfriend, and a bodyguard named Mouse.”

She snorts and laughs.
She’s silent a moment.
“Mine was far from boring, but it was scary as hell.
Most of all, it was just lonely.
Then Ryker came along and opened up a whole new world to me.”

I smile.
“Sounds like one of my books.”

She sighs.
“It does, doesn’t it?
It wasn’t easy at first, and we almost didn’t make it, but now … I never knew life could be so good.”
She chuckles.
“Rival gangs notwithstanding.”

I smile wistfully.
“I hope Travis and I have that someday.”

“You will,” she declares.
“Your man is hot as hell, and he actually talks to you which is more than he does with most people.
He’s into you.”

I grin wickedly, wagging my eyebrows.
“He is hot.
Those abs on that man make my mouth run dry.”

Charlie giggles.
“His eyes are incredible too.”

I sigh.
“He calls himself a monster.”

“A monster!” she exclaims.
“Because of that scar on his face?”
I nod.
“Girl, that scar just makes him hotter.
The only thing scary about Tease is his attitude.
He works hard to make people afraid of him, but it has nothing to do with his face.”

Just then, Mouse comes back with Dexter, flopping down into the seat beside mine.
“What are we talkin’ about?”

I grin.
“How hot Travis is.”

He groans.
Can we just fuckin’ go already?
Sarah’s been blowin’ up my fuckin’ phone with texts, and I need to see to my woman.”

Charlie and I laugh and stand.
Grabbing Dexter’s harness, I nudge him on the way by.
“All right, Mouse.
Since you asked so nicely.”

“Damn right,” he says, clearly proud of himself.
Charlie and I laugh, leaving him to walk several feet behind us carrying our shopping bags.


Using the shiny new key Laynie gave me, I let myself into her apartment.
She’s not back from her shopping trip with Charlotte yet, so I take off my boots, grab a beer from the fridge, and flop down on the couch to watch some TV.
Settling on a show full of bearded men hunting alligators, I look around the room.

My place is a fucking shit pit compared to Laynie’s.
Her place is decorated, homey, and smells good.
Mine has a bed, a chair, and a gun case in the closet.
And it smells like fucking feet.
We’ve only been together a few short weeks, but I like seeing my boots beside her pink running shoes and long brown high-heeled boots.
I like seeing my black clothes tangled up on the floor with her pink ones, and my toothbrush sharing a holder with hers.

I want this.
I want to come home every night to “our” place where it’s decorated with pink fucking flowers and smells like apple pie.
I want to come home each night and flop down on “our” couch and watch TV with her snuggled on my lap and crawl into bed beside her, making her call out my name at the end of a long day.

The phone rings, the caller ID telling me out loud that it’s Laynie’s mother calling … again.
The woman never stops.
Ignoring the phone, I let it ring and turn back to the TV, watching the crazy fuck on the screen roll a gigantic gator into his boat, its tail still thrashing.

Five minutes later, the phone rings again.
This time, Laynie’s mother leaves a message.
Her voice echoes throughout the apartment.

“Laynie Marie Lawson!
I don’t know what you’re trying to prove, but I’m getting sick of it.
I’ve been trying to call you all day.
It’s important!
I don’t know if you are trying to punish me, or if that criminal you’re dating has stuffed your dead body in a freezer!
I’m worried!
Call me back as soon as you get this.”

Fuck me
I don’t know how Laynie’s put up with that woman for this long.
She’s fucking relentless.
I assume that I have Laynie’s pig brother to thank for her mother hating me already, sight unseen.
Shaking my head, I grit my teeth and finish my beer.

Not even ten minutes later, the phone rings again.
This time, I haul my ass off the couch and answer it.
Bringing it to my ear, I grind out, “Hello?”

Then I get, “Who is this?”

I roll my eyes.

“I need to speak with Laynie.”

“She’s not here.
But I’ll tell her you called … again.”
I grit my teeth, forcing myself to be respectful to her.
She is Laynie’s mother, and I haven’t even met her yet.
No need to piss her off before that nightmare comes true.

“What do you mean she’s not there?
If she’s not there, why are you?”

I sigh heavily.
“Look, Laynie’s out shopping with a friend.
She’ll be home soon, and I will let her know you called.”

“Laynie doesn’t go shopping.
She can’t
And she doesn’t
any friends.
She has
, and her father, and her brother.”

Gripping the phone tightly in my hand, I keep my voice as even as I can.
“And she has
, and a whole new group of friends who do things like take her shopping and help her out when she fucking needs it.”
I blow out a frustrated breath.
“Look, lady, no disrespect, but you need to cut the fuckin’ cord.”
Her shocked gasp doesn’t faze me a bit.
“Laynie’s a grown ass woman.
She can
than take care of herself.
Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got some gators to watch.”

I hang up, just as she starts to speak.
Tossing the phone down onto the table, I turn to go back to the couch when I see Laynie standing in the doorway, arms full of shopping bags, and Mouse standing behind her smirking.

“Was that my mom?” she asks.

I watch her closely, unsure of how she’s going to react to me telling off her mother.

Her wonky grin appears on her face, nearly knocking me on my ass.
Tossing her bags off to the side, she turns and takes the bags from Mouse.
“Beat it, Mouse.”
His face is full of shock just as she shuts the door in his face.

I stare at her eyebrows raised as she walks toward me.
When she starts to walk too far to the left, I call out, “I’m over here, babe.”

She smirks and corrects her course.
When she gets close enough, I reach out, grabbing onto her hand to pull her into me.
Pressing her hand into my chest, she smiles brightly up toward my face.
“That was fucking hot.”

“Hotter than me bein’ a biker like some lame asshole in your books?”

She shakes her head.
But close.”

My laugh is cut off when she grabs my face, yanking it down and crushing her lips to mine, her tongue forcing its way into my mouth.
Her kiss is rough and hungry, and every ounce of blood in my body rushes straight to my dick.
Her tits rub against my chest, and I need to see them.
Not caring about the shirt she’s wearing, I yank it open, hearing buttons fling across the room.
I pull back and watch as her chest heaves with excitement.

Yanking the cups of her bra down, her tits are presented to me like a fucking feast ready to be devoured.
I growl, dipping my head to catch one of her nipples between my lips, tugging gently.
She groans and spears her fingers into my hair.

“Travis,” she pants.
I flick my tongue across her nipple and rub her clit roughly through her jeans.
“Travis, stop.”
I fumble with the button on her jeans.
She shoves my hands away.

Confused, I jerk back and stare at her.

She reaches toward me, sliding her fingers across my hips until she finds my belt buckle.
“It’s my turn,” she whispers.

Heart hammering, my eyes widen as she drops to her knees in front of me.
Reaching forward, she slowly pulls down the zipper of my jeans and pulls them down over my hips, leaving them to wrap around my ankles.
My hard cock bounces in front of her, ready to play whatever game she has in mind.

I watch as her pink tongue creeps out, sliding across her plump lips, moistening them and making them shine.
Her palms glide up my legs until she reaches the part of me that is aching with need.
Hesitantly, she wraps her hand around the base of my cock, making my eyes roll back in my head.

Looking down on her, I bite the inside of my lip, willing myself not to cum in her hand.
She’s on her knees, tits still out, propped up with her bra, her blond hair falling all around her shoulders as she softly slides her hand up my shaft.

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