Tamed by the Billionaire (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Tamed by the Billionaire (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)
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“Now, for your present,” Serena said and got up.  She hurried out of the kitchen.

Roman was left in the kitchen with Sylvie.  She had just popped the last bit of her cake into her mouth and was smiling at him with knowing eyes.  “So what do you think of my Serena?”

Taken aback by the directness of the question Roman did not answer right away.  Then he spoke.  “She’s an admirable young woman.  Despite her lack of experience she has an eye for beauty and I can see her doing very well in marketing.  I’m sure her father will have a great asset when she joins the company.”

Sylvie laughed.  “That’s not what I meant and you know it.  I can see that you like her very much.”

The comment almost floored Roman.  Was it so obvious? 

“Here it is.”  Serena came back just in time, the wrapped gift in her hand.  Gently, she laid the large flat rectangle on the table.  “Time to open your gift.”

Sylvie stared at it eagerly.  “I think I know what it is.  It’s shaped like…it’s the picture I saw at the Royal Ontario Museum.  The one that featured the skyline.  I know that’s it.  You saw me admiring it and you got it, didn’t you?”

Serena shook her head.  “I’m sorry but that’s not what it is.  I hope you still like this one, though.”

Sylvie chuckled.  “I’m sure I will.” She slid her finger under the paper at the back and quickly peeled off the tape then she slid the frame out of the wrapping.  What came out of the package was the gold-framed charcoal portrait of Sylvie and a handsome man smiling down at her.  Sylvie’s eyes widened in surprise and then her lips trembled and tears filled her eyes.  “Oh Serena, it’s beautiful.”

“Grandma, you’re crying.  Are you sure you like it?”

“I love it, I absolutely love it.  You captured the moment beautifully.”  Sylvie gently caressed the face of the man with her weathered hands.  Then she put her fingers to her lips.  “This was a moment I will always remember.  And now you’ve captured it for me with your own hands.  Thank you.”

“I…I couldn’t think of what to give you and I couldn’t buy you a nice gift like I usually do so I thought maybe this would be a good substitute.”

“This is the best gift you could have ever given me.  I don’t need perfume or expensive jewelry.  I want memories.  I want something that’s from you.  You’ve given me both with this gift.”  She laid the portrait gently back down on the table then got up and opened her arms. Serena stepped right into them and, with tears in their eyes, the two women embraced.



Serena sighed as she slid out of Roman’s car.  She felt happy, even contented.  She’d had a wonderful evening with her grandmother and with Roman there it had been even more fun.  They’d ended up playing board games with Sylvie and when Roman started having a winning streak Sylvie and Serena had had to gang up on him to beat him.  Serena could not tell when she’d had so much simple, satisfying fun.

It was almost nine o’clock but she didn’t want her day with Roman to end.  As he took her hand to help her out of the car she looked up at him.  Then she smiled hesitantly.  “Would you like to come up for a drink?”

Roman looked down at her, his face partially hidden in the shadows, and for a moment he was silent.  Then he said, “Are you sure?  You’re not tired?”

“No, I’m fine.  Are you tired?”

Roman let her fingers slide from his hand then he shrugged.  “Not at all.”

“Okay, then.  It’s settled.”  Serena walked ahead of him into the lobby, wondering where she had found the courage to invite her boss back upstairs.  It wasn’t like earlier in the day when he’d come specifically to help her with the cake.  Now it was more like…a date.

Once they were back in the apartment Serena felt at a loss for words.  She’d invited Roman up because she’d enjoyed his company and wanted more of it but now she felt nervous.  She decided to escape to the kitchen.  “Would you like a drink?  I have wine.”

“A drink would be nice,” he said with a nod.  “White wine if you have it.” 

Serena hurried to the kitchen where she poured two glasses of wine and laid them on a silver tray.  Taking a deep breath she headed back to the living room. 
Come on, Serena, what are you afraid of?
  She was the one who’d invited him.  Deep down, though, she knew what she feared most.  It was herself.

When she got back to the living room Roman was still lounging in the sofa as he’d been when she left but this time there was a big book in his hand.  He was deeply engrossed and as she got closer Serena saw that the book in his hand was her old photo album.

She almost dropped the tray.  Goodness, where had he found that old thing?  And then she remembered.  Earlier that week she’d been looking for an old school photo and had dug it out of her trunk.  She must have left it on the lower tier of the coffee table.  And now it was in his hands.

She could feel her face grow warm with embarrassment.  She’d been somewhat of a nerd in her younger days, her constant reading forcing her into thick glasses at the age of ten.  Sometimes it was hard being an only child and after her mother’s death and her own bout with cancer she’d drawn more and more into her shell.  She’d been a loner with books as her only friends.  When she got into her teens she’d breathed a sigh of relief when she was finally allowed to wear contact lenses.  And thank God for laser correction which she’d done as soon as she’d gone off to college.

Now Serena stared at Roman in horror.  Had he seen her at her worst?  She cringed inside.  Quickly, she walked into the room and set the tray down on the coffee table with a smart bang.

“What have you got there?” she said casually, wondering how to get the album away from him as fast as possible without seeming rude.

Roman looked up at her, a big grin on his face.

Not a good sign.  He’d probably gone through the whole lot of photos already.

“Interesting,” he said, his look enigmatic.  His face gave nothing away but his smile said it all.  She’d been discovered and not in a flattering way.

Serena leaned over and reached for the album.  Rude or not, it was time to get that thing away from him.  “I’ll put that away.  I’m sure there are a lot more interesting things for you to do with your time.”

“Oh no, you don’t,” he said with a chuckle and held tight, refusing to let her take it from his hands.

“But those are just old pictures.  Nothing you’d like to see.”  She stepped around the table, determined to retrieve the source of her embarrassment.  Some of the photos in there were so terrible the man could blackmail her with them if he wanted.

“Oh, but I do,” he said in a teasing tone and slid the book away from her and onto the seat beside him.  Clearly, he was determined to keep flipping through the pages, leaving her open to more and more humiliation.  Well, it wasn’t going to happen.

Before he could guess her intention Serena dove for the album and snatched it up into her arms.  She was turning away, determined to get the book as far away from him as possible, when she felt hands like bands of steel wrap around her waist.  With one tug he pulled her off balance then she was falling backwards, unable to stop herself from landing squarely on his lap.

Roman laughed out loud as her bottom landed on the hardness of his jean-clad legs.  “Where are you going, little girl?”

She gasped, still hugging the photo album close to her chest.  “I…I just wanted to…” She stopped, not able to go on.  The words fled from her mind and all she could think about was the feel of his hardness through the fabric of her jeans.  It wasn’t just the firm muscles of his legs that had her squirming.  Right where the curve of her hip rested on his groin she could feel the solid rock of his arousal.

Now Roman’s smile was gone and in its place was a look of passion so deep, so intense that Serena clutched the album, her shield, even tighter.  But he was having none of that.  With strong fingers Roman pulled the book from her hands and laid it on the table.  Then he turned his attention back to her. 

Dear Lord, what was he going to do now?  It was a stupid question.  The thumping of her heart and the tightness in her lungs told her she already knew.  Roman was going to kiss her and she wanted it so bad.  Her nipples hardened in anticipation.

As Roman lowered his head Serena closed her eyes and when his lips touched hers she sighed.  She’d been waiting for this for so long.  God, how she wanted him.

As she melted in his embrace Serena felt Roman’s hand slide up to cup the back of her head and then he was in total control, his masterful kiss making her gasp in response.  Soon she was kissing back, giving him as much as he gave, all her caution thrown out the window.

He slid his lips away and she gave a soft moan which became a mewl when he began to nibble her ear.  Christ, when his lips moved lower to tickle her neck she had no power to resist.  Eyes closed, she tilted her head back all the better to give him access.

Roman needed no further encouragement.  His lips feathered over her skin then paused at the valley between her breasts, warming her already heated flesh.  Serena slid trembling fingers through the silky thickness of his hair, pressing him into her, wanting the sweetness of his lips on her body.

Roman seemed to sense her desperate need because, with one hand, he began to loosen the buttons on her blouse.  Within seconds he had it wide open and only the lace of her bra separated his skin from hers.  Without hesitation he moved the cups away, pushing them down until they lay under her breasts which now thrust upward to meet his gaze.

 He dipped his head and captured her right nipple between his lips then sucked it deep into his mouth, making her gasp out loud.  He nipped at the bud then soothed it with the silky smoothness of his tongue until her toes curled from the sensuous caress.  When she felt she would swoon from the pleasure he switched to the left breast and there he continued his sweet assault.

By the time Roman lifted his head Serena was lost in the passion of the moment.  She slid her hands around his waist and pulled till she got the fabric of his polo shirt out of his pants.  She lifted it up, exposing his muscled torso to her gaze.  Fascinated, she ran her hands over his stunningly beautiful body.

Encouraged by an involuntary groan from his lips she slid both hands up until her fingers grazed his nipple.  They hardened in response.  Now she wanted to give him the same pleasure he had given her.  She lowered her head and pressed her lips to his chest, covering one nipple with her mouth while she rolled the other between her fingers.  And just like he’d done to her she sucked on the sensitive part of him, nipping then caressing, until another groan escaped his lips. 

Serena shifted in his lap, intent on driving him over the edge.  She slid her hands down his sides, never once releasing his nipple from her lips, then moved her hands across and down to the buckle of his belt. There was a boldness that surged through her, one that she had never felt before, and she wanted more of him…to see him, to caress him, to know every inch of this man who had captured her mind and her soul.

She was pushing at the belt strap, trying to get it through the buckle, when Roman’s big hands covered hers.  Her hands stilled and she lifted her head and looked into his eyes, so dark and intense.

“No, Serena.  We can’t.”

“W…what?”  Was she hearing right?  Did he want her to stop?  He could not mean that.  Not when she was weak from wanting him.

He gripped her upper arms and shifted, sliding her off his lap and on to the seat beside him.  He dragged his shirt back into place then leaned over and, as cool as you please, began to button her blouse.

Mortified, Serena ripped her shirt from his hands.  “I can do it,” she said, her voice sharp with humiliation.  Then more softly, in a dejected whisper, “It’s okay.  I can do it myself.”  She turned her back to him and quickly straightened her bra then redid the buttons on the blouse.  She could not believe he was rejecting her yet again.  What was it about her that turned him off?  She gave an involuntary sniff, the pain of his dismissal like a knife in her chest.

“Are you alright?”  Roman reached out a hand to her.

She shrugged him off then got up and crossed the room.  She wanted to get as far away from him as she possibly could.  She wanted him but he did not feel the same.  That much was very clear.

Roman got up and finished tucking his shirt into his trousers.  Then he looked over at her and sighed.  “I’m sorry, Serena.  That should never have happened.  I think it’s time for me to go.”

Serena shrugged, feigning nonchalance, but inside her heart was crumbling like a sand castle in the rain.

Without another word Roman walked to the door and opened it.  For just a moment he glanced back at her.  Then he was gone.

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