Swapped (5 page)

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Authors: Keaton Quist,Brynn Paulin

Tags: #BDSM Erotica

BOOK: Swapped
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His laugh startled me, and he set me to his side. “You don’t even know yourself.” He stood and walked to the cabinet where he’d rummaged earlier. He brought out something I couldn’t make out. There was chain, but I couldn’t see what it was. Excitement washed over me. What did he have in store for me now? “Stand up and button that shirt the rest of the way,” he commanded.

My legs protested when I rose. So much sex, coupled with so much climaxing, had left an ache in my thighs. Curling my toes into the plush carpet, I reached for the buttons. “Yes, Master,” I added for good measure. We’d segued back into something more intense, and I didn’t want another punishment. While I’d enjoyed it in the end, I enjoyed the pleasure of his cock far more.

“That’s a good little white girl,” he replied when he returned to me. It was then I saw what he had in his hand, and ice surged through my veins.

“No,” I gasped, taking a step backward.

His iron-hard fist locked around my upper arm. “Yes,” he countered firmly.

I stared at the cuffs, leather collar and chain. “You can’t— I won’t—”

“You will; it’s not your choice,” he replied. “I am your Master and you will obey me. This won’t hurt you.”

I shook my head.

“I’myou go. If you move, I’ll paddle that cute, round ass again. This time I won’t go as easy on you. Understand?”

He’d gone easy on me?

He waited until I replied, “Yes, Master,” before he let go of me. He snapped the cuffs around my wrists for the second time that night then holding my gaze, dropped the small key into the pocket of the going to let


Chapter Five



Without a word, Jayson fastened the stiff, black-leather collar around my neck. It was loose enough I could breath(in’ing my e but tight enough I knew it was there. Quickly, he snapped on the lead then used it to tug me after him to a full-length mirror near the cabinet. Tears welled in my eyes at his treatment. He thought I was lovely? Sure he did. I was a thing to him. Nothing. The equivalent of his dog, if he had one. Actually, that might be more value than he had in me.

Turning me, he forced me to look in the wide, floor-to-ceiling reflection. He stood behind me, his arm wrapped under my breasts and the silver chain wound around his fist. A Master and his slave. He controlled me with that short length; he owned me. I was his in that moment with no escape, and he could bring me to heel as easily as he wanted.

And my fucking body… I nearly sobbed when I felt the tingles of renewed arousal fingering through my breasts then sweeping down through my core to my pussy. This treatment excited me. Warm cream seeped into my folds. How could this turn me on? I’d never been more humiliated.

Unable to meet his eyes, I stared at the floor and wondered what Tom was doing right that second. If I managed to run out to the living room, would he take me out of here? Would Jayson let it happen without a brawl?

“Look,” he ordered.

I raised my gaze, but it was his hand that captured me. The links wrapped above his four fingers, his thumb seeming to lock it in place. He was so strong, holding my very life in his hands.

“Seeing you like this,” he whispered against my ear, sending shivers through me, “you submitting to me, even though you’re angry, brings me pleasure. It will always be your submission that feeds me. Nothing else; only you.”

I lifted my eyes to meet his in the mirror.

His free arm locked around my middle and drew me hard against his powerful frame. “Without it, I would starve,” he groaned.

“You don’t…you don’t know me,” I whispered.

“I’ve wanted you since we did Tom’s background check before we decided to interview him. I demanded thorough research on you. You’re the reason we even considered him. I also know I’ve never had as good of sex as I just had with you. I could tell you reacted to me just as strongly. You feel it, even if you don’t want to admit it or if you’re scared to. You belong to me. The rest of the feelings will follow.” There was a yank at the collar around my neck as he turned from the mirror and pulled me toward the door. “Come with me,” he commanded.

Wide eyed, I stared at the exit to the office and only followed him when he tugged on the short lead. Anyone could be out there and see me. Tom…one of Jayson’s work associates or their partners. And this was a big house. Surely, Jason had some sort of hired help. Did they live in? Were they lurking around some corner waiting for Jayson’s company to take a break and need something to eat or drink? As humiliating as I viewed it to be led like a dog, the idea of anyone else seeing me utterly debased like this paralyzed me.

Tears welled in my eyes, and I couldn’t stop the one that escaped to roll down my cheek. I sniffed, and that’s probably what caught his attention. His spine stiffened, and he turned to look at me. When I didn’t meet his gaze, he hooked a finger beneath my chin and forced me to show him my face.

“You’re scared?” he asked with more compassion than I would have credited him with.

“YesXth">“Noear,” I replied.

“I won’t harm you. I’ll never harm you, Malory.”

harming me, but I didn’t say so. He was destroying what little self I still clung to after being married to an asshole for ten years.

“I’m not frightened you’ll hurt me,” I admitted.

He let out a dry chuckle. “I might hurt you,” he admitted. “I just won’t harm you. I won’t damage you. But discipline, yes, that hurts sometimes, but it also brings pleasure.” He tugged the chain and pulled me until I was against his chest. “And this chain,” he rasped. “Doesn’t it turn you on? It makes me hot to see you like this, my beloved slave, all mine, only for my pleasure.”

That didn’t sound as if I were nothing to him. I snuffled again and tried to hide my face again, but he wouldn’t let me. I wasn’t as brave as he seemed to think I was. “I don’t…I don’t want to be seen like this.”

“This,” he tugged gently. “This is a symbol of my ownership. Of the commitment I’m making to take care of you always. But I won’t lie, it makes me fucking hard to see you chained for me, whether like this or in cuffs and shackles.”

That was true. I felt his cock pressing against me. It seemed even harder than before, though I knew that was impossible. “But everyone else—”

“No one else will ever see you like this,” he growled. “
No one.

I nodded, wondering how he could guarantee that when he was pulling me out into a very public space.

There was no one out there when he opened the door, but I panicked when he led me in the direction from which we’d come to get to his study. It wasn’t until we reached a stairway I hadn’t seen before that I realized a door blocked the hallway.

Jayson followed my gaze. “This part of the house is off-limits to my guests. I told you, your body and your submission are only for me. You need to trust that, even if you don’t trust me yet.”

“Yes, Master,” I replied without hesitation. Smiling, his pleasure clear, he leaned into me and kissed me hard. I found myself pressed against the banister while he consumed my lips, his tongue sweeping deep inside.

“God, your mouth,” he groaned. “I can’t wait to have it around my cock while I fuck it.”

Since giving head was one thing I loved, I couldn’t wait for that too. And his long wide shaft… My mouth watered at the idea of tasting him and running my tongue along all the heavy ridges. The tension in my middle yanked tighter. It would be good, but I doubted anything would be as good as that cock lodged deep inside my cunt.

* * * *

Jayson’s bedroom was a surprise. I don’t know what I was expecting. Leather and chains, I guess, but there wasn’t a chain or any leather to be seen. Nor was there a rack or any other sort of BDSM equipment that I might have expected to see. The room was huge and took up the entire third floor of the house—at least as far as I could tell anyway. An enormous bed had been placed in the center of the west wall and a bank of floor-to-ceiling windows ran the length of the east. Plenty more windows ran in regular intervals on the norTell me how you id’lth and south with a slider to a balcony to the right of the stairs. The space, decorated in varying shades of brown, screamed of wealth yet appeared comfortable.

Three sets of double doors and no windows were on the wall with the bed. I figured the doors led to closets and the bathroom. That assumption was proved right when he left me standing in the center of the room then revealed an enormous bathroom. More windows ringed the upper portion of that space, ensuring it would be full of sunlight in the daytime yet afforded privacy. Since it was dark outside, he turned on the lights in there, adjusting them to a low glow akin to a roomful of candles.

He disappeared from my sight then I heard water running. Since I could see the tub from where I stood, I figured there must be a shower tucked off to the side. Standing beneath the water sounded phenomenal. My muscles still ached from earlier, and with all the sex we’d had, I was feeling a little dirty. I longed for a soak in a bath, but I’d take what I could get.

He returned a few moments later, and I swallowed at the soft glow of light off his damp skin. He’d washed himself and still glistened from the water. My fingers flexed, and I wished I could reach for him. I needed to run my palms over his slick flesh.

Without a word, he grasped the front of the shirt and yanked. Buttons spattered around us, the sound of their plinking on the floor, mixing with the ripping of the fabric. He shoved it down my arms, and it caught on my bound wrists.

I gasped, my naked breasts shuddering while I tried to catch my breath. It must have amused him. A feral grin curved his lips as his hungry eyes watched my body react to him. With no warning, he wrapped the leash around his hand again and tugged, tumbling me down to my knees. I bobbled for balance, but he didn’t help me. Instead, he pulled me toward his erection. The tip of his cock pressed against my lips, and I opened willingly. At once, he pushed inside, sliding along my tongue until he reached the back of my mouth. I gagged, my eyes watering as I struggled to accommodate him. I wanted to take him, and it didn’t bother me that he fucked my mouth deep. It seemed to please him too as he smiled darkly. He pulled back, until he was almost free of my lips then surged forward again.

His hand had shifted up on the leash, and now, he held it tight in a fist at my throat. I had no leeway to move and could only suck and lick while he pushed in and out. Saliva slipped from the corners of my mouth as I struggled to swallow, and he groaned at the convulsions. Each time he pressed deep he paused, making my eyes water more and keeping me from breathing. I learned quickly to suck in a gasp on his withdrawal because I never knew how long he’d pause when he reached the back of my mouth. I also noticed that he was able to get a little further inside with each thrust.

I sucked hard, while he moved, wanting nothing more than to please him, my Master, and to give him satisfaction. I closed my eyes and breathed in his musky scent and tasted the salty essence leaking from his tip. I lost myself in his cock as I lashed my tongue over it. In that moment, I existed for nothing but giving him head. I was his cock-sucking slave. That was my purpose and nothing else.

Above me, he groaned and the fingers of his other hand laced into my hair, tightening when he drew closer to his release. He was shaking, so close I could feel it. The chain dropped, and his newly freed hand pushed into my hair with the other as he fucked my mouth with fast, shallow drives. Suddenly, with a yell, he pulled free. His cum sprayed onto my chin, my neck, my breasts and I g@com’lasped from the fury of the moment.

Jayson stood over me, still holding my head and panting. His cock jerked with the remnants of his orgasm. I tilted back against his palms so I could look up at his face. His mouth was slack with pleasure while he drew in breaths, and his eyes were closed. As if sensing my gaze on him, he opened heavy lids and stared down at me.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured. He stepped back and took in my cum-covered body. Before that moment, I would have been demeaned by my position, chained, on my knees, his seed on me. His expression said everything. It was filled with pride and admiration, devotion and possessiveness. It changed everything inside me, keeping me from the negative feelings. I realized that in his eyes, seeing me like this cemented my submission, and really, it made me feel accomplished. I’d made him lose himself. Maybe, he wouldn’t have normally come on a woman, but I’d made him.

I couldn’t hold back my grin as he lifted me to my feet. He released the collar and let it drop to the floor with a clatter. Then he turned me, and I felt him fumbling with the shirt. When I heard the first cuff release, I knew he’d been fishing for the key. In a moment, both my wrists were free. Still, I didn’t moved them from where they rested on the upper curve of my ass. He hadn’t given me permission.

“Let’s go take that shower,” he said, curling his fingers around one of my hands and drawing me with him. “That was my intention when I came out here, not a blowjob, though that was fucking fantastic. You’ve got a mouth made for my cock.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“Oh, I more than liked it, baby,” he replied as we stepped into the gorgeous bathroom, with its huge sunken tub and double sink. The bronze fixtures gleamed beneath the muted lighting and steam filled the shower enclosure, though the doors weren’t fogged in the least which bemused me. A cloud of thick moisture rolled from the opening when he pulled back the door for me and led me into the space big enough for an orgy. Seriously, everyone downstairs could have showered comfortably there. He adjusted a lever and spray erupted from all directions.

I closed my eyes as the fingers of water massaged my body then moaned when Jayson’s hands joined in. Through a slitted gaze, I watched him rubbing a soapy cloth over my skin. He spent extra time at my breasts then my cunt, rubbing and circling until my legs wobbled and I had to reach out to the wall for support.

Jayson toss the washcloth to the shower floor then stepped a little closer. His hand closed on my breasts and squeezed, his thumbs swiping back and forth over the nipples. I shook, fire pouring through me as he caused the fibers between my breast and pussy to draw tight. Tension knotted inside me, and the throbbing and clenching in my pussy grew, readying me for his cock. It hadn’t been long since our last encounter, yet I needed him again. Now.

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