Stronger With Us (The Strength Series Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Stronger With Us (The Strength Series Book 3)
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“So, you lost your virginity by thrusting into a girl once and then being chased down the street, buck-ass naked by her older brother, and then you had to walk home barefoot, only wearing pants?” She gives me a serious look, and I nod in agreement. “That’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” she says as she laughs.

“I’m glad I amuse you,” I reply.

“Oh, it’s more than amusing. It’s fucking hilarious!” Christin’s laughter gains momentum until she’s not making any noise at all; just clutching her stomach and breathing hard.

“Are you done? It was horrible.”

“How did you show your face at school again? Did her brother hunt you down there, too?”

“Yeah, he made my life pretty miserable for a while. Thankfully Casey did what she could to minimize the damage. In some circles I became a legend, and in others I was a pathetic loser.”

“Well, I’m glad you overcame your start to sex. In fact, why don’t you show me all the things you’ve learned since that day,” she says with lust in her eyes.

“It would be my pleasure,” I say as I push her back and begin sucking on her neck. I take my time building her up and taking her over the edge several times before I find my release. We fall into a heap on the bed and fall asleep in each other’s arms.




Jude and I have spent every night together for the past three weeks. Sometimes we sleep at his apartment, but more often we’re at my place. I tell myself it’s easier because I have everything we need, but it’s more the fact that I want him in my space. It feels safer to have him here and I sleep much better when he’s in my bed. I haven’t asked him to move in permanently, but I imagine that will be a conversation we have soon.

I was released to go back to work a couple days after the attack, but it wasn’t the same. The place where I had always felt in control now was a place of chaos. I applied for a transfer within the hospital and was reassigned to the intensive care unit. It’s a different atmosphere, but I still get to take care of people. Things are much more subdued and quiet here, but it’s been a fairly smooth adjustment for me.

“Hey, are you going on break soon?” I hear the voice of my friend, Jonathan, ask. When I look up he’s standing in front of me with what appears to be a cup from my favorite coffee place.

“If you have anything but marble macchiato in that cup I may disown you,” I say with a smile.

“You know me better than that. Now get your sexy little ass in the staff lounge. It’s been too long since we’ve had time to chat.” He walks off with my cup, and I follow like a starving dog looking for its next meal. I pass my supervisor on the way and she nods her agreement for my break.

When I close the door Jonathan hands me the coffee and I take a long sip, savoring the flavors and hoping the caffeine works its magic soon. I may have also let out a moan.

“You know it creeps me out when you make sex noises with your drinks. Stop it right now,” he says.

“I can’t help it. It’s just sooooo gooood,” I say as seductively as I can. There isn’t much that will cause Jonathan to blush, but this does. I don’t hold back my laugh at his expense.

“All right, tell me what’s going on with you. Are you still riding the horse?” he asks with a smirk.

“Oh my God, you really are crazy!”

“That’s not a no. Come on, I need to know. Oscar has been in Washington, D.C. for over a week, and your man is great spank bank material. Please give me something,” he whines.

“The thought of you jacking off to visions of my boyfriend is disturbing and may haunt my nightmares. Seriously, who does that?”

“Are you going to sit there and tell me that you’ve never imagined or fantasized about me and Oscar? I know you once had a subscription to Cocky Boys and you got your money’s worth,” he raises an eyebrow and sits back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest.

“God, you’re such a bitch. But I will have you know that Gabriel Clark and Colby Keller were the stars of my musings, not you or Oscar.” I’m not going to talk about my predilection for gay porn. Watching all those muscles moving and the sounds they make, it’s inspiring and a hot as hell.

“Denial is more than a river in Africa, CJ. Now, tell me about what I want to know.”

I sigh, resigning myself to spilling the beans. Jonathan won’t let this go, and it’s been my experience that if I give him a little of what he wants, he’ll be satisfied for a while.

“You know the band, Nine Inch Nails from the eighties and nineties? Well, let’s just say that nine inches is just the right size to be nailed.”

“Girl, you are so bad! Yum, that sounds wonderful. My ass may have just clenched with the thought of it.” He grins and rolls his eyes back into his head.

“That’s it. You don’t get anything else. You’ve ruined it with talk about your ass.” I start to stand up and leave, though I know I’ll let him off the hook quickly.

“I’m sorry... really, really sorry. I promise I’ll be good this time. Please, I’m begging you, tell me more.” His pouty face gets me every time. He’s just too adorable and fun to talk to.

“This is your last chance. Behave or I’m walking out of here,” I say pointing my finger at him. He nods and runs his hand over his mouth in a zipping motion.

“That’s better. Now, I’ll only admit this to you, because I have a reputation to uphold, but it feels really fucking good to have someone in my life. I’ve always thought all I needed was myself, but having Jude around makes everything better.”

“Oh, honey, you’re so smitten. It looks good on you,” Jonathan says as he reaches over and squeezes my hand. I can’t stop the blush that breaks out on my cheeks.

“I feel like such a girl.”

“That’s okay because you are a girl. A beautiful one who deserves nothing but happiness, rainbows, and unicorns shitting glitter all over you.”

“What a visual. You certainly have a way with words. Now, I have to get back to work. How about I call you tomorrow and we can try and set a lunch date?”

We stand up and Jonathan pulls me in for a bear hug. “I’m happy for you, sweetie. I meant what I said. You deserve this.”

“Thank you,” I say into his chest, where my head is currently crushed. “You’re going to kill me.”

He steps back quickly, and I stumble a little. “Sorry. I can’t help it. I love seeing you this happy.” He kisses my forehead before turning and walking out of the breakroom. I shake my head at him before I head back to my patients.

Four hours later I’ve clocked out, changed my scrubs for a red minidress, and I’m in my car headed toward Raffiki’s. Becca loves the restaurant and she feels safe there, so that’s usually where we go for dinner. I haven’t seen my two best friends for over a week, and I’m anxious to get caught up on their lives.

Once I enter the authentic Italian restaurant, I’m hit with the mouth-watering aroma of garlic and tomatoes. The room is decorated to look like a villa in Italy with live plants and stucco walls. It’s pretty busy so I decide to wait for the hostess to help me find my friends.

“What’s a nice girl like you doing in a dirty mind like mine?” I hear from behind me. I ignore the obviously stupid man, hoping that I can escape soon.

“Do you believe in karma? Because I know some good karma-sutra positions.” That’s it. I turn around ready to tell this asshole to shut the fuck up and get away from me.

“Hey,” is all he says when we make eye contact. In an instant my anger is replaced by lust as I look up at Jude.

“What are you doing here? I thought you had to work tonight,” I say as I pull him down to hug me.

“I got done early and Colin said he was coming with Becca tonight, so I thought I’d crash your dinner. Is that okay?”

“It’s more than okay. I’m glad you’re here.” He closes the gap between our lips and kisses me like he needs it more than his next breath.

“This is a family place, you know. Save that shit for your bedroom,” Colin’s voice interrupts our make out session. I start to move away, but Jude tucks me into his side and keeps an arm around my waist.

“I seem to remember a time when you would have been in the exact same position, little brother.” Jude smiles and reaches out slapping Colin on the shoulder. Becca comes around her man and pulls me into a hug. Jude doesn’t let me go far, keeping a hand on me while I embrace my friend.

“Is Stephanie bringing Runt with her?”

“Yes, she is,” comes the answer from the door as James ducks to avoid getting hit in the face by the ivy hanging from the doorway. He’s so fucking tall that I’m not sure how my little friend handles him.

“Hi, everyone,” Stephanie says as she bounces in behind Runt. How she can do that in those six-inch heels is a wonder to me. Anything higher than three inches and I look like a clown trying to walk a tight rope.

“Looks like the gang’s all here,” Raffiki says as he gets menus from the podium. “I’ve got your favorite table reserved for yo,u so follow me.”

Becca, Stephanie, and I have been coming here since college. We know all the wait staff by name and Raffiki kind of adopted us, making sure we were well fed and listening to us cry when we needed a father figure. It’s something none of us take for granted.

Once we’re all seated, I ask the obvious question, “How did this dinner go from a girls’ night to date night? Not that I mind, but I’m curious.”

Becca laughs nervously and avoids making eye contact with me. I glance at Stephanie and she shrugs one shoulder communicating that she’s as clueless as I am. Jude puts his arm around my shoulders and kisses the top of my head while I wait for someone to answer my question. Several awkward seconds later Colin clears his throat.

“Becca and I wanted you to be the first to know that you’re all going to be aunts and uncles next year. We’re pregnant.”

My eyes fill with tears, and my face is one big smile. Stephanie makes some unintelligible squeaking noise and claps her hands. I get up and go to hug Becca.

“I’m so happy for you,” I whisper in her ear. She nods and squeezes me tighter. Stephanie wraps her arms around both of us and the tears fall from my eyes.

“Congratulations, man,” I hear Jude say. It’s obvious that he’s been working on his relationship with Colin, and it makes me so happy to see them getting along.

The three of us girls finally break apart and we’re all crying. I’m sure we make quite a sight to the rest of the patrons in the room, not that I really give a shit.

“A baby! This is so exciting,” Stephanie exclaims as we move back to our seats.

“Thanks, you guys. I’m terrified but so incredibly happy,” Becca responds. Colin pulls her in and kisses her, prompting the rest of us to cheer.

As I look around the table I’m reminded that good things are possible and that friends can become family.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but I can’t wait to get you home later and show you how important you are to me,” Jude whispers in my ear. Desire pools in my belly and my thighs clench together. “Are you getting wet for me?”

“I am, now behave yourself. We’re here with our friends. You can have your wicked way with me when we leave.”

“That’s good because this dress is driving me out of my mind.”

I turn and look into Jude’s eyes. What I see reflected there is unconditional acceptance, lust, and possibly love. It’s a heady combination. I give him a quick peck on the lips before focusing on our dinner companions again.

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