Steamy Sisters (2 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kitt

BOOK: Steamy Sisters
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Katherine was inclined not to give him anything, wanting to keep him hungry. She wanted him to be ravenous. If he was getting his mouth around anything today, she damn well hoped it would be her. “Let’s take a look,” she said,
and led the way to the kitchen.

The two of them strolled through the maze of rooms, their minds on each other, both wondering when, or if, one of them would make the first move. Lost in their thoughts, they didn’t notice the discreet hotel security cameras tracking their every move.




Chapter Two

There wasn’t much food in the kitchen, but enough for Katherine to rustle up some pancakes and coffee. Before pouring the batter into the skillet, she dipped her middle finger into the bowl and tasted some. Her pout ran along the length of her finger, engulfing it, and licking it clean.

Pancakes and coffee. Richard felt it was like the morning after the night before. Only without the night before. At least not yet. Even the way she prepared food was sensual. Her movements were fluid and graceful, and he watched as she flipped the pancake over. He’d really been looking forward to seeing her again. It had been too long. His heavy work schedule, flying all over the world, left him little time for serious relationships, and although he’d been seeing a girl in California, it had eventually come to nothing.
The first time he’d met Katherine it had been instant attraction. Lust, for sure. But also something deeper. Now, here in the hotel he’d designed for her, watching her fix him some food, he felt strangely content. It felt good.

Katherine placed the pancakes on a plate and put them on the table in front of Richard. “Maple Syrup?” she asked, hovering the bottle over his plate.

“Yeah. Sure,” replied Richard, and he watched it flow all over the perfectly round pancakes. He took a mouthful, enjoying the sweetness and the silky smooth feel of the syrup.

Katherine sat next to him and cut a piece of pancake with the edge of her fork, swirled it around in the syrup before delicately putting it into her mouth. She ran her tongue along her lips, licking every drop.

Richard felt himself getting frisky again, and he shifted in his chair to get comfortable. His leg brushed against Katherine’s and he felt the warmth of her thigh against his. To his delight, she didn’t move it away and they sat eating their pancakes, excited at their physical connection.

They finished, and Katherine cleared the plates from the table. She ran some water into the sink and searched for something to clean them with. She suddenly felt Richard’s presence behind her, and her heart skipped a beat. She turned around and he was standing next to her. She knew what he wanted.
She wanted it as well. She had thought she’d make him work for it. Keep him on edge. But all those thoughts had disappeared, and she wanted to have him immediately.

Richard tried to say something, but she put her finger on his lips and shook her head, brushing her palm lightly along his jawline, her eyes never leaving his.

He couldn’t hold back any longer, and he pulled her towards him, their lips thrust together in a sensual soft collision. He loved the feel and taste of her, and was intoxicated by the sweet smell of her skin. He ran his hands along her curves until they rested on her hips. He felt her perfect bottom through her jeans, driving him crazy with desire. His hands returned to her front, and he started to undo the buttons on her blouse.

Their lips disconnected, and Katherine’s breathing became quicker and shallower as she watched him
unbutton her. Her hands moved down to his jeans, and she unfastened them nimbly. She slipped her hand inside his shorts and felt his pulsing cock. He was rock hard, and she ran her palm down the length of his shaft and gently squeezed his balls. He groaned in pleasure. She felt a sense of urgency, an aching to have him inside her. Any foreplay could wait until later. Afterplay. Right now, she just needed to be taken hard and fast. She needed release from months of pent-up frustration.

Richard removed Katherine’s blouse and unhooked her bra, revealing her breasts. He pulled her against him, kissing her neck and shoulders and slowly tracing a line with his lips downwards until he reached one of her now erect nipples. He ran his tongue over it and bit gently, sucking, and caressing it playfully.

Katherine gasped, and ran her hand through his hair. But she was impatient for more, and gently guided his hand towards her jeans, gesturing that he remove them.

Richard had been hesitant earlier in the evening, but he now moved with more purpose. He unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down, caressing her thighs as he did so. The silkiness of her skin was almost too much to bear, and he imagined parting her beautiful legs, and lying between them as she wrapped them tightly around him. He stepped back briefly and removed his own jeans. She sat up on the kitchen worktop as he removed her remaining clothes, everything except her panties. Richard pulled off his shirt and then, starting at her ankle, he ran his tongue up the inside of her leg until he reached the gates of heaven. He kissed her panties and started to peel them off of her.

Katherine lifted her bottom, allowing him to more easily remove her lingerie, and she giggled as he slid them down the length of her legs, over her feet, and nonchalantly threw them to one side. She clamped her legs around his torso and put her arms around his neck, inviting him to lift her on to him.

His penis quivered as it strained ever upward, searching for the warm haven of her vagina, desperate to bury itself in her. To feel the silky warmth of her holding him tight. To become one with her. Richard lifted her up, their naked bodies joyfully connected, their lips exploring the contours of each other’s body. Their senses heightened, enjoying the feel, taste and smell of each other.

Richard put her down gently, yet purposefully, on the kitchen table, where she lay with her legs apart, her pussy wet and welcoming, ready to receive him. Sensing her urgency, he climbed on top of her and let her hand guide his penis towards her. The head of his cock brushed against her soft and beautiful vulva, knocking at the door, but not yet entering.
He knocked again, and this time her pussy lips yielded to the forward thrust of his cock.

She moaned as he entered her, and she ran her hands down his torso to his butt,
pulling him deeper into her. Needing him to fill her. She wanted him to envelop her. To feel she was surrounded by him, his weight pinning her to the table, unable to escape. To have him possess her.

Richard began to move rhythmically,
at a pace that was pleasurable but not so fast that it would be over too quickly. He wanted this to last for as long as possible. To savour every second. Every moment inside her was bliss. The sweet caress of her pussy was wonderful. Her vulva was beautiful. Luscious labia, like silk veils, concealing the pink palace beyond.
The palace in which he could quite happily spend the rest of his life.

Katherine could feel herself building to a climax, a warm fire glowing within, and an impatience for it to burn brighter and consume her completely. She ran her hands up and down Richard’s back, settling on his shoulders for a moment, before frantically moving back down to his buttocks, pulling him inwards again, dictating the pace, desperate to take his full length.

Their bodies moved as one. Like beautifully oiled machines, they worked in tandem to bring each other to the point of no return. Muscles relaxed and contracted fluidly, hearts beat in perfect rhythm, their breathing as one. Katherine squeezed her legs tighter around him, heightening the pleasure of each stroke he took in and out of her. She was almost there. She could stand it no longer. Another second or two and she’d come. It was overwhelming. The warmth started to spread from between her legs and engulf her entire body. Her toes curled in pleasure as her muscles tensed. Just one more stoke. That’s all she needed.

Richard, felt the contraction in her muscles and knew the moment had arrived. He was longing for release himself, and he gave one last powerful thrust into her, filling her with his cock.

Katherine screamed in ecstasy as she came, and the powerful orgasm washed over her. Every nerve-ending in her body tingling in delight. Her desire satiated. Her body satisfied. Her soul uplifted.

Richard came as he felt her vagina tighten around his cock. He relaxed and allowed the pleasure to release itself from his body. He exhaled as the fluid coursed rapidly from his balls, up his cock, and flowed into Katherine. He slumped against her, wrapping his arms around her, stroking and kissing her.

They lay still for a while, holding each other close, letting their heartbeats return to normal.
It was Katherine who spoke first. “Well. That was kind of unexpected.”

“What? My performance?”

“No,” giggled Katherine. “Just that it happened at all. I thought we were up here to do work this weekend.”

Richard nodded. “This is better though. Huh?”

“Much better,” said Katherine, and she snuggled closer to him.

TJ Squires didn’t know whether to feel turned on, or just angry. He sat in the chair in his room at the rear of the hotel. A microwave burger in one hand, and the other one massaging his cock through his pants. His eyes were glued on the video monitor in front of him.
Not quite believing what he was seeing, but getting angrier by the minute. How dare that architect sonofabitch do that to his woman. She might not strictly be his. But he’d had his eyes on the lady boss since the security company had sent him on the job a few weeks ago.
And, boy, was he aching for her. Any woman, in fact. Six years in state prison would have that effect on a man.

He’d been released three weeks ago after serving time for taking part in an armed robbery. He hadn’t actually been carrying a gun, but he’d roughed up the staff at the store pretty badly. It wasn’t his first crime. There had been other robberies. Mostly small time. Bars, shops, a jewellery company. And other, more serious, crimes too. Sexual assaults.
Not that he’d ever been caught. If he’d done time for all his crimes and misdemeanours he’d be doing life.
No, he’d been lucky over the years. It was only that last job that had gone wrong.
If there hadn’t been a couple of cops in the store, stocking up on donuts, they’d have got away with it.

He was given early release for good behaviour. Who’d have thought it? TJ Squires and good behaviour weren’t exactly words you’d usually hear together in the same sentence. It had been six long years without a woman. And he was ready to make up for that now.

Upon release, a friend from inside had fixed him up with some false paperwork, and he found himself a job with a security company. So much for their vetting process. They made a big play with clients about how their guards had been fully checked out. Bullshit. A short form to fill in,
the briefest of interviews, and the job was his. Pathetically easy.

What he hadn’t counted on, however, was that he’d be sent to guard some hotel construction high in the Rockies. He thought he’d be around town, close to the bars and the women. Instead, he found himself cooped up most of the time in the back room of an unfinished hotel, with only contractors for company. It wasn’t so different from prison. But then, one day, she’d walked in. He noticed her first on one of his monitors. She was like one of the Playmates from the magazines he’d had in his cell. He’d been dreaming
about a woman like her for so long. And the moment he saw her, he vowed he’d have her.

He hadn’t been too concerned when he heard that the Boss would be meeting the hotel’s architect at the weekend. He thought it would be strictly business, and was even looking forward to it. He didn’t usually get to see her at the weekend, and if she was around the hotel, all the more chance to check out her tits and ass. Maybe, he’d even spot his opportunity to get it on with her - the architect leaving early, her staying behind to do a bit more work, him doing his rounds, a chance to be helpful, a quick chat, some flirtation. And then, she’d be his. How could she resist him? Years of working out in the prison gym had given him a hell of a body. She’d fall for him straightaway. He had it all worked out. Only, he hadn’t counted on her and the architect doing that.

When the boss and the architect had started making out in the kitchen, he’d felt that familiar anger rise up inside of him. The anger that the correctional facility psychiatrist had correctly pinpointed as the source of all his troubles. The anger he’d been told he had to learn to control. But how could he, when things like this happened? Some jerk of an architect messing with his woman. It wasn’t right. It couldn’t be. He was going to have to teach them both a lesson. No-one fucked with TJ Squires.


Chapter Three

Katherine opened the door to the spa area and went in, closely followed by Richard. They placed their clothes on a bench, and she fiddled with a control unit to get the steam room working. “Should be ready in about twenty minutes or so.”

“Great. I love a steam bath.”

“Me too. Especially in cold weather,” said Katherine, picking up a bottle of shower wash. “Let’s take a shower first.”

“Sounds good,” replied Richard.

They walked into the large, marble tiled shower, turned it on, and shut the smoked glass door behind them. A jet of cold water powered downwards, but very quickly reached a comfortable temperature.

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