Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Aaron's Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 8) (13 page)

BOOK: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Aaron's Honor (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Men of Mercy Book 8)
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“Drop her and I’ll kill you fast,” Aaron leveled his pistol right over her shoulder.

“We both know that’s not how this is going to play out.”


Aaron watched as Eli dug his knife into Celine’s throat and the small trickle of blood that followed. Rage hit him hard, but he shoved that emotion back down. Celine needed calm and cold. Just like he’d been trained. “Let her go.”

Eli eased the knife down, tracing the tip down her chest and belly. “I don’t really want to do that.”

When he tucked the knife between her thighs, like a sick lover’s caress, Celine moaned and her eyes went wide. He kept his other hand over her mouth and continued his slow arc back up to her neck.

Aaron fought back the nausea and concentrated his aim at just over her right shoulder. This close he could probably get a round off without hitting her, but the blast would burn, and if he was so much as a hair off…

The open window behind Eli caught his attention. He needed a distraction. “You scaled my cabin?”

“Easy, done it plenty of times.”

“And you sent your friend through the front door as a distraction, even knowing I’d put a bullet in his skull.”

Eli shrugged, but his eyes glowed with pleasure. “He said he wanted to help.”

Aaron had seen men like this before. Killing didn’t bother him, it excited him. Being in power, like he thought he was now, aroused him. Aaron shifted right, to a better position to fire. “So who sent you? You’ve left my agents scouring the pentagon for moles, but I don’t think your boss is there anymore.”

Eli turned, countering his movement. “I think we both know who I work for and that he doesn’t mind that I plan to play with the merchandise before I kill her. But not before I take care of you. Drop your gun and I won’t make you watch. The men usually cry and beg when I rape their women, it’s a huge distraction from my pleasure.”

Celine bucked, her scream muffled by Eli’s hand over her mouth. Aaron felt the tightness in his chest as Eli tried to make him lose control. Aaron spotted the pistol clutched in Celine’s right hand, dangling in front of her.

He caught her wild gaze and held it as he spoke. “I think you’ll find her a little harder to tame than the helpless women you’ve hurt in the past. She knows how to defend herself.”

Celine’s eyes widened more and Aaron saw her clench the pistol, partially hidden beneath her t-shirt.

Eli slid the knife down again, toying with the material covering Celine’s breasts as he shoved a knee between her legs. “I’ll break her. Just like I break them all.”

Aaron nodded, a slight movement of his head. Celine fired.

Eli screamed and dropped the knife. He shoved Celine forward and clutched his blown-out knee. Aaron caught her in his arm and fired a single bullet into Eli’s head. The bastard dropped like the piece of shit he was, his wide sightless eyes staring up at the ceiling.

Aaron dropped his gun on the bed and took Celine into his arms, uncaring of the fact they were both trembling. “Are you okay? Did he cut you?”

A muffled ‘no’ was her response.

Aaron held her at arm’s length, a red haze filming his vision as he focused on the trail of blood at her neck. Dead. Mr. J was so dead. He’d been the one to hire Eli and Daniel. He’d been the one to try and sell her as a sex slave. He’d been responsible for her kidnapping.

“Aaron?” Celine put a hand on his chest, the other wrapped around her neck. “I swear, he just nicked me. It’s nothing.”

Aaron groaned and yanked her back to him, unable to get his mouth to work right. All he could do was hold her and tell himself she was alright. “Do you need to sit down? Never mind, sit down. I’ll get the first aid kit.”

Celine surprised him when she cupped his cheek, stopping him before he could force her to the bed. “I’m okay. You protected me.”

“That was too close. I should have known it wouldn’t be as easy as it seemed.”

“And now they’re dead and we don’t have to worry, right?” Her tone was serious, but steady.

“Why are you being so calm?”

“Because I feel like it’s over and because he didn’t really hurt me.” She lifted up on her toes and placed a kiss on his lips.

Aaron groaned on contact and took her mouth in a kiss that left them both shaking. Seeing her like that…again…he shuddered. “I could have lost you.”

“Nah, I had him.”

Her words drew a shaky chuckle from him. “I love you, honey. God, I love you.”

She relaxed in his arms, her faced turned up to his. “I love you too.”




              “Noni, you’re going to make me too fat to button my pants.” Celine took another mouthwatering bite of Noni’s famous fudge and groaned. Aaron’s grandmother sat beside her on her front porch, both women watching as Aaron installed a gate to go with the new fence he’d had put up around Noni’s house.

              “You need some meat on your bones, especially if you’re gonna be strong enough to give me grandchildren.” Noni threaded her gnarled fingers together and leaned back in the rocking chair.

              Celine choked. “Ummmm, isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?”

              “Not if I know my grandson. I’ll bet he’ll make sure everything is done all proper.”

              As if he could hear them talking about him, Aaron straightened and waved. Celine blew him a kiss, loving the way he caught it and held it to his heart.

              “He hasn’t left your side, not even to go back overseas. And that fence, I don’t cater to such, makes me feel too claustrophobic.”

              “Noni, he wants you to be protected.” Celine took a nibble, promising herself she’d slow down before she ate the entire plate, and watched Aaron’s shoulders bunch and flex as he moved. If it weren’t for not wanting to hurt Noni’s feelings, she’d be out there with him, just so she could be close to him.

              “Pshaw, I've managed to live a full eighty-seven years without a fence and gate. I've got my shotgun in the house for anyone dumb enough to try me.”

Celine knew without a doubt Noni meant every word she said. “I think it makes Aaron feel better. He's trying to protect you.”

“Why do you think I let him put it up?” Noni took a sip of tea. A gentle breeze blew a few strands of her silver hair free from her bun. She’d taken care of Celine before her kidnapping, when she’d been working with Aaron to help at the wedding.

“I see so much of my Johnny in him. Both men were strong, hard-working, and loved something fierce.” Noni lifted the corner of her flower printed apron and wiped a lone tear away. “I still miss him sometimes, just like the day I lost him.”

Celine's heart lurched and she covered Noni's hand with her own. What must it be like to have a love like that? Someone who loved you beyond death. “I'm so sorry.”

“It's okay, the good Lord saw fit to give us fifty years together. Besides, I know he's up there watching over me and our family.”

“He sounds like a special man.”

“He is and you’ve got your own special one right out there.” She stretched a bony finger in Aaron's direction.

Celine’s throat closed off, leaving her to nod weakly. Aaron was special to her, more special than any man. He'd made her see that she wasn't second-best to him. He put her above everything and everyone else.

He’d somehow gotten his commander, Colonel Grey, to issue orders for him to stay stateside for a while, guarding Celine until they were sure all the threats to her life were gone. She’d expected a little push back from Aaron, but no, he’d seemed perfectly content to stay by her side.

“Girlie, what are you doing sitting up here with an old woman?”

“What do you mean? I love spending time with you.” Noni was so different from her own family and Celine had already halfway adopted Aaron’s grandmother in her heart. She’d never gotten the chance to know her own grandparents, but if she had, she’d like to imagine them just like Noni.

“I have a feeling we'll get to spend plenty of time together,” Noni said.

“I hope so.”

Noni stood and stretched and then went to the front door. “Time for my afternoon nap. You go on and take him some tea and fudge.” Noni winked at her. “Men like that.”

She went inside, leaving Celine to either sit on the porch by herself or do what the woman said. Go take care of her man.

She poured a glass of iced tea from the pitcher on the tray, grabbed a handful of fudge and crossed the yard. Aaron dropped his tools and leaned an elbow on the gate, giving her a smile that melted her heart. She was going to take care of him alright, for the rest of her life…

The End:

What happened to Merc? What about Caroline and Mr. J? Sign up for my newsletter to receive exclusive excerpts, monthly $50 gift card drawings and get notifications about the release of Merc’s Story this fall.

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Want to see where it all started?

Get your FREE copy of the first Men of Mercy book, Redemption River

Hunter James didn’t want or need redemption. 

Until one mission turns his world upside down. 

He left Mercy to fight for his country and escape a broken heart. Years later, he is hard. Cold. A man without mercy.  Part of an elite Task Force, he tracks a brutal terrorist to his home town. And runs into the woman who betrayed him…

Evangeline Videl was destroyed when Hunter left. Determined to move on, she finds another man, but discovers too late the monster hidden beneath his smooth smile. Struggling to find the conviction to live, Evie finds her life spinning out of control. 

Then Hunter returns…

Forced to band together to find the terrorist before it’s too late, Hunter and Evie must learn to forgive or risk losing the promise of redemption and their lives…





Redemption River: Men of Mercy Book 1

Resurrection River: Men of Mercy Book 2

Reckless River: Men of Mercy Book 3

David: Men of Mercy Novella, Book 4

Raylan: Men of Mercy Novella, Book 5

Ravaged River: Men of Mercy Book 6

Ethan's Promise: Men of Mercy Novella 9

Aaron's Promise: Men of Mercy Novella 8

Merc’s story- Men of Mercy

Sheriff Bo Lawson’s story - Men of Mercy


Before you go…

From the author:
I hope you enjoyed the Men of Mercy and thank you so much for joining the adventure.
If you loved the story and want to help me out, I’d love for you to leave a review on

Lindsay Cross




To connect with Lindsay Cross




[email protected]


Finally, I want to give a huge shout out and mucho THANK YOU to all the wonderful people who made Aaron’s Honor shine:

The Picky Editor herself, Kristi Yanta, for helping make Aaron and Celine’s story as beautiful as it could be.

To Lynn Mullan for all her fabulous proofreading skills.

To Dawn Tice, Lauren Faulkner, Christine Miller and Linda Lee – my amazing BETA readers to catch all the little things…

And to my readers, thank you for investing your time in the Men of Mercy.



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