Sparks Fly with Mr. Mayor (8 page)

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Authors: Teresa Carpenter

BOOK: Sparks Fly with Mr. Mayor
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Before her client arrived, Dani had just finished a phone call with the caterer, who wanted to view the space today for prep and presentation purposes. And the cleaning service would be out tomorrow. Which
left Saturday for delivery of the rental furniture and any decorating she intended to do.

With the nursery so busy and being tied up in meetings for the upcoming Harvest Fair and Dance, Cole had given her the keys to help organize and supervise the comings and goings. Between running her shop and campaigning with special interest groups, coordinating the party made her life a real juggling act.

Samantha's appreciation and excitement made the effort worth it. She'd been so thrilled Cole and Dani were hosting the brunch she'd practically been in tears.

Shutting off the water, she wrapped the woman's hair in a lavender towel and led the way back to her station.

“All right, I've had it.” A pretty blonde in a purple velour sweat suit barged through the front door of the shop. “Dani, we have to do something. I'm sick of my husband's cooking and he hasn't even noticed the house going to dust.”

“I know.” A brunette swiveled in her stylist's seat to chime in. “I can barely stand my place and all my husband does is rave about how happy he is I've stopped vacuuming during his games.”

“Well, we've had some success with our presentations at the Senior Center, the Knitting Guild and the Golf and Reel Club.” Dani tried to offset the obvious frustration. “Plus we have school meetings set at the
elementary and middle schools. I don't think we need to continue—”

“Oh, yes, we do. If you're going to say we can stop the home campaign, forget it,” a third voice broke in with her opinion. “This is personal for me, I want my husband to acknowledge my right to vote as I please.”

“And we're not getting any public support either. Their offer of a debate was a mediocre attempt to allay our right to a public forum.”

At that point everyone began to speak at once, talking about their personal experiences and complaining about lack of appreciation from their significant others.

Dani focused on the woman in her chair, giving her concentration to the cut. She knew the fight at home was important to these women, but she couldn't connect with them on that level and she wondered if they weren't taking things too far.

A few minutes later, Mrs. Day, Lydia and Gram came through the door. Good. Dani appreciated the help. Strategies began flying, but it soon became clear what the next step needed to be.

“No sex,” Gram stated baldly. “You want a man's attention, sex is the answer.”

A resounding silence fell over the room. Even the snip of scissors ceased as Gram voiced what had been on everyone's mind but nobody had wanted to be the first to say.

“That would get my husband's attention.”

“Mine, too.”

“You don't think that's too extreme?” Mrs. Day fussed. “It seems to me these lessons in listening are costing us women more than the men.”

All eyes turned to the gray-haired woman. She shrugged, an unrepentant twinkle in her eyes. “A woman has needs.”

Heads bobbed in agreement.

Dani carefully set her curling iron aside and moved into the middle of the room.

“I don't currently have a man in my life.” She obstinately pushed aside the picture of Cole that flashed before her mind's eye. “So I can't make the decision. Plus, we'll have to get the agreement of the others in the ‘Make Them Listen' campaign, but it starts here, with you. Is this a step we want to take?”

Silence descended again as the women looked from one to the next. Slowly heads began to bob.

“Sacrifice is necessary in any war,” Mrs. Day conceded.

“We have to.” The blonde spoke for the group. “It's a matter of principle.”


his jacket over a chair back and, when he didn't see Dani in the house, wandered out to the deck. Deep violet silhouetted the horizon, the last dramatic skyscape of the sinking sun.

He found Dani dozing in a lounger as if she'd fallen asleep watching the brilliant sunset. Like a bee to pollen, he was drawn to her presence. Curled on her side, she had one hand tucked under her cheek, and her lustrous hair covered her shoulder like a fiery cloak. Light from the living room fell over her in a golden glow.

God, it felt good to come home to a welcoming light and a beautiful woman. Warmth bloomed from the center of his chest and spread outward. Looking at her made his heart swell.

This week had been both exhilarating and a nightmare. He'd been so busy he wanted nothing more than to lie down beside her and sleep for the next twelve hours. But working with her on the party, having someone to help, someone with brains, humor, creativity and an indomitable spirit had helped
tremendously. They'd made a great team and pulled off a difficult week with remarkable results.

She was so hard on herself. She didn't see the brave, talented, together woman he did. She worried over being too careful, struggled over her decisions. So what? It meant she cared; it meant Faith was getting the proper attention and Dani's shop was flourishing.

Life was tough, but she was handling it. And looking down at the dark smudge of her lashes on creamy smooth skin, he wanted nothing more than to make it easier for her.

Not that she'd let him.
should be her middle name.

Unable to resist, he sat next to her, leaned forward and softly kissed her cheek to wake her up.

“Hmm.” She shifted, opened sleepy eyes, closed them again and snuggled into the hand cupping her cheek.

“Hey, beautiful, how you doing?”

Her whole body rose and settled in a sigh. “Tired.”

“I can see that.” He used his free hand to gently tuck her hair behind one delicate ear. “The place looks great.”

“Yes,” she responded without opening her eyes.

“They took care of you at the nursery? You got everything you wanted?”


Her breathy answers changed what he felt, from
emotional warmth to physical heat. He leaned closer so his words moved the hair at her temples. She smelled divine, like sunshine, jasmine and woman.

“You have everything you need for you and Faith for the morning?”

Another body sigh. “Yes.”

He nearly groaned at the feel of his arm cushioned between the softness of her breasts. She was so sweet, so luscious, so accommodating he couldn't help himself.

“You want to take this upstairs where we can be more comfortable?”

Her eyes flew open and for just a second he saw raw desire in the mystical depths. He was too close to miss it, too attentive to misread the stark longing for anything but the true passion it was.

“No.” In a blink the attraction disappeared, her customary caution falling into place.

“Then we'll stay here.” Not willing to lose the moment, he claimed her mouth, drawing the desire back to the surface. She melted against him, sinking into the kiss.

When her mouth opened under his, he groaned. She tasted better than she smelled, oh so sweet. Wanting more, he deepened the embrace, pulling her closer and inviting her to open to the demanding heat of his tongue.

With a soft moan she retreated. Licking her lips, she lifted his hand from her curves to her mouth,
where she bit the pad of his thumb harder than she needed to.

“Ouch.” He grimaced, but the bite only ignited his fire more. Rather than pull away, he traced her lips with his damp thumb.

“You're a wicked, wicked man, Cole Sullivan,” she stated, her voice husky from sleep and passion.

“Why,” he challenged with a smile, “because I want to do wicked things to your lovely body?”

“Yes.” Breathy. “I mean no. Wait…yes.” She shook her finger at him and then pushed him away. “Wicked. I have to get home. What time is it?”

“Just after seven.” He rose and helped her to her feet. “You're running scared,” he tossed out, teasing, but serious, too.

“Pretty much,” she agreed, making no attempt to hide the fact. She bent and lifted some rolled-up papers that had fallen to the ground.

Holding them up, she said, “You want to explain these?”

Frowning, he took the roll and recognized some sketches he'd been playing with. “These are nothing.”

“They're plans for a sports complex, but different than the one proposed. This one has a memorial fountain with a floral surround including six historical markers and a statue of Anderson. It's not a museum or botanical garden, but it's a big step up from a plaque on the side of the snack bar.”

“These are just some ideas I was messing with.
I dropped the soccer fields, because I figured it wouldn't take much to convert the current sports field for soccer. They currently play at the high school, and Alex mentioned how torn up the football field has gotten.”

“It's brilliant. Needing less land for the new sports complex would leave funds available for converting the current field and re-sodding the football field. Win, win, win for the sports crowds, and the fountain is a nod to the museum/garden supporters. Shows someone listened. That's important. When are you going to show them to the public?”

He shook his head. “I can't. As the current mayor and a candidate, it would be a conflict of interest.”

“No,” she protested. “Don't tell me that. What about the original plans?”

“Palmer hired someone to draw them up for the town meeting. I wasn't involved. I never meant anyone to see these. At least not until after the election and then only if I lose. As a city official, it's against my fiduciary duty to profit from city funds.”


“Dani, I can't show anyone these plans, and you can't tell anyone. Promise me you'll forget you saw these.”

Reluctantly she nodded.

She pulled her jacket tighter around herself and checked her watch. “I should go. It's not too late. I can still make it home before Faith goes to bed.”

He moved toward her, and she moved away.
Avoiding his eyes, she ran her gaze over the deck, checking her work.

“I guess I've done all I can for now. The caterer's crew will put the tablecloths on the tables out here tomorrow when they get here, hunter-green with white china and napkins. And we have market umbrellas to put up if it's hotter than predicted.” She stopped babbling to look up at him. “It does look good, right?”

He knew she'd had the nursery send up a dozen three-foot-high topiary plants. To each planter she'd added an airy white bow, a classy tribute to celebrate the event. Scattered throughout the house and deck, they brought unity to the areas, which would give the guests a sense of being involved whether inside or out. White rose centerpieces were scheduled to be delivered in the morning.

“It's perfect. Thanks for all the help.”

“It was a team effort.”

“True, but let's be honest, you handled the bulk of the work, and it's going to be great.”

“As long as Samantha is happy,” she said around a huge yawn. “Sorry.”

“Not a problem. Sami will be ecstatic.” He followed her inside. He wasn't ready to say good-night. “You want me to drive you home?”

“No, I'm fine. Besides I need my car to get to the church in the morning.”

“I can pick you and Faith up in the morning. And your car will be here when you're ready to leave tomorrow.”

“Tempting, but no.” She picked up her purse and found her keys. After crossing to the door, she stopped and turned to face him. Her slumberous gaze almost brought him to his knees. “I'm not sure I can trust myself to be alone with you.”

The door closed softly behind her.

Cole plopped down on the sofa. Oh, God. He'd fallen in love with that strong, gorgeous, vulnerable, annoying, elusive woman.


Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny, fluffy clouds floating in a blue sky. The perfect day for a blessing. Standing in the church with the jewel refractions of the stunning stained glass window raining down upon the christening party, Dani savored the beauty of the moment.

As she held eight-month-old Jake with Cole at her side, his hand warm in the small of her back, surrounded by the love and support of his friends and family, she reflected she'd rarely known a more powerful moment.

“That cinnamon color looks stunning with your hair,” Samantha whispered to Dani. Lovely in a violet wraparound dress, she fingered the cap sleeve of Dani's sweater dress. “We are a pretty crowd. Have you met Rick and Rett yet?”

Before she had a chance to respond, Cole shifted so he joined the conversation, his hand sliding from her back to her waist. She wondered if the gesture appeared as proprietary as it felt. She should protest,
but today she was coupled with Cole and she found she didn't want to fight it. It may be wrong, but it felt right and she decided just to enjoy what the day brought.

“Samantha, my darling,” he said smoothly, “you look too young to be the mother of three boys.”

“You lie, but I love you for it.” Obviously pleased, Samantha gave him a hug, wiggling her eyebrows at Dani as she did so, a clear sign his hold on Dani spoke as loud as she feared. “I was just telling Dani what a good-looking crowd we make. It was a struggle getting the boys into their suits, but worth the effort.”

“They are handsome.” Dani admired the boys in their mini suits. All the men were suited up, including Cole. And he looked fine, straight, tall and distinguished, shoulders wide as a house. She glanced up at him. “All the Sullivan men look handsome today.”

He smiled, his head lowering toward her.

Dani caught her breath. Did he intend to kiss her here in church? Again? He wouldn't dare! Both appalled and thrilled, she couldn't bring herself to pull away.

His lips warmed the skin of her temple. “You're the loveliest woman in the room.”

Her pent-up breath escaped in a rush of happiness. “Thank you.”

“Good morning, Sullivans,” Father Paul greeted the group. “Are we ready to begin the blessing?”

The ceremony began and Dani and Cole stepped up to the baptismal fountain at the priest's direction.
Faith, clutching the hem of Dani's skirt, moved with them.

The priest took them through the blessing. Dani and Cole said their lines, candles were lit, the baby anointed. Jake behaved beautifully, fussing only a bit when the father dribbled the water over his forehead.

As she held Jake over the fountain, she felt a tug on her skirt.

“I can't see,” Faith complained.

“I'll get her.” Cole immediately came to the rescue. “Come here, sweetie.” He lifted Faith into his arms and she stayed there for the rest of the ceremony.

Dani loved the weight of little Jake in her arms. She almost didn't want to give him back, but everyone wanted time with the guest of honor so she handed him off to his father with an exchange of hugs.

And then Faith was there wanting to know if she had got the water poured on her when she was a baby, and four-year-old Gabe came running over to whisper in Faith's ear and no time existed for wistful sighs.


The brunch at Cole's proved a raving success. The weather played nice, warm enough to make the use of the umbrellas practical, but a nice breeze kept people from crowding indoors where it was cooler but there was less seating for meals. The caterer, a gal new to the area whom Mattie had recommended, got so many requests for introductions, she finally joined the party while her crew handled the service.
She took over in the kitchen again when it was time for cake.

Best of all Samantha and Alex just relaxed and enjoyed the day. Laughter and happy voices filled the house with a festive vibe.

In his element as host, Cole wandered from group to group, charming and teasing with equal measure, flirting with the ladies, young and old, and kicking it with the dudes from little Jake to tottering great-uncle Bill.

Whenever Cole moved from one group to the next, he touched base with Dani in between. Literally touched her, a simple cup of her elbow, an arm around her waist or shoulders, or that warm hand in the small of her back. He was constantly putting his hands on her.

And she liked it.

Guests began to depart and, as the crowd thinned out, Dani started collecting used cups and plates. As she went through the living room, Gram stopped her.

“Dani, dear, put that down and come sit with me. You've done enough for today and Cole told me the catering included cleanup.”

“Don't mind if I do.” With a sigh from the feet up, Dani sat down next to Gram on the living room sofa. She set her collection of cups and plates on the coffee table to be taken to the kitchen later. “I hope you've enjoyed the day.”

“I have. It's been lovely. And it's such a treat to be
able to sit back and enjoy.” Gram patted Dani's hand. “I know Cole appreciates your help.”

“He could have handled it alone, but I was happy to do it for Samantha's sake. She's done so much to help me since I moved to town.”

“Don't minimize your contribution, Dani. I see your influence everywhere.” Gram sipped her coffee. “Not least of which on Cole.”

Dani frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I've watched him with you today. It's obvious he's smitten.”

Dani scolded herself for the excited buzz Gram's assessment sent tingling down her spine.

Stopping short of a full eye roll, Dani sent Gram a wry glance. “Cole is a flirt, Mrs. Sullivan. We both know he doesn't mean anything by it.”

“Please call me Gram.” The older woman set her cup on the coffee table. “I know my grandson, Dani. I've never seen him so possessive of a woman before.”

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