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Authors: Elle O'Brien

BOOK: Show Me
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Chapter 3

              Kia woke slowly, as if walking through a fine mist, her skin dewy and fresh, sensitive, her body languidly moving from that place of dreams to the one where her mortal self lived.  When her eyes opened, it took her a moment of looking around at the room to realize it hadn’t been a dream.  Not only was she in Paradise, she had also broken her sexual drought…several ways with several people.

Her skin began to tingle again and Kia arched her back, her breasts thrusting their heavy weight forward, her sensitive nipples brushing against the sheet and causing all sorts of memories to flow through her.  Not wanting to deny herself, Kia closed her eyes and brought back last night, the hands that worked her body while she lay blindfolded and stroking her own breasts, fondling her own nipples as she tried to absorb every shockwave of pleasure her stranger prompted from her body.  His fingers had glided down, down, awakening her pussy with steady strokes, a gentle massage, a rough entrance.  When he’d drawn her moisture from her pussy to the tight bud further back, Kia had been ready to burst, to scream, to shove him away and pull him closer, but before she’d been able to do any of that, a second set of hands had joined hers, these softer than those working her core, smaller, more feminine. 

“Shh,” the second stranger whispered in her ear, the feminine sound whispering over her skin and quieting the fear.  Another woman, someone who understood her body as no man could.  “We won’t hurt you.”  And then her female stranger’s lips found Kia’s nipple, and though she knew it was against the rules, though she knew tonight was hands and fingers only, that small, almost delicate contact of moist lips on her nipple sent Kia up and when her stranger down below applied pressure to both her pussy and puckered rose bud, she flew higher and higher, her hands pressing her female closer while her hips arched and thrust with the motion and rhythm her male set.  Minutes or hours, she didn’t know how long they stayed, trading between her breasts and her center, using their fingers, their lips, teeth, tongue.  When his tongue finally traced the seam of her all the way from naval to clit, Kia screamed, her body revolting as it spasmed away.

“Rules are set, and then they are broken,” a voice said, but Kia was too far gone to know whose it was.  When lips found hers, a tongue tracing them as another traced lower and lower still, Kia drank them in, eating from them as she was eaten from, her tongue thrusting as she was thrust into, and when finally her body came again, when the orgasm was ridden all the way through and every spasm wrung from her limp body, four hands washed and rubbed her, massaging her limbs and brushing her hair until she was kissed from both strangers and left to sleep deeply.

Now, as she relived the night, her body awoke as well as her mind, a strange hunger grinding low in her belly.  It wasn’t something she could pinpoint or put a name to, nothing that was easily understood but it was there, constant, and when she shifted, the friction from her thighs rubbing together only caused it to heighten.  Wondering, curious, Kia started to dip her fingers beneath the sheets when a knock on her door echoed.  Guilty, embarrassed, she gripped the sheet to her breasts and sat up as the door to her suite opened and was filled by the most gorgeous specimen on two legs.  Two long, lean, muscled legs that were attached to lean hips, with a sick pack and oblique muscles that should have been fake.  When she got to the pecks, Kia almost came right then.  The ache hadn’t subsided, but she was no longer wondering what it was from. Looking at the tanned and gorgeous man in front of her, Kia hoped that her morning agenda included him.


              Trey stood stock still and waited for the doe-eyed brunette to look her fill.  It was only fair, as he was looking, too.  His job brought him into contact with any number of women, women of all colors, shapes, and sizes, and when it came to sex, Trey had realized long ago that as long as you taught the person how to enjoy it, physical beauty took second place.  Staring at Kia, his body’s instant reaction told him that it might not matter, but it didn’t hurt, either.  To say she was gorgeous wasn’t close—she was vibrant, from her deep brown eyes and tumbled mass of brown hair, to the high, full breasts that were starting to heave against the thin sheet they were hidden under.  Her skin was like twilight—kissed golden and left to glow, like the last ray of sunshine was forever angled on it. 

He’d seen a little of her last night, but he’d been so wrapped up in her uninhibited response that he hadn’t been able to fully appreciate her physical form.  Now he was ready, and from the look in her eyes, she was, too.

Thinking enough time had passed, Trey stepped the rest of the way into the room and let the door shut quietly behind him.  He was clad in his work uniform of black silk pajama pants and nothing else, so his reaction to the woman sitting on the bed was obvious, and when her eyes shifted from his face to below his waist, they widened before flying back to his.  Her tongue flicked out and wet her plump lips and Trey knew that if he didn’t get to touch her soon, he was going to scream.  Last night had been a pleasure—to give and be received as she had received him, opening to him, and then Lana, as she had, trusting them to take her to that place that she had so badly needed, Trey had been eager to come back this afternoon and repeat the process.  Now, looking at her as she salivated over him, Trey knew he would have to take something, too.  Just one thing this afternoon, where he could teach her that pleasure could be just as powerful when it was given as when it was felt.

“I guess you have my schedule for the day?” she said and had his cock twitching.  Her voice was like warm honey, thick and rich and just throaty enough to send a vibration down his spine.  He nodded and took another step, and then another until he was standing just a foot back from the bed.  Without a word, he reached his hand down, pausing at the edge of the sheet that was held only to her front by her hands.  He didn’t say anything, just stared into those eyes until he could feel the passion, the want, the need pouring from her into him.  Slowly, making sure he touched nothing but the sheet, he hooked a finger inside of the material and began to inch it down, letting it rub and press on her sensitized skin until she was breathless as she stared at him.  He didn’t stop until all of her was exposed, pulling the sheet to the bottom of the bed while she sat there, knees slightly bent, arms cupped around them, her glorious mane of hair waving around her, raining down her shoulders and back, hiding some of her and giving him tantalizing glimpses of the rest. 

She swallowed when he leaned toward her, but like the warrior he’d seen last night, and again this afternoon when she’s just spoken, she didn’t flinch or shy away.  Her gaze remained steady, her eyes wide as her chest heaved and her body shivered. 

Laying a feather light kiss on her shoulder, he shifted against so his lips were close to her ear.  He pressed a kiss there, delighting and hardening at the muffled groan that escaped from her lips.

“I do have your schedule for the day,” he said in between kisses, this time leaving a hot trail down her back and around her ribs beside her breast.

She stopped and cleared her throat.  “What is it?”

He grinned against her skin and gripped her jaw, turning her face toward his so he could look in her eyes.  “






Chapter 4

Kia didn’t know what she’d expected, but hearing the gorgeous Adonis in front of her say that he was her schedule brought all manner of tingles all over her body.  The darkening of his midnight blue eyes told her he understood her reaction; the tightening of his fingers on her jaw told her he wasn’t immune to her.  The power that flowed through her at that realization was so sweet, so strong it caused her to shiver again. 

It had been too long not only since she’d been seduced, touched, taken, but since she’d done any of those things to someone else.  Looking at the man in front of her, the man she was certain was her male stranger from last night, she wondered if she’d be given the chance to seduce…or if she’d just have to make one.  So thinking, her tongue swept out and slicked over her bottom lip, wetting it even as his fierce gaze whetted her appetite and other areas of her anatomy. 

“Your lesson today is about want.”

Kia had to clench her legs together to try and ease the pulse that was beating between them.  “I understand want,” she said, a little breathless.

“I think you may,” her stranger responded, and then he was standing, pulling her with him so they were torso to torso, her naked form pressed up against his nearly-naked one, her breasts brushing just below his chest and lighting all sorts of fires.  “To want is not simply physical, it is emotional.  It is desire and longing as well as physical need.”

His voice was so strong, so low and confident and sure and Kia felt herself mesmerized as she stood pressed against him, staring up and into his eyes.  “What do you want?” she asked, emboldened by the desire she could feel against her belly.

His lids lowered a fraction and hooded his eyes.  Staring at her, he reached down and cupped her bare bottom, bringing her firmly against him.  “I want to bring back the woman I held last night—the woman I tasted and touched and watched, and I want her to scream my name and tell me to do it again while she looks into my eyes.”

Kia nodded, her eyes locked on his, her body arching into his under its own will.  “What’s your name?”

His lips quirked slightly and he lowered them to her neck.  “Treyson.  I go by Trey.”

“Trey.”  Kia leaned back, thrusting her center harder against his erection and pressing her breasts more firmly against him.  When his lips dipped down to the hollow of her throat, she bit her lip and began a gentle rocking rhythm with her hips.  “Trey,” she said again, this time her breath catching. 

“I should feed you,” he said against her neck and she moaned, pressing him closer as his lips sought out her nipple. 

“Feed on me first,” she begged.

“Gladly.”  His lips and hands were no longer gentle as he lifted her and wrapped her legs around his waist, turning toward the bathroom while he used tongue and teeth on her nipples.  His hands kneaded her bottom, spreading her cheeks wider as he yanked her against him and pressed into her through the silk of his pants, his hot cock feeding the pulse between her thighs.  Kia would have screamed if she’d been able to, but instead she moaned, deep, throaty and wild as she arched her neck and pressed him closer.  Back was the woman she had been last night, but this time she wasn’t sated and drowsy from heat and sensual touches; she was on fire, drenched with need and passion, craving the touch that had become the center of her world in the last twelve hours.  She hadn’t eaten food since last night’s chocolate drenched strawberries between orgasms, and yet, the only thing she hungered for was more of him, Trey, the man whose hands were on her skin, lighting fires and sending chills.

When he stepped into the shower and turned on the tap, Kia let out a started gasp but had no time to adjust before he set her down and spun her so she was pressed against the cool tiles. 

“Place your hands flat against the wall.  Do it,” he commanded and Kia complied.  Gone was the gentle lover that had been there last night, or the enticing sex god that had appeared in her doorway thirty minutes ago.  Now, he was the dominant, the leader, the one who would bring her pleasure.  Kia didn’t doubt that.  Even as he stepped behind her and pressed his front tightly to her back, his erection digging in to her bottom as he laid his long fingered palms over the tops of her hands and trapped them there, she didn’t doubt that he would bring her pleasure.

Today was want, and as she stood pressed to the cool tiles while steam poured around her, Trey’s body trapping hers as he grinded against her backside, she knew what want was.  Want was feeling every pulse you had beat between your legs while all of your muscles shivered and contracted together in anticipation of what was to come.  When Trey went to his knees behind her, his hands sliding down her arms and back to her ribs, and then inside to grasp and fondle her breasts, to twist her nipples to a point of pleasurable pain, Kia almost came right there.

“I want to eat your pussy from here—to taste you on my tongue again while you stand powerless against the pleasure I bring you.  And I want to hear you scream my name.”

“Yes,” Kia sobbed, her hips already thrusting back, her ass rising and falling in his face, enticing him.  “Yes, I want that.  Please, taste me, have me.”

When his hands left her breasts to slide down and spread her legs, Kia braced her shoulders on the wall and used her own fingers to find her sensitive nipples and continue, biting her bottom lip when Trey jerked her legs apart and pressed her hips into the wall, spreading her and leaving her helpless to his caresses. 

“Want isn’t just about physicality, it’s about desires, emotional needs.  You need someone to tell you how to feel good, to tell you they can make you feel good, and then show you.”

Kia nodded, barely able to comprehend as she felt his breath underneath her core.  “I can make you come, Kia.  I
make you come,” he amended right before his tongue reached out and pierced her, his hands digging into her ass and lifting slightly.  She cried out when he brought her further back, pressing his face to her buttocks as his lips and tongue drove her center past the point of pleasure.  When his thumb slid around to her tight rosebud, and his index finger slid to her pussy, Kia could have wept with pleasure.

“Come,” he said against her, his fingers working in tandem with his mouth.  Kia pinched her nipples and nodded, crying out as he said it again, her whole body tightening and then releasing, shooting her off of the cliff and into the abyss.


              Trey worked his tongue and his lips, lapping at Kia until he had taken every drop she had, and then he was shifting her, kissing her stomach, her arms, her breasts as he settled her back against the wall and caged her in with one arm as he leaned on it, shoving his wet pants to the ground of the shower and grasping heavy erection with his other hand.

“In me,” she said lowly and he shook his head.  “Fuck. Me.” she said more deliberately this time, and though his cock twitched in his hand, Trey shook his head.  She was all he’d thought about last night, even after he left her room.  The woman who had come here because no one had been able to make her feel had exploded underneath his touch last night and left him, a seasoned pro at pleasure, reeling.  And still, that was nothing compared to the woman he was faced with now, the woman who would tell him to fuck her because she had just orgasmed so hard she wanted to do it again.  The woman who was looking at him beneath eyes that held secret promises and pleasures that he could only hope to tap into in the next five days.  But not now—not before he’d shown her that wanting didn’t always mean taking, and that pleasure could be had with touches alone.

“I’m going to come here and now while I can still taste you on my tongue, and I’m going to look at you while I do.”  His hand was stroking his shaft slow and steady, his grip tight as he pumped into his fist over and over, his eyes never leaving hers.  At one point she started to slide down the wall, her eyes giving her intention away and all he did was shake his head, his hips never pausing.  “You won’t touch me or I won’t fuck you.  Ever.”

Pumping faster into his hand, Trey’s eyes veered to Kia’s full breasts and pink nipples.  A groan built up in the back of his throat and a moment later her hands were squeezing her breasts, her eyes heavy and dark as they stared at him, her breathing erratic as she watched him stroke himself fiercely to the edge.  When she bit her lip, Trey growled low and deep, his neck muscles straining, his body rock hard.

When one hand slid down her center and began to fondle her pussy, her busy fingers manipulating while her body arched and her breath heaved, Trey thought about ten ways to turn her and fuck her before either of them came.  He groaned when she did, his balls pulling tighter and tighter, his hips thrusting faster and harder.

“Come,” she panted and he had to resist the urge to slam into and fill her with his release.  “Come while I watch, come while you can taste me and see me touching myself while I think of you.”

Her words were a catalyst and all of a sudden Trey’s body was tingling, his balls drawing up and tight, his hips pounding as his fist gripped his dick and pumped, over and over and over, and when he finally released, when he spewed out and over, his hands were pushed away and Kia was there, her small, smooth palm jerking him into oblivion until his knees were weak and his body trembling.

Laying his palms on the wall, he caged her in and rested his brow on hers, finding that physical contact that he’d only ever given and now found that he needed.  He hadn’t fucked her—hadn’t taken her pussy and made it fully his just yet, and still, he’d never felt as he felt now, this need to be connected to the woman who’d just shattered his world.

“I told you not to touch me,” he mumbled, his voice thick.

She smiled and stroked her hands down her breasts and belly, pressing them lightly into her pussy before she reached out and trailed them over his chest.  “And you said rules were made and then broken.”  Then she leaned up and kissed him, friendly, firmly, before ducking under his arm.  “Now I’m ready for breakfast.”

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