Shifters' Storm (25 page)

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Authors: Vonna Harper

BOOK: Shifters' Storm
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“Just be,” Ber said. “Let us take care of the rest.” Taking a breast into his mouth, Songan bathed her nipple with his warm, damp tongue. A shiver assaulted her.

“Yes, yes,” she bleated.

“Don’t forget, you’re in charge,” Ber said from behind her.

Not tonight.
“This. Oh shit, this.” Arching her spine, she offered Songan more of herself. She tried to reach behind her so she could touch Ber, but her muscles still refused to respond.

Closing his teeth and lips around her breast, Songan straightened a little. The drawing sensation set off sparks all through her.

Ber’s arm tightened around her.


“Trust. We’ll never hurt you.”

I know
she wanted to assure him but didn’t. His hand left her thigh then closed around her ass cheek, his nails lightly raking her there.

“God, you’re killing me!”

“No,” Ber said, “I’m not. Neither is he.”

She’d regretted blurting what she had the moment the words escaped, but the mood might change if she said anything. Early evening in the middle of the snow-blanketed forest was all about emotion and sensation and the blending of three bodies. A minimum of thinking.

Legs on fire and feet going numb, she stood between the male shifters as Songan suckled and teased her breast and Ber repeatedly massaged her ass cheek. Every time Ber’s nails teased her buttock or Songan lightly scraped her nipple, she gasped and twisted about. She didn’t want to be free, never that! But the sensations—too much to stand still for!

At the same time, not enough.

“You’re good for me,” Ber muttered. “Exactly what I need today.”

“I want to be.”
Today and tomorrow.

Songan opened his mouth, allowing her breast to slide out. She mourned, anticipated. Believed herself capable of flying. Capturing her other breast, Songan lightly sucked. Much more of this and the top of her head would explode.

Ber exhaled. His breath swirled over the back of her neck. “I never expected this,” he said. “It’s beyond everything—more than—you have no idea.”

Think. Put your mind to what he just said. Help the three of us understand.

The effort wore her out. And yet twisting and shifting so Ber’s heavy cock ground against the small of her back accomplished something vital. Essential. Light-headed, she pushed against him. “My offering to you. My body is yours to do what you want with it, what you need.”

Fresh air suddenly assaulted the breast Songan had recently claimed. Looking up, she saw him looming over her. “You too.” She meant it with all her heart. “Songan, I only have one pussy. Please understand why I want him to have it first.”

“Tell me.”

“You were wounded. If you’d been in human form, the bullet might have killed you.” A tremor briefly silenced her. “But so was he.”

“What do you mean?”

Filling her lungs didn’t do enough to distract her from Ber’s cock probing her tailbone and Songan’s breath feathering through her hair, so she took another breath. “Not all wounds bleed. Some—maybe the most painful—touch the heart.”

“And those wounds are?”

“What he found in that cave.”

Songan didn’t immediately respond. Going by Ber’s labored breathing, she wondered if the bear shifter was so far into arousal that he didn’t care what she’d just said. Maybe he was deliberately distancing himself.

“Do you understand what I’m saying?” she pressed. “What he’s feeling?”

A low sound rumbled out of Songan. Cupping his hand under her chin, he lifted her head. His lips lightly touched hers. Pressure grew. Sensation spread. She cried out.

“Yes, I do.” Songan’s lips feathered over hers.

On the brink of thanking him, she lost her train of thought, because Ber was turning her toward him. As Songan had done, Ber cradled her chin so she’d look at him.

“I’m done talking or thinking tonight. I want to get drunk on you. Only that.”

Behind her now, Songan pushed her hair off her neck and nibbled. She swayed and might have lost her footing if not for Ber’s steadying hold on her shoulders.

Her world and mind spun. Her awareness tunneled down until nothing existed beyond the formidable bodies bracketing her. Thinking to kiss Ber, she stood on tiptoe. Her mouth grazed his chin; then suddenly she was looking up at Songan again.

The men turned her in circles, keeping her dizzy, off-balance and turned on. One moment Ber’s body grazed her breasts, belly and thighs. The next Songan’s rangier form laid claim. They worked in unison, breathing as one, united in their task.

“This is crazy. Absolutely crazy.”

“You don’t like?” Ber asked. “You know the answer. But why—this?”

“Because we can.”

Should she be concerned? They’d laid claim to her and were demonstrating their mastery?

If so, she loved it.

More being passed between them, more of her feet twisting on the floor, her breasts moving in waves. Tucking her arms around her middle, she gave up responsibility for holding herself erect. They were so damn strong, let them take charge. She’d swim in sensation.

Live for these moments.

“Enough,” Ber said when she was facing him.

What do you mean?
she wanted to ask. Before she could get the words out, his hands tightened around her waist, and he started to lift her. Guessing what he had in mind, she took hold of his neck and wrapped her legs around his hips. Head back, she arched away from him.

“Now,” he commanded.

Delighted, she slowly collapsed against him. His hardness drove past her sex lips and into her, filled her with pulsing heat.

Ber began walking. She barely noticed where they were going, then struggled to remain locked with him when he started lowering her to the ground.

“My way,” he said and pulled out.

She ran a trembling hand over her pussy. Wet heat met her. “Your way has to be quick.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

Minutes, or was it seconds later, Rane found herself kneeling beside the bed. Her arms were in front of her and her elbows locked as she braced her upper body against Songan’s thighs. She didn’t remember the elk shifter getting onto the bed let alone positioning himself on all fours before her, and had no idea how she’d assumed the position she was in. His cock brushed one flushed cheek and then the other. Glided over her nose.

From behind, Ber’s cock slipped between her legs. He too was on his knees on the floor, his larger body folding over her back, buttocks and the backs of her thighs. Reaching around her, Ber pressed her loose, hanging breasts against her body. He rocked forward and then back, his cock gliding over her wet folds.

Desperate for more but still trying to let him set the pace, she tried to distract herself by looking at Songan. This man’s face was familiar, part of her past and integral to her future. Over the last few days, their relationship had become deeper, stronger, richer. Despite that, he still belonged to his herd. As she’d done in the past, she’d take what he had to give when he could and be content.

Content? Right now, far from that.

Ber’s hot strength seared her spine and buttocks. She started to look back at him, then went still as Songan’s cock touched her mouth. She lightly kissed the gift. A heartbeat later, Ber’s slipped into her from behind.

Opening her mouth, she welcomed Songan into her. Felt his length along her tongue and the roof of her mouth. The pressure against her sex grew. Flattening her fingers against Songan’s thighs, she closed her eyes. Experienced.

Ber took her slow, slower than she believed him capable of. He nibbled at one shoulder blade and then the other before sliding his wet, heated tongue down the back of her neck. If not for Songan’s cock gagging her, she would have cried out. Kneeling higher, she realigned Ber inside her.

Was she being touched everywhere? Even if she wasn’t, she didn’t care. Enough. Oh God yes, enough!

Ber fucked her pussy while Songan’s cock probed and retreated. Simple as that. No contorting herself into a pretzel, no being asked to take someone in her ass. That might come later, another time and place. If she wanted.

The half thought splintered and blew away. Heat was everywhere. Male scent filled her nostrils. Ber continued to work her slow and steady, going a little deeper with every thrust. Much as she wanted to match him, having Songan’s cock at her throat made her head swim.

Being double-fucked was making her drunk?

She slid her hands up from Songan’s knees to his thighs. With every inch she claimed of his muscled body, she leaned a little farther forward. Maybe Ber was unaware of anything except his own pleasure. His measured pace started to increase, and she wondered if she could handle full force. His arm no longer held her breasts against her rib cage. Without her knowing when or how it had happened, his fingers now gripped the join between her belly and legs.

Inch by inch, Ber’s fingers marched up her belly to further anchor her against him. That done, he rammed into her with so much force that if not for his hold on her, she would have been knocked face-first onto the bed.

No, no she wouldn’t, because Songan’s palms were now pressed against her collarbone. Anchored in front, attacked from the rear. One cock owning her hot sex, the other silencing her.

Burning wood snapped. A gust of wind made the window-blanket flutter. The sensations tunneled into her to join the storm already raging inside. She was helpless, caught between two wilderness shifters.

Wrenching strength from some inner core, she pushed back in time with Ber’s thrusts. Somehow she suckled on Songan’s cock. Sweat stained her body, and her muscles caught fire.

She came with her mouth and cunt filled. Screamed somehow. Jerked and shuddered and kept coming.
This is unreal. Any moment I’m going to wake up.

Songan’s fingertip trailing from her waist to her ass crack stilled Rane’s thoughts. If asked, she’d admit she felt as if she’d been rode hard and put away wet. Following that, she’d willingly add she was ready for another round.

Not that she needed to say anything.

On her hands and knees on the well-used bed with Songan crouched behind her, she lifted her head off the spread so she could study what she could make out of Ber’s form. He was standing in front of her and so close he could touch her without having to reach out.

He’d come inside her what, maybe five minutes ago? Going by his fierce, drawn-out explosion, she’d thought he might fall asleep. Instead, still breathing heavily, he’d pulled her up and back against him and held on until she’d regained a semblance of strength. Only then did she realize she’d stopped mouth-fucking the elk shifter.

One look into Songan’s eyes back then and she’d vowed to finish what the two of them had begun. She wasn’t clear on how the decision had been made for her to climb onto the bed near Songan and why she’d settled herself on her elbows and knees.

Yes, she did, she amended with Songan’s fingers still on her ass cheeks. He was as much a creature of the forest as Ber. He too would take her doggy style.

“I love the way you smell.” Songan swiped a hand over her wet, sensitive labia. He deposited what he’d collected on her left thigh.

“I smell like sex.”

“But not of me, yet.”

Shivering, she lowered her head and spread her legs. Offered herself up to him. She drew a vivid mental picture of what was happening. Ber, his cock satisfied, stood with his fingers tiptoeing over her shoulder and up and down her spine. The somber expression that had frozen her heart back when he entered the cabin was gone. In its place rested a look of contentment she hadn’t known he was capable of. Sexual release was part of the change, of course, yet she’d seen something that went deeper. He was at peace with himself, fulfilled.

In contrast, there was a restless and agitated quality about Songan, nerves on edge. Having seen that look on him before, she knew what would quiet him. Sex. Their bodies uniting.

Songan’s knees pressed into the mattress, while the fronts of his thighs touched the backs of hers. He’d leaned over a little, but as long as his fingers rested on her buttocks, he was in no danger of losing his balance. His swollen, throbbing cock lay against her inner thigh. Much as she needed it in her, she’d wait.

“Your skin’s like silk,” Ber muttered as his fingers trailed over her shoulder blades. “Softer than I knew any woman’s could be.”

This was Songan’s time, his moments with her. He should be speaking, not Ber. But the elk shifter had never been one for sex talk. She’d accepted that he didn’t know how or what words to use. In contrast, Ber seemed to have linked with her thoughts, found her needs.

They were different. Each precious in his own way.

“Feel me there.” She wiggled her ass at Songan. “Inside. Tell me what you find.”

“What?” His voice had a strangled quality.

Turning her head to the side, she tried to look back at Songan, but her hair and arm were in the way. “I’m ready. God, am I.”

When Songan rocked back and away from her, she readied herself for penetration. Instead, his fingers slid into her already lubricated sex. Two fingers, she acknowledged as they stretched her. Two. Side by side, calluses rough. Giving up a mewling sound, she arched her spine and pushed back against him.

Unexpected pressure on her rear opening startled her. Then she realized Songan’s thumb was against her there, and dove into the experience. Going deep and slow, Songan continued to finger-fuck her sex. At the same time, his erection pulsed against her inner thigh. The ass pressure backed off, returned, let up, demanded attention.

She couldn’t breathe for the hair hanging around her, so she lifted her head and started to turn her head to the side. Maybe Ber was determined to claim some of her attention for himself. Maybe he simply wanted to see her expression. Whatever the explanation, he took hold of her hair. His grip held her in place. Looking at him, she breathed with her mouth open. Splintered. Sliding a hand under her, Ber caught a breast between thumb and forefinger.

A sensation she knew all too well and was a slave to gripped her. Hoping to put off climaxing until Songan’s cock was in her, she tried to shake free. Ber’s hold on her breast tightened.

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