Shifters, Inc. The Bear Who Loved Me (A BBW paranormal romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Shifters, Inc. The Bear Who Loved Me (A BBW paranormal romance)
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She looked up at him, and he saw that she was blinking away tears.

“What?” she asked, as he stared at her.

“I’m looking forward to going back to our cabin and spending some time alone with you. That’s all.”

“Oh,” she murmured, and grabbed her coffee and downed it quickly.

When they got back to his cabin, however, she let out a huge yawn and stretched.

              “I literally didn’t sleep last night. I was up all night packing and making arrangements for this trip. I need a nap,” she said, and headed to the couch. She lay down and fell into a deep, heavy sleep.

Chapter Seven

              Tonya woke up feeling groggy. She wasn’t sure why; she hadn’t had anything to drink.

              She sat up, rubbing her face with her hands, and a blanket slid off of her. Heath must have covered her with it.

              “Are you all right?” Heath asked, looking concerned. “You slept pretty heavily.”

              “Huh. That’s not like me,” she said. She normally was a pretty light sleeper. Maybe it was the sea air.  “I’m fine. I just need a shower,” she said. “What time is it?”

              Heath glanced at his watch. “Twenty after seven.”

              “Argh! I told one of the maids I’d meet her at the Tropical Rainforest Bar at eight for a drink,” she said. “I’d better hurry.”

              She hurried into the bathroom, and showered and changed quickly. She still felt a little foggy, but not as bad.

              She pulled out her purse and looked over her cosmetics, bewildered. She didn’t remember having packed this much makeup…had she? She stared at it carefully. None of it looked out of place. She opened each makeup compact and lipstick and mascara and eyeliner. Everything seemed fine. She couldn’t put her finger on what was bothering her.

              Then she glanced at the wall clock. Quarter of eight.

              She hurried upstairs to the deck, arriving a couple of minutes late. Heath told her he’d meet her in a few minutes after he checked in with his teammates.

She made her way through the foliage – man, they went heavy on the tropical jungle theme here. Antonia was sitting at the bar, drinking a margarita. Out of uniform, she wore a beautiful dress that could easily have been in Benedetta’s line. It was made of black lace over black silk, and it draped perfectly.

“That is a stunning dress. Sorry I’m late,” Tonya said, sliding into a chair.

Antonia beamed. “You like? I make myself, from old curtains I buy in thrift store.” She fished in her purse and pulled out a necklace, with was made of wire wrapped around a chunk of blue crystal.

“Here is my gift,” she said. “It is a charm I make. My grandmother show me how. It ward off the evil eye and black magic. It keep you safe.”

              “But then you should have it,” Tonya protested.

              “No, no, don’t worry. I have one too.” She pointed to the chain dangling around her neck, which sported a matching crystal.

              Tonya let Antonia drape the necklace around her neck. “Well, thank you,” she said. “Now if only your grandmother could teach you how to make a charm that wards off gross guys, you could be a millionaire.”

              Antonia laughed at that. “I tell her next time I see her. How is your day?”

              She settled in next to Antonia and told her about her crazy lunch.

              Antonia’s eyes opened wide. “Benedetta! She is like goddess in my country! I so hope to meet her. I am working in her section of boat now – I will be clean her rooms. I ask to move because before that, I am clean the rooms of that pig man who bother me in the hall. So what is she like?”

              “She’s something, all right.” Tonya laughed. “I mean, she seems nice enough.”

              “Was she wearing beautiful gown? Describe to me her gown.”

              Tonya described in detail what Benedetta had been wearing, and as she did, Heath walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

              “Oh, handsome friend you have there,” Antonia said. “You have fun with your man. I am off to meet some friends.” She downed the rest of her drink and walked off, giving Tonya a wave.

              “Nice necklace,” Heath said, lifting the crystal in his hand. As he did, his finger brushed against Tonya’s chest and she felt a rush of heat sweep through her.

              “Did one of your male admirers give you this?” he asked.

              “What?” Tonya choked back a snicker. “Oh, you were serious. Antonia, that girl who was just here, gave it to me. It’s supposed to ward off evil.” She gave him an amused glance. “And yet here you still are.”

              Heath grinned at her. “Well, I definitely have bad intentions, and I don’t think any old necklace is going to stop me.”

              “Oh?” Suddenly the air on the deck felt very warm. “What…what kind of intentions?”

              “You know, I’m better at showing than describing. Man of few words, you know how it is. Shall we go back to our cabin?”

              There was something about hearing him describe it as “our cabin” that made her want to melt into a puddle. “We could do that. It’s getting kind of stuffy in here.”

              He grabbed her hand and she followed him back to his cabin. She felt as if she were floating on a cloud, barely noticing the walk back or their surroundings. Was this really happening? He actually really wanted her? She’d always assumed his semi-sarcastic flirtations were just him making fun of her, that he only did it so she’d stop pestering him for an interview.

              Once inside the room, he shut and locked the door.

              “So, I’ve been meaning to tell you something about that dress,” he said, moving so close to her that her breasts brushed against his stomach.


              “I can’t stand it – because it’s covering your beautiful body.” He reached down, grabbed the neckline, and ripped it all the way down to her navel. At her gasp, he added “Oh, settle down. There’s a stack of bead necklaces on top of the dresser, and you’re going to use them at the shops tomorrow to buy anything you want.” As he spoke, he kept moving towards her and she kept backing up until they were right against the bed.

              She glanced at the bed and realized there was an array of sex toys spread out there. “Those came with the room.” His voice was a low, sexy rumble. “Because I’m a nice guy, I’m going to let you pick which toy I use on you first. But you should know that whatever you pick, you’re going to be tied hand and foot to the bed so I can do anything I want to you until you beg me to let you come.”

              Instinctively, Tonya brought up her hands to cover her body as the remains of her torn dress slipped gently to the floor. She felt her nipple pebbling against her palm, but more than that she was aware of a hot, ringing silence and a tide of embarrassed crimson washing up over her chest, throat and face.

              Heath seemed oblivious to her self-consciousness. He gave her a crooked quirk of a smile and the golden glints in his dark eyes seemed to dance as he trailed one finger over her cheek and down to the corner of her mouth. She was surprised the heat of her blush didn’t blister his fingertip.

              Uncharacteristically tongue-tied, she blurted, “I don’t think I can… I mean, I don’t think we should—”

              Heath hushed her and took her wrists, gently peeling her protective arms away from her breasts and belly. Despite the satin and lace of her bra and panties, she had never in her life felt as naked as she did at that moment under Heath’s assessing gaze. Surely, looking at her soft, pale curves after an afternoon spent strolling among the taut, golden perfection of the cruise’s companions, he’d laugh or apologize or pass the whole thing off as a joke or a mistake. Heath Anderson wasn’t just out of her league – they weren’t even playing the same game, and anyway nobody had told her the rules.

              But the look in his eyes wasn’t amused or disgusted, and he didn’t suddenly announce that he’d made a mistake. Instead he ran gentle fingers over the spatter of freckles covering the creamy upper swell of her breast and inhaled a deep, shuddering breath. He allowed his eyes to flutter closed, and when he opened them again, he yanked her into his arms with a low, urgent growl.

              Held against his massive, hard body, the length of his cock pressing insistently against her belly, Tonya felt sudden moisture flood her panties as her pussy clenched.

              “Don’t hide your gorgeous curves from me,” Heath muttered. “Feel how much I want you.” Then his mouth came down on hers and she was lost in a bewildering swirl of sensations. His mouth plundered hers, his tongue teasing her lips until she opened on a sigh. He ran his big, strong hands down her back, caressing the curve of her waist before slipping them under the fabric of her panties to knead the ample flesh of her backside. Maybe he really did think her body was beautiful, her curves were gorgeous.

              He unsnapped her bra and slid the straps deftly over her shoulders and down her arms, stepping back slightly to allow the lacy confection to drop to the floor. Then he pressed one thick thigh between her legs and moved even more tightly against her, supporting her effortlessly in his muscular arms as he laid her back on the edge of the bed. He stood and stepped back, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed…and unbearably, restlessly aroused.

              She was painfully aware of how pale her skin must look against the dark red satin of the comforter, and the constellations of freckles on her breasts and stomach, like a dusting of cinnamon. But the possessive look in Heath’s chocolate eyes and the low growl of warning he gave made her resist the urge to cover herself. Instead she fisted her hands in the silky fabric of the bedding and closed her eyes, concentrating on trying to slow the crazy pounding of her heart.

              She opened her eyes again as Heath slid one arm behind her upper back and the other beneath her knees. He lifted her and positioned her in the center of the bed, gently arranging her arms so they were above her head, her breasts upthrust.

              “What are you doing?” she murmured, shocked to hear how husky and needful her voice sounded to her own ears.

              “Making love to you,” Heath replied as he secured a cuff around her wrist. The fur lining slid sensually over her skin, sending little sparks of sensation zipping through her. “But first I’m going to make sure I can look at you as much as I want to…” He secured the other wrist. “Touch you however I like…”

              Tonya suppressed a desperate whimper at the thought of Heath exploring her body; having his way with her. She felt a brief flutter of panic as he shackled her ankles to the foot of the bed, but his movements were so steady and confident, his touch so sure and gentle that the feeling faded…to be replaced by excitement.

              Her pussy clenched and a trickle of moisture slid from between her thighs as Heath climbed onto the bed, straddling her. His muscular thighs pressed close against the soft curves of her waist. He leaned in and gave her a slow, thorough kiss. His tongue tangled with hers and he groaned and flexed his hips. Then he pulled away, covering her full breasts with his palms, working them in firm circles over her budding nipples. He narrowed his eyes and grinned wickedly when she pulled her lower lip between her teeth and gave an urgent, needy whimper.

              “Which toy shall I use on you first?” he asked, twisting her nipple between thumb and forefinger. “The vibrator?” She shuddered slightly, arching towards him, frustrated that she couldn’t part her legs and press closer to him. “The flogger?” he suggested. “You
been a naughty girl…” She panted, then gave a long, low moan as he twisted her other nipple and the sensation shot straight to her clit. “No, I know what will make you wet for me…”

              She was left squirming and panting as he stood and discarded his clothes, tossing them carelessly to one side before returning to her, gloriously naked. His cock was fully erect, thick and slightly curved and already beaded at the tip with dewy pre-cum. She could have sworn she saw it twitch eagerly as he opened his palm to reveal two small, golden nipple clamps.

              He opened the delicate jaws of the first clip and secured it on her nipple. It pinched, and Tonya felt as if he were tugging on a silver line of sensation that ran directly to her clit. Her internal muscles clenched and she writhed as Heath reached down to finger the drenched fabric of her panties. He gave a low rumble of satisfaction and she parted her thighs as he secured the second clip, setting up a singing sensation between her nipples and her pussy that seemed to intensify every time she shifted on the bed.

              Heath positioned himself between her legs and kissed her again, squirming on top of her, rubbing his hard length against her labia through the sodden fabric of her underwear. The weight of his chest against her engorged breasts pulled against the clamps, causing an electrical sensation to build between her thighs. The heavy heat of his cock against her pussy was maddening.

              “Oh God…” she whimpered. “Please…please…”

              She hardly knew what she was begging him for, except that if he didn’t take her soon, she thought she might explode or go insane or both.

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