She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story (6 page)

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Authors: Shvonne Latrice

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: She's Gotta Have It: A Hood Love Story
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Hey baby.

Hi babe.
I was cheesing so hard that my face was hurting.

Come over tonight?

Okay, I will get there around seven.

I was finally gonna go over to his house. I was scared to go prior, because I didn’t want to end up having sex with him. Now I felt more comfortable, and I knew he wasn’t a creep that would try and force me, so I was ready to go. Also, I knew he wasn’t just talking to me in order to fuck.

“Good morning ladies,” I smiled at my sisters as I sat at the island.

“Good morning,” they replied in unison.

“So you’ve been hanging out with Cassian, I see.” Andi raised a brow as she handed me a plate of food.

“Yeah,” I grinned and Zooey rolled her eyes.

“Jos, he ain’t had a hit in months,” Andi frowned.

“So, what the fuck does that have to do with me?” I shrugged irritated. Cassian and I weren’t official, but I still didn’t like people talking about him.

“He can’t do nothing for you unless he’s at the top of the charts,” Zooey replied.

“Y’all know I don’t care about that,” I replied dryly as I put a piece of bacon into my mouth.

“Oh my God Josalyn! I will not let you fuck up my reputation because you want to fuck with has-been ass niggas!” Andi banged her fist on the island like she was somebody.

“Get over yourself, Andi. Deuces,” I chucked up the peace sign, and then took my plate out of the kitchen.

I hated that she wanted me to be like her and Zooey. It wasn’t in my blood to only date guys who could make me famous. I didn’t even want to be famous! I wanted to finish medical school, and then become a doctor with a loving husband and kids. I had no interest in being the next reality TV star, or being paid to show parts of my body that only my man should see. If my sisters wanted to live that way then they were more than welcome to, but I was not gonna be a part of that shit.

I scarfed down my food as I listened to my sisters talk and joke with one another back in the kitchen. Once I was done, I quickly showered, dressed, and brushed my teeth so I could go see my man. Wait, he ain’t even my man. Hopefully, we would become official soon, but I wasn’t one to hound a dude for a relationship. However, if he thought he was getting the pussy with no ties, he was sadly mistaken.


“I thought we agreed on seven o’clock,” Cassian smiled showing his beautiful teeth.

“I know, but I didn’t want to be home and I didn’t know where to go,” I responded as I walked in.

“What happened?” he asked closing his front door behind me.

I walked through his large foyer, and then stopped because I realized I didn’t know where I was going. I turned around and he was standing there with his arms folded, laughing.

“I’m guessing you’ve been here before?” he smiled and raised his eyebrow. He was so fucking fine. He had on a black hoodie, gray sweats, and black socks.

“No. Sorry, can you show me around?” I grinned.

“I can do that,” he nodded and then took my hand in his. He led me to a room that had games, a huge TV, a sound system, a bar, and a fridge.

“Wow,” I commented as I looked around.

“Thanks,” Cassian replied. “So you never answered my question, what happened at home?” he repeated as we sat down together.

“My sister just said some stuff. I don’t really want to talk about that. Let’s watch
The Notebook
like you promised we would,” I said.

“Awww damn, I did promise to watch that mushy shit,” he shook his head like he regretted it.

“You’ve never even seen it; how do you know it’s mushy?”

“‘Cause bitches are always trying to get niggas to watch it, so I know it’s some chick flick,” he replied. “My homeboy said after he watched it, he proposed to some girl,” he joked.

“Oh yeah right!” I laughed and playfully punched his arm.

“I’m serious! That’s why I don’t watch them movies that are female driven,” he pinched my chin.

“Actually, it’s from the guy’s point of view, and it was written by a guy,” I bucked my eyes and cocked my head to the side. He shook his head and laughed at me.

“Probably some gay nigga,” he chuckled and opened some Reese’s Pieces. We found out that it was both of our favorite candy.

“No, well I don’t know if he is gay, but that is not the point Mr. Cassian,” I said.

“A’ight well put it in,” he replied. I retrieved the DVD from my purse, and then walked towards his entertainment center. “I like your hair like that,” he commented as I tried to figure out his complicated DVD player.

“Natural? You don’t like it pressed?” I quizzed as I placed the DVD in the tray.

“I like both, but you giving me that Denise Huxtable shit right now. I like that,” he cheesed and I playfully rolled my eyes.

“Well, she’s beautiful so I will take that.”

“So are you. Y’all both some light-brights with long curly hair, and don’t wear makeup,” he nodded as I plopped down next to him.

“Oh shit, you think I don’t wear makeup? I hope you’re ready to see me without it,” I smacked my lips and shook my head. He stared at me with his mouth open, wearing a worried expression. “I’m just kidding, I’m not wearing any right now,” I burst into laughter.

“Damn! You had a nigga worried that you were a zombie under that shit,” he chuckled.

“You have nothing to worry about,” I smirked and he pecked me before dimming the lights.

Halfway through the movie, Cassian craned his neck around and kissed my lips gently. I tugged his bottom lip into my mouth, and cupped his smooth face. After kissing heavily for five minutes straight, I pulled away to look into his brown eyes.

“I think I’m falling for you Cassian,” I whispered.

“Good,” he replied and pulled me even closer. “So are you finally gon’ let me be your nigga?” he bit his lip. I simply nodded as I took his beautiful features.

“You better not hurt me,” I half joked and chuckled.

“I wouldn’t dare,” he replied and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

We watched all kinds of shit for a couple more hours, and then decided to go to this bar on Hollywood Boulevard called Pig N' Whistle. It was a little vintage bar that sold all kinds of drinks. It was a Wednesday, so we knew we wouldn’t run into too many crazy fans.

“Cassian, nice to meet you man!” the bartender smiled and reached out his hand.

“Likewise,” Cassian nodded as he pulled my chair out for me at the bar.

“Entertaining tonight?” the guy grinned as he slid napkins in front of us. 

“Nah, it’s not even like that, this is my girlfriend Josalyn,” Cassian replied and touched my lower back.

I looked over at him and smiled, and then he kissed my lips. I didn’t realize how lonely I was until I met him.

“Well good choice my man, she’s gorgeous,” the guy nodded his head at me. “Now what will you have? It’s on the house,” he asked.

“Aww, thanks man. Ladies first, Pretty.”

“I’ll get whatever you get,” I replied.

“Let me get two L.A. Waters,” Cassian told the bartender, and he started to make the drinks.

“What is that?” I chuckled.

“I’m starting to think you ain’t really from Los Angeles, Pretty,” he smirked.

“Just because I don’t drink alcohol like it’s water, does not mean I’m not from L.A.,” I smacked his arm. “Now what is it?” I repeated as the bartender slid it in front of me.

“I just know it has Gin, Vodka, Tequila, Chambord, and Rum,” Cassian sipped his.

“Damn Cass, good thing your driver brought us.” I shook my head at him, as I tasted my drink. I didn’t even like alcohol like that.

“What? I can drive if I needed to. I can’t get drunk.”

“Negro please,” I playfully rolled my eyes.

We drank one more L.A. Water, and then decided to walk the streets of Hollywood to get some fresh air. It was getting late, so there weren’t many people out.

“Your fans would probably speed over here if they knew you were walking the streets on a Wednesday night,” I said as he and I held hands.

“I know, and you better not tell them,” he chuckled.

“How does it feel to have a girlfriend?” I inquired smiling up at him as we walked.

“It’s not as great as I thought. I would much rather be in some hotel with a big booty stripper,” he nodded.

“Ah!” I squealed with my mouth open.

“I’m kidding. You know I love being with you,” he said in a serious tone as he backed me into a brick wall.

It was a dark corner, and nothing could be heard but the sound of us breathing. He cupped my face and dipped his tongue into my mouth, while sucking my lips.

“I love being with you too,” I whispered in between kisses.

He reached down behind me and grabbed my ass. I loved when he did that because his hands were so strong.

“Don’t you ever go anywhere,” he pulled away from the kiss, and stared down into my eyes.

“I won’t,” I replied looking up.

He pinned me to the wall and kissed me even harder. This was the shit! Here I was in a dark corner on Hollywood boulevard, being felt up and kissed all on by the last person I expected. For the first time in a long time, going to club with my sisters had paid off. I’d met someone that I could actually see myself with for forever, that wasn’t Craig.

We kissed for what seemed like an eternity, until some homeless man asked us for change like we didn’t look busy. Cassian gave him a fifty-dollar bill, and then we decided to run off to Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles. After staying there until they closed, just talking, we went back to his house to go to sleep. Life was the shit right about now.





Chapter Six: Andi 


Blaze’s music video pretty much put me on the map. I got a couple more offers for other videos because of him, and I was ecstatic. I planned to expand my brand as soon as possible, because I was not gonna end up just being some video hoe that faded into the background. I actually had no idea what I wanted to achieve though, other than fame. I guess I would decide that later on. For now, I would just build my name and stack my chips.

I was now starting to get a lot of urban blog coverage, for being Hollis’ home wrecking boo. I didn’t care what the headline said; as long as my picture was on it, I was good.

This evening I was gonna take care of something I’d been meaning to take care of for the longest. You see, Shakina thought our feud was over, and that she was gonna bow out gracefully and give me Hollis. Unfortunately, she had the game fucked up! She punched me and the shit surfaced all over the fucking World Wide Web, as you know, and that wasn’t gone fly at all. So what it catapulted my name temporarily, I still didn’t like the fact that she personally thought she won.

Tonight she was gonna pay in the worst way though. “So this is the car?” my little brother Lockelyn’s homeboy asked, as we pulled into Shakina’s job parking lot.

“Yep,” I smirked and he nodded. He hopped out and jogged over to do the job.

Although Hollis had big money, Shakina was one of those bitches who didn’t like to sit up and let a man take care of her. We were the total opposite obviously. She worked nights at Bloomingdale’s department store, and tonight would be her last night there. I was paying my brother’s friend Jinx six g's to cut her brake lines, so that as she sped home, she would have a nice surprise.

When I saw Jinx jogging back towards me, a smile crept across my face. “Done, let’s go,” he panted and reached for his seat belt.

I took him back home, and then retired to the home I shared with Josalyn. I usually would’ve spent the night with Hollis, but I didn’t have time to answer all his questions as to where I’d been. He was annoying as fuck, and hella clingy to be some big shot DJ. You would think that I would be the one all over him but nope. That’s what happens when you got that good-good like me.


“I miss you too,” I heard Josalyn giggling on the phone in her room.

I rolled my eyes and barged in. What the fuck didn’t she get about
dating Cassian? Yeah he was a good rapper, but his last song didn’t do shit, and that was months ago. He was not about to go down and take my precious baby sister with him. She deserved nothing but the best, and at this moment, Cassian was not it.

“What are you doing?” I spoke loudly over her room.

“Andi, you’re home. What’s up?” she asked holding the phone to her collarbone.

“Is that Cassian?” I raised a brow and folded my arms.

“Yeah,” she replied.

“I thought we had an agreement Jos, hang up,” I spat and headed back to my room. Maybe if I put a better nigga in her face, she would leave him alone.

After taking a nice hot bath and watching some Hulu, I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Shakina meeting her fate.


“Good morning babe,” I smiled as I switched into Hollis’ house. You damn right his whipped ass gave me a key.

“Hey,” Hollis replied and took a swig from his Jack Daniels’ bottle.

“What's wrong?” I asked as if I had no idea why he was so somber.

“Shakina,” he replied and dropped his head into his hands.

“What about her?” I questioned trying to hide my smile.

“She’s gone man,” he began to cry. Really? He kicked that bitch to the curb the minute he met me, yet he had the nerve to be crying like a bitch.

“Oh my God! What happened babe?” I placed my hand over my heart and dropped my jaw.

“She hit a damn tree. She was dead by the time the ambulance got there,” he sobbed hysterically.

I knew this already. That shit was all over the news. “DJ Hollis’ Longtime Girlfriend Dies in Car Accident,” was all over social media, the gossip sites, and KTLA news too. That’s what happens when you try to fuck me over though. If I would put a hit out on my own grandparents, then you know putting one on a random bitch that meant nothing to me, was a piece of cake.

“Oh baby, I’m sorry,” I said as I wrapped my arms around him. I smiled on the inside, silently patting myself on the back in my head.

Shakina fucked with the wrong one this time. All she had to do was step back and let me use Hollis. I was gonna give his clingy ass back, but no, she had to get ratchet and shit. Well, she paid for her mistakes with her life and that’s all that matters. Andi Richardson for the win, bitch.




I walked into my condo, and prepared to go head to head with Qadir. Why was he even in my shit while I wasn’t here? Ugh. I set my purse down on the couch and went to the fridge to grab a beer. I needed something to drink before my encounter with him.

I walked into the bedroom after downing my drink, and saw Qadir sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Hey,” I said without looking at him.

“Who are you fucking Zooey?” he asked with his sexy chocolate face twisted up.

“Qadir, I’m not in the mood,” I waved him off.

“Well get in the mood. Who the hell are you fucking?” he frowned and stood up.

“I ain’t fucking nobody! I’m working!” I lied.

I’d been fucking Noah so damn much I was starting to wonder if he ever got any pussy from Poppy.

“Then give me some pussy right now,” Qadir demanded.

“What? No. I’m about to shower,” I smacked my lips and tried to walk around him.

“Nah, if you ain’t been touched, I’m about to find out!” he yelled and pushed me back onto the bed.

“Qadir! Let me take a shower first!” I said pushing his hands away.

He ignored my pleas and reached under my skirt after releasing his dick. He yanked my panties to the side, and rammed himself into me. I exhaled, and laid back as he pumped away.

“Shit,” he whispered as he got off.

I laid there looking at the wall, because I could not get into this. I just wanted to shower and go to fucking bed. I’d been working all day, and fucking Noah all day as well. My pussy was tired as hell.

“Fuck baby. This shit is off the chain,” Qadir grunted as he sped up. How dare he try and naughty talk me when he was pretty much raping me?

I surprisingly felt myself about to cum, so I spread my legs some more for him. “Oooh,” I moaned in an extremely low tone, because I didn’t even want to let it out.

“Ahh!” he yelled and released into me as I gushed on him. “Damn!” he panted and then rolled off me.

Once I caught my breath, I sat up to get out of the bed. He grabbed my arm, and bent my head back to French kiss me.

“Don’t you give that good pussy away,” he said as he bit his lip. Damn he was fine.

“You know I wouldn’t do that,” I smiled and then hurried to the shower.

My honey pot had taken a beating today. How did prostitutes do it? I could only imagine if Noah was well endowed like Qadir. That was probably the only reason Qadir didn’t notice my shit had been tampered with.

After my nice shower, I went back to bed with Qadir. I kind of missed him, so I decided not to make him go home. As soon as I laid in bed, he cuddled behind me and hugged me tightly. I smiled to myself, because I did enjoy times like these.


“I couldn’t wait for her to leave,” Noah smiled as he sat me on the dresser in his bedroom.

He started to kiss my neck as I removed his shirt. He unbuttoned my jeans as I took my shirt off and then tugged down my panties. He dipped his head between my legs, and sucked my clit hard.

“Shit babe,” I panted as I massaged his head. I slowly pushed my pussy into his face as he devoured it. “I’m cumming Noah, fuck,” I called out as he dipped two fingers in and out of me.

I exploded in and on his mouth, and then he carried me to the bed. I climbed on top of him, and waited as he rolled a condom down.

“Uhhhh!” I purred as I slid down on his rock hard member. He grabbed my waist, and then smacked my ass, as I rocked my hips on him.

“Damn girl,” he panted as I sped up my motions. “You tryna make a nigga fall in love,” he added.

I ignored his comments, and continued to fuck him as if my life depended on it. I smiled as I watched his face screw up in ecstasy.

“Fuck!” he yelled as his body started to jerk. I threw my head back, allowing myself to enjoy the orgasm I was about to achieve. “Here it comes,” he grunted and humped upward. He shot up inside the condom, before I could even cum.

“Really?” I asked turning my lip.

I was just about to cum, fuck! He pulled me up so that I could sit on his face. He sucked my clit while fingering me, and I rode his face while biting my lip. He spread my ass cheeks for more access, and finally, a bitch was cumming. I rained down on his face, and he licked up every drop.

After catching my breath, I climbed off his face and went to clean myself up. Once I walked back into the bedroom, I saw he was coming from doing the same. We climbed in bed together, and he draped his arm around me.

“Noah, when can I come to a fashion show with you?” I questioned and looked at the side of his face.

“Whenever Poppy is free,” he replied and reached for his phone.

“Then I’m not fucking you anymore unless Poppy is here,” I spat and started to climb out of the bed.

“Why you have to be like that?” he frowned and pulled me back in.

“I told you I have goals, and all I’m asking is that you let me see a show with you! I love you and I would do anything for you, but I see it’s not the same on your end!” I yelled. I didn’t love this nigga whatsoever, but I needed to tug at his heartstrings.

“Alright, chill. It’s a show next week that Roberto Cavalli is having, and we can go to that,” he exhaled.

“Okay,” I panted.

“Now stop acting crazy and come here,” he smirked and pulled me close. He grabbed my face and kissed my lips gently. “So you love a nigga?” he smiled.

“Yeah,” I lied and smiled.
Putty, putty in my well-manicured hands
, I thought.



A couple weeks later...


“Always had dreams of getting' out the hood, getting texts from bad bitches saying ‘hey what’s good.’ Killin’ and slangin’ wasn’t made for me, thank God for this rap shit, I’m livin’ the American Dream,”
Cassian rapped on stage as the crowd danced and sang along.

It was so exciting to see him out there doing his thing, and sexy too; I definitely wanted tonight to be the night. He’d been so patient with me, and not only did he deserve it, but I wanted him badly as well.

“You did a good job,” I smiled and cupped his face for a kiss once he walked backstage. His lips sent shockwaves through my body. Us making love was long overdue.

“Thanks Pretty,” he smirked with his sexy ass, and grabbed my hand.

We went over to sit in the VIP section that was designated for him, to have some drinks. I needed a little liquid courage for tonight anyway.

“Since when do you like alcohol?” Cassian smiled.

“Since tonight,” I grinned and he kissed my lips again.

“You look good as fuck tonight. I don’t remember if I told you that or not,” he said as he looked over my body.

I was wearing a strapless jade green dress, black stilettos, and gold jewelry. My long dark hair was hanging down my back, freshly straightened, and my lips bore nude lipglass from MAC.

“Thank you,” I batted my eyes playfully, and he kissed my neck.

“Smell good too,” he added.

My vagina throbbed a little, letting me know she was beyond ready and in need. I hadn’t had sex in two long years.

“Hey Cass,” some random hoe said as she stood outside of the VIP area, in front of the bouncer. I guess she wanted to come in with Cassian’s people. “Tell Deebo here to let me by,” she added and bit her lip.

“Nah Lani,” Cassian shook his head, and it caught me off guard that he knew her name.

She wasn’t one of the video hoes that I saw claiming him on social media, so I was really intrigued now.

“Really? Okay. Fuck you then nigga!” she screamed so loud that some people around jumped.

Her facial expression was more hurt than angry, which was another red flag. She switched off in her tight gold dress, and the bouncer watched her ass.

“Who was that?” I asked Cassian as I tugged on the hood of his jacket.

“Nobody,” he smirked and sipped on his drink. “Come on, let’s go,” he said and set his drink back down.

He tapped his bodyguard, who then escorted us out the back. The whole ride to his home, I kept thinking about that girl. I didn’t want to deal with any crazy exes; I
gonna deal with any crazy exes.

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