Seize Me (7 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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“I wanna watch these gorgeous tits bounce,” he growls, slamming into me repeatedly. There is no rhythm. It’s the assault to my vagina he was just promising me. This isn’t for my pleasure; it’s for his. So I reach in between my legs and begin rubbing myself.

“Naughty, naughty girl,” he tsk’s as his arms snake underneath me and raise me up, so I’m straddling him. Once I’m firmly seated, his fingers twist through my hair and yank my head back as his lips run down my chest, stopping at my nipple. He teases it with his tongue before clamping down on it hard. I scream out and start riding him.

“Harder bitch,” he growls yanking my hair even more. I snap my head back up and scratch my fingernails down his back as I slam down on him.

“Shit,” he hisses while somehow flipping me over and planting my face into the carpet. His balls smacking my front as he fills me with his come.

Well damn! There goes my orgasm. That’s the second time he’s come with my head smashed down on the bed. I wonder if this is his thing and I realize that he’s punishing me for something I didn’t even know I did wrong. He didn’t let me come, and I’m almost positive he knows he didn’t.

“Gee thanks,” I murmur as he catches his breath behind me. I’ll admit I’m thoroughly bummed. I know he can make me see stars, and the fact that he held out on me almost makes me want to cry.

“Time for bed, Angel,” he says as he kisses the back of my neck and pulls out.



I’m a little disappointed when I wake up alone, without Braxxon’s tongue lapping my core. But it’s Sunday, and Lana and I get to go home today. That thought makes up for the no orgasm. Just almost. I stretch before making my way downstairs to check on my best friend. I hear her giggling in the main room.

She looks a million times better. If she didn’t have a sling on, you wouldn’t be able to tell that she was just shot two days ago.

“Hey,” I say walking up to her.

“Get your things; we get to go home babe,” she smiles.

“Prospect,” Pyro snaps. “Get Star’s stuff together.”

“What about our car?” I ask.

“Pyro’s had the shop call the insurance company. We’ll have a rental waiting for us a few miles away from home. One of the Prospects is going to escort us to pick it up.”

“Escort us?” I repeat, but it comes out like a question instead of the disbelief I wanted it to sound like.

“Yep, gotta go all around our route here.”

“Peachy,” I murmur. “You got pain killers to go?”

“The best of the best. Pyro called Rich this morning, and he wasn’t too thrilled that I’m gonna be outta work. His exact words were…” she trails off leaving it open for Pyro.

“I give you my two best girls and you get one of them shot. We’re square,” he mimics. “And he hung up on me.” Pyro chuckles.

“Well, it’s been fun Pyro,” I say sarcastically.

“You think the Prez is gonna let you stay away?”

“Yep,” I say popping my p.

“Oh Star,” he chuckles. “C’mon I’ll walk you both out.”

Thank the heavens above. I’m practically squealing with delight knowing that we’re going home. I force myself not to be bummed out that Braxxon isn’t saying goodbye though. He’s a badass; I get that, but he’s just downright rude. He already left my core aching, and now he’s being a prick again.

We picked up our little rental car and one of the prospects followed us home. It was one of the longest rides of my life. Lana’s been happily smiling ever since leaving Breakneck and yeah, I know I’m a glutton for punishment because I find myself longing for the voice, touch, and smell of Braxxon. Once we’re home, I plop down on our couch and cross my arms, pouting when my phone starts ringing. I swear my moods are bi-polar. One minute I don’t want him and the next I miss him. My swollen lips between my legs also have something to do with that.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Bye Angel.” His husky velvet voice breathes through the phone.

Two hours too late dude.

“Bye Braxxon,” I huff, hanging up.

See? Mood swings much. I need to seek help immediately. Not two minutes after I hang up, I receive a text message from him.

*You hurting baby?*

Bastard! I can be cocky too. I respond.

*But it hurts sooooo good!*


Mmm Angel next weekend*

I frown. I can’t text back now. Gah, why do I have to be so indecisive when it comes to him? I growl and toss my phone on the table. Lana looks up from the television.

“What?” Lana asks.

“Braxxon,” I say because that’s all I need to say for her to get it.

“Ah… he reminds you of your old life. Doesn’t he?”

“Yeah. Every single thing about him does. He’ll get tired of trying and move on. Besides it was just a weekend bang.” I smile with the word bang.

“I dunno, Winter. He gives you that look.”

“What look? And how would you know? You were drugged all weekend,” I say frustrated.

“Even in my drugged induced state of mind that connection was clearly visible.”

“Whatever.” I laugh throwing a pillow at her, wincing that I was stupid enough to forget she was just shot. “Sorry.”

It’s Friday night, and I’m heading into work. Braxxon has texted me a few times a day and has tried calling. I’ve ignored him. It’s taking everything I have not to give in. I never thought I would be hot for a guy who referred to me as bitch when he was screwing me. I should be offended, or something, but I’m not. I wave to Keith who is the doorman and security guard at the front of the club. He nods and tells me that Rich needs to see me before I get ready. Just great, what in the hell did I do?

I knock on his office door, and he hollers for me to come in.

“Hey boss, you wanted to see me?” I ask, sitting down in front of his desk.
Rich is an older playboy type of man. He has a head full of silver hair and even a silver beard; he wears gold chains all over his body.

“Yeah Star, I’m gonna have to let you go,” he says with a sigh.

“What?” I screech, jumping up. I’ve never been fired, and the first time I am, it’s from an exotic strip club? Seriously?


“I owe a favor to someone; that’s all I’m saying. I’m gonna miss you gorgeous, but go clean out your things.”

Well, that was blunt.

“You owed a favor to whom?” I ask already knowing the answer. I’m going to do some bodily damage. “Never mind; I know who. I’ll be back to get my things in a few days. You owe me that much.”

He nods as I stomp out of his office and back to my car. That no good fucking biker bastard! I call Lana and tell her what happened. She just laughs on the other end of the phone, so I hang up on her. I know my foot pressing on the gas and speeding through someone else’s territory is going to piss some people off if I break down in our rental, but I don’t care. I’m ready to hurt that prick! I make an hour drive seem like the snap of fingers as I pull in through the compound gate. I don’t even remember slamming the car in park before I hop out. PP comes running up to me as I hastily walk towards the clubhouse.

“Star what’s wrong? You need me to get the VP?”

The VP? Hell no, I want the damn President. Oh my, that sounds kind of hot. Dammit! No, it doesn’t.

“Where the fuck is Braxxon?”

PP’s eyes widen, and he tries pulling me to a stop. I barge into the clubhouse, screaming the place down.

“Hey Star, what’s wrong?” Pyro chuckles.

“Don’t give me that shit; you know what he did. Where the fuck is your Prez, Pyro? I swear I’m gonna have him eating his own dick for supper!”

“Pyro, he’s busy right now,” Prospect murmurs as if it’s a whopping secret.

“He’s busy doing what? Banging some hoe while I was off getting fired because my boss owed him a solid?”

I stomp off, and as I do, I can hear PP mumbling that the Prez is gonna be angry. Then I hear Pyro say I’m the only one that could ever get away with this.

As I near the steps, I hear moaning. Lots and lots of moaning coming from the top of the narrow stairwell. I get the largest smile on my face. At least I’m about to ruin his pussyfest. I know he can hear my footsteps coming because the groans get louder as if he’s purposely doing them.

I fling the door open and I’m shocked. There’s not one, not two but three damn girls in the room with him. Two of the woman are going to it, and he’s just watching as the third sucks him off.

“You got me fucking fired,” I seethe.

“Yep,” he grins while gripping the slut’s hair.


“Cuz you pissed me off,” he says with a devilish smile.

“Brax,” I moan. Shit, when did he become Brax? “You can’t just get me fired because I’m trying to stay away from you. It’s not right.”

“I can and I did.”

“There’s a reason I’m trying to stay away, Braxxon. Did you ever think about that?” I whisper.

God I can’t believe I’m having this conversation with him. The room smells like one giant pussy; he’s getting his dick sucked, and two muffler bunnies are eating each other out.

“Not good enough.”

He’s so infuriating.

“Dammit… if you wanna conversation with me, wrap this shit up before I leave Braxxon. I will go far, far away from here and never look back.”

Either something in my tone or the way I’m gazing at him must set him off because he pushes bitch number one of his dick.

“Get the fuck out,” he roars.

“Baby,” she coos as the others take off running out of the room. “You gonna let her threaten you like that?”

One minute she’s running her hands down his chest, the next she’s on the floor gripping her cheek. Braxxon just slapped the shit out of her.

“I said out bitch!”

She doesn’t even bother getting her clothes. She’s so quick I nickname her cockroach because she’s dirty and fast fleeing away.

When the coast is clear, I point my finger at him. “If you ever hit me like that I’ll slit your throat in your sleep.”

It’s not a threat; it’s a straight warning.

“I would never hit you, baby,” he says softly in the voice I’ve missed so very much all week long.

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