Seize Me (10 page)

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Authors: Crystal Spears

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Seize Me
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Oh yes, of course it is.

“I wanna shoot this one first please,” I beg.

Sniper nods and takes it from me, loading her up. After that, he lays it down and warns me with a brow to leave it be for a moment. I watch him walk across the open desert with beanbags, nails and a hammer. He hammers a few bags into a wooden post and walks back.

“Pick up Betty and take your stance.”

Betty? I grin at him. I can’t help it. He’s amazing. Who names their gun Betty?

“You’re too much like your brother.” I laugh taking my stance. “Speaking of… you wouldn’t happen to have a photo of Christina on ya, would you? I honestly wanna shoot that bitch.”

“I hate that lying bitch and no… I don’t have a fucking picture; just shoot the damn gun,” he growls.

Okay, so that’s a touchy subject. I widen my legs a little as I take aim. I close my right eye letting my dominant one take over as I was taught. I focus and breathe in and out. When I’m satisfied, I pretend the beanbag is Christina and shoot, not stopping until the clip is empty.

“Holy shit!”

“Again please,” I beg. That was relieving.

“We need to talk about this,” he says seriously.

“Nope, my past is off the table, sorry.”

“I’m telling my brother.”

“What’s he gonna do, spank me? No, wait don’t answer that.” I hold up my hand. “Can we just finish my fresh up lesson please?”

“Fuckin yeah we can.”


I go through twenty beanbags before he switches to cans. I obliterate those too. After three hours of target practice, he calls it, loads up, and we head back to the compound. Sniper’s anxious and I can tell a little sleepy too.

“You want me to help carry everything in?” I ask, getting out of the truck.

“No sweetness, I got it.”

“Okay, thanks.”

“Mmm anytime,” he says his voice husky. I shake my head and smile at Sniper. Why does he have to be just like his brother? So damn sexy with that blond hair and crooked grin.

My mood is grand. I’ve shot guns until I’m blue in the face, releasing and leaving all my hate and anger in the desert. Well, almost all of it. I’m only human, and my only human side shows as I walk into the bar area and spot Christina.

“Can’t get enough from one brother, so you move onto the next too,” she says smiling.

I’m about to open my mouth with a retort when Sniper comes up behind me.

“Chris… she’s not you. And shut the fuck up before you piss me off. I’m tired, and it’s too early for you to be starting shit with people.”

And there it is. Something happened between Braxxon, Sniper, and Christina and I want to know what it was. And if something happened, why is she still here?

“Lana’s still asleep,” PP says as he walks up. I can almost tell he was averting my attention to something else. Smart dude, but now what am I supposed to do?

“I know the Prez would be happy that you’re back,” he says.

What the hell? Is this dude a mind reader or something? I narrow my eyes at him. “You play stupid, don’t you?” I accuse.

“I’ll never tell,” he chuckles.

I realize I’m now smitten with dear old PP. He’s one of a kind. I wink at him and whisper his secrets safe with me as I walk away. It’s time to wake up Braxxon. When I pass Pyro’s apartment, I hear moans and shake my head. At least I know she’s still alive since the hussy didn’t answer my texts back. I tip toe up the stairs quietly and crack the door slowly. I want to give him a proper wake up like he did me a week ago. The room is almost totally pitch black from him hanging a towel over the window. Only a bit of light shows through a crack enough for me to see all of his naked glory with only a sheet covering a bit of his thighs.

“Angel, you’re burning a hole through my skin; c’mere,” he whispers in the darkness.

What’s with him using my lines? Can’t he find some of his own?

“Not fair, I wanted to wake you up,” I whine.

“Maybe next time. Take off your clothes; I wanna feel that glorious naked body against mine.”

I swear if he asked me, I would play slave and master with this man. When a man like Braxxon asks you to get naked, and his voice comes out smooth, sexy, and not at all demanding, it makes it extremely hard for a girl to turn down. I slip out of my clothes and join him in bed. I was thinking I was gonna get an orgasm, but clearly that’s not the case. He wraps his arms tightly around my neck and intertwines our legs together. He’s cuddling me.

“Uhh…,” I mumble.

“Winter, you’re more than a fuck. How did shooting go?” Braxxon murmurs into my hair.

Wait, what? Is he speaking? Seriously, he’s gloriously naked and holding me to him. I can’t think. Who the hell could when she has a nine-inch cock against their backside?


“My baby is speechless cause I just want to cuddle.”

I still don’t speak. Who knew a biker dude had a soft side.

He sighs. “You want my cock, don’t you?”

“Please,” I beg. “I’m a little worked up.”

Braxxon grins against my cheek before slipping on top of me and sliding in effortlessly.

“I’m too tired for a fast fuck, but I can go for slow if my Angel is craving me.”

I sigh as he fully seats himself inside. It’s instant relief. Braxxon places his forehead against mine as he slowly begins to torture me in the most beautiful way. He pays attention to each caress. He’s taking care of me. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me, and it’s still not deep enough. I need to feel every single inch. I manage to wrap my legs around his waist, and I moan in satisfaction as he continues to make love to me. I use all my strength and clamp down on him, forcing him to speed up his tempo a little more. When he does, my body begins to shake underneath him. The way he enters me at an angle and slowly pulls out the same way with each thrust is almost too much.

“Brax,” I whimper.

“Shh baby… nice and slow, just feel me,” he breathes.

Oh god.

His head slides to the crook of my neck where his mouth sips at my skin. “It’s never been this good,” he groans as I cry out my release with him following me.

“I… oh… wow,” I stutter holding a shaking Braxxon in my arms.

“Five minutes,” he huffs disappointed with himself.

“A great five minutes,” I whisper.


“Yeah,” I repeat him.

“I’m gonna go back to sleep now with my cock firmly planted in your warmth. You should sleep baby; you’re gonna be underneath me for a while.”

“Okay,” I squeak.

Plenty of things run through my mind as I’m drifting off to sleep. The main one being that Braxxon didn’t force my head away when he came, and what the hell does that mean?


I wake up cold and alone in Braxxon’s bed. I look over at the clock and notice it’s already four o’clock. I need to get out of this clubhouse for a bit. The same routine is killing me. I can’t stand sleeping so much, and doing nothing. I grab my clothes and slip them on along with my tennis shoes. I pick up my phone and grab some cash out of my purse. I wonder if Lana will go get something to eat with me. When I get downstairs, I look through the throngs of people looking for her and have no luck, so I ask PP where she is. He says that she and Pyro went back to bed.

Damn, he’s an energizer bunny.

I spot Braxxon at the pool table with Christina and anger immediately flares. He doesn’t even notice when I’m walking towards him, so I stop and clear my throat. He looks up and grins at me as if I’m the only person in the room, and I start to calm.

“I’m hungry. I’m gonna run to get something to eat. You want anything?”

“Take one of the prospects with you baby and no I’m good.”

“No,” I say. It’s just around the corner for a burger. I don’t need a damn escort.

“Yes,” he growls.

“I said no; it’s just around the corner. Hell I’m even walking.”

“The fuck if you are,” he roars.


“Baby, it’s okay. I’m famished; I’ll walk with her,” Christina purrs.

Famished? Yeah right bitch, you just wanna be catty.

Braxxon’s head snaps to her, and he gives her a look that would kill a flock of sheep. If he were superman, she’d be dead.

“Fifteen minutes Chris, and if something happens to her, I swear I’ll kill you myself,” he growls.

“What the hell? I’m a grown ass woman; I don’t need a fucking escort. Especially your ex-bed bunny,” I scream.

Fuck, he’s pissing me off.

“Angel, don’t fucking push me on this. She’s going, or you’ll starve.”

“I’ve known you for one stupid week, and you’re acting as if we’ve been fucking for years Brax; I don’t like it.”

“Dammit Winter,” he roars, throwing the stick on the table, causing the entire room to silence.

“I fucking hate you so hard right now,” I spit.

“Ditto baby,” he says crossing his arms. “Fifteen and not a minute more.”

I turn away and walk out with Christina on my trail. Of all the people to come with me around the stupid corner, it had to be her. She catches up to me while texting away on her damn cell phone. “Braxxon still doesn’t have a clue,” she cackles beside me.

“What,” I say as I stop walking.

“He’s a fucking moron. Goodbye bitch.” She shakes her hand at me.

I’m about to ask her what the fuck she’s talking about when a rag drops from behind me, covering my mouth.

Oh, shit.

It has been twenty minutes since I let Angel go get some food and she’s still not back. Something’s not right, and I should’ve trusted my damn gut.

“Sniper, go see what the fuck is taking them so long,” I growl, dialing Angel’s cell.

My hands are fucking shaking. The phone is bouncing around on my ear as I listen to it ring over and over again. I’m gonna ring her damn neck for doing this shit to me. Finally, on the third call someone picks up.

“Brother,” Sniper answers and my skin heats. “I found her phone around the corner.”

I start cursing. Fuck I knew that bitch was up to no good, and it just cost me my Angel.

Pyro comes rounding the corner with Lana. No doubt, he heard my string of curses.

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