Secret Words (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Secret Words (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 1)
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"When?" she whined.

"After I make you moan some more," he whispered as his lips trailed kisses on her face and down her neck.

Just his words made her want to moan. She made soft noises as he nipped and licked her throat. When he moved downwards to her hyper-sensitive breasts, her breath hitched in anticipation. When he closed his mouth around an aroused nipple, a lusty moan came out of her.

Kane groaned as he twirled his tongue round and round her peak as his fingers paid attention to its twin. He had let go of her wrists, his hands more interested in her breasts, leaving her free to rake his hair.

A hand started moving downwards. Down. Down. Until it reached her hot core. Her hips bucked up when his fingers dipped into her wetness. And when they found her swollen nub and started rubbing, she mewled.


His mouth left her nipple to kiss her mouth avidly while his fingers continued their delicious ministrations.

Needing to feel him, she groped until she found his impressive bulge.

"Jaz, baby," he panted.

Hurriedly, she unzipped him. With two pairs of hands eager to rid him of his clothes, he was naked in no time.

Her hand found him again as he lay back next to her. She keenly explored the manhood she'd been fantasising about for weeks. He was more magnificent that she'd imagined—and very wet with his pre-come.

"Baby, I'm too close," he croaked in her ear.

"Then come inside me. Now, please."

In a heartbeat he was in position. He hissed as the head of his thick, long cock touched her soaking entrance.

"Kane," she cried, angling her hips for penetration.

With a guttural sound, he pushed in slowly, inch by inch, to let her adjust to his size, or perhaps to hold himself back from coming.

Oh, he felt so incredible, and she was almost there.

"Kane, God, you feel so good," she moaned as she writhed underneath him.

"Oh, Jaz … Jaz … fuck," he said through gritted teeth as his control snapped.

He drove into her faster. Harder. Within a few glorious strokes, she was screaming his name in ecstasy, her inner walls contracting around his beautiful cock over and over.

"Aahhh, Jasmine!" he roared as he erupted inside her.

"Wow, that was worth waiting for."

Jasmine smiled as she stroked Kane's hair. "It certainly was."

He was half on top of her, with his arm tightly around her waist and his head buried in her neck.

He lifted his head to look in her eyes. "You were worth waiting for."

"Kane," she whispered, touched by his heart-warming sincerity.

He pushed a strand of hair off her face. "Of course, now it will be totally impossible to stay away from you. No more waiting ever again."

"Ever?" she teased. "How about when we're in public and we get hot? Surely, we'll have to keep our hands off each other then."

"I'll just haul you to the nearest men's room. You seem to feel at home in them."

She giggled.

Kane covered her with his body and she felt his hardening erection on her belly. She ran her hands on his still-sweaty back, her body responding unerringly to his.

"Right now, I'm in a no-waiting kind of mood," he said in an ultra-sexy tone that made her toes curl.

"That's good. 'Cause I'm in one, too."

"Maybe we can stay in bed for the rest of the day," he murmured in her ear.

"Oh, wait! I just remembered. Faye invited me to dinner at your parents' place tonight. I didn't want to tell her I'd be with you so I said yes."

Kane pushed himself up and gazed at her quizzically. "You're having dinner with my sister and parents tonight?"

"Yes. I think your other brothers will be there too. And Ray, of course."

"You're having dinner with my whole family tonight?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I did ask if you were going to be there but Faye said you might be busy so she hasn't asked you."

He looked at her blankly. "Why would she think I'm busy?"

"Because Hannah just came back from London, perhaps?"

"Hmm. Perhaps. But why didn't you want her to know you'll be with me?"

"Because I'm not sure what they know about us, and about you and Hannah."

"Faye and Ray know I'm keeping an eye on you to make sure you're safe—and that I'm interested in you. But they don't know I've broken up with Hannah. I've been too busy spending all my free time with you. I haven't shared my plans with anyone else."

"So … are you joining us for dinner?" she asked.

"Of course I am."

"We should watch ourselves tonight."

"Why? I've broken up with Hannah. I'll tell them tonight."

"But …" she hesitated.


"But you only just broke up with her yesterday. You can't turn up with a new girlfriend straight away. I don't want anyone in your family to think badly of me," she said in a small voice.

"Baby, my whole family knows I got engaged only because of the baby. But yes, I can see where you're coming from. We'll keep it cool. No touching or anything while we're there."

"Thank you."

"Now no more discussing this. We have better things to do."

He captured her lips and thumbed an already excited nipple.



"Hello, Faye," Kane greeted his surprised sister. "I can't believe I'm the only one not invited to my family's dinner," he said with a mock glower.

"I didn't forget about you. But Mum said to let you have your time with …" Faye's voice trailed off when she saw Jasmine standing behind him. "Hey, Jaz. I'm glad you could come. Did Kane pick you up?"

"Yes, he did," Jasmine responded shyly.

"Come on in. Everyone's here already."

"Yeah. Everyone including me," Kane said in a miffed tone as they walked inside the house.

"Hey, don't be like that," Faye said, giving him a swift hug. "Mum didn't want you to feel pressured to come so she thought it might be better not to let you know. How are you?"

He caught the unspoken meaning in Faye's question and smiled at her. "Fine. Everything's good."

"Good," Faye responded. "We'll talk more later. I have to get back to making your favourite cherry cheesecake."

"How many are you making? There's more of us tonight. One won't be enough," he called after Faye.

"Kane!" his mother cried as she came out of the kitchen just as Faye went into it.

"Hi, Mum. I heard you didn't want to see me tonight."

"Oh, darling, that's not true. I always want to see you. I just thought you needed time with Hannah since she just came back yesterday. Did you bring her with you?"

"No," he said, about to tell his mother the current situation but she had already turned her attention to Jasmine.

"Hello, Jasmine. I'm glad you could join us tonight."

"Hello, Mrs. Summers. Thank you for inviting me to your family dinner."

"It's a pleasure, dear. And please call me Linda. Faye tells me you're staying alone at your sister's house. Are you enjoying your holiday?"

"Yes, I am. Thank you."

"Well, dinner is almost ready. Kane, why don't you take Jasmine to the games room? The boys are there. Then come to the kitchen. I want to talk to you about something."


He reached out for Jasmine's hand but she gave him a warning look.

"Oops. I forgot," he whispered with a grin.

"Hey, boys," Kane called out as he and Jasmine entered the room where his dad, his three brothers and Ray were playing pool.

"Jasmine!" Dylan exclaimed delightedly. "Great to see you again, beautiful."

Jealousy pricked Kane as his brother, the second oldest and almost his spitting image, gave Jasmine a big bear hug that went on for far too long.

"Enough, Dylan," he growled.

Dylan looked at him in surprise.

"You're making her feel uncomfortable," he said.

"Am I, Jazzie?" Dylan asked Jasmine with a flirtatious pout.

Jasmine laughed, which annoyed him even more. Whose side was she on?

"Yeah, Dyl. Don't hog her attention," his youngest brother said, prying Dylan's arms from around Jasmine to pull her into his embrace.

Kane suppressed a sigh. Would this night be all about his two single brothers vying for Jasmine's attention? It irked him that he couldn't lay claim on her tonight.

"Which one are you, Bradley or Riley?" Jasmine asked her present hugger.

"Can't you tell? I'm the best looking of all the brothers."

"Well, there's two of you that look exactly the same," Jasmine chuckled, glancing at the other twin who looked up from texting someone on his phone and grinned at her.

"He's the baby," Kane said dryly, scowling at his brother.

"There's nothing wrong with babies," his brother retorted. "They're cute, cuddly, adorable —"

"Yadi, yadi, yadda," Kane interjected with an eye roll.

"I'm Brad," his brother carried on. "And don't worry about my twin. He's too busy pining for his girlfriend who can't make it to dinner tonight."

"Well, don't get too comfortable holding Jaz. Her boyfriend won't like it," Kane said, keen to put a stop to his brothers flirting with his girl.

"Aww, are you taken, Jasmine?" Brad asked.

"I'm afraid so," she answered.

so?" Dylan asked slyly. "Does that mean you're not exactly happy with your current flame? Don't settle for anything less than me, Jazzie."

"Oh God. Listen to the two of you. Leave her alone," Kane ordered his brothers. They should listen to him. He was the oldest.

Faye appeared in the doorway. "Kane, Mum wants you."

"Oh, right." He got up to follow Faye, but not before throwing a glare at his two mischievous siblings.


"What's up, Mum?" Kane asked as he entered the kitchen where his mother was plating up some food.

"Kane. There you are. I've been meaning to ask you about Hannah. How is she?"

"She's fine."

"I spoke to her father a couple of hours ago."

His eyebrows shot up. "You did? Why?"

"He rang. He wanted to talk to your dad and me about providing Hannah some emotional support. He's very worried about her. Apparently her moods were up and down when she was in London. He wanted her to stay with them longer but she insisted on coming back here because she wanted to be with you."

He winced, a blend of guilt and frustration assailing him.

"How are things with you two?" his mother prodded.

He pressed his lips together. "We've broken up, Mum," he answered.

Linda and Faye glanced at him sharply.

"Well, I guess that was to be expected," Linda said after a brief silence. "I'm just surprised you did it so soon."

"If I'd waited, it would have been harder. I didn't want her planning a wedding that was never going to happen."

"So how did she take it?" Faye asked quietly.

"She didn't take it well in the beginning but she seems to have accepted it now. She'll stay at my house until we find her a new place. I promised to help her with that."

"Right. Is there anything we can do to help? Is there anything

"Well, I told her I'll be staying here until she finds a place. Mum, if she ever calls you, could you confirm that to her?"

"Yes, of course. But you have to keep an eye on her, Kane," Linda responded. "She's probably even more fragile now that you've ended things with her."

He rubbed his face with his hands. After her recent actions, including her nightmare which he doubted was real, he was positive Hannah was manipulating the situation to keep him tethered to her. The only thing stopping him from putting a complete end to it was the fear that he might push her into severe depression.

"I'll talk to her and get her to share more with her friends. They'll be more than happy to support her. But she just doesn't want anybody to know yet that we've broken up. She said she's not ready for all the fuss and attention. And yet, she expects me to be there every time she needs me, even though we're not together anymore."

"She doesn't want anyone else but you, Kane," Faye said with sympathy. "Do you think she'll accept help from me?"

"She probably would but only because you're my sister. I know she's still hanging on to some hope that we'll get back together. I'm sorely tempted to just cut the ties and leave her to her own devices," he said with a touch of bitterness.

"Make her see a counsellor, or at least her other friends. Then you can move on without guilt that you're leaving her in a fragile state of mind without support. Right now, you're the only one she's likely to listen to."

"Okay, I will," he said with resignation.

"So you're moving back here for a while, darling?" Linda asked. "I'll get one of the rooms ready for you."

"Um." He glanced at Faye as he tried to find a good excuse to tell his mother.

"Hey, I've got an idea," Faye interjected. "Why don't you stay with me and Ray for a couple of weeks? That way we can help you with whatever you need to do for Hannah, like help look for a place for her or something."

"You can do that even if Kane's here, Faye," their mother said. "I'd love to have one of my kids stay with me again, even for just a few weeks."

"Uh, you know, Mum, I think Faye's got a point. We're all very busy with work and it will save some time if I stay with them while they help me with whatever I need."

"What, you don't want to live with your folks, Kane Summers?" Linda asked with a tinge of hurt in her voice.

"I do, Mum!" he replied, draping an arm around his mother's shoulders. "Just give me a couple of weeks with Faye and Ray, then I'll move in here. I'm sure it will take more than a month before we get Hannah settled into a new place, so you can have me for at least two weeks."

"Okay, then. Whatever you think. Now you two bring those dishes to the dining table," Linda said as she strode out of the kitchen carrying a platter.

Kane enveloped Faye in a hug when their mum was out of sight. "Thank you. You're the best sister in the world."

"You're welcome. You do know you've made your life just a tad more complicated?"

"Yes. Can you blame me?"

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