Season of Second Chances (6 page)

Read Season of Second Chances Online

Authors: Brighton Walsh

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

BOOK: Season of Second Chances
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Chapter Ten

“G’night, squirt. We’ll go visit your mom and your new little sister right away in the morning, okay?”

“I’m so excited, Daddy, I don’t think I’ll even be able to sleep!”

He chuckled, bending down to kiss her forehead before standing. “I know it’ll be hard, but you have to try. Don’t want to meet your new sister when you’re tired and crabby, right?”

Nodding, she snuggled down into her bed, squeezing her eyes shut as if that would bring on sleep faster.

“Love you, baby girl.”

“Love you too.”

He closed her door and leaned against it, if only to give himself a moment of time to recharge. As he brought his hand up to grip at his hair, the pale pink of the nail polish he’d somehow been suckered into wearing caught his eye.

Christ, seeing Claire like that, her and his daughter laughing and giggling and, hell, even ganging up on him... It had just seemed so
If he was uncertain before, it was clear as fucking crystal now—he was in love with her. Had probably never stopped. And seeing the two of them together made him covet everything he’d lost.

He didn’t know how he’d gotten here. How he’d let his job get in the way of his happiness. Because he had been happy with Claire. More so than ever before. And he’d thrown it all away. He wished he could go back and do it all over again. There were so many things he’d do differently.

Pushing off from the door, he headed into the living room, finding Claire on her phone, scribbling something down at the breakfast bar. He listened as she ended the call, then stared at whatever she’d written, a small frown tugging the corners of her mouth.


She jumped, looking up to him with widened eyes. “Oh, hey. You scared me.”

He offered her a grin and moved to stand in front of her. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay. Sophie go down all right?”

“Yeah, she’s pumped up on excitement, though.”

“I bet.” She smiled at him, but the happiness didn’t reach her eyes.

“I’m going to take her in the morning to see them.” He paused at her nod, glancing down at the paper, seeing a bunch of numbers, and his stomach tightened. “Is that...did you get a flight out?”

She lifted her head, looking straight into his eyes. He wasn’t sure what she was hoping she’d find there, but he looked at her the only way he knew how—like she was his everything. “Yeah. Leaves tomorrow at 4:35. I’ll have a cab come get me around 1:30, I think, to make sure I have enough time to get through security.”

He scowled. After he took Sophie to the hospital tomorrow, he had to get back to work. He’d let things accumulate enough with his time off because of the storm, but he didn’t like the idea of her catching a cab, not when taking her himself was an option. He could handle a lot of issues remotely from his laptop and phone. He could go in later and work into the evening. He’d manage to figure this out—he’d show Claire work didn’t always come first.

“I’ll take you.” He knew his tone was harsher than it needed to be, but he couldn’t seem to control it.

“That’s okay, Logan. You’re taking Sophie in the morning, and I know you need to get back to work. I’ll be fine.”

“I know you’ll be fine, but I don’t care. I’m taking you.” He blew out a breath, running his fingers through his hair before he grabbed her hands and tugged her to him. He leaned against the counter as she practically fell into him, standing in the open space between his legs. With his thumbs running circles on the backs of her hands, he continued softer, “I
to take you. I’ll drop Sophie at the hospital and come back here. We can grab lunch and then I’ll bring you to the airport, okay?”

When she said nothing, simply stared at him, her all-knowing eyes seemingly trying to burrow their way right into his brain to figure out what he was thinking, he squeezed her hands. “Please, Claire. I want to do this. Let me do this.”

“Okay.” Her quiet agreement was all he needed, and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. She felt so perfect against his chest. Feminine and warm, with lush curves he’d never been able to get enough of. He could spend hours worshiping her body. He recalled every ticklish spot, every place that made her squirm or moan or give that breathy laugh he loved so much. He remembered the way his thumbs fit perfectly in the twin dimples above her ass, the three freckles that sat on her right hip, the small birthmark she had under her breast.

He wanted to map them all with his fingers, then his tongue. He wanted to memorize every inch of her. When they’d been together the first night of the blizzard, they’d been frantic and crazed, and he hadn’t taken the time to love her properly. And he needed to. He needed to get lost in her body, needed to show her how much he still loved her, even if she didn’t want to hear it from him, even if he knew he’d broken her heart and he absolutely didn’t deserve another chance with her. And, if she was smart, she’d never, ever give him another.

But even still...he had to try.

“Come to bed with me, Claire. Please.”

With the look she gave him, he knew she understood what he was asking. That he didn’t mean to hold her like he had the night before. That he wanted to feel her—every inch of her—pressed naked against him. When she gave a slight nod of her head, he was worried his knees would buckle right there.

Without giving her the opportunity to change her mind, he bent down, pressing his lips to hers as he gripped her ass and lifted her against him. Immediately, she wrapped her legs around his hips, settling perfectly in his arms. As he walked them to his bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind them, she held his face, kissing him so softly, almost hesitantly. He nipped at her lips, sweeping his tongue into her mouth just to taste her.

Once they were in front of his bed, he set her down before leisurely removing each piece of her clothing, his lips tracking the skin he uncovered. While he tried to go slow, to savor every second, she seemed to want to rid him of his clothes in a frenzy. He helped her along, peeling off his sweater and jeans, followed by his boxer briefs. Her hands spread wide against his chest, her eyes taking in every naked inch of him. When she reached down to grip his cock, he nearly came undone.

“Jesus, Claire.” He groaned, closing his eyes and admitting in a soft rumble, “I’ve missed your hands on me, baby.”

She squeezed his shaft in response, and he bent to take her nipple in his mouth, smiling as she did exactly what he knew she would. Her grip slackened, her head tipping back, a low moan coming from her lips. Switching sides, he traced the other tight peak with his tongue before engulfing it. While she was distracted, he pushed her back until she collapsed on the bed.

He needed this, and from the way she was clutching at him, trying to touch as much of him as she could, she did too. The thought that this might be his last time ever inside her sat heavily in his gut. If that was the case, he was going to make this last all damn night. He worked his way down her body, kissing and licking and nipping as he went. He didn’t listen as she protested when he spread her thighs wide with his shoulders then his hands, pressing her open for him.

She tugged at his hair, trying to pull him up. “I just want you inside me. I don’t need it.”

need it. Let me.” He kissed the crease between her thigh and her pussy, traced his tongue against her smooth outer lips. And then when he couldn’t stand it anymore, he swept his tongue through her slit and tried to get lost in the taste of her so he wouldn’t think about what tomorrow would bring.

She nearly shot off the bed when he focused his attention on her clit. And her reaction to that little swipe of his tongue proved to him that regardless of what sexual encounters she’d had since they split, at least no one had known the pleasure of feeling her come in their mouth. He hummed against her pussy, his hands gripping the outside of her thighs as he coaxed her orgasm from her. When she broke, her fingers buried deep in his hair as he swirled his tongue over her sweet spot, he felt like a fucking God for making her turn her head into the pillow to muffle the loud sounds of her climax.

When she was pliant, sated, he crawled up her body, then sat back against the headboard before pulling her astride him. He needed to see her like this—watch her breasts swaying inches from his face, get lost in the sight of his cock disappearing inside her. With his fingers gripping the back of her head, his thumb running along her cheek, he pulled her to him. She kissed him with the same sort of unrestrained hunger he felt all the way to his bones. He wanted to take her hard and fast, fuck her straight into the mattress, have her on her knees, hanging on to the headboard as he pounded into her from behind.

Instead, he gripped her hip and guided her to take him inside slowly. With her forehead resting against his, they both watched as she sank down, taking every inch of him. Groaning, he dropped his head against the headboard when she began to move. “Jesus, you feel incredible.”

She murmured her assent as she rocked over him. Her hands were everywhere—running over his chest, his shoulders, down his abs until she couldn’t go any farther. When her fingers snaked up his neck and slid into his hair, her grip unyielding as she tugged him forward, he opened his eyes to find her staring at him.

She was so exposed like this, her eyes so expressive. She looked vulnerable in a way she hadn’t allowed him to see since being here. He’d missed this, so fucking much. How had he let this beautiful, amazing woman slip from his grasp? She used to be his, was going to be his for the rest of their lives, and he’d fucked it all up.

And the thought that tomorrow she was going to leave again and this might be his only chance to make amends pushed him to do what he should have done a long time ago.

Pulling her to him, their chests flush against one another, he held her as tight as he dared. “Claire,” he whispered into her ear. “Oh God, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

He kissed her neck, her cheek, her jaw, pulling away to look at her once more. He brushed her hair back, cradling her face in his hands. Her eyes were closed, but even with them shuttered from him, the wetness at the corners told him everything he needed to know. Pulling her back into the cradle of his arms, he rocked her over him as they both slowly found their release, holding her so tightly to himself.

Holding her like he’d never have to let her go.

Chapter Eleven

The knot that had taken up residence in Claire’s stomach for most of the duration of her visit had—miraculously—dissolved during the night. Though, miraculously probably wasn’t entirely accurate. She was pretty sure it was directly related to the three times she and Logan had made love, each time a little more playful than the last.

When she’d agreed to follow him to his bedroom the night before, had agreed to sleep with him once more, she’d thought it would merely be a goodbye romp. She’d thought she could keep her heart shuttered from everything, even though she already knew how close she was to falling in love with him again. Or still. Hell, she didn’t know anymore.

But then he’d been so careful with her, so reverent and sweet, and when he’d held her while he moved inside, his voice full of anguish and sorrow as he’d apologized, she’d crumbled. Right there in front of him, every single wall she’d built to protect herself dissolved into a pile of rubble in the face of his whispered words of regret.

She knew there was more they needed to discuss, issues they still needed to work on, but this was a start. Maybe...maybe this didn’t have to be the end. Maybe it could be their new beginning.

San Diego had been her home nearly all her life, but with her grandmother gone and her sister in Denver, she knew there was nothing left for her there. She needed to move on, needed to put the house up for sale and find somewhere new to call home. Why not Chicago? Harry, the Vice President in the Chicago offices, had already begged her over lunch last week to move back and accept a position overseeing the Chicago area once again.

Would Logan be interested in that? Could he see her back here in his life again as easily as she was able to?

Logan lay next to her on his stomach, and she snuggled farther into his side, tracing the roman numerals denoting Sophie’s birth date tattooed on his upper back. Once upon a time, he’d planned to get their wedding date tattooed directly below it. The thought tripped up her insides, made them somersault over one another.

It made her long with an ache that shook her to her bones.

She wanted this...wanted him. They could talk about everything this morning. After Logan put himself out there last night, she could meet him halfway, extend an offer he hopefully wouldn’t be able to say no to.

* * *

The tinkle of feminine laughter, along with the relentless bouncing of the mattress pulled Logan from his sleep. He blinked open his eyes and turned his head, finding Claire’s back to him as she faced Sophie, whispered giggles shared between them. If last night hadn’t cemented how perfect this was, how much Claire belonged here with him, this certainly would have.

With his voice still raspy, he said, “What are my two favorite ladies up to this morning?”

Sophie popped her head up to look at him over Claire’s shoulder. “Geez, you’re a sleepy head. I’ve been trying to wake you up for
, Daddy.”

He chuckled, scooting closer to Claire who was sandwiched in the middle, melding his body to hers. “I doubt that, squirt. With how loud and wiggly you are, you couldn’t have been in here more than five minutes.”

“He’s got you there, sweetie,” Claire said.

“Well, it
like hours. I’m starving. What’s for breakfast?”

And just like that, Sophie tore out of the room, her feet, clad in bunny slippers, pounding the wood floors, hair flying out behind her. With Sophie in the other room, opening and closing cupboards, he knew he couldn’t start anything with Claire. Still, he couldn’t help from pressing his morning erection against her ass. How his dick was still up for anything after the work out they’d given it last night was beyond him.

“Morning.” He pressed his lips to the curve of her neck. Sliding a hand up her legs, over her hips, he found his way under the T-shirt she wore. “Good call throwing this on. That might have been awkward.”

She chuckled, her hand finding his, entwining their fingers together. She still hadn’t said anything, and he wondered if her looming flight was weighing on her as it was him.

“Hey, you okay?” He put pressure on her hip, telling her without words to roll over. Once she did, he didn’t see sadness in her eyes. Instead, they were bright, her cheeks flushed. But the way she was fidgeting, her fingers tracing all over his body before picking at invisible lint on the sheets, he could tell something was bothering her.

“Baby? What’s going on?”

Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him. “It’s nothing really. I was just thinking...” She averted her gaze, her teeth worrying her bottom lip for a moment before she looked up to him again. “I’ve loved being with you again, Logan.”

He blew out a relieved breath, the weight of a thousand tanks lifting from his chest. “Oh, thank fuck. Jesus, Claire, don’t do that. You scared the shit out of me. I was afraid you were going to tell me to fuck off.”

She laughed lightly. “No, I won’t tell you to fuck off. But...I did want to ask you something.”


“Well, here’s the thing. Our company always throws this big New Year’s Eve party. It’s a huge deal—I’m talking nearly a thousand people. They raise money for charity, so all the who’s who of San Diego go to it. Anyway, all the employees don’t have to go, but they’re
strongly encouraged
to. I usually go by myself, but, well...I didn’t know... You still have frequent flier miles, right? And I know Sophie will be with Brooke over New Year’s, and, well...”

Logan couldn’t keep the shit-eating grin off his face. After his admission last night, his stilted apology that came—admittedly—two years too late, he was worried how she would react. But this? This he hadn’t expected.

He couldn’t help teasing her. “Are you trying to ask me something, Claire?”

Her eyes snapped up to his, and after taking in the smirk on his face, she shoved him in the chest, her cheeks flaming. “Don’t be a jackass, Logan. It doesn’t suit you.”

“Aw, I’m sorry. You were saying.”

With a playful glare, she continued. “Yes. Well.” She cleared her throat, her fingers still working the sheet between them. “I’d like you there with me.”

“That didn’t sound like a question.” He tried to say it with a straight face, but to be perfectly fucking honest, he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face if he tried. Logan had been fighting for a second chance with her, and she was giving it to him on a silver platter.

“Such a jackass,” she muttered, shaking her head, though a smile tugged at her lips.

He leaned forward, his hand sliding up the back of her thigh to cup the curve of her ass in those barely-there panties she tortured him with. What was supposed to be a chaste kiss quickly morphed into something else entirely until they were both panting, and his dick was hard enough to pound nails. When he’d reached the point where he needed to stop or he was going to fuck her right then, he pulled away, dropping two small kisses on her lips.

“I do have frequent flier miles, but even if I didn’t, I’d still be on that plane.”

“Yeah?” She looked hopeful and expectant and so fucking beautiful.


! I’m starving!” Sophie’s voice carried through the entire condo, and Logan dropped his head to the pillow, his chuckles mixing with Claire’s soft laughter.

“Coming, squirt,” he yelled and moved to get out of the bed, ogling Claire as she bent to pull on a pair of pants.

Before she got to the door, he grabbed her hand, pulling her back to him. She laughed breathlessly as she fell into his chest, then tilted her head to look up at him. He pushed the hair away from her face, settling his hand on the curve of her shoulder, his thumb rubbing back and forth against the long column of her neck. “We’re really doing this.”

It wasn’t a question, but he was relieved when she nodded once, then stood on tip-toes to kiss him. “We are. Now let’s go make breakfast before your daughter starves to death.”

He followed her into the kitchen, smiling as both bossy women shooed him out of the way, relegating him to the breakfast bar. As they readied scrambled eggs and bacon, he grabbed his phone, figuring he could get a start on the day so he’d be able to enjoy the little time he’d have left with Claire later.

As he navigated to his e-mail, finding nearly a hundred waiting for him, he began to sort through for the most time sensitive issues. When he came to a calendar reminder, his heart stopped.


“Daddy! That’s a buck, mister.” Sophie peeked around the corner, holding out her dainty little hand, completely oblivious to the look of horror on his face.

By the time Claire stood across the breakfast bar from him, his head was in his hands, and he was cursing himself for his stupidity.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice laced with concern.

When he lifted his head, hers was lowered. Her shoulders stiffened, her jaw clenching, and he knew she noticed the calendar invite open on his phone, the dates glaringly obvious.


And then it was like her reaction had been merely a product of his imagination. When she looked up at him, her eyes were clear, a smile in place. “It’s fine, Logan. It was short notice anyway.”

He felt relief for half a second until she mumbled something about not letting the bacon burn and turned her back to him. Then the familiar pit settled in his stomach. How he could forget about this meeting, he didn’t know. This had been in the works for three years, but it had completely slipped his mind in the face of Claire’s invitation. He’d jumped on her offer like a virgin on prom night, and didn’t stop to think about any other obligations he had. And, fuck, this was a big obligation. If there was a way for him to get out of it, he would. In a heartbeat.

Instead, he had to watch as she put on a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. All he wanted was to go back to the early hours of the morning when it was still dark, when she was wrapped up in him, her body taking everything he gave her, her face so peaceful and happy.

And now, even though she pretended otherwise, he knew this was just another reminder of how he’d fucked up the last time.

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