Safeword: Matte - In Training (2 page)

Read Safeword: Matte - In Training Online

Authors: Candace Blevins

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #training, #martial arts, #anal, #bdsm, #spanking, #fighter, #mma

BOOK: Safeword: Matte - In Training
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When the orgasm finally waned he slowly
pulled his fingers from both holes as he said, “Stay put. You’ve
done excellent so far, but we have one more thing to measure.”

He moved off the bed and returned to the
side she wasn’t looking. She knew from experience he’d come to the
side she was facing if he wanted her to see, and turning her head
would only displease him.

His weight settled between her feet again
and he said, “I have to be careful with my length in your pussy,
but your colon can be trained to take my length with no problem.
The toy I’m using now isn’t very big around, but it’s long. I’ll go
in slow, and I need you to tell me when you feel it hit the curve
inside of you.”

“Curve, Sir?”

“Yes. You can look it up later if you like,
but trust me, you’ll know when I reach it.”

The dildo wasn’t as big around as his
fingers had been, and she relaxed when she realized this wasn’t
going to hurt. He pushed slowly for what seemed an eternity, and
she almost assured him he could go faster, but held her tongue.

When she finally felt it hit a wall inside
of her, she was glad he’d been going slow. “Stop, Sir. Ow!”

He stopped immediately and
she heard a
felt the toy being jostled, heard a louder
, and finally felt the toy being

“I marked the depth. You can let go of the
straps and turn around.”

She turned to see him holding the toy beside
his cock, lining it up. The permanent marker on the bed explained
the popping noises. Judging by the line on the dildo, it looked
like his cock was about two inches longer than she’d managed to
take. He smiled, “That won’t be a problem to get you used to; we’ll
be able to work on it almost exclusively on the weekends, with
perhaps one night midweek.”

He picked up the inside-out glove and the
marker, and swung his legs to stand beside the bed. “You’ve done
well and deserve a reward, but if I don’t come soon I’ll hurt you
when I finally do, so I’m afraid your reward is going to be
deciding how to get me off. I’ll be back in a few seconds; get into
whatever position you like and let me know what you want when I

Sam turned to her side, pulled her legs to
her chest, and wrapped her arms around her shins. The position
literally folded her in half, but she loved having him spoon at her
back and take her from behind — his cock hit her g-spot like a
dream, and he rarely slammed into her cervix in this position.

She heard his chuckle as he returned. “Well,
I don’t have to ask if it’ll be pussy or mouth. Squeeze your legs
tighter. Someday I’m going to use cloth bandages to secure you like
this from thighs to ankles before I fuck you senseless.”

Sam’s heart skipped a few
beats in anticipation as the bed dipped from his weight, and he
settled behind her. His arms stroked and caressed her a few
seconds, almost in apology for what he was about to do, but he
didn’t need to apologize. Sam
him to take her like this,
and didn’t mind in the least when he was rough. She’d looked for
him all her life, and thanked her lucky stars they’d finally found
each other.

Chapter Two



Sam read through the Word document again,
barely daring to believe he was giving her a little of what she’d
been asking for. Her heart skipped a few beats as she reread the
paragraph saying she couldn’t safeword out of consequences should
she not make one of the interim deadlines.

Ethan wanted her to print the document so
they could discuss it face to face, and he was clear she’d need to
sign it, as she would a contract. Should she choose to sign it,
she’d be agreeing to text him the length of time she kept her
training tool in just before she took it out, every single time.
Should she not reach the required times, or not reach a goal on
schedule, she was assenting she couldn’t safeword out of
punishment. Her pussy clenched at the mere thought. Ethan’s
punishments were never something to aim for.

Before she met Ethan, she’d hoped to someday
find someone she could trust and respect enough to submit to with
no limitations ––– someone strong enough to take her on and
maintain his authority no matter how hard she fought. Ethan was her
soul mate, and while she trusted him enough to do away with the
safeword and make their lifestyle more real and less like
play-acting a part, Ethan had so far refused to do away with it. He
still wasn’t taking it away for good, but this was definitely a
start, and gave her a glimmer of hope he’d someday take it the rest
of the way.

Sam looked through the consequences: Four
strikes of the stainless steel cane on day one of not reaching the
deadline. She’d be given two days before her next attempt, and
would receive six strokes if she failed again. Every two days, two
strokes would be added until she finally met the goal. Future
interim dates would be based on the day she reached the goal, and
not on the original calendar.

Looking through the document for a calendar,
she found a note explaining it would be created after her first
official measurement. She wondered at the wording, but had no idea
what kind of measurement he intended.

The consequences for not meeting the daily
requirements during the week would be Ethan’s choice of one strike
with the stainless cane, twenty strokes of the bicycle inner tube
flogger to her breasts, or sixteen lashes to her inner thighs with
a belt. He noted on top of this, he’d put the training tool in for
up to double the amount of time she missed; and she’d wear nipple
clamps, a Jennings gag, and a large toy in her pussy while she
endured it.

Sam moved her laptop to the bottom of the
bed and stretched out in front of it. She reached between her legs
to massage her clit as she rotated her hips and imagined having to
suffer the lashes to the inside of her thighs with his belt,
without the ability to safeword out of it, while forced to endure a
large toy in her ass and pussy, and the Jennings gag in her mouth.
It didn’t take her long to reach her climax, and when she finished
she dutifully opened her orgasm spreadsheet and made a note of the
date and time, what she did physically, and what she was thinking
as she got herself off.

Ethan insisted since he owned her sexually
he could order this kind of thing, even when he wasn’t around. He
pointed out at some point in the future he might deny her the
privilege of pleasuring herself, but for now — as long as he felt
confident she was informing him of the details — he was happy to
allow it.

She shifted her attention back to the
contract draft, and one paragraph in particular caught her off


Submissive will also be strength trained for
both pussy and ass. Should it become necessary to provide
incentive, submissive agrees there will be no safeword during


The same consequences were given, but it
didn’t matter that she’d just orgasmed to the same list — she felt
the need stirring again as she wondered what he’d require for
‘strength training’.

The final section covered depth training,
and it merely said consequences wouldn’t likely be needed for this
aspect of her conditioning, but should she refuse to cooperate the
same list of punishments was in effect, also without a

She opened the other Word document and




We’ll have our first training session
tomorrow night. You’ll have your safeword, but I don’t expect
you’ll need to use it. I’ll spend the night, and Saturday morning
we’ll go over the contract to make any necessary changes, including
laying out the calendar, before we both sign it.


I’ll bring some more pages, which will
outline your diet and an enema schedule designed to keep you from
becoming enema dependent.


It’s important you experience everything
before you sign the agreement, so tomorrow night I intend to put
you through every training method we’ll use. You’ll rarely have to
endure them all in the same evening, so please prepare for an
intense session.


I know you’ve seen the reference to
consequences without benefit of safeword. Some of the items in the
contract aren’t negotiable, but that one is. I’ve put it in for
your benefit, and if you have any misgivings at all, please ask me
to remove it. Once you sign your consent, I won’t let you out of


I love you, and I’m looking forward to
training you for the next four months — almost as much as I’m
looking forward to finally sinking my cock into my wife’s ass on
our wedding night. I’m going to claim you in every way, my
beautiful Samantha.





Chapter Three


Sam’s phone notified her of an incoming text
and she pulled it from her pocket. Her insides blazed to life as
she saw it was from Ethan:


-V -C. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes and
will let myself in. I trust you’ve done what I asked?


Because Sam knew how easy it was to obtain
phone, text, and other records, she’d insisted their texts not be
blatantly obvious. The V was for voice, and the minus before it
meant he’d just taken away voice privileges. The C was for
clothing, so she went to her closet and undressed.

Her orders had been to give herself a
one-quart soapy enema followed by a two-quart soapy enema, followed
by at least one two-quart salt-water enema, and more if she felt it
necessary to rinse the soap away. She’d been instructed to then
drink a protein shake for dinner, with assurance he’d feed her a
better meal later tonight.

The first enema wasn’t too bad, and she was
surprised to find herself a little aroused as she held it. As the
second enema went in she rolled to her side and played with her
clit to take her mind off the cramps, and had two strong orgasms as
the water filled her, and another as she held it. The idea she was
doing this for Ethan, that he was controlling even this aspect of
her body, was such a strong turn on, she had another couple of
orgasms as she gave herself the final salt-water rinse enema.

He hadn’t given instructions of where to
wait for him, so she was curled up in a chair reading some legal
briefs when he arrived. She set her tablet to the side and stood to
acknowledge him when he entered, and tried not to stare at his
black duffle bag as she wondered what he’d brought.

His eyes traveled from her feet to her head,
and his voice went softer as he said, “You’re beautiful, Samantha.”
Their gazes met and Sam’s heart skipped a few beats as electricity
practically sparked between them. Ethan tilted his head and said,
“I need to drop some stuff off in the kitchen. Run along upstairs
to your bedroom, buckle your cuffs on, and put the coconut oil on
the side table.”

When Ethan arrived in the bedroom Sam had
the ankle cuffs on and was working on the wrist cuffs. He walked to
her, tenderly helped with the last one, and kissed her

“I’ll only use them if I think it’ll help
tonight.” He cupped her cheek. “The usual consequences are in place
if you speak, but I hope you can manage to behave because I don’t
want tonight to be about punishment.”

He’d bought a second
stainless cane, so he’d have one at both houses. It was stored in
her closet with some other toys he’d left, and Sam had a love/hate
relationship with the thing. She hated it in principle, but had to
admit she loved how it made her feel when he didn’t take it easy on
her during discipline. He
she submit to him, and was prepared to use his
muscle to make her when she didn’t want to. The knowledge she could
make him stop with a mere word almost spoiled it for her, though.
She trusted him to not go too far, and didn’t like having the power
to stop things.

He’d bought a two-foot square lightweight
mirror a few weeks back, and kept it stored in her closet when they
weren’t using it. He liked to see her face when he fucked her
doggie style, and he’d prop it up and make her look at him as he
took her. Now he settled it on the floor against the wall and
placed a short stool in front of it.

He nodded towards the bed. “On your back and
get comfortable, Darlin’. Put your legs where you want, as long as
they’re up and spread.”

Sam rolled to her back and rested the tops
of her feet on the bed near her head, laid her arms across her legs
and wrapped them around until she was comfortably holding her
ankles. Her eyes grew wide as she saw him pull the largest butt
plug she’d ever seen from his bag and begin walking towards


Ethan stopped. “I’m not touching you. Why
are you safewording?”

“You aren’t using that on me!”

Sam stared in disbelief as Ethan set the
plug on the edge of the bed and turned and walked out of the room.
She waited several long minutes, and when he didn’t come back she
stood and walked through the house until she found him in the
kitchen, pulling food from the refrigerator.

“What are you doing?”

“Fixing our dinner, since it appears the
scene isn’t going to happen.”

“So, if I don’t let you put that huge plug
in my ass you aren’t going to play at all? That’s bullshit, Ethan.
If I could take that plug there’d be no reason to train me. It’s
three times bigger around than your cock!”

“If you’d given me another three or four
minutes you’d have heard me explain it’s for measuring what you can
handle. There’s a ruler printed on the side, so we can get an
accurate idea of how much you can take. I know where on the plug
the diameter of my cock falls, so I’ll know exactly how much we’ll

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