Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set (51 page)

Read Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: Zoe York,Ruby Lionsdrake,Zara Keane,Anna Hackett,Ember Casey,Anna Lowe,Sadie Haller,Lyn Brittan,Lydia Rowan,Leigh James

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #Erotic Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Romantic Suspense, #Science Fiction Romance, #Action-Adventure Romance

BOOK: Romancing the Alpha: An Action-Adventure Romance Boxed Set
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“I don’t have any historical maps from that time,” Dathan said. “But I can get the computer to extrapolate back to what the Sea looked like then. It won’t be a hundred percent accurate, but it’ll be close.” He tapped his Sync.

The map morphed and changed. The dunes shrunk. Green grass and trees appeared, along with herds of unidentifiable animals. The oases grew into lakes, and rivers coursed across the land, headed for Zerzura’s once-bountiful inland sea.

“Amazing,” Lexa breathed, eyes bright as she studied the map. “No wonder the Terrans settled here.”

Damon studied the map, thinking about all the planets he’d visited on various missions. Some planets were covered in huge megacities, others vast deserts like this one, some covered in forests so dense it was an effort to travel just a few klicks, and some planets dominated by seas and rivers. Those rivers had been like highways, used to travel on and give life to the land around it.

He stared at the huge rivers of old Zerzura, and realized the giant valley they’d traveled through today had been an empty riverbed of the largest river in the area.

He looked up at the Manifestor constellation shining brightly overhead. That large river had once traveled in line with Manifestor. He looked back at the map…and saw the river crossed another large tributary coming in from the east.

“The crossways, I think it was the junction of two large rivers.” Damon pointed.

Lexa leapt up. “You’re right! The rivers would have been important back then, covered with boat traffic and used for irrigation. The crossways of two large rivers would have been a large landmark.”

She shot him a wide smile that lit up her face. Damon had received many commendations in his career with the GSS, but they were nothing compared to that smile.

Dathan traced the river to the large junction. He tapped the Sync and the map changed back to the current map. A large sandy space where the two empty riverbeds crossed. “I know this place. It’s called Confluence.”

“Confluence?” Lexa was just about bouncing on the spot. “That’s another word for crossways!”

“Okay, I’ll plot the best course to get there, and as soon as the sun is up, we’ll head off.” Dathan closed the map. “The Confluence is known for flash floods if we get any freak storms.” He eyed the clear, starry sky. “But thankfully that should be one problem we won’t suffer.”

“I think I’ll stay up and keep an eye on the fence,” Damon said. Something had set that alarm off and whatever it was, he wasn’t planning to let it get anywhere near Lexa.

Lexa looked troubled. “Should we take it in turns to keep watch?”

He smiled. “I’m used to it and I don’t need a lot of sleep. Get some rest, okay?”

She shot him an unreadable look, then nodded. “Good night.”

After she was gone, Damon settled in the sand and imagined her in her tent, wearing tiny lacy things he wanted to tear off her. He blew out a breath. It was going to be a long night.


Lexa woke, heart pounding, and sat upright. The dream faded, leaving her realizing she was safely in her tent. She pushed her hair off the back of her neck. In the nightmare, she’d been back at the inn, realizing the attackers were in her room.

Everything’s fine, Lexa
. She listened for a moment, but there were no strange sounds, just the gentle fluttering of the tent fabric in the desert breeze, and the snorts of the ballos not too far away. Through the opaque fabric, she saw the faint flicker of the fire. She relaxed back against her pillow. Damon was out there, somewhere, watching over them.

Her thoughts wanted to turn toward that wild kiss but she forced them onto finding the crossways. Excitement sparked like a drug in her veins. Find the crossways, follow the other clues, and find the egg. She imagined setting the egg in the display she had planned for it back at the museum. Studying it, finding out more about its history. No doubt, Damon would be there bitching at her about security.

She stilled, funny that he was now a clear part of that picture. And that she welcomed it. She’d been worried about complications if they acted on their attraction, but they were already involved.

A shadow moved outside the tent and she turned her head. Maybe Damon was headed this way?

She waited, her pulse picking up. The shadow moved again. Low, slinking along the ground.

Her heart leapt into her throat.

Desert wolf.

She forced herself to stay still. How could it be inside the fence? The alarm should have sounded. How many more were out there?

She pressed a hand to her chest. Had they attacked Damon? God, what if he were hurt…or worse?

Reaching for her bag, she slowly fished around until her hand closed over the butt of the laser pistol Damon had given her. Inching up, she pulled her legs out of her sleeping bag.

But the wolf must have sensed her movement.

It launched itself at the tent.

Lexa’s scream stuck in her throat. The huge weight of the wolf fell on her, and she was separated from very sharp teeth by the thin layer of high-tech tent fabric.

She turned and tried to scramble away, but she had nowhere to go. She was trapped by the collapsed tent, with no idea where the fastening for the opening was. But the wolf clawed and ripped at the tent, and soon ragged tears opened up.

Lexa shoved her hand through the tear, ripped it open more, then dived through.

The wolf spun, growling, drool dripping from its slavering jaws.

Fear was a living, twisting thing in her throat. She scuttled backward in the sand and lifted her feet. When the wolf leapt at her, she pressed her feet against its chest, kicking with all the strength she had.

Its jaws snapped an inch from her face, its breath a horrid stench. She managed to get the pistol up and aimed at its face.

She fired.

With a whine, the animal fell back.

Lexa leapt to her feet. When she looked around, horror clamped down on her.

Wolves were swarming through the camp. The ballo beasts were braying and she saw one, the one she’d been riding, twisting and turning, four wolves clamped on its back. The other tents were in tatters.

She heard the whine of a laser rifle, and in the darkness she made out a bare-chested Dathan firing rapidly into a sea of wolves.

Where was Damon? She looked around frantically.

A wolf shot out of the darkness at her.

She brought the pistol up and fired.

The laser caught the side of the animal but didn’t kill it. It raced away into the darkness.

She ran to the fire. It still flickered, warm and cheerful, despite the chaos around it.

. There was no sign of him. Her chest was tight and she could barely breathe. Where was he?


Lexa sprinted through the camp, the sand surprisingly cool under her bare feet. She shot at any wolves she saw.

Still no sign of Damon.

A terrible feeling was filling her chest. Maybe the wolves had snuck up on him? Dragged him away?

Then she saw him.

He was covered in blood, surrounded by four wolves. His shirt was in tatters, torn up by sharp claws, and it appeared he’d lost his weapon.

She pushed for more speed. She was too far away. She wanted to shoot but she wasn’t a good enough shot to risking shooting with him so close.

The nearest wolf launched itself at him.

! He had no weapon.

But he stayed calm. He dodged to the side, grabbed the wolf and swung it onto its back. With a quick move, he snapped its neck.

The others rushed forward, but he was ready. He kicked one hard enough to send it stumbling, then he grabbed the next, turning with it in a macabre dance. He tossed it aside. The third leapt high in the air and from somewhere on his body, Damon pulled a knife. It was the one he’d taken from the man outside the Desert Dragon.

A quick stab upward into the underside of the wolf and Lexa could tell he’d hit something vital. The wolf just…collapsed and landed on the sand like a pile of fur.

She was close enough to see his face now. Hard, focused and deadly. That expression sent a shiver through her. She had no trouble believing he’d been an undercover agent.

Then she saw that the other two wolves were back on their feet and rushing him again.

That’s when Lexa noticed a third wolf, this one even larger than the others, slinking forward out of the shadows.

. She closed the last few meters and fired. The wolf dodged at the last minute and her laser did nothing more than kick up sand in the beast’s face.

It lifted its huge head, its glowing eyes fixing on her. Then he bounded forward with a flex of muscle.

Oh, God
. She held up her pistol with shaking hands and tried for bravado. “Come on you big brute!”

Behind the beast, she saw Damon swivel. “Lexa!”

The wolf took her to the ground. She felt claws snag on her clothes, but she focused on nothing but jamming her pistol up into the wolf’s neck. She pulled the trigger and held it down.

At first, nothing happened. Her heart clenched and visions of being ripped apart danced in her head.

Then the wolf stiffened and something warm and sticky gushed over her.

. She kept her finger on the trigger until she heard a clicking sound. The laser pistol had run out of charge.

“Lexa.” Damon gave the beast a giant heave and rolled it off her. She caught a glimpse of the bloody damage the laser had done to fur-covered flesh and looked away.

Damon yanked her up and into his arms. “Where are you hurt? Don’t worry, baby, we’ll get you healed. You’ll be okay.”

The worry in his tone made her breath catch. “Damon, I’m fine.”

“I’ll find my medscope. I promise, not even a scar. You’ll be fine.”

“Damon!” She spoke sharply to break through his panic. The man had faced down four huge desert wolves with his bare hands but her bloodstained clothes sent him into a spin. She cupped his face and made him meet her gaze. “It isn’t my blood.”

That seemed to get through. His hands patted her down, once, twice. “You’re sure?”

“Positive.” But as she got a good look at him, she realized much of the blood covering him was his own.

Claw marks scored his chest and arms. God, he was badly injured. She touched his face and saw three deep gouges on his cheek. She rested a hand on his shoulder and saw another wound. She pushed the tattered remnants of his shirt away and saw an ugly, ragged bite mark.

“Oh, Damon, did you let them gnaw on you?”

He gripped her shoulders. “You ran in there like…like some damn berserker and attacked that wolf—”

“He was sneaking up on you!”

He shook her a little. “When are you going to start listening to me about running
from danger?”

She tilted her head. “Ah, probably never.”

He dropped his forehead against hers. “For a smart woman, you don’t learn very fast.”

She touched that terrible bite again, probing gently. “I learn very fast. I’m just not going to let wolves eat the man I want to—” God, what had she been about to blurt out?

Their gazes met.

“Man you what, Lexa?”

Looking away, she tore a strip off her shirt, wadded it up and pressed it against his shoulder to stem the bleeding. “I’m not exactly sure what I want to do with you yet.” Oh, boy, she was a big fat liar.

He pulled her closer, giving her a quick hug. “We both know that isn’t true.”

“Come on, Mr. Malik. Let’s check on Dathan and get you healed up.”


Damon let Lexa fuss over him. He saw that tending his wounds with the medscope and medical kit calmed her. She used the medscope on his scratches and bites. She wanted to give him a shot, but the scope eradicated any viruses or sources of infection. He wasn’t letting her stick a needle in him.

She was washing the last of the blood off his chest with a med cloth. “They didn’t set off the deterrent alarm.”

He scowled. “No, they didn’t. That big one leapt on me from behind with no warning.”

The pack had snuck in soundlessly. He pondered how they could have done that. Only one option made sense.

Lexa’s hand smoothing over his chest broke into his thoughts. She moved her fingers up over his shoulder, where there was now no sign of the wolf bite. He watched that slim hand against his skin. It was far too easy to imagine her exploring him, both of them naked, her straddling his body.


He cleared his throat. “Someone let them in.”

Her gaze darted to where Dathan was calming the still-agitated ballo beasts. One beast had been killed and the other two, while wounded, had survived. “I can’t see Dathan doing this.”

Damon couldn’t either, but he’d learned the hard way that seemingly nice people were capable of doing horrible things. He’d seen child terrorists carry out suicide bombings and smiling old women open fire in crowded places.

Lexa leaned forward and pressed her lips to his healed shoulder. “All better now.” Her voice was thick.

He grabbed her. “Lexa, I’m too old for games. When we get somewhere safe, I want you naked. I’m going to spread your legs, suck on your clit until you come, and then fuck your brains out.”

She quivered, heat flashing in her brown eyes. “A poet, you are not.”

He let his hand travel down her body, his fingers grazing her belly. “No. But I’m honest. I want you under me.”

Her lips twitched. “I like being on top.”

A laugh burst out of him, despite everything they’d been through tonight. “Damn, you are trouble. Fine, we’ll do both.” And a few other positions he knew. God, he’d take her anyway he could.

“I’m worth the trouble,” she whispered.

Oh, he didn’t doubt it.

“Not sure I’m getting paid enough for this job.” Dathan’s voice broke the quiet night as he stomped up to them.

Damon pulled Lexa to his side, his arm across her shoulders. “Someone let the wolves in, kid.”

The treasure hunter nodded, his face troubled. “I know. I found the place where the fence was disabled…from the outside.”

They all turned to the scan the dark dunes around them.

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