Rhuul's Flame (18 page)

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Authors: Nulli Para Ora

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Rhuul's Flame
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“You may stand, Braka.”

“Where the hell is Lea?” He wanted to grab his father by the throat and squeeze it until his eyes bulged out. What right did he have to take his
? There was no justification he could possibly think of.

“She’s in the library.” Veen’s eyes widened. “You don’t think I’d hurt her?”

“I think you’re capable of many things.” Rhuul stepped closer, standing toe-to-toe with his father. “If you ever do anything like this again, I will kill you.” He turned his back to him, ready to march into the library.

“I need your help, my son.”

“Not happening.” Rhuul walked down the hall, hearing the swish of his father’s robes as he followed.

“You can help me stop the needless slaughter of your mother’s people.”

“Is that what you sent in those other letters? Your first message to me was to come to Karn.”

“Yes. I tried to explain things, but I learned you wouldn’t read what I sent.” He sounded disappointed.

Rhuul didn’t give a damn about his disappointment. “I don’t care about your problems. I never knew my mother, nor her people. You can all kill each other for all I care. I’m here to get Lea, that’s it.” He looked over his shoulder, watching Braka and Veen. “And don’t send any more guards, especially not Braka.”

“Braka is the finest guard in Karn. You are my son. You deserve the best.”

“He’s the biggest ass in the twelve realms. Not killing him is now my greatest challenge.” He turned a corner and sidestepped two approaching soldiers.

“Your Highness.”

He ignored them and continued on.

“I hope you’ll change your mind about the tension with the Celestan. Avalea is very interested in avoiding the bloodshed.”

Rhuul stopped in his tracks. His wings rose high, and his blood burned in his veins. “Don’t you fucking dare.”

“Rhuul, I am only trying to avoid war.” Veen stepped in front of him and stood tall.

“Don’t you use her for your benefit.” Rhuul gripped his swords tight, wanting more than anything to slash his father’s chest. But that would put him on the throne, a rule he did not want. “Was this how you planned to get your way? I ignore you, so you go after her?”

Veen nodded at one of the guards and took a shield from his hands. “This is why I sent for her.”

Rhuul felt a chill move down his spine, as if a drop of water snaked down the back of his neck, leaving a frozen path in its wake. The shield was broad and ordinary in construction. It was the emblem it bore that nearly stopped his heart. It was the face of a woman in bronze-colored metal. Where her hair should be, there were flames. “Where did you get this?”

“The Celestan carry them along with their weapons. I thought Avalea might know something about this, so I explained the situation to her. She wants to help, so she’s researching anything she can find to tell her what this might mean.”

Two guards ran down the hall and dropped to their knees. “Highnesses.”

“Speak.” Veen turned to them and raised the horns of his brow.

“Your Highness, the Omala woman—She intervened when we were questioning a captive at the way gate. She healed his injuries, and he took her hostage and passed through to the Celestan realm. We couldn’t catch them once he took flight.”

“Take me to the way gate!” Rhuul turned to his father and spoke through his teeth. He loathed the sight of him, hated how he couldn’t take action against him, resented the position he was placed in, and above all else, despised him from putting Lea in danger. “You wanted me in this war, you’ve got me. But know this: when this is over, you and I are going to have words.”

Chapter 12

“You think I’m a goddess? As in, an actual all-powerful entity?” Avalea stared wide-eyed, unable to choose her next words. Not one hour ago, she was in another realm, reading a book when she heard the cries of a man in pain.

She’d moved in the direction of the sound, down wide hallways, and around a few corners before she came upon a two Eidon guards beating a poor soul within an inch of his life. The scene took place in front of a way gate.

He was Celestan, unmistakable with his large, mottled feather wings. His voice was strained, matching the expression on his face. Deep ridges were carved into his forehead, his teeth clenched. “No, you don’t understand. I’m not like the others. I came to warn you. Please listen.”

His cries fell on deaf ears. The tall Eidon guards punched and kicked him without mercy, the muscles of their arms flexing beneath their deep purple, scaly skin. “All of your kind are filth. How dare you enter our realm!”

“Stop!” Instinct carried her closer, forcing her hands out in front of her body. The Celestan’s cries tugged at her heart, making it ache with each beat. “I said stop!”

“This is not your concern.” The Eidon didn’t even look at her as he grasped the downed Celestan by his wing bone, intent on breaking it.

“No!” Her fire surged forth, sending twin columns of flames from her palms. She aimed at the guards and watched them jump away from their victim. “If you touch his wings again, I’ll roast you alive!” The muscles of her body tensed as anger coursed through her.

She was mad enough to spit venom as memories of Rhuul’s childhood came back to her, filling her head with the pain he felt when his grandfather ordered his wings cut off. “Hold still, let me heal you.” She stopped her flames and placed her hands between his wings. Her magic stirred within her, allowing her to reach into the energy of life itself to heal his injuries. It took longer than it should have. The floors of the palace were made of thick stone, slowing her progress. She knew in an instant when he was well.

He stood tall and spread his wings wide. “Thank you, I am—” He looked at her with surprise. His mouth dropped open, and then he bent at the waist and started to kneel, but stopped midway, as if he wasn’t sure what to do.

“What’s wrong? Are you all right?” She placed a hand on his shoulder, hoping to comfort him.

“Please forgive my actions.” He stood upright in a flash, wrapped his arms around her, and jumped through the portal.

If this had happened anywhere else, she’d have singed his wings, but not today.
Maybe he’s in shock. Maybe he’s afraid. I don’t want to startle him.
As soon as they emerged on the other side of the way gate, the Celestan took flight, ignoring her request to be put down. He carried her high in the air, beneath wispy lavender clouds set against a pale yellow sky. Beneath them, Celestan and Eidon fought in multiple skirmishes.
What’s going on here?

He delivered her to what appeared to be a small village. When they landed, he placed her gently on her feet and dropped to his knee. That was when things got weirdandanother Celestan stepped in front of her, calling her Araphene. If that wasn’t enough, he explained, Araphene was the goddess of fire and earth.

There were many times Avalea wondered about her dual heritage. As the child of a fire elemental and an Omala, she was different from everyone in her village, save for her siblings. She never felt cast out, but she knew she wasn’t normal.

All around the small Celestan camp were large shields, bearing the bronze face of a woman with hair of flames. A woman like her. She couldn’t help reaching up to the side of her own head to touch her fiery strands.

“Araphene, goddess of fire and earth. You will deliver us from our suffering.” The Celestan in front of her spoke in a deep, commanding voice. He was tall with long, black hair and cream-colored feathers. His muscled bare arms and broad chest were covered in tattoos depicting birds and tribal patterns.

“I’m not a goddess, and my name isn’t Araphene.It’s Avalea.” Now that she cleared that up, she could move on. “What suffering? Are you sick?” She looked at the gathering crowd, searching them for evidence of any illness. They looked fine, all of them staring at her flaming hair.

“Irashar, she healed me. Perhaps we can pray for her help with the others?” Her Celestan captor kept his head bowed. His long, tawny hair tumbled forward, masking any hint of his expression.

“Irashar? Is that your name?” She looked at the Celestan in front of her and kept her body loose. She’d heard rumors of this race, of their violence and impulsive nature. He appeared calm, but she wouldn’t allow herself to be caught off guard.

“Irashar is my title. I am the leader of the Celestan. By right, I should lead all of my people, but that is not the case.” He pulled back the cloth door to a large red tent and beckoned her to enter.

Avalea felt her stomach tighten as small flutters passed through her belly.
I don’t know anything about these people. There’s no way in hell I’m going to be alone in a room with one.
“Why aren’t you leading your people? Why are you attacking the Eidon?”

“My followers aren’t attacking them.” He sighed. It was the kind of sound that made you weary just hearing it, making her wonder what he was about to reveal. “The vast majority of my people are being led by someone else. He is called Kallek, and he is another in a long line of false leaders who are controlled by the Lon Fahr.”

“Lon Fahr? I’ve never heard of that.” She wrinkled her brow and thought back over all the lore she’d learned growing up.

“Lon Fahr isn’t a thing. It’s a race of beings who feed on the negative energy produced by anger and violence. They’ve controlled my people for centuries, using us to sate their needs. They influence us to fight and even kill. The story of their arrival has been passed down through the generations by those of us who escaped.” There was a look of sadness in the Irashar’s eyes. His jaw was tight, and he spoke as if the words burned his mouth.

“My ancestors have led our people for millennia. We prospered in peace, built cities, loved learning. When the way gates were created, we were interested in exploring the other realms and gaining new knowledge. It wasn’t meant to be.” He paused and clenched his fists at his side. “With the opening of the way gates, the Lon Fahr entered our realm, wreaking havoc with their control. They moved through our lands like a flash flood, using their influence to set us against each other. Not long after their arrival, the Eidon visited our realm. The Lon Fahr influenced them as well, convincing them we were enemies, making them hate us so they could feast on both races.”

“They’re the reason for the rift between your races? But how do they control others? Why haven’t you stopped them?” If the Irashar was telling the truth, and she believed he was, there had to be an explanation for why things had been this way for so long. While logic dictated she get more information, her heart pumped superheated blood through her veins.
These Lon Fahr are the reason Rhuul was ostracized. He was tortured and exiled because of them.

“We’re not sure how they do it. It could be some kind of aura or mind control. All we know is, if they get close enough to you, they can take over. The effect persists for some time after you leave them, and they can compel you to return.”

“Hmm.” She thought about Veen’s explanation of the Celestan demands when she was back in the palace. She hoped the Irashar could shed some light on what he observed. “The ruler of Karn said he spoke to a Celestan leader to create a peace between your races. He told him of his son and my life mate, Rhuul. He’s half Eidon and half Celestan.”

The Irashar shook his head. “The ruler of Karn didn’t speak to me. He dealt with Kallek.” The Celestan paced in front of the large tent with his wings held high. “When the Eidon became our enemy, they did something to the way gates, creating some kind of barrier we couldn’t pass through. Over the years, some of us have been able to escape when the barriers weakened. The Eidon always reinforced them, until recently. My scouts heard others talk of plans to invade Karn. I sent a few of my own people to Karn in the hope of providing an explanation.”

He sucked in a breath and stared at her with wary eyes. “Your life mate is proof that our races can coexist. I could use that to my advantage, open the eyes of my people once they are free of the Lon Fahr’s control. If the Lon Fahr are aware of his existence, they will have him killed. He represents a potential end to the violence.”

“They won’t get a chance to kill my
I won’t let them anywhere near him.” She didn’t mean to conjure flames into her hands, but the idea of anyone plotting to hurt Rhuul eroded a good deal of her control.

“The only sure way to keep him safe is to keep him out of the realm for now.”

She sighed and closed her eyes. “Then we’re going to have a problem.”

* * * *

Rhuul pressed his lips together, tightening his mouth in anger. How dare his father send for Lea? If he’d left her out of his mess, she’d still be with him in Akash, safe and sound.

“I’m going with you. I want to make sure Ava’s okay.” Ghena had a look of fearlessness in his small eyes. He ran alongside Rhuul as he headed toward the way gate. Lea’s furry little friend spoke in a firm tone, but Rhuul knew him well enough to know he was worried. All the other realms knew to avoid Rinac. The reputation of the bloodthirsty Celestan was enough to keep every being far away.

“Rhuul, wait. Let me gather some of our army to accompany you. If anything—”

“I don’t have time for that, Father.” Rhuul quickened his pace, his boots slapping hard against the polished stone floor.

“At least let me give you some armor. I had it made just for you.” Veen snapped his fingers and two guards ran off down another corridor.

“How do you plan to find her once we’re in Rinac?” Braka walked a step behind him, his voice solemn.

“My plan is to kill them until they tell me where Lea is. Then we’re leaving.” It was just that simple as far as Rhuul was concerned. His forehead ached with tension as his mind worked through the possibilities of what Lea may be facing. He pulled a leather tie from his vest and wrapped it around his right wrist. The sight of it soothed him, making him feel like he was connected to her the way they were on their quest.

“Killing Celestan, eh? I never thought I’d agree with you on anything.”

“This is serious, Braka. I want you to try your best to spare the Celestan. There’s still a chance for peace.” Veen’s tone was commanding, sending a clear message. Disobedience would have serious consequences.

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