Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (5 page)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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t you touch without permission, and then you insult my size. Are you a total moron? Or are you that desperate for punishment, baby Dom? I saw you outside with your browbeaten chick, where’d you leave her?”

punish me, mistress. I need it,” he begs, sounding breathy and desperate. His blue eyes are glassed over- high from strong drugs. I worry about his girlfriend. His desperate personality combined with narcotics is a recipe for disaster.

I can feel his
dirty seeking fingers imprinted on my breast. No one has touched me there in years- not since. I’ve never willingly had hands on me. I’m so angry that I could spit nails. A drug addled shit thinks he can take whatever he wants. He needs to learn a lesson.

“Open your fly, now!”
I growl at him.

ly, his fumbling hands unfasten his stained and torn pants. He reveals his flaccid cock, unimpressive- sickly looking from whatever drug he injects into his system.

“Is that a dick?” I
turn to my companions. Queen is wincing and Fate is hiding behind her master, as if scared of that shriveled up piece of man. “Queen, does that look like a dick to you?”

“It’s small, but I’m pret
ty sure it’s a cock.” She stares at me wondering where I am headed with this.

weak man is kneeling before me with his child size junk on display. I’m angry with him for violating me, and I feel pity for him. I don’t like the confusing mix of emotions.

“Pathetic. Yes, that’s a dick
, and it wants me to top it. Do I look like I would top a weak-assed man who thinks himself a Dom? You need to be punished, but I wouldn’t give you a second of pleasure. Queen, do you have a sadist who likes to punish naughty boys?” I evilly smile as inspiration strikes.

Sensations zing through my body- enlivening me. The knowledge that someone who violated me will finally get punished for their crimes gives me a potent high. This man didn’t do to me what the others did, but they aren’t kneeling before me, begging for redemption.

“I will call him over. Are you sure about this?” Queen’s confusion is apparent. She didn’t see him out front of the club with his poor, abused girlfriend and she can’t possibly know the internal dialogue that pushing my reactions. I live, breath, and think on instinct.

“Yes, I’
m positive,” I reply, showing absolutely no doubts. “He fondled me without permission. If I were a sub, he would still need a Master’s permission, which he didn’t get. He bloodied me and insulted me. He needs to be punished. Obviously he likes females, so any punishment met out must be through a male. I desire him no pleasure, he must be bloodied, insulted, and fondled without his permission. It sounds fair.”

I must have
convinced Queen, because she gives an unspoken signal to Fate. The submissive woman takes off through the crowd to fetch our sadist.

A filthy
hand touches my arm, beseeching me, begging me to be the one to deal the punishment. My glare is so powerful it should’ve burst into flame.

“Mistress, please punish me,” he
desperately begs. I want to close my eyes to the pitiful sight of this young, broken man. His weakness in all things is obvious. He doesn’t take care of himself, and I can smell the sour stench of addiction flowing from his pores. If he has the courage to beg me, then who am I to look away?

Oh, you’ll get punished, just not by me.” I shudder at the thought. I couldn’t touch him like that. I wouldn’t be able to get through it.

He moves
his hand in slow motion trying to provoke me. Nothing annoys me more than slowness. If I tell you to do something, you better do it fast. I barely hold my temper. I back up several feet and rest my hip on the side of a booth. I appear relaxed, but inside I am a pit of lava ready to erupt. I also want to wash his filth from my body, and I wish I could remove the feeling of his hand on my breast. If I could erase the sensation, then maybe the memories would shop battering the inside of my mind, demanding to be released.

minutes later a small man walks up with Fate following dutifully behind. Fate holds his hand like it’s her lifeline. He was the man Syn pointed at earlier.

The sadist
isn’t much taller than I am. But height will never be an issue for this man. His inky black ringlets are just as tightly coiled as his taut muscles. His tan skin is glistening with sweat, and I see a lot of skin, since he’s only wearing a pair of skin-tight leather pants. He doesn’t even wear shoes on his small feet. He radiates suffocating power from his amber-colored eyes. One pass of his eyes over my body and I want to kneel on the ground and grovel.

I c
an’t help the smirk that spreads across my lips. This sadist could dominate me with ease. Need tightens in my core. My mind relaxes in relief. Years of worry fade. I’ve finally arrived at a place where my needs will be met. If he can’t help me, someone here will.

“Queen,” he nods at the tall blonde.
“And you must be Katya.” He intently stares at my face, and then softly smiles in amusement.

“I see you’re having an issue. Neither of you wish to play with a man?”
Amusement colors his voice and transforms his face from ruthless badass to gentlemanly handsome. His flushed skin is a beautiful shade of bronze denoting a middle-eastern ancestry. 

“Um, no…
and Kat refuses to touch that,” Queen says as she points to the grub poking out of a pair of dirty jeans.

“Come,” his deep voice resonates as he
holds out his hand to the man on the floor. “I shall punish you and will enjoy every second” His eyebrows raise as the younger man clasps his hand. He gently tugs until the man is on his feet. “However, you won’t- trust me,” he ominously purrs, showing off his sadistic edge.

“Ladies, thanks for the toy. Enjoy the rest o
f your evening.” He abruptly turns, and his gaze rakes my body from boots to barrettes. “Welcome, Kat. I look forward to getting to know you better.” He takes off towards the back of the club with his new pain slut in tow.

Queen exhales
a loud sigh. “That was Dexter, and you just made his night.” Her entire body shivers as she imagines Dexter’s pleasurable night.

slides into the booth closest to us and leans into her sub. “Go get us a round of drinks, Angel. I think we need to relax for awhile.”

I move
to join her when I feel the stickiness on my hand. “Where’s the restroom?” I ask with a grimace. I have to get this filth off me.

“Back, left-
hand corner, do you need me to go with you?” She slides down the bench to exit the booth.

I hesitate. I need
some alone time, but is it safe to venture out alone?

As if reading my mind,
but most likely my facial expression, Queen reassures me. “You’re safe. Everyone just saw what you did. No one will mess with you… besides, the Boss put out notice.”

Yeah, I don’t wanna think about what “notice” the Boss put out
. I head to the bathroom escort-free. I have some pent up emotions that need released, the next idiot who messes with me will get punished by my own hand.

I also need time to push the memories back
down where I can firmly bury them until they dig their way out again. I concentrate on the feeling of euphoria that coursed through my veins when Dexter gave me that look.

Katya, you’re here to heal and to finally feel…













Chapter Four

Scum freshly washed from my flesh and my past firmly held in check
, I wander down the brightly lit hallway from the ladies restroom. And what a restroom it was, granite and slate with the music piped in just as loud as the rest of the club. The clean freak in me loved that it was spotless.

I push the negative thoughts from my mind and just try to live in the moment, which is something I’m crappy at doing. I don’t know what’s g
oing on. But when I leave here tonight, I leave the confusion as well. I might as well enjoy some companionship with people who are just as freaky as me. Tomorrow, I have to go back to work and continue to pretend to be a normal person with a normal life, one that isn’t scared of every shadow. I let the music drift over me and fill me with anticipation.

As I rock down the hall, I’m flung from my path- snatched and grabbed. Before I can even utter a word of protest, a large palm is covering my mouth. I had no time to struggle or scream. My survival instincts didn’t even get a chance kick in it was that fast. In less than five seconds, I’m thrust inside a pitch-black room, and pushed face first into a cold metal door. The ominous finality of the lock clicking into place freezes me. A heavy weight presses at my back, blocking off all paths of escape.

was a well-timed and well-planned attack that offered me no opportunity to panic. Now that I am securely in my abductor’s clutches, my mind flashes to another time and place, another hand on my mouth. I breathe though the panic that tries to overcome me. I whimper from the flashes of memory that assault me- a body on top of me, the forceful grunt reverberating in my ear, the desolation of being powerless and scared, and the only option left was to submit.

I hear is my rapidly beating heart deafeningly filling my ears. A feverish sweat breaks out on my flesh, dampening between my breasts and sliding down my spine. I sightlessly stare as I begin to hyperventilate.

My attacker does nothing, says nothing. The man simply holds me in place against the door while I freak out. He’s outwaiting my
blind panic. I allow my senses to put me at ease. He’s just softly breathing near my ear. The puffs of air tickle the small hairs fluttering around my face. His firm, warm body is relaxed. The way he holds me feels more playful than threatening. My instincts calm me. If this man wanted to harm me, he would have done it already.

This isn’t like last time.

“Let me guess… the Boss,” I say to the heavy weight at my back. My tone is a mix of amused annoyance, and beneath that… terror. It’s the only explanation my mind spins- this is the man that says he knows me, the man who everyone keeps cryptically speaking about.

softly chuckles near my ear, enjoying the game we play. He slowly moves, as if not to frighten me further. I test my capture, trying to loosen his hold. My body roughly jerks against the door, but he holds me immobile with his larger body. Something cold and metallic clicks into place on my right wrist. An animalistic hiss slithers out between my clench teeth. Taking deep breaths, I try to center myself. The cold metal causes me to lose any footing I’d gained. My calm dissipates, and on the heels of that is distress. My heart beats so forcefully that I can feel it in every part of my body- throbbing, screaming for release.

The Boss purrs soothingly in
to my ear, trying to calm me. “Don’t take that off… ever.” His voice is smoky, deep, and slightly husky from abducting me. It’s a threat edged with anticipation. He’s practically begging me to try to take the metal off my wrist, and he’s looking forward to the aftermath.

The Boss is
getting off on this game.

Knowing that I have to be alive and well to play with him, I relax. He won’t kill me, b
ut I know there are worse fates than death. Things that make you pray for the sweet release from life. I try to wiggle out of his arms with no hope. He picks me up until we are even in height. My feet dangle a good foot from the ground.

al instincts finally kicking in, my mind screams,
knee that bastard in the nuts
! I prepare to thrust my leg backwards, but somehow he knows the direction of my thoughts. Two thick thighs invade my private space, and widen to part my legs, virtually rendering me motionless.

Fucking g

My head thrusts backwards on its own accord
, seeking the satisfying crunch of a broken nose. I swear underneath my breath when it doesn’t connect with his face. The Boss playfully laughs at me, a sharp taunting edge to the sound. He teasingly blows his breath against my ear. My panic turns to rage. I’ve lived through the unthinkable, and to have some asshole play with me in a mock version of abduction…

“Let me go,” I defiantly demand. My voice dips to the depth
s of Hell. “I’m not fucking around, let go.” 

“Not hap
pening, KitKat. I like it when my Kitten fights back,” he says in an amused voice that trills down my spine. Something about hearing him say
my Kitten
lights my fire when it should infuriate me. He feels familiar to me, as if my body recognizes him. But I doubt I’ve ever met him before. It’s more like my nature sees him as my perfect counterpart.

“I’m the Boss
, and I can do anything I please with you.” He’s entirely too pleased with himself, that for sure. More insane chuckling vibrates against my back and tickles the hairs at the nape of my neck. I fall lax in his grip, not giving up, just waiting him out. He takes it as an invitation to get closer. A deep sigh rumbles up his throat. Relieved that I’m behaving and no longer trying to de-man him, he presses closer.

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