REGENCY: Loved by the Duke (Historical Billionaire Military Romance) (19th Century Victorian Short Stories) (12 page)

BOOK: REGENCY: Loved by the Duke (Historical Billionaire Military Romance) (19th Century Victorian Short Stories)
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Chapter 4

“Cara mia, your eyes...they shine like the melon.”

Alisa let off a peal of laughter before taking another sip of the most incredible wine she’d ever tasted.

“A melon?” She asked, one dark brow delicately arched. The effect was somewhat ruined by the flush from the third glass of wine heating her cheeks and the soft, husky chuckles that she couldn’t seem to stem. She had laughed more that day with Luca than she had in...Well, she couldn’t even remember it had been that long.

After breakfast she had repacked her suitcase, given the taxi driver a call, and got all ready to go on her way only to open the front door and find them completely snowed in.
Matteo had called back to tell her that he couldn’t drive on account of the holiday, and that she should just enjoy the beautiful Christmas snow.

And so they had.
Somehow, Luca had convinced her to go out into the sunny, snow filled landscape, and she’d had more fun than she even thought possible. They had made a giant snowman complete with a carrot nose, even though Luca grumbled about wasting perfectly good produce, and had even had a snowball fight. There had been a moment when Luca had lobbed a small, powdery ball of the frozen stuff at Alisa and as she ducked to try and evade it, had slipped on a patch of ice and fallen into the soft snow with a thud.

He had rushed over to her, concern bright in his dark eyes which slowly faded when he neared to find her laying on her back laughing so hard she could barely breathe. He had reached a hand out to help her up and in a flurry of snow had somehow landed in a heap half on top of her. Another fit of giggles exploded out of her and Luca was soon caught up in the infectious sound.

Not soon after, the chuckles had died down, and she had been left staring up into the most handsome face she’d ever seen, and something in his gaze changed, shifting as he stared down into her own. It had drawn across his face with a heat that had sent tingles spiraling through her body, coalescing at the most center of her.

Like embers just waiting for the barest breeze to set them alight, her skin felt hot and too tight as he continued to stare. She had burned under that gaze, and Alisa had been so sure that he was going to lean down and kiss her, but instead he had jumped up, brushed off the dusting of snow that coated his jacket and helped her up to her feet.

As if it had never happened he continued on, leading her back to the house talking about how beautiful she was and how they needed to warm up in front of the fireplace. Although Alisa still felt overheated from their close encounter, she went along with him. She couldn't seem to resist.

“No, I’m sorry, my English isn’t that good,” His words dragged her thoughts away from that afternoon and back to the present. After another exquisite meal of homemade pasta marinara Luca really had started up the fire in the massive granite fireplace and they had sat, drinking and talking and laughing. Alisa felt more at ease than she ever could have imagined, and for the first time in over a year she felt she was truly where she was meant to be.

“I meant, oh, what is it?” He took another sip of wine straight from the bottle before looking at her and snapping his fingers. “The moon! That’s it.” Suddenly, his hand was at her jaw, tilting her face up to him, trapping her gaze. “Your eyes shine like the moon.”

Alisa at there, just staring up at him and words completely escaped. Thoughts themselves escaped her, fleeing at the heat of his touch leaving nothing but the now familiar ache that had been growing steadily within her since the first time she had walked in on him naked in the kitchen. She smiled at the memory.

“What makes you so happy, cara mia? Tell me so I can make you smile that secret smile again.” His words were still hushed and rough, breathed against her flushed cheek.

“Nothing. It’s nothing…”

“It’s not nothing.” He leaned even closer until his lips just brushed her ear. “It’s definitely something, bella. Just tell me.”

Alisa blushed even hotter but the wine had the words tumbling out before she could stop them. “It’s you.” She paused and swallowed hard. “I was remembering you. When I walked in here and saw you very, very naked.”

He sent her a mock frown. “How could I forget? You made me ruin my famous pasta dough.”

She chuckled with him, but it was cut off abruptly at the feel of his finger stroking down the side of her neck.

“So, you like the way I look without clothes on?” His question brought another heat to life, an answering, pulsing heat at her already damp core. She couldn’t answer, could only nod, reminding her again of his touch as he drew his finger down her jaw line until he reached her lips. So softly she could barely feel it, he pressed the pad of his thumb across her pouty lower lip once, twice.

His dark gaze flicked down and quickly back up again, desire, lust, and something more shining in their depths.

“Alisa, cara mia, can I kiss you?” The words were so low she almost missed them, but there was no mistaking the look in his eyes. Hot. Urgent.

“Ye–.” Before the word was even out of her mouth, his lips where on hers. It was so sweet, so much sweeter than she expected after seeing the raging lust storming through his brown eyes. She thought there must be an answering storm in her own because he took one quick, assessing look at her before lowering his mouth again. This time, there was no asking. He took. And it was everything she ever need, that kiss. Like breath, or water. Something critical and important and she felt like she never wanted it to end.

She sighed in disappointment when he pulled away, her eyes slowly opening until she could look up at him in the dim light, his striking features made even more so by the flickering firelight.


“Shh…” He placed a fingertip over her sensitive lips. “Close your eyes, bella.” After a moment, she acquiesced. She was used to being in control, always being in charge. She could feel the spell Luca was weaving around her, dark and seductive, as he took charge instead. It sent thunder bolts shooting through her like lightning as she savored it. It made her feel safe, and cherished, and wet. Very wet, she realized as she shifted just slightly where she was still sitting on the rug in front of the heat of the fireplace. 

Alisa heard the sound of Luca moving around behind her and the crackling of the fire. She even thought she might hear the wind beginning to howl outside, and the beat of her heart in her ears. It was like with her eyes closed, all her other senses were magnified.

She felt the warmth of his mouth first, right at the base of her neck, at the curve of her shoulder that sent a wave of chills sweeping down her spine. An incredible heat followed and she let her breath rush out on a sigh, letting herself sink back into Luca’s hard, hot body.

The lack of sight in the complete darkness of the power outage had all of her other sense somehow heightened. The smell of him, the sound of his low groan at her ear, but mostly, the incredible feel of him as he slid his hands all the way down her front and then slowly back up again.

“Bella, you are so sweet,” Luca tasted her again, just resting his lips against her skin, “Sweeter than any wine, sweeter than any
cioccolato , o un fiore , il vostro calore mi attira come.

Alisa didn’t even notice when he started speaking in Italian, the sounds just washing over her like silken honey, making her body feel weighted, restless. She moved against him, pressing back until she could feel all of his hard against all of her own softness. His hands caught at the curve of her hip and she couldn’t help the arch of her back that had them pushing back until she could feel him, hard and hot and twitching against the seam of his jeans.


Voglio che tu, bella, è necessario, ora.

“I don’t,” Alisa stopped to swallow, her throat dry as she sat panting, and the heat of the fireplace at her front and Luca scorching at her back, “I don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Yes, you do.” His talented hand began to move again, slowly sliding up her side, sweeping the side of her breast, “You feel it, here.” His hot hand pressed over her chest like a brand, sealing right over where her heart was and she felt the headiness of the moment threaten to choke her.

Suddenly, it was too much. She needed to see him, to touch him back. Alisa turned in his arms, and in one swift move he was laying on his back and had pulled her across him, a reverse of their position earlier in the snow. With one major difference. She wasn’t cold at all, in fact, she was burning up. From the fire, or the wine, or just Luca she wasn’t sure. All she knew was that they both had way too many clothes on.

She reached for his t-shirt, hastily pulling the material off and running her hands down his chest, his chiseled abs. Luca grabbed the hem of her own blouse and swept it off in one smooth move. Her bra soon followed.

Oh, mio dolce, dolce angelo
.” He groaned the words as her fingers went to work on the button of his jeans, and then the zipper. “
Sei cosi caldo. Cosi bella

His words spurred her on even thought she had no idea what they meant. But by the sound of his voice, husky and urgent, she thought it must be good.

Suddenly, he was out of patience. Flipping her onto her back, Luca had the rest of her clothes off in just a moment, his own following until they were both, blessedly naked. Alisa didn’t think she could stand another moment more without him hot and hard and pounding inside her. Her whole body ached, pulsing, and she shifted restlessly on the soft rug as he climbed between her thighs. He paused for a moment, just looking down at her, his eyes filled with so much awe that she felt her chest tightening as a wave of tenderness washed over her.

“Cara mia, your skin,” His hands swept up the inside of her thighs making tingles explode from the contact, “your skin is like black velvet in the light of the fire. It is so beautiful. You are so beautiful.”

His words pulled at her and she shifted again, arching her back and pushing her hips at him in the hopes that it would spur him on. It worked. With a moan that came from the center of his chest he lowered himself on top of her. His fingers moved over the most secret part of her, testing, and he groaned again at the wetness he found.

“You are so ready for me, bella.”

“I am. I am ready.” She panted eliciting a soft chuckle at her eagerness but it was soon wiped out as he moved his hips, resting the tip of his hard cock against her opening, teasing her, dragging it out. Torturing them both a little longer.

“Please, Luca.” She begged. And he answered with a swift thrust of his hips that had him sinking all the way to the hilt. A loud moan echoed out of her mouth as he pulled almost all the way out only to thrust in again. Soon, he found a rhythm that had them both sweaty and panting harshly in time to the movement.

The tension in her body continued to grow, drawing her tighter and tighter until finally on a crest of lightning sensation that flooded all the way to her fingertips and back, coalescing at her center. She bit her lip to keep from screaming, riding the wave as her muscles tightened. Luca thrust one more time before losing himself inside her on a massive groan that she felt echo through her. He collapsed on top of her and she wrapper her arms around him, holding him in place as they both tried to catch their breath.

“Oh, wow.”

He chuckled softly into her ear as he pulled himself up to his elbows until he was looking down at her. “Wow? That’s all you can say, cara mia.” He leaned down to give her the softest kiss before repeating, “Wow.”

Still chuckling to himself he rolled over onto his back beside her, drawing her into the cradle of his arms until she was cocooned around him. It felt so right, laying there with him, like for the first time she was really were she belonged. Luca shifted slightly, looking at the massive grandfather clock against the far wall before tipping her head up for another kiss to her already swollen lips.

“Merry Christmas, bella. My sweet one.”

Alisa smiled sleepily up at him. “Merry Christmas.”

Best Christmas gift ever
, she thought to herself as she slowly slid into unconsciousness.

Chapter 5

Luca heard the noise first, his eyes crashing open as his heart began to race. No, not here, not now! He looked over at the still sleeping Alisa. His cara. His heart. She didn’t know it, she couldn’t. But he knew himself, and there was something about her kindness, her spirit that drew him like a moth to the flame. He ran a gentle hand across her cheek. She was so beautiful.

The noise sounded again and this time Alisa turned to him groggily.

“Luca, what was that?”

“Nothing, Bella,” He lied, “Probably just the wind. Go back to sleep and I’ll go take a look.”

“Mhmm. Okay.” She was breathing steadily again before he had even reached the door of the bedroom.  They had finally made it to bed, even though it had been a while longer before he had let her sleep. He couldn’t keep the small smile from curling his lips as he looked at her one last time.  He waited a moment longer before taking a deep breath, and turning to go down the stairs, and then the long hallway towards the front room, his expression melting into something far more serious, and far more deadly.

There was a single light on. The power must have returned, he thought dimly as he approached. Out of the shadows resolved the last person he wanted to see, but had known who it was the instant he had awoken. They had found him.

, Luca.” The deep voice spoke sending a chill running down his spine.

“Vincenzo.” He said shortly, his temper flaring. “You didn’t have to break the window, my friend. It was over two hundred years old.”

“Friends, are we?” The other man drawled as he finally stood. “Would a friend just leave another friend without a word of goodbye? Would a friend back out of a deal? Would a friend run away to hide like a scared little rabbit?”

Luca gritted his teeth, aware the whole time that Alisa was still sleeping blessedly unaware upstairs. As long as they didn’t find out about her, she would be safe. But he knew these people, and he knew they would stop at nothing, use anything or anyone, to get close to him.

“Listen, Vincenzo–.”

“No, you listen, Luca. You told my guy you were in, that means you’re in. Got it? I want you on your fancy plane and back in Rome by tomorrow, okay?” There was a hidden threat to his words even though he didn’t say it outright.

Luca shook his head, “No, you are mistaken. I didn’t agree to anything, your thug tried to blackmail me…”


His heart sank as her voice washed over him. No, not her. Why couldn’t she have just stayed upstairs, safe and protected? He turned to face her, his mouth opened to speak but Vincenzo got there first.

“Ah, and who is this delightful creature?”

Luca caught the lascivious gleam in the other man’s eyes and it turned his blood to ice in his veins.

“She’s my wife!” The words were tumbling out of his mouth before he could stop them, but he couldn’t think of any other way to protect Alisa from him. Luca had seen firsthand what Vincenzo did to beautiful women. He used them all up until there was nothing left, and threw them away like they were nothing. He couldn’t’ let that happen to Alisa. His heart was pounding wildly in his chest as she turned to look at him, questions filling her gorgeous amber eyes.

He walked over to her, sliding an arm around her waist, and leaning close as if to kiss her. “Please, cara mia. Just play along.” He whispered the words against her velvet soft cheek, praying that she heard, and that she would heed his words. She had no idea the danger she was in. The danger they were both in. He turned back to Vincenzo with a grimace that he hoped the other man would take for a smile.

“You can see, I am not hiding. I am here with my wife, celebrating the holiday.”

“Wife, huh?” He hadn’t taken his eyes off of Alisa since she had entered the front room. He looked her up and down greasily. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you for hiding her away, eh, Luca?”

As surreptitiously as he could, he pushed Alisa behind him, trying to hide her with his body.

“Luca, what is going on?” She said softly enough that the other man couldn’t hear, and he sighed in relief that she wouldn’t blow their cover now.

“Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend, but I really think you should get going. We are on vacation after all.”

Vincenzo stared at him long and hard before turning his gaze back to Alisa with another smirking smile. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with, my dear? I could show you so many things.”

Alisa shook her head, her amber eyes wide, “No, I’m perfectly happy to stay here with my…husband.” Luca could have kissed her right then and there. She barely stumbled over the word. She even slid her arms around him, squeezing him tight enough that he could feel the trembling in them.

“Well, when you put it so nicely,” He walked towards the front door, throwing it open to reveal an entire convoy waiting outside. “Luca, I’m feeling generous. Maybe it’s the holiday spirit,” he shrugged with smile, and then his gaze turned sharper than a knife. “But I will see you soon. Quite soon. Ciao…my friend.”

With that he walked out of the door, leaving them alone once more. Alisa wasted no time in turning on him.

“What was that all about, Luca? And who the hell was that guy?” She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself, “he gave me the creeps.”

Luca collapsed, sitting on the floor with his head in his hands. What was he supposed to do now? Especially with Alisa involved.

She was immediately there, throwing her arms around him.

“Luca, what is it? That was weird, but…”

“You don’t understand, Alisa. Those men…” he trailed off, his thoughts a swirling mass of desperation. They needed a little more time for his plan to be ready. He thought he would be safe there for at least a little longer. Finally, he looked up at her, his dark eyes bleak.
“Those men are not the type of people you lie to.”

It all came tumbling out then, about his history, his business, how the mafia had been nipping at his heels for years, how he had somehow managed to keep them at bay, remain respectable.

He even told her the part he dreaded most. About being tricked by a pretty face, and betrayed, how they had all of his secrets and records and were threatening to use them to ruin him, and his business, if he didn’t agree to do what they said.

He told her about the type of people they really were, and what they would do to him if he failed, and what they might do to her. Because she deserved to know the truth, even though her eyes became wider and wider as he continued.

“Wait a minute, back up for a second,” she paused him, “are you saying if we don’t get married, they’ll what, come after me?”

After a moment, Luca nodded, “They might.” He sighed again. “They will definitely come after me.”

“Oh my god, Luca. They’re monsters.”

“I know, cara mia. That’s why I have tried to avoid them.”

She just sat, staring blankly at him for a long moment.


“Okay, what, bella?”

“Okay, let’s get married.” She swallowed hard, “If it means saving your life…”

A wave of warmth crashed over him and he couldn’t stop himself from leaning forward and kissing her lush mouth. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met. Hastily, he pulled back.

“It will be a marriage in name only, just until I figure all of this out, and then…” he paused, shrugging, for some reason unwilling to finish the sentence. “It will just be temporary. You can go on living your life in Philadelphia, and I will live mine here and Italy. You won’t even have to talk to me again after you leave.”

For some reason, the thought made him so sad, he had to stop again, staring into her beautiful eyes before he could continue.

“Are you sure, Alisa?”

She stared back at him, and he swore he could just drown in her eyes and die a happy man. Finally, she nodded, once, firmly before reaching out and taking his hand. With a humor that he sensed was forced, she shot him a small smile.

“Let’s go get hitched.”

“What is this ‘hitched’” Luca cocked his head to one side in confusion. She laughed again, and this time it was real. The sound had him smiling back at her despite the situation.

“Married, Luca,” she said softly. “Let’s go get married.”

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