Red Mars Love (4 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Owens

BOOK: Red Mars Love
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In the bedroom she suddenly took on a new persona.  She became more submissive, almost waiting for me to make the first move.


I enjoyed the change in the balance of power and moved to her taking her in my arms.


Her slender frame felt like it was going to break if I squeezed too tightly.


I brushed back the hair that kept falling in front of her eyes while she just kept watching me wordlessly.  I touched the contours of her face as I leaned to her and lightly kissed her mouth.


Her lips were warm, soft and responsive.  I would like to imagine that sparks flew when we kissed but the tingling sensation I felt was good enough. 


I kissed her again, savoring the feel of her being close to me and enjoying the freedom I finally had to touch her without restriction.


I held her close to me with one arm around her waist and ran my hand down her arm.  Her eyes looked up at me longingly.


Feeling more brave and secure of myself with each passing moment I moved my hand to her breast feeling her visibly tremble as I touched the firm mound and holding it within my hand. 


Sid took her hands and put them around my neck giving me full access to her body.  I reached up and undid the clasp around her neck allowing the sheer material of the dress to fall to the floor. 


Almost instantly she was naked in front of me her lean and trim body standing there perfectly before me.


She just waited, unashamed as I took in her whole body.  Her skin was soft and smooth with no blemishes to be seen.  He stomach was flat and firm leading to her beautiful nether regions concealed only by a small mound of curly hair hiding the hidden treasure between her legs.


I felt my own body respond to her beautiful form.  My cock was growing harder straining against my pants and drawing my attention to the discomfort.   I wanted to reach down and release the pressure but was still worried that this wasn’t happening.


Sid must have sensed my apprehension.  She slid her hands underneath my shirt and lifted it up over my head leaving me bare chested in front of her form.


Her hands touched my chest playing with the hair that was sprinkled over the area and outline the muscles that stood out.  She moved down to my abdomen, feeling the muscled six pack I was proud to display.  Then she grabbed the belt on my pants slowly undoing the buckle of the belt letting it fall open giving her access to the button fly on the pants I was wearing.


The warmth of the Cygnian arm made disrobing feel comfortable and warm as if we were swimming in a pool of warm water.


Sid pulled down my pants strategically maneuvering them around my aroused member.


I stood immobile entranced by what was happening.  Her touch was mesmerizing and erotic as she bent down nude in front of me pulling my pants down around my ankles.


She started to stand up but hesitated around my midsection.


I felt her hands grip my shaft and all my attention focused to what was happening around my member. 


With one hand she held the shaft of my penis and with the other she gripped both of my testicles in her hand.  I groaned with the pleasure of her touch afraid to move.


She maintained the firm hold on my member which had hardened in her grip. 


Then she did what I had only dreamed could ever be possible.  She took my penis in her mouth and began to suck on the length of my hardened member.  Her pressure was perfect massaging my head within the confines of her mouth playing with the tip using the tip of her tongue.


I wanted to hold her head in place on my member to avoid having the sensual pleasure I was experiencing stop unexpectedly.  I refrained, however, still scared of crossing some invisible line of decorum that would drive her away and make the pleasure stop.


With all my power I resisted the urge to give in to the sensations she was giving my penis as she took me inside her mouth deeper and deeper with each sensual suck. 


Her tongue wrapped around my member creating a sensual massage and I could feel the back of her throat with the head of my cock.  I shuddered trying to stay in control as she continued the exotic sucking that was like nothing I had ever experienced. 


In the back of my mind I wondered if this is what all men on Cygnus experienced when they selected a mate, it would explain the joviality of the planet and the lack of stress on the warm, dark planet.


The side track gave me the control I needed to take control of the situation before I lost all of my personal control.


I reached down and took Sid’s hand from my member.  Gently she released her sucking on my cock and stood up before me. 


I kicked of my pants that had held me in place while she sucked my cock and gently walked her to the bed. 


I had always desired this exotic woman and now she was giving herself to me on my own ship.  I led her over to the bed trying to walk with my hardened member getting in the way.  She crawled onto the bed in a rather cat like manner enticing me to follow her there. 


But instead of laying down next to her instantly I started with her feet massaging them gently feeling ever toe, every crevice on her skin and sucking them enticingly. 


I moved up to her calves, exploring them gently as if I had never seen a human body before. 


I felt her thighs and the firmness of the muscles that hid beneath that erotic skin then moved up to her hips holding them tightly as I bent to kiss the gentle mound of hair she displayed between her legs.  I kissed her abdomen gently touching her belly with my tongue.


I lowered my body on top of hers keeping her in place with my weight as I took her breast in my mouth and began to suck on the nipple.  I felt the nipple start to harden from the sucking which only added to my arousal.  I took her firm breast in my mouth and sucked even harder holding her captive on the bed with my body and my cock pressed against her naked leg.


As I sucked on her breast I maneuvered my cock up between her legs, probing with my hardened member looking for that warm orifice I knew was hidden there.


I finally found that hidden treasure and the tip of my cock felt the heat of her warm hole awaiting my arrival. 


I probed around the hidden orifice feeling the warmth and wetness hidden there till finally I could not hold back my desire for this exotic woman for one instance more.


Slowly, gently, despite my desire, I penetrated her body with my hard and anxious member.  With each inch that I entered her body I couldn’t help but think this was too good to be true and that some member of the royal guard would suddenly appear on the ship and separate us.


But I finally relaxed into her warmth allowing our joining to be all that mattered in this world or any other.


Slowly I began to draw in and out of her wet pussy.  With each thrust I felt the warmth of her body increase and she shuddered as I drove my hard cock deep and deeper inside the heat of her body.  I kept her confined to the bed not letting her move as I had my way with her but even the occasional glance up towards her beautiful face showed me she was enthralled by what we were doing.  It occurred to me that she just might be a virgin and I was her first experience with love making. 


Suddenly, I felt that I was the expert and she was the inexperienced novice.  Our roles were reversed, her normally aloof and educated persona was gone and instead she was a pawn in an experience she had no knowledge of before now.  I wanted to make a good impression, but I admitted it was nice to know I did not have any competition with which she could compare my performance.


The brief distraction aside I was enjoying the experience immensely and my penis was so hard I was struggling to avoid erupting inside of her before I had given her a true first experience.


I took control of my arousal and set to making her experience the true pleasure of making love.


I rolled over so that she was straddling my cock while sitting on top of me reveling at the look of surprise in her eyes as her own weight drove her further onto my hard shaft.


I grabbed her hips in my hands and began to move her back and forth on my cock.  I had never used another person to masturbate but that was what I felt like I was doing.  Eventually, she caught on to the movement and started to initiate the gyrations herself. 


Her skin took on a sheen of perspiration and I started to see a glow of phosphorescence in her skin. 


It must be a sign of excitement? 


But, I didn’t have time to ponder the physiology of her sexual pleasure as we both started to grow in excitement and I was struggling to maintain my own control. 


Sid reached down between her legs and felt the hard member that penetrated into her hidden orifice.  I could feel her fingers touch my hard member that drove inside of her wet and hard. 


She felt where my member disappeared inside of her pausing to feel the thrusting shaft. 


I reached up to grab her breasts as I could feel my arousal rising knowing I would soon lose control but wanted to ensure her first experience was truly memorable.


She smiled as she continued riding my hard cock impaled on its hardness and unwilling to move.


She bent over and kissed me deeply, passionately yet enticingly as she started to ride me harder and harder.  With each thrust of her hips she brought me to a new level of excitement until I wondered who really held the reins of this sexual encounter, or she was a fast learner.


It was only a little while longer that I could maintain my control till I came erupting deeply inside of her but happy to feel her shudder at the same time.


I had accomplished my goal.


Overwhelmed and exhausted I allowed myself to fall asleep on the vast bed, spent after all those months of sexual inactivity.


I must have slept for days but when I awoke the ship was quiet.  Light came in through the hull that made me think it was dusk but I knew it was really mid-day on the dark planet.  


I sat up quickly looking for Sid. 

She was gone.


I got up quickly walking to the hull.  I checked the logs and saw that she had left the ship late last night but how she had left was a mystery.


I looked at the video recordings real quickly and saw they were intact but knowing they really weren’t required at this point.  I quickly finalized the programs and sent them in a message to my employer.  I needed to be complete, after all, even if I was the princess’s consort now.


I sat and chuckled about the events that had occurred trying to make sense of them in my mind.


I resolved to take more of an interest in the cultures of the planets I visited to be less naïve should I encounter this type of situation in the future but, maybe I wouldn’t have to worry if Sid chose to accompany me when I left.


But, if what I was thinking was true, there wouldn’t be this type of situation in the future if Sid had selected me.


I pondered this thought.


In the heat of our passion last night I had barely thought about more than getting inside of Sid.  I wanted her to know that I was truly interested and not just sexually.  This sensual female had enthralled me since we graced the halls of the university together yet I could never seem to break through her tough exterior.


Her stature and bloodlines prevented her from truly taking part in the activities of a university setting.  All the random encounters and meaningless romances would only belittle her stature.


Instead, she had set up this entire ruse to draw me to her home planet and staged this entire process to initiate our romance. 


The only question I had now was what to do next?  How do I ensure that what we had last night wasn’t a one night stand?


I was scared yet excited at the prospect.  Sid was incredible and despite the standing within her family and the governance of her planet she had all the qualities that I looked for in a partner.  I admitted I was enticed with the prospect of courting Sid, especially if there were no qualms about physical intimacy that seemed to plague other cultures and planets.


I finally developed a plan in my mind and gathered both my clothes and my senses to head back to the capital city and hopefully to Sid.  When I had successfully pulled myself out of my stupor and looked at least slightly presentable I turned the ship back towards the capital.


I knew that their local radars would alert them to my arrival and I wondered exactly what type of reception I would receive.


I pushed the ship wanting to see Sid and make sure she knew my intentions were honorable but scared that I’d meet the old Earth folklore equivalent of an angry father with a shotgun forcing us to marry.  Either way, I had made my decision, I wanted the exotic woman and would do what it took to court her and make her my own.


The ship skimmed over the land headed back towards the city.


With each passing minute I became more and more nervous as to what to expect when I arrived.  I had no idea what to do, should I find a gift, wear something special, how was I to know?


I did a quick search on the ships computers begging for information but despite our advanced technology I came up empty handed. 


Well, the time was almost at hand and I was no closer to finding some piece of information that would aid my search.


Reluctantly, I landed the ship.

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