Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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where are you?” I called out.

turned on the lights in the kitchen and when I looked down I felt like my heart
had been ripped out of my chest. I saw Danni lying on the floor in a pool of
blood, cradling her stomach.

I screamed. I dropped the ice cream to the floor and rushed to her side.

her head, I patted her cheek and said, “Danni? Danni, wake up, baby!”

was limp and seemingly lifeless. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and
called an ambulance. Thankfully they were close by and they said it would only
be about five minutes, but to me that was five minutes too long.

I tried to wake her I wondered what the hell happened. Where was Jude? He was
supposed to be here with her!

sweetheart, you have to wake up. I’m here, I’ve got you, please wake up,” I

put my hand on her belly to see if our baby was still moving and I panicked
when I felt nothing. What the fuck was taking the God damned ambulance so long?

heard knocking on the door and I yelled for them to come in. The paramedics
rushed to where I was holding Danni on the kitchen floor.

can you tell us what happened?” one of them asked me.

don’t know. I went to get her some ice cream and came back home and found her
like this. I wasn’t even gone twenty minutes,” I answered.

was going to
fucking kill
Jude when I saw him…why the hell would he
leave my heavily pregnant wife all alone?

are going to need to step back so we can help her, Mr. Cavanaugh,” another
paramedic stated.

didn’t want to let her go but I knew that they needed to be able to take care
of her so I reluctantly let go and handed my wife over to them. “How far along
is she?”

thirty eight weeks. We just scheduled her induction two days ago,” I said, my
voice breaking.

wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and I noticed blood on my
hands…Danni’s blood.

heart sank down into my stomach as I watched the paramedics working on her.
They told me more things and asked me more questions but at that point I was
numb. I came home to my pregnant wife lying in her own blood on our kitchen
floor and our baby wasn’t moving. I prayed to whatever gods there were that my
girls would be okay…I’d die without them.

paramedics quickly loaded Danni onto a stretcher and started to take her out of
the house. As I followed them out to the ambulance I heard someone shouting my

What the hell is going on?” I turned to see Jessie running toward me with Kris
following close behind.

don’t know, I went to get her ice cream and I came back and found her lying on
the kitchen floor,” I said, my voice cracking. “Jude was supposed to be with
her. Do either of you know where the fuck he is?”

placed a hand on my shoulder and said, “He asked us to come over and check on
Danni. Sadie’s car died and she was stranded on the side of the road.”

either of them heard of fucking AAA?” I shouted.

calm down, okay? She called them and was told it was going to be a while and
it’s cold out here. Jude didn’t want to go but Danni insisted he didn’t leave
Sadie stranded. That’s why he called us,” Jessie answered.

we need to go. Are you coming?” one of the paramedics asked.

glared at him and barked, “Of course I’m coming!”

gave me a quick hug and said, “We’ll be there soon. I’ll call everyone for you.
Just go.”

didn’t say another word and ran to the ambulance, climbing inside next to
Danni. I heard the sirens and as we started to move I took her frail, clammy
hand in mine. I toyed with her wedding ring and looked at her lying on the
stretcher. She was pale and had a little sweat on her forehead that was
dampening her hair. Despite all of that she was still so beautiful. I choked
back a sob as I looked at my love, my heart,
on a stretcher with an IV in her arm and an oxygen mask covering her face.

sat holding her hand and tried to be as calm as I could be. I was suddenly
crushed with guilt…this was my fault. She was pregnant and now her life was
hanging in the balance because of me. If I hadn’t been caught up in our reunion
and had remembered to wear a condom none of this would be happening. Danni and
this innocent baby’s life wouldn’t be in danger right now if it weren’t for me.
I know I was mad at Jude for leaving her alone but in all honesty if Danni and
our little girl didn’t make it I had no one to blame but myself.

soon as we reached the hospital, Danni was taken straight into the emergency
room. I wanted to be with her but the nurses made me wait outside while they
examined her. I felt like I was going to come out of my skin while I waited in the
hall and watched countless doctors and medical staff flow in and out of her

was pacing like a mad man and just as I was about to barge into her room and
demand an update, a doctor came out and walked toward me.

you Beau Cavanaugh?”

head snapped to him and I walked toward him.

I’m Danni’s husband. What’s the matter with her? Is she going to be okay? Is
the baby all right?”

doctor’s eyes were soft and kind as he looked at me.

said, “I’m Doctor Fields and I’m the attending physician working on your wife’s
case. Unfortunately Dr. Mitchell is out of town this week for the holiday.”

nice, I don’t fucking care! Tell me what’s wrong with my wife!” I shouted.

raised his hand to try and calm me.

wife is stable for now but the situation is dire. Danni lost a lot of blood and
the baby is in distress.”

Oh fuck, what does that mean? How did this happen?” I asked frantically.

your wife was brought in, her blood count was dangerously low and we had to start
a transfusion. We believe the placenta is detaching from the womb and the baby
isn’t receiving the proper oxygen it needs. We need to do an emergency
caesarian as soon as possible to be able to save them both and we need your
signature on some papers.”

the fuck do you need my signature to do surgery? Save them!” I shouted.

just need your consent in case we have to do an emergency hysterectomy in a
worse case scenario.”

felt like my legs were going to buckle beneath me. Danni had to have emergency
surgery and could possibly lose the ability to have more children…she was going
to be heartbroken. She wanted to be able to push the baby out. She wanted to be
able to hold our little girl in her arms right after she was born and bond with
her and now that wasn’t going to happen.

felt my eyes burning with tears and I choked out, “Sure, I’ll sign whatever you
want me to. Do whatever you can to save my wife and daughter. Can I see her
before she goes in?”

She’s actually awake but her blood pressure is starting to rise. I’m sure
seeing you will calm her down.”

you doctor. Sorry about being a dick,” I said.

Fields smiled sympathetically and said, “It’s quite all right. I’ll have the
papers printed for you to sign as soon as possible. Go see your wife.”

was all I needed to hear before I ran to her room and pulled back the curtain.
My eyes landed on Danni lying helpless in the hospital bed and the tears that
were burning my eyes started to fall. She looked so frail and terrified.

she croaked out weakly. “What happened? Is our little girl okay?”

walked to her and placed a kiss on her forehead. As I combed through her hair
with my fingers I answered, “She’s going to be okay, Danni.”

tell me what’s going on. Why did I pass out? The last thing I remember is Jude
leaving to help Sadie and then feeling pain in my stomach. I tried to call you
but my vision went blurry and I passed out,” she cried.

just talked to the doctor and they said the placenta is detaching. You have to
have an emergency C-section,” I explained and she openly sobbed.

this can’t be happening! They need to save her now!”

heard a loud beeping coming from a monitor next to her bed and a nurse came
rushing to her side.

to calm down, Mrs. Cavanaugh. Your blood pressure is rising. They are prepping
an OR and as soon as your husband signs a few things we will take you up for
the surgery.”

continued to fall down her cheeks and she asked, “C-can he come with me? He
can’t miss our daughter being born. I need him with me, please.”

husband will have to step out while we prep you but we will make sure he’s with
you for the surgery,” said the nurse.

don’t you two spend a few moments together while we get everything ready to

nodded at the nurse as she left the room. I continued to play with Danni’s
hair, trying my best to calm her, which was almost impossible because I was
fucking terrified.

it’s going to be okay,” I whispered roughly, feeling a hot tear shoot down my cheek.

are going to meet our daughter soon.” I tried my best to sound reassuring but
it was breaking my heart to see how scared she was and there wasn’t a damn
thing I could do to make it stop.

aren’t ready, the nursery isn’t set up! The family isn’t here yet,” Danni

I will make sure the nursery is ready before we bring our little girl home,
okay? Even if I have to force Ryder, Kris, and Jude to help me put it all
together, it will get done, I promise. As for the family…Jess and Kris showed
up right as we were rushing you to the hospital. She’s going to call everyone
and they should be here soon, okay?”

ran my thumb over her cheek and caught a fresh tear.

I’m so scared. What if they don’t get her out in time?”

will or I’ll kill all of them myself. Don’t you know by now not to fuck with a

was trying my best to make her smile. I placed my large hand over her swollen

goes for this little angel in here. She’s going to be one hell of a fighter, I
can tell.”

let anything happen to her, no matter what happens, okay? Promise me Beau,” she
begged. She had tears pouring down her face.


felt a lump in my throat. She was trying to tell me goodbye…fuck that! I wasn’t
about to lose the love of my life.

are you telling me that? You’ll be here to guide her and teach her about all
that girly shit while I’ll be in the background with a loaded shot gun ready to
point it at the first asshole that even looks at her twice.”

love you so, so much, Beau Cavanaugh. I hope you know that.”

leaned in and kissed her damp forehead.

know, beautiful, I know. I love you too…my heart beats for you, Danni. I hope
know that.”

nurses and doctors came into the tiny room and told us it was time for her to
go into the OR to be prepped. I signed the papers they had waiting for me and
took a deep unsteady breath as I saw how truly terrified she was.

love you,” she said one last time as they wheeled her out.

held her hand as long as I could before we broke apart and I called out, “I
love you more, baby. I’ll be there soon.”

I watched my wife being taken into the operating room, I stood in the hallway
alone and felt more terrified than I’d ever felt in my entire life.
God don’t take them from me…

found a chair to sit in and collapsed down onto it. It seemed like hours while
I waited for them to come tell me it was time to get into scrubs. I was
silently praying to whoever would listen when I suddenly remembered there were
two people I needed to call. I pulled my phone out and after I dialed the
number, I waited for someone to pick up on the other end.


Dan, it’s Beau.”

well, hey there, Beau. How’s my favorite son-in-law?” he asked.

good. Listen, I’m calling about Danni.”

sound serious, son. What’s happened?”

being prepped for an emergency C-section right now. The doctor said the
placenta is detaching and they need to deliver the baby tonight.”

my lord…Brenda and I are on our way there.”

probably won’t make it here before the baby is born but just get here as soon
as you can, okay?”

take care of our girls until I get there, okay son?”

swallowed the lump in my throat and answered, “I will. I don’t know what I’ll
do if she doesn’t-”

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