Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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shrugged my shoulders. “Well, it’s not like we planned for something like this.
I honestly don’t know how he feels about kids. He had such a horrible
childhood, Ev.”

that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want a family. He loves you so much and you both
went through hell to get to where you are now. Whether you are pregnant or not
he’s not going to abandon you,” Everleigh replied.

hope you’re right.”

bathroom door opened and Sadie walked in with Jessie behind her. She knelt down
in front of me and pulled me into a hug.

panic, girl. Whatever happens we’re with you,” Sadie answered.

you Sadie.”

looked up at Jessie and she smiled at me.

worry about it, Danni. I can tell you’re scared and it’s probably about how you
think Beau’s going to react. I’ve known him almost my whole life and I really
believe that he’ll be happy about this.”

really hope so. I wish I was as sure as you all seem to be.”

that moment, the alarm on Everleigh’s phone beeped. “It’s time,” she said.

felt like I was going to puke. “Can you look for me, Ev? I just can’t.”

nodded and picked up the test from the counter. After a few quiet moments, she
cleared her throat and I looked up at her. Judging by the look on her face I
already knew the answer before she said, “It’s positive.”

blinked a few times and a tear fell down my cheek. “I’m pregnant? Are you

handed the test to me and I took it with shaking hands.

sure, girl.”

looked at the results window and the word
flashed at me.

came to me and knelt down next to Sadie.

don’t be upset. I know that this wasn’t planned but this is a really good
thing. No matter what you decide to do we are behind you one hundred percent.
And I really think that this baby will be the best thing to ever happen to Beau
besides you.”

think so too,” Sadie replied. “I know my brother better than anyone. He was a
mess in more ways than one before he met you and you’ve saved him. You made him
want to be a better man and when he finds out you are carrying his child he’s
going to be so happy, Danni.”

wiped my eyes with my hands.

don’t even know if I want to keep this baby. You’re all telling me that he will
be happy about this and I’m sure he will be a great father, but I don’t know if
I’m ready to be a mother yet. I was looking forward to being an aunt to your
baby and now this is going to take away from your moment, Ev,” I cried.

Danni,” Everleigh said, putting her arm around me, “You aren’t taking anything
away from me. This is so exciting! Think about it, girl. Our babies will grow
up together just like we did.”

thing I loved about Everleigh? She always knew just what to say. My heart
warmed at that thought. I let what she said sink in and suddenly I had a vision
of Everleigh and Ryder’s baby, a little boy, at about four or five playing with
a beautiful little girl with wavy blonde hair and dark eyes…eyes just like her
daddy’s. I could picture the two of them chasing each other around a swing set
in the backyard, their carefree laughter filling the air.

like that my mind was made up. I wanted to know that little girl…I wanted to
hear her call me mommy and call Beau her daddy.

smile must have given me away and Sadie grinned at me. “We’re having a baby,
aren’t we?” she asked.

nodded. “I think so.”

all grouped up and hugged each other.

this is wonderful. I’m so happy for you,” Jessie said. “There are babies just
popping up all around in our family, aren’t there?”

the way it should be. Life goes on,” Everleigh said.

giggled and placed her hand on her stomach.

instinctively placed my hand on her belly and gave it a light kiss. Even though
I was still scared about being a mom and to be honest, terrified to tell Beau,
feeling Everleigh’s growing belly gave me hope that everything was going to be




weeks later, I still hadn’t been able to tell Beau I was pregnant. I wanted to
wait until after my first prenatal appointment because not only did I want to
have a picture to show him, I just needed official confirmation that this was
really happening. I was also still scared as hell even though Sadie, Jessie,
and Everleigh were all optimistic, I still had my doubts that Beau would be
happy. We’d just found our way back to each other and finally had things right
for once. This baby was definitely going to throw a road block in our way.

I went to the doctor I found out that I was almost twelve weeks pregnant and
that meant we’d conceived the baby the weekend we got back together. Everleigh
had been right; my “period” was actually spotting from the baby implanting into
my uterus.

was also far enough along now that at my next appointment I’d be able to have
another ultrasound to see the baby and hear the heartbeat. I prayed Beau would
be okay with all of this because I really wanted him there with me when I went
for my ultrasound.

had been in the studio all day and was on his way to my apartment. I was
cooking him dinner and planned on dropping the ball on him tonight. He had
lived off fast food for years and never turned down the chance to have a home
cooked meal, so I was hoping dinner would soften him up for when I told him
about the baby. I needed to do it soon because my stomach was already starting
to pop out and soon he was going to notice.

made him lasagna, tossed salad, and garlic bread. I had just taken the food out
of the oven when my phone rang. I set the lasagna on the counter and picked up
my phone.


baby, I’m on my way. Sorry I’m running a little late,” Beau said.

looked at the clock and noticed the time. Beau was supposed to have been here
twenty minutes ago. I hadn’t noticed because I was so distracted by my nerves.

worries, I am just taking the food out of the oven. Is everything all right?”

I broke a guitar string while I was recording a solo. Took me a minute to get
it fixed. It’s all good.”

Well, I hope you’re hungry because I think I made too much food.”

knew you were making me dinner tonight so I skipped lunch. I am beyond hungry
at this point.”

drive faster and get your ass here then,” I laughed.

heard my front door open and Beau called out, “Is this fast enough?”

hung up my phone and ran into the living room to greet him at the door.

Beau,” I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

beautiful,” he answered, pulling me into a deep kiss.

hands roamed down my sides and started to slide into the waist band of my
jeans. I panicked that he was going to feel the hard little pooch in my stomach
so I placed my hand on his chest and gently pushed away.

on, dinner’s ready,” I said, taking his hand and tugging him into the kitchen.

groaned and I could feel him tensing up…we’d barely had sex since I found out
about the baby and I knew he was starting to get worried. Hopefully this would
go well tonight and end with him not only being happy about being a father but with
us being naked in bed together. This pregnancy was already making me crazy
horny and it had been pure torture not to be able to grab Beau and have my way
with him.

smells great in here,” he said as he sat down at the table. “How was your day

it was good. I went with Ev to her doctor’s appointment today,” I fibbed. I had
gone to see an obstetrician all right, but it wasn’t for Everleigh.

Is everything okay?” he asked, concerned.

was already as in love with Ryder and Ev’s baby as we all were.

yeah, it was just her regular check up. Everything’s fine,” I said as I placed
the bread on the table. “She’s right on schedule. They should be able to find
out the sex of the baby on their next appointment.”

good. I really do hope it’s a boy because Ryder’s already been buying a bunch
of blue shit for the nursery. So,” he said, tearing a piece off of the garlic
bread and popping it into his mouth, “Ryder asked me today what we were doing
for Memorial Day. He and Ev are hosting a big barbecue at their house.”

she mentioned that this afternoon. That sounds like fun. Did you tell them we’d
go?” I asked, bringing the salad to the table and setting it down.

I kind of wanted to run something past you first.”

picked up the lasagna and brought it to the table. After I set it down, I took
a seat across from him and asked, “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

would you feel about going back to Muncie for the holiday?”

looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow.

Why do you want to go back there?” I asked as I started to serve our dinner.

shrugged his shoulders and said, “I know it’s not a huge holiday but I just
thought maybe you’d like to spend it with your parents. I know you’ve missed
them. Besides, I’ve never met them before and I think it’s a good idea for me
to get to know them too.”

smiled at his confidence. Even thought I knew Dad liked him and he wouldn’t
have to try so hard to impress him, I still found it funny that he was so sure
that my parents would love him.

loved Beau’s idea of going home for the Memorial Day weekend. I really had
missed my parents and they needed to know that they were going to be
grandparents too. I really wanted to tell them in person and this trip would be
perfect timing. There was just one person I had to tell first.

you aren’t afraid that my parents won’t like you?” I asked.

took a bite of the lasagna I placed on his plate and said, “Nope.”

laughed. “Not even my dad? He’s an ex-SEAL, you know, and he’s been pretty
disapproving of my boyfriends in the past.”

sure he was, but that’s because none of them loved you as much as I do. They
were stupid enough to either walk away or let you go, and that makes them
fucking idiots in my book.”

smiled at him. “You have to be a little nervous, Beau, admit it. My mom will be
an easy target but my dad on the other hand…”

it will be great if we get along, but I’m not going to walk away from this
relationship if we don’t. I fought hard for you, Danni, and nothing is going to
keep me away.”

heart leapt and my stomach rolled at the same time.
You say that now
nudged his foot with mine under the table and forced a bite of food down my

I do admire your cockiness.”

let out a low groan and put his fork down.

it, Danni,” he said, his mouth turning up into a half smile.

is it?” I asked him.

just said cock. You’re killing me.”

didn’t say cock, I said cockiness.”

I heard was cock and right now mine’s getting hard as fuck. I’m dying here
baby…is there something up with you?”

washed over me…this was it. Beau and I had been having sex almost every day
since we got back together but I’d wanted to slow down on it when I found out
about the baby and I knew it was killing him. I knew I would have to tell him
but seeing his worried expression was making me chicken out.

what do you mean?”

mean that we haven’t had sex in a week and we’ve hardly done it in the past few
weeks. If there’s something wrong you have to tell me. Whatever it is, I’ll fix

reached out and touched his hand. “Beau, nothing’s wrong. I’m sorry I’ve been
so distant.”

you going to tell me what’s going on?” he asked, locking his fingers with mine.
“I haven’t done anything, have I?”

no, of course not,” I said as reassuringly as I could.

what is it? I can’t take another night without your gorgeous body in my bed.”

took a deep breath and let go of his hand. I stood from the table and picked up
an envelope that contained the ultrasound picture. I walked back to the table,
my hands shaking as I handed him the envelope.


fought back a wave of nausea. “It’s why I’ve been so distant. But, wait until
you open it. I want to tell you something first.”

held his arm out to me and I walked to him willingly. I sat on his lap and he
ran his fingers through my hair.

can tell me anything, Danni. Please talk to me, I’m starting to worry.”

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