Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Reckless Redemption: A Bad Blooded Rebel Novel (Bad Blooded Rebel Series)
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laughed despite my tears. “That’s the way it should be.”

spoiled rotten and never needing or wanting a thing. So,” she said, giving me a
playful shove before returning to the mixing board, “speaking of little
monsters, when are you and my brother going to crank one out and make me an

snorted out a laugh and said, “Um, Sadie, we’ve only been back together for
just over a month. I don’t think that’s going to happen anytime soon.”

you never know. I mean you did just get over ‘the flu’,” she said, using her
fingers to make air quotes.

you sure you aren’t pregnant already? The timing would fit.”

shook my head and replied, “Sadie, I’m not pregnant. I’m pretty sure this was
the flu or some kid of bug because I’m on birth control and I got my period
right on time.”

sure,” she said, winking at me. “It’s a shame though because you two would make
a really cute baby.”

smiled at her and replied, “I am sure we would if the time comes, but it’s not
right now. We’ve just found each other again and I love where we are in the
relationship. I’m so happy for the first time in forever and I want to enjoy
our time with it being just us.”

get it. God I miss that,” she said dreamily. “The beginning of the relationship
when everything is fresh and exciting is the best part.”

sighed happily and said, “Well, technically our relationship isn’t new, but
it’s still incredible. And if you miss it so much, why haven’t you put yourself
out there and tried to find someone to start things up with?”

rolled her eyes and laughed. “Like I have time to go out and meet someone with
all the work I am doing mixing this album,” she said.

what about someone a little closer to home, if you catch my drift?” I teased.

stopped and looked at me. “Who? Jude?” she asked.

smiled at her and answered, “I didn’t say Jude but now that you bring it up…”

shook her head and her snowy blonde hair fell around her shoulders.

don’t, Danni. I hear this shit enough from Beau and I don’t need it from you

do you mean? What has Beau been saying?”

sighed and rolled her eyes. “Nothing major, just big brother shit. I’m not into
Jude like that anymore and he’s not convinced. But he thinks I could do better
than him.”

you certainly could do a lot worse than Jude too. I love him to death and I
think you two would be cute together.”

agree about the worse thing but
, I’m not into Jude. I used to have
a crush on him when we were kids but I don’t anymore. I haven’t had a boyfriend
since I dumped Jeremy last year and just because Jude and I are roommates
everyone thinks there’s something going on but there isn’t.”

please Sadie,” I laughed. “You still have the hots for him and we all know it.
Old crushes die hard, girl.”

do not have the hots for Jude!” she exclaimed.

on, fess up, it’s just me and you here. Everyone in the world can see you still
have a thing for him.”

cheeks flushed a pretty pink and she sat silent for a few moments before she
sighed and said, “Apparently everyone but him.”

smiled and put my arm around her shoulders.

girl, in my experience men can be pretty stupid at reading women. Maybe you should
talk to him about it.”

hell no,” she answered. “Even if I were to entertain that idea it’s not worth
the headache I’d get from hearing Beau and Ryder bitching at me to stay away
from him.”

was about to say something else when the sound booth door opened and the guys
walked in carrying take out bags. My mouth instantly watered and my stomach
growled. I could already smell the cheeseburger from across the room and I had
an overwhelming urge to tear through the paper and swallow it whole.

girls,” Kris greeted. “Hope you’re both hungry because we ordered half the

starving,” I said as Beau closed the distance between us and knelt down to kiss

am too, baby, but for something other than food,” he said seductively.

chill shiver ran up my spine at his words, but my stomach was winning out over
my desire for him.

on-to that thought, Beau. I’m up for anything you want to do but I need food
,” I answered and he laughed as he handed me my lunch.

God this smells good. Which one is mine?” I asked, looking through the bag for
my food.

bag is full of cheeseburgers with everything on them, so just pick one,” he

smiled and took out the first sandwich I could get my hands on. As soon as I
had it unwrapped I took a huge bite and moaned like I was having an orgasm. “Oh
holy shit, this is amazing.”

laughed harder and took a seat next to me. “Glad to see you’ve got your
appetite back.”

continued to moan with every bite I took. There wasn’t anything special about
my sandwich but at that moment it was the most amazing thing I’d ever eaten in
my life.

I mumbled and he kissed my forehead as I ate my food.

we were all full and happy and I was kicked back on the little loveseat in the
booth feeling full and sleepy. After eating as much as I had I was suddenly
tired and felt like I could sleep for days. I stifled a yawn as Beau came to
sit beside me.

you look exhausted. Are you sure you’re feeling better?”

sure,” I said, smiling at him. “I just haven’t eaten that much in a long time
and I guess my body is racing to catch up with my appetite.”

we are going to be here for a while wrapping things up so why don’t you go back
home and get some sleep?” he asked.

I would fight you on it but suddenly a nap sounds wonderful,” I said, yawning

bring you dinner. What would you like?” he asked.

smiled and said, “Surprise me,” as I leaned into him and kissed his lips.

groaned into my mouth as his tongue slid past my lips to taste me and I

I need to go home or this day is going to get awkward for everyone here,” I
said breathlessly.

heard Kris snicker in the background and Jude just smiled at me.

on, I’ll walk you to your car,” Beau said, taking my hand and helping me off
the love seat.

said my goodbyes to everyone and walked to my car. Before I could open the
driver’s side door, Beau took my shoulders and spun me around to face him. He
reached up his hand and traced my cheek softly with his knuckles.

glad you’re feeling better, baby, because I can’t wait to get my hands on you
again,” he said sexily.

other hand gripped my waist and pulled me into him where I could feel his erection

can’t wait either,” I breathed right before his mouth came crashing into mine.
I moaned loudly and threw my arms around his neck as he tasted me and kissed me
until I couldn’t think.

better go so you can hurry this along. You have a key just in case I’m still
sleeping when you get there.”

the ways I could wake you up,” he said, and I felt his dick respond against my

shivered at the feel of him. It never ceased to amaze me that Beau responded to
me this way. Even thought we’d been through hell and back I was still in awe of
his feelings for me.

love you,” I whispered and kissed him quickly.

love you too beautiful. See you soon,” he said, and with one final kiss we
broke apart and I watched him as he walked back into the studio.

got behind the wheel and as I started the car I felt my stomach start to
protest all of the food I ate. That man-sized cheeseburger was suddenly threatening
to make a very messy comeback.

took a deep breath and said to myself, “It’s only a ten minute drive, Danni,
don’t throw up in your car.”

I drove home something Sadie said was sticking in my mind. Flu like symptoms,
extreme appetite, feeling nauseated…I knew there couldn’t be any way I was
pregnant…was there?

was right…the timeline of everything would fit. We’d been together for over a month
and had been having sex almost daily without using a condom. I was on birth
control but it was the pill and sometimes it was hard to remember to take it at
the same time every day. I was sick and throwing up the last week and a half
yet today I ate enough to feed a small army. Even though I’d gotten my period
it was abnormally light. Suddenly I started to panic. Oh shit…what if I

soon as I reached my apartment, I got out of my car just in time for my lunch
to make a comeback right next to my mailbox. After I was done heaving I pulled
out my cell phone and dialed Everleigh’s number with shaking fingers.

two rings, she answered, “Hey girl, what’s up? Are you feeling any better

are you busy right now? I need you.”

what’s wrong?” she asked, panicked. “Are you hurt?”

just a nervous wreck. I’m kind of freaking out about something and I need your

is it?”

you know me and how I tend to freak over little things and it’s probably not a
big deal, but I am kind of thinking…”

Danni? I am freaking here.”

think there’s a tiny chance I might be pregnant,” I admitted.

was silence for a second on the other end of the phone and when she spoke
again, she said, “I have a few extra tests here at the house. I’ll be there in
ten minutes.”

thanks Ev.

want me to call the girls?”

because if this doesn’t go well I need all of my girls here. I’ll see you
soon,” I said, then hung up the phone and raced inside the apartment.

tried to calm myself down but it was impossible. Until Sadie mentioned it I
would never have thought this was even possible. But now I was facing a very
real possibility that I might be pregnant and that my perfect relationship with
Beau was about to come crashing down.




felt faint as I waited for the results of the most important test I would ever
take in my life. As much as I loved Beau I knew neither of us were ready for a
baby. We hadn’t even been back together for two months. We still had a long way
to go before we were able to handle this step.

ran a hand over her growing belly, which was rounding out and barely visible at
her hips. She placed her hand on my shoulder.

the test says we will get through it together, okay? All of us.”

took a deep breath and fought back another wave of nausea. “Are Jess and Sadie
here yet?”

just texted me and said they were pulling into the driveway,” Everleigh said.
“They won’t miss it, Danni.”

can’t look at this without all of my sisters here. I’m going to need them to
pick me up off the floor if this test is positive.”

ran my hands through my hair wildly and tugged at the ends like a crazy person.

how did this happen? I thought we’d been careful. We haven’t been using condoms
but I am on the pill. Besides, I got my period on time.”

was it a normal period?” Everleigh asked me.

drew my brows together and bit my lip in thought. “Um, no. It was kind of light
but it was enough for me to have to use a tampon for a few days.”

sat on the edge of the tub and sighed. She placed a warm hand on my shoulder
and softly said, “Danni, I’m no doctor but going through this myself right now
I will bet you everything I have that you didn’t have your period. It sounds
like spotting from implantation.”

the hell is that?” I sniffed, my mind turning to mush.

six weeks into my pregnancy, I had some spotting and I freaked out thinking I
was losing the baby. Dr. Mitchell told me when the implantation of the baby
takes place that some women have light spotting; some bleeding seems like a
regular period, or sometimes nothing at all.”

looked at me with sympathetic eyes as realization hit me.

heard the front door open and Sadie called out, “We’re here! Where are you?”

the bathroom!” Everleigh yelled back.

it’s going to be all right.”

felt tears stinging my eyes and I asked, “Is it?”

are you afraid of? Are you really that scared to have this baby? Do you think
that it will cause problems with Beau?”

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