Rebound Therapy (Rebound #1) (5 page)

Read Rebound Therapy (Rebound #1) Online

Authors: Jerica MacMillan

BOOK: Rebound Therapy (Rebound #1)
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“Okay, okay. Date Brian for a while. Just make sure that if you’re going to be exclusive with him, that he’s going to be exclusive with you, too.”

“Yes, Mom.”

“Ha ha. You’re so funny.”

“I know. Okay, now that you’re all filled in, I need to go. I didn’t sleep much last night and I have to work tomorrow.”

“Okay. Jenna, just remember that enjoying sex with another guy doesn’t mean you didn’t love Tom. I don’t want you wracked with guilt tonight once you’re alone.”

“I know. Thanks, Amy.”


When Brian had dropped me off last night we hadn’t made any plans to see each other again. So I’m surprised and pleased to see a text alert with his name on it at two today.

“Miss you,” it says.

I smile to myself as I read it. “Miss you too,” I send back. I put my phone back in my desk drawer where I keep it at work and turn back to my computer. It buzzes again with a new alert.

“Busy tonight?”

“I have a hot date with my TV.”

“Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all. I’m off work at five, so come around six if that works.”

“See you then.”

That just turned a boring Monday into something much better.


Brian knocks on my door at five fifty. It seems that someone’s eager to see me. The thought makes me smile as I go to open the door.

“Hi,” he says and smiles back at me as he comes in. He gives me an appreciative once over. I changed out of my work clothes into jeans and a fitted t-shirt when I got home earlier. I don’t think Amy would approve of the outfit, but Brian seems to like it fine.

“Have you eaten yet?” I ask as I give him a similar appraisal.

He pulls me to him with his hands resting lightly at my waist until our bodies are flush against each other and drops a kiss on my mouth.

“Mmm … I am kind of hungry,” he says. The glint in his eye makes it clear he doesn’t mean food, or at least not just food.

I smile against his mouth as he kisses me again, this one more lingering. He cups my cheek, and tilts my head so he can deepen the kiss, effectively wiping the smile off my face.

I break the kiss first, pulling back a little and trying to catch my breath. Brian’s hands are still at my waist, and my hands are resting on his chest.

“I was talking about food,” I say.

He grins. “I know. No, I haven’t eaten yet.”


“Sounds good.”

I pull up the menu of my favorite takeout place on my phone and Brian calls in our order.

Brian settles into the corner of the couch and pulls me into his body while we wait for our food. I snuggle into him, feeling comfortable with his arm around me and my head leaning into the hollow of his shoulder. He sighs, “This is nice.” I smile up at him and nod my agreement. “I got spoiled this weekend,” he says.

“How so?”

“I spent over twenty-four hours straight with you. I hated dropping you off last night, and I couldn’t stop thinking about you today.”

“I missed you, too.”

Brian tilts my face up to his and kisses me. “I have to work tomorrow. Come hang out at The Barrel Room with me after you get off work.”


Brian kisses me again with more hunger this time. Soon he’s pulling me around to straddle him again, his hands kneading my backside. The sound of the doorbell interrupts our make out session. I pull back. I’m panting, feeling flushed and aroused. Brian gives my ass another squeeze before depositing me on the couch. I watch him adjust himself to try to hide his erection before he goes to answer my door.

We eat our Chinese takeout on the couch, talking, laughing, and exchanging little touches. Brian seems to have trouble keeping his hands off me.

I’m sitting back on the couch, with my box of chicken fried rice in my hand, my fork resting in the box. I’m getting full, and I’m trying to decide if I should eat the rest or save it for later. Brian leans forward and sets his container down, then pulls mine from my hand and sets it on the coffee table next to his.

He leans over me, kissing me deeply. My body responds to his kiss, arching into him. With one hand behind me, Brian leans me back onto the couch, with him on top of me. He fits himself between my thighs, rocking his hardness against my center, his hand slipping beneath the hem of my shirt and trailing upward. He cups my breast in his hand, squeezing, then plucking at my nipple through the fabric of my bra, pinching it to a hard point. His mouth leaves mine, trailing kisses down my neck. His hands lift my shirt to give his mouth access to my breasts. He pulls the cups down, exposing me to the air before I feel the heat of his tongue, then the gentle suction of his mouth on first one breast, then the other.

After laving my breasts with attention, Brian lifts his head. “Jenna,” he says, his voice husky, “your couch is too small for what I want to do to you. We need to move this to the bedroom.”

Without waiting for my answer, Brian gets off me, picks me up and strides through my bedroom door. He sets me down on the bed with a lingering kiss, before standing back to pull off his clothes. He tosses a condom on the bed next to me before he strips his shirt off one handed, then shoves his jeans and boxers to the floor. I sit up to take off my shirt and bra. Brian finishes before I do and reaches to unbutton my jeans. I lift my hips so he can slide my jeans and panties off together. I’m spread before him, completely naked, and his eyes are heavy with desire as he takes me in. “God, Jenna, you’re so beautiful.” He rolls the condom on before settling on the bed next to me.

Brian starts kissing me again, and I turn on my side to push myself against him, relishing the feel of his skin against mine. He strokes down my back, grabbing my ass, and pulling my hips against him. Then he rolls us over so he’s holding himself above me, thrusting his tongue deep into my mouth, sliding it against mine. He sits up, kneeling between my thighs, hooks his hand under my knee and begins kissing his way from my knee to my center. My breath hitches as he nears my center, but he stops just short and shoots me a wicked grin. He starts the same process on my other leg, and I watch his slow progress. His eyes lock with mine as he draws near to his target once again. The anticipation of his tongue on my core, and the memory of what he did to me last time, has me tensing with desire. The wicked gleam in his eyes as he watches me watch him tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing to me. And loving every second of it.

He hesitates for a moment, his mouth poised over my lips, and I feel the heat of his breath on my aching sex. He gives me another wicked grin, and then slowly, slowly drags his tongue up the length of my slit. I gasp at the delicious feel of him finally reaching his goal. He pauses, and then licks me again, this time stopping at the top to pay special attention to my clit. He then sets to work on me, alternating between licking and sucking and flicking his tongue across my sensitive nub, until I am poised on the edge. He licks me once more, sucks hard, and flicks his tongue across my clit. I come undone, back arching, hands clutching at the sheets, sparks dancing across my vision.

Brian hums in pleasure against me, still licking but more gently, extending my orgasm, and then bringing me down. He continues to drag his tongue across me at a leisurely pace. I shudder each time he reaches my clit. I keep expecting him to stop, but he doesn’t. Instead he says, “Let’s do that again.” I whimper as his tongue once again finds my sensitized flesh.

He begins to pick up the pace, and I feel him slip a finger inside me. “You’re so wet,” he whispers against me. I squirm, feeling his finger withdraw, two fingers taking its place. His tongue sets to work in concert with his fingers. Soon, my arousal is spiking again and I’m climbing toward another orgasm. Brian is watching me, and the sight of him between my thighs is unbelievably erotic. I can feel my orgasm approaching, and when it’s so close I feel like all I have to do is reach out and it will crash over me, Brian stops. I moan in distress as he pulls away, then gasp as he rises and plunges into me, filling me in one stroke. He strokes into me again, again, and once more, and my orgasm crashes into me, harder and stronger than the first.

Brian continues thrusting, prolonging my orgasm as he finds his own release.


Over the next days and weeks, Brian and I settle into a comfortable routine. On his days off, we spend the evenings together at my apartment or his house, and when he has to work I go hang out at The Barrel Room.

It’s Friday night, and Amy and I are hanging out at the bar. We’re sitting at one end of the bar and she’s flirting with Adam, the other bartender and Brian’s business partner. Brian walks out from the back room and smiles at their banter. It seems I’m not the only one who’s noticed there might be something going on between the two of them.

I sigh a little on the inside while I watch Brian work behind the bar. He talks easily with the customers, filling their glasses, handing them samples, and making recommendations. If he notices the women trying to flirt with him, he doesn’t let on. He treats them with the same friendly courtesy that he shows everyone else. It’s enjoyable to just sit and watch him at work.

I still can’t quite believe that I have a boyfriend again. I’m happy for the first time in over a year. Even when I’m just hanging out at his wine bar, he makes sure I’ve got what I need, and chats with me in the lulls between customers.

After the flirty women make their exit, an older couple walks in and approaches the bar. I’m a little disappointed. It’s been a busy night and Adam’s been too busy flirting with Amy to help Brian with many of the customers. I was hoping since no one else had come in while he dealt with the flirty women that Brian would be able to stop and talk to me for a minute or so.

I watch Brian greet the new couple. They turn while looking around to take in the wine bar and decide on their selections, and I stiffen in my seat. It’s Tom’s parents. I haven’t seen them since the funeral. I sit there frozen until Cathy’s gaze collides with mine. She stares at me for a moment, surprise followed by disgust flashing across her face. Then she turns away, dismissing me from her thoughts.

Amy turns to look at me, apparently noticing my stiff posture or my gasp of shock. She looks at my face curiously, then turns to follow my gaze. I see her back stiffen and then she turns back to me.

“Did they see you?” she asks.

“Cathy did.” I turn back to face the bar, staring into my wine glass. It’s almost empty and I drain the last of it, needing its fortification right now.

“Do you think she’ll come over here?”

“God, I hope not. From the look on her face, I doubt it.”

Amy reaches over and gives my arm a squeeze. I take a deep breath, and look up to see Brian handing Cathy and Henry glasses of wine and gesturing to an empty grouping of comfortable seats. Brian looks at me and shoots me a questioning look as they walk away.

“Is something wrong?” he asks as he comes to check on me.

I force a smile. “Nope, I’m good.”

“More wine?”

“Yeah, one more glass and then I think I’ll stop for the night.” Brian takes my glass and refills it, giving it back and leaning across the bar to give me a lingering kiss.

"Are you getting tired? You don't have to wait for me to close tonight if you need to get some rest." I smile at Brian's concern. A real smile this time.

"I'm fine," I assure him. "I'll wait for you."

Brian smiles. "Good," he says. "I have plans for you tonight.” I shiver with anticipation at the heated look he gives me as he leans across the bar for another kiss.

Another group of people walk in and Brian winks at me as he moves away to greet them. Adam has stopped flirting with Amy long enough to help some other customers who came up while Brian was kissing me.

"So things seem to be going well with you two," Amy says.

I nod while I finish swallowing. "Brian's great."

"See, aren't you glad I dragged you here that night? You'd still be moping if it weren't for me."

I laugh. "You're probably right. Thank you for saving me from myself." Amy looks smug. "Don't let it go to your head, though. And what's the deal with you and Adam?"

Amy shrugs and looks a little annoyed. "Nothing."

"Really? 'Cause I was watching you two and it looked like it might be something."

Amy shakes her head and opens her mouth to say something, but before anything comes out a voice behind me hisses, "You little hussy." Amy's mouth is now open in surprise as her gaze shifts from my face to a point over my left shoulder.

I swivel to look behind me to see what's going on. Cathy is there, her face red and ugly with hate. "You hussy!" she says again. "How dare you sit here sucking face with some other man in front of God and everyone. My son is rotting in the ground because of you!" Her voice has risen throughout her tirade and my face grows hot with shame and embarrassment.

"Cathy, I—“

"Don't call me that!" she practically screams in my face. "You don't have the right to call me by my first name, you little bitch!"

I flinch as though slapped.

Robert has a hold of Cathy's arm and is trying to pull her away and calm her down. His face is decidedly blank and I can tell that he blames me for Tom's death, too, even if he has more control over his emotions in public. He succeeds in getting her to follow him to the door, and I just stare in shock as they leave. I'm suddenly aware that no one is talking anymore and all eyes are on me.

"What was that?" I hear Brian ask behind me.

"I have to go," I say. My face feels frozen, the muscles stiff, and I have to force my mouth to get the words out.

"Jenna, wait—“

"I have to go," I say again, fumbling to pull my keys out of my purse.

"Jenna!" I hear Brian call as I push through the door. I don't turn. I can't. I just have to get out of there.


I wake up to banging on my front door.

My eyes are puffy and gritty, and my head hurts. I groan and roll over, hoping whoever it is will take a hint and go away. After five minutes, the banging is still going on. I look at my phone to check the time and remember I turned it off before I went to bed. Amy and Brian kept calling me, and I didn’t want to talk to either of them. I turn it on and get notifications of all the voicemails and texts they left since I fled The Barrel Room last night.

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