Playing Chase (Against The Wall) (11 page)

BOOK: Playing Chase (Against The Wall)
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We’re not saying much, just observing the kids so no babies are made on the dance floor tonight.

Summer and Dean have been attached to their phones checking scores. They’re serious baseball fans and their teams have made the playoffs. It’s crazy to think that the Dodgers and
Angels could play in the World Series, for the first time ever. Summer is a Dodgers fan, while Dean likes the Angels, so that has made for an interesting evening. Summer has punched her fiancé in the arm several times over the last few hours. At one time, it may have bothered me to see them together, but not now. She couldn’t have picked a better man and they’re just so happy together, it’s perfect.

I’m happy for Shelly too. I could see her ending up with Matt Fuller a mile away. She calls the guy Matty
, while the rest of his friends call him Matt. If that wasn’t a clue to their close connection, then I don’t know what else it was. They had such a strong bond and friendship from the time they met, that I always knew on the inside, that she would be okay without me. I knew she deserved better than me and I knew it was only a matter of time until she let herself love Matt. There was no doubt that he was in love with her, even when we were together. And again, it didn’t bother me because I knew they were perfect for each other.

My only regret is that I didn’t let either Shelly or Summer go quietly. With each of them, I knew it was over, but I made an ass out of myself and tortured them with grief in the process. It didn’t help that through both of those breakups, my dad was chirping in my ear, filling my head with a bunch of nonsense that encouraged me to do things I never would’ve considered if he wasn’t around. One of these days, I’m going to have to put an end to all the madness he creates in my life.


Mr. Mitchell takes the microphone as the music fades. “We’d like to thank everyone for coming tonight. It’s been a great dance and we couldn’t have pulled it off without the help of our ASB students who put this all together
, or without the support of our faculty and staff who are here tonight. Our ASB class would like to invite their teachers to join them on the dance floor for the last song of the evening. So CHS staff, grab a colleague and finish off the night with your kids.”

“What the hell?” Mel says. “What the heck is that all about?”

No kidding. Mitchell must be starting some new tradition.

“Come on Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Gelson,” a student calls out as she walks by holding a dude’s hand.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Matt say, grabbing hold of Shelly’s hand. “I’ll take any chance I can get to dance with my beautiful wife.”

“Wanna dance, Mr. Marino
?” Tiffany’s voice is loud and clear.

It’s like time stands still as everyone stops moving and all eyes are on me.

“Chase doesn’t dance,” Dean says, giving Tiff a sympathetic smile.

“Nope,” the girls chime in.

Ty even adds, “Never has.”

Tiffany’s eyes are wide, surprise and embarrassment flushing her cheeks pink.

“I guess it’s time to change that.” I turn to Tiffany and offer her my hand. “I’d love to dance with you.”

Tiff’s face turns a brighter shade of pink as we hear jaws dropping to the floor. She takes
my hand, and I lead her toward the center of the dance floor.

As we pass everyone, I hear Shel say, “Oh shit.”

And Summer says, “I never saw that coming.”

But Mel flashes me a wink and says, “I did.”

The utter disbelief on their faces is no surprise to me.

I think Shelly got me to dance once at one of our high school dances and I bitched the whole time. I had no problem watching her dance with her friends while I sat back and talked to my friends.
As we got older, I just didn’t see the point. Both her and Summer left it alone. They didn’t want to dance with my grumpy, awkward ass anymore than I wanted to dance with them. So we just didn’t and I got the reputation I have now. I don’t dance.

Until Tiffany…

This is a big deal.

It’s almost as if I’m making a statement to my old friends. Sending some sort of declaration about my feelings for Tiffany. I may have been
reluctant to show those feelings, but as soon as I look into Tiffany’s eyes, that fear wilts away. Taking her hand in mine only makes me feel stronger. It’s almost as if the need to dance with a woman has never been necessary, but it’s necessary now. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to slow dance on many dates, and not once have I ever felt the urge to hold someone close and feel the music. But that’s what Tiffany does to me. She makes me want to feel, to love, like I’m someone who deserves it.

The song plays on as I curve my hand around Tiff’s waist and bring her closer to me. Her body presses against mine as I grasp her hand and put it to rest over my heart. My big palm gently covers her soft hand as we slowly sway back and forth, gazing into each other’s eyes.

“You didn’t have to do this, Chase.” Her tone is a whisper. I can feel her nerves radiating through her and straight into me.

“Yes, I did.” I grin. “I’ve been dying to hold you in my arms all night and dancing with you has given me the perfect opportunity.”

She smiles, shyly. “This is perfect. I wasn’t so sure I’d ever be in your arms again. I missed it. I craved it.”

“Shh…” I hush her. “We have the rest of the night to talk. Let’s just enjoy this while we can.”

When the song comes to an end, Tiffany hooks her arms around my neck and hauls me into her for a sweet embrace. My face buries into her hair and neck and I inhale her sweet scent.

“Just beautiful,” I murmur.

She giggles in my arms.

“What are you laughing about?” I whisper.

“Your dating profile.” She pulls me closer and her chuckling comes to a halt. And then her lips brush slightly along my neck. “I’m ready to play, Chase,” she whispers into my ear. “Come home with me.”







Tiffany pulls into her driveway ahead of me. I turn off my ignition and take a deep breath. When she asked me to come home with her there was no doubt in my mind that I would. But now that I’m here, I’m nervous as hell and I don’t want to screw it up. I’ve had so many failures in my past. Failing with Tiffany is not an option.

I step out of my car and my eyes find hers. Her kind, playful smile squeezes my heart and I know instantly there is no place I would rather be.

She starts up the steps and opens her small purse to gather her keys. Within seconds, her front door is open and I’m following her inside.

I take a look around, noting the navy blue boots in the corner of her living room. I haven’t seen her wear them yet, but I imagine that she’s just as sexy in them as she is in the others. She could wear flip-flops all day and still be sexier than most women could ever dream to be.

And she wants me. Craves me, like she said before.

What a lucky bastard I am.

“Want something to drink?” she asks.

She’s nervous. So am I.

, thank you.”

She disappears into the kitchen and comes back with two bottles of water. I haven’t moved a step.

“I just got us some water, just in case.” She begins walking down a short hall and glances back at me over her shoulder. “Follow me.”


My feet finally become detached from the floor and I do what Tiffany says. I follow her down the hall and into her…bedroom.

Holy fuck. Is this really happening?

She was right. Her bed is huge. It makes me wonder why she’d have a California King-sized bed and who she’s shared it with. I immediately push that thought far from my mind. I wouldn’t want her playing that game with me, so I refuse to do the same to her.

Tiffany places the water on her dresser and then sits on her bed. She crosses her legs beneath her and gestures to her bed. “Join me.” She pats the spot across from her. “We need to talk.”

“In here?” I question, looking around at her personal space. Boots line the baseboards of her walls, perfumes and lotions sit on top of her nightstands and books take up on a rather tall shelf on the other side of the room.

“Yes, in here. Sit.”

Pushy little thing, isn’t she? Her directness makes me smile. I kick off my shoes and kneel down on her bed. I sit across from her, my long legs tucked underneath me, mirroring the way she sits. It reminds me of the end of that old John Hughes film where two characters sit on the dining room table with a birthday cake in between them. We’re missing the cake, but it’s okay. I don’t want anything between us.

“Let’s talk,” I say, not knowing where to start and hoping she will continue with her straightforwardness.

She nods. “Okay.” Her gaze locks on mine. “Why did you leave after you kissed me?”

A long sigh escapes from me. She doesn’t start easy. “I was afraid.”

“Afraid of what?”

I swallow loudly. “What would come next.

“Why?” She doesn’t hesitate at all. She came here knowing exactly what she wanted to get out of me and I have a feeling she’s going to get it. I can’t lie to her. Anything she asks, I will answer.

“Tiffany, in the short time we’ve known each other, I’ve grown very fond of you. You’ve made me smile when I didn’t think it was possible anymore. You make me laugh. You bring a brightness to my day that I don’t deserve, but that I want so much.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” she interrupts me. “You keep talking about what you deserve and don’t deserve. Why do you think you don’t deserve happiness?”

I laugh aloud at that one. “You’ve met my exes, haven’t you?” She shrugs with a look like who gives a shit. “I know you know the stories there. I cheated on Shelly in high school and then again when we were engaged. And I cheated on Summer too, not quite like how I cheated on Shel, but I cheated nonetheless. I have given them each enough pain in their lives that I can’t imagine allowing myself to be happy.”

Sadness fills her eyes as she shakes her head back and forth at me, her gaze never leaving mine. “Chase, do you really believe they are still in pain? That they walk around all day hurt and heartbroken because you screwed them over in the past?”

When she puts it that way, it makes me sound like a total tool. “No, of course not. They are both happy in their relationships and I couldn’t be happier for them. I always knew Shelly and Matt would end up together. And Dean is perfect for Summer. They’ve both moved on and I’m glad they did.”

“Well, don’t you think it’s about time you move on too?” She reaches out to me, taking my hand in hers. “You need to let go, Chase. They’ve moved on and you should too.”

Tiff’s hand looks so small in mine even though she has the strength of a superhero. “I think it’s about more than just moving on. I think it has to do with forgiveness. I’m not so sure I can forgive myself for what I did to them and I could never forgive myself if I ever hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you, Tiffany. Not now, not ever. And I’m so afraid that I could.”

“Well, if you want forgiveness, you have to ask for it. Shelly and Summer are not bad people. If you want to apologize, do it. But don’t let it hang over your head for the rest of your
life.” She lets out a long sigh. “And as for me,” she smiles, “I’m not afraid at all. You’re not going to hurt me, Chase.”

Her beautiful smile is knocking down those walls again. “How do you know?”

“Let me tell you a story,” she says.


“My last real relationship lasted for three years.”

This revelation surprises me. How did I not know this? She knows just about everything about me and I didn’t know she had a man for three years?

“Greg and I were high school sweethearts, I guess you could say.” Her hands wave in the air as she tells the story, something so characteristically Tiffany, so I can’t help but grin. “You know how I told you I have a big family?” I nod. “Well, they know everything. Like they know that you came over when I was sick because Hilda, my neighbor, told my brothers. News travels fast in this family and they all want to meet you. They probably know you’re here now.”

I look around the room and zone in on the windows.

“Don’t worry. They’re not hiding in the bushes or anything, but my neighbors are like family too and they have my mom on speed dial. They’re total busybodies, always looking to stir the pot.”

“Okay.” I chuckle. “This is weird.”

“Try living it every day of your life.” She shakes her head. “Back to my story.” She claps her hands together. “I had a feeling Greg was cheating. There was just something off about him and I don’t know, I just knew.”

“Did you say something to him? Ask him about your gut feeling?”

“No. I let it go for a while until my brothers confronted him in front of me. They had done a little investigative work of their own and he came clean and told me the truth. He had been seeing someone from work for months.”

“How many brothers do you have?” I wonder if they will be tailing me soon.

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