Pirate Nemesis (Telepathic Space Pirates Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Pirate Nemesis (Telepathic Space Pirates Book 1)
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“Always?” Mercy was stunned. “Aren’t you trying to rebuild your population?”

Vashti shrugged. “We don’t believe in leaving an enemy at our backs when it can be avoided. Fights to the death were a practice Lilith encouraged and rewarded. The old Queen’s ways are extremely difficult to throw aside.” She gave Mercy a long, penetrating stare. “You don’t approve?”

“I…not like this, no.”

“Hmm,” said Vashti. “This will be an interesting day.” She turned back to watch as two men finally came out and picked up the fallen fighter, carrying him from the room.

Two more men were already walking out to the center ring. Mercy was startled to realize that she knew one of them.

Reaper said in in her mind.
One of my dogs.

. Mercy remembered. He was classically handsome, with blue eyes a darker shade than Reaper’s. He moved now with an easy confidence, stepping casually into the arena, and waiting calmly as his opponent, looking far more nervous, stood on the opposite side.

“Do they—” She caught herself a second before Reaper’s disapproving look.
Do they have a disagreement?

No. Shane is applying to become a dog. Candidates have to prove themselves against a current dog. They can challenge any they choose, since Dem trains them all. The fights are a test, not to the death.

Mercy didn’t recognize the name.

Reaper took a long time to answer.
My brother,
he said reluctantly.
Also, the Chief of Security aboard the Nemesis, and a member of the Core.

Mercy’s mind spun, thrown by the sudden flood of information. She focused on the most personal, first.
You have a brother?

I have two. Technically, we are half-brothers, but the separation of blood is of little consequence. Regardless of the number of parents we have in common, we are siblings. Dem is the most like me. His father, though different from my own, was also a Killer. Treon is…
Reaper hesitated.
Treon is different. Unique.

Intrigued, Mercy filed the names away for further investigation, later. Reaper’s tone wasn’t exactly closed, but she could tell he wasn’t eager to answer more questions about his family right now.

And the Core? What is that?

It’s supposed to be the balance to our monarch. A council, of sorts. The goal is to keep in mind what is best for our people as a whole, and vote on laws and practices to best support and aid them. Theoretically, we can also overrule the monarch if we disagree with something unanimously. In practice, though, that has not always proven possible.
His tone was dark, making Mercy think of everything she’d heard regarding her grandmother’s reign.

I’m guessing that’s another reference to what an understanding and fair Queen Lilith was?

That is correct.

And Cannon? Has the Core tried to overrule him?

No. So far, there hasn’t been a need. But Cannon sits in on Core meetings, and generally he and the majority tend to agree.

You said “we” before. Are you a part of this Core?

I am.

Mercy was silent for a moment, thinking. She watched as the fight started, this one taking more time than the previous bout. She was no beater, but from what she could see, Zion was deliberately testing the other man, giving him openings and analyzing his defenses.

she said finally,
you guys left the Commonwealth, but you created a system of government that mirrors the Council of Sovereign Planets, and the monarchy.
She wondered if the irony came through with her telepathic words.

We are the product of our experiences
. Reaper shrugged.

How do you decide who becomes a member of the Core? Voting?

Reaper laughed in her mind. He looked at her, clearly amused.

“Please,” he said aloud. “We are pirates, Mercy. Core members are decided by power and position. Who can take it, and who can keep it.”

In the center ring, the tone of the fight abruptly changed. Zion, having taken a few hits up until now, became untouchable. His opponent, a passable fighter who probably could have gained employment as a beater on many a smuggling ship, could no longer land any punches. In the space of a few moments he took jabs to the kidneys, ribs, and solar plexus, before finally being thrown roughly to the floor. He lay gasping, pained grunts escaping as he struggled for air, holding his hands close to his head in a futile attempt at protecting himself. Zion dropped his hands and left the ring. Beside Mercy, Reaper shook his head, his mouth turned down.

“He lost.” Mercy glanced at him. “Does that mean he won’t become a dog?”

Reaper moved one shoulder in a shrug.

“He was expected to lose. It’s a matter of how he lost, and how he responds to it, that will ultimately decide whether Dem accepts him.”

Two men came, helped Shane stand and moved him out of the ring.

“Dogs are often a stepping stone to greater things,” Reaper added. “Most Core members once served someone in that capacity. I don’t believe Shane is capable of taking power. Even with training, he may never become more than he is now.” He tilted his head. “Zion? That is another story entirely.”

Mercy thought, a little darkly.
The charming one.
She didn’t realize she’d broadcast it until Reaper switched back to telepathy.

You don’t like Zion because he is charming?
She could hear the underlying ripple of Reaper’s amusement.
Not the usual response people have to him.

No. I don’t like Zion because he isn’t what he appears. He pretends to be whatever will get him what he wants.

Most people do that.

Mercy hesitated, struggling to put her feelings into words.

Maybe. Not like Zion. I don’t know how to explain it. I just feel like underneath he is someone entirely different. His charm is a lie. His pretty smile is a lie. I don’t like liars.

“Oh!” Vashti suddenly grasped Mercy’s arm, fingers tugging at her for attention, seemingly oblivious that she was interrupting. “Here he is. My boy.” There was no mistaking the pride in her voice. On the other side of her, Griffin and Cage both sat straighter, their attention intensely focused on the center ring. It was enough to intrigue Mercy, until she saw the youth walking out to the arena.


“You have got to be kidding me,” she said aloud. She looked at Reaper.
You told me to be patient. I have been, and now I have to watch these two boys beat the shit out of each other?

He lifted an eyebrow.
Hopefully not.

What the hell does that mean?

Reaper didn’t answer, and Vashti’s fingers tightening on her arm pulled Mercy’s attention back to the ring.

Max had that awkward, gangly gate inherent to teenage boys who gained height quickly, too fast for their muscle control and physical command to keep up with. Although his skin tone was the burnished bronze of family, he looked starkly pale under the lights. His dark hair was messy, and hung in his eyes. He made his way to the center and stood, looking uncomfortable and, Mercy thought, scared.

“Griffin and Cage’s brother,” Vashti said, smiling. “My youngest nephew, Max.”

For a moment, Mercy was startled out of her observation of the boy enough to look at Vashti.

“Griffin, Cage, and…Max?”

Vashti shrugged. “You’ll get used to the odd naming conventions we have. Most of us shorten Max’s name. Maximum can get a bit caught in the mouth. Too many M’s, you know.”

Mercy blinked at her, then looked back at Max. By this time, his opponent had come to stand with him, and Mercy felt herself go cold. Under the harsh lighting, the difference between the two boys was highlighted even more starkly than before. Kator looked impossibly large. He was clearly older by a couple of years and a hulking figure, with wide shoulders, huge, meaty hands, and a breadth of muscle that didn’t seem to fit with his apparent youth.

“He must outweigh him by nearly double,” she said.

“Almost,” muttered Griffin, but Mercy heard it.

“That’s not a fair fight,” she said, looking from Vashti to Reaper, and back again.

Vashti frowned at her. “It is. Talent makes the smallest boys strong. This is how disputes are settled.” The old woman gave a sharp nod. “Here, there are rules. A one-on-one combat gives Max an opportunity.”

“At what, getting beaten or killed in front of everyone?”

Cage leaned forward to glare at Mercy. “At earning his place,” he said. “Stay out of it.”

This is insane,
Mercy told Reaper.
That boy doesn’t stand a chance, and you know it.

Reaper gave her a look empty of emotion.
If he wants it badly enough, if he’s prepared, he can win. There are ways to beat a physically stronger opponent, and Max knows some of them. He demonstrated that this morning.

In a confrontation Kator clearly engineered. He didn’t even fight back, because he was waiting to do it here! If that bully wasn’t absolutely sure he could win, he never would have made this happen.

Reaper’s implacable calm grated on Mercy’s nerves.

Then you can’t let this happen.

It’s our way. They have a dispute. Let’s call it a long, ongoing conflict. This will end it.

This is what you and Cannon call dealing with the situation?

Reaper didn’t answer, and she found herself wanted to smack that impassive look right off his face. His eyes paled, and a deep, instinctive caution kept her still.
Mother take you,
she fumed, feeling more impotent than she had since the space station. She thought about Max’s shy smile this morning, and hated everyone.

Mercy stared at the two boys as they took positions opposite one another. Now that she was watching for it, she could see that Max wasn’t just awkward from his height and gangly limbs. He was favoring his right side. She couldn’t remember if he’d already been doing that this morning, or if this was something new.

“This boy has been beating on Max for awhile?” she asked Vashti, keeping her voice even.

“Since they were small,” Vashti said. “Children often establish a hierarchy in such ways. Max comes from a powerful family, but hates conflict. His Talent developed late as well. It made him a target.” She nodded to the arena. “This is his opportunity to turn things around and put Kator in his place.”

Mercy sat stunned for a moment. That even Vashti, who clearly loved the boy, condoned this was unfathomable.
I thought children were precious to you. I thought you would protect them above all else.

Reaper regarded her thoughtfully.
We would never permit an adult to abuse a child. However, ours is a hard and difficult life. They must be permitted to settle their own issues amongst peers.

You are letting children fight,
she said to Reaper.

He looked at her, and his lack of response just stirred her own emotions more.

You are letting them beat each other for position.
Coldness settled in her gut as she remembered Vashti’s earlier words.
Does this count as a disagreement? Or is this just a fight to say who is who in the pecking order?


I want to know if this fight will stop when someone goes down.

Reaper took his time answering, seeming to weigh her question.

Kator and his friends have spent the past several years bullying Max. They attempted to kill him at least once that I am aware of. I doubt it will stop when one of them goes down.

Mercy stared at him. She looked at Vashti again, still hoping she would see some of her own incredulity reflected there. Instead, she saw pride, worry, and hope. She looked beyond her to Griffin and Cage, but they sat with identical, grimly stoic expressions.

“He’s your brother.” Mercy said, her chest tight. “You’re just going to let this happen?”

Griffin glanced at her, a flash of anger in his green eyes. “If we try to intervene, it will make things worse.”


“No matter the outcome, it will look like we’re protecting him. It will make him look weaker, more of a target. Even if we killed Kator for him, it would still make others believe Max to be weak. It’s as good as a death sentence.”

In the ring, a man stepped between the boys, clearly explaining whatever the rules were. If they even had any. Max nodded stiffly, his face grim and determined. Kator just nodded sharply. He was anticipating winning already. It made Mercy’s stomach turn.

“This is insane,” Mercy said aloud. “You are all insane.”

She glared at Reaper.

Is this what you brought me here for? To watch boys kill each other?


Then, why?

In the ring, the boys started moving. Kator lunged in, hands going for a grab, and Max danced out of the way.

You needed to see this. We are a people fighting for survival. Every day is a battle to that end.

Then why kill each other?
She gestured to the arena, wincing as Max didn’t move quite fast enough, and one of Kator’s fists caught a glancing blow to his shoulder, staggering him.

Because Lilith wanted it. Because she spent her reign making things like this happen. It entertained her.

Kator took Max down with an arm wrapped around the other boy’s waist. Max got in a punch, but the bigger boy just grunted and held on. In a minute, he’d have Max in a choke.

“Lilith is fucking dead,” Mercy said aloud, fists clenched at her sides. “You don’t have to do what she wanted anymore.”

“A Queen’s influence is not so easy to throw off,” said Vashti quietly. Her hands gripped tightly together in her lap as her eyes never left the arena. Kator gave a sudden yelp and Max regained his feet, breathing hard. The bigger boy was back up in the same instant, removing any chance for Max to hurt him while he was down. Blood ran freely down Kator’s face, his nose swollen, but Max was bleeding, too, red rivulets running down the side of his neck from long, deep scratches.

“Cannon is your King now, right? He can stop this.” Mercy looked around, trying to spot him in the stands.

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