Perfect Timing (9 page)

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Authors: Brenda Jackson

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or some reaon Maxi was not surprised to find Christopher, Garrett, and Mya still standing in the same spot she had left them five minutes earlier.

She smiled faintly when Christopher left Garrett and Mya and began walking toward her. She thought about how good he looked and once again, instinctively, her senses picked up everything about him that was male, which was the last thing she needed. The purpose of this cruise was to relax and enjoy the company of friends, and not to rekindle the amorous feelings she'd had for one classmate in particular.

She may have thought those things but the minute he reached her, she knew she was still attracted to him as she had been ten years ago. The look in his gaze was filled with concern as he eyed her carefully.

“You okay?” he asked softly.

“Yes, I'm fine,” she responded while noticing that his dark eyes hadn't left her for a moment. “Are you ready to go inside?”

He nodded. “Yes, I'm ready.”

She took his hand in hers. “All right then, let's go and I guarantee you'll have a good time.”


Over an hour or so later, Christopher grudgingly admitted that he was having a good time. Although a number of people here tonight had treated him less than human when he'd attended school with them, now they appeared regretful over their youthful antics and were going out of their way to make him feel included and accepted. They were smiling and eager to converse with him. And he credited Maxi for it. Now he understood why she'd been so well liked and popular in school. She greeted just about everyone she saw with a hug and had remembered most of their names, where he had barely remembered their faces. She had easily brought him into the conversation like it was a natural thing for the two of them to be seen together ten years later at their class reunion. And for some reason those classmates they encountered didn't act like it was such a big deal.

Everyone except for Ronald Swindel. Whatever Maxi had said to him still had him fuming. Christopher saw the man cutting his eyes at him from across the room whenever he glanced his way.

“So, Christopher, what are you doing now?”

He turned toward Mya. The two of them had been left alone for a while. Garrett had gone to refill their drinks, and Maxi had decided to work the crowd. And she was indeed working it. He had noticed her movements around the room. They were graceful and deft, and every so often she would glance over at him and smile. He knew she was doing so as a reminder that she had not forgotten about him.

“I'm in construction.” He decided to tell Mya the same thing he'd told everyone who had asked that night.

“Exactly what do you build?” Mya queried further.

Christopher inwardly smiled. No wonder Mya and Maxi had been friends for so long. Both of them liked to ask questions. However, where Maxi knew where to draw the line and not cross into an area that was considered as being nosy, it appeared Mya felt she had no such restrictions.

“I build a number of things, mainly commercial.”

“What's the name of your business and where is it located?”

“The Regency Corporation and we are home based in Detroit.” He met her gaze intently. “Is there a reason for all these questions?”

Mya's response was a series of chuckles followed by a quiet, no-nonsense look. “Just checking you out. You're sharing a cabin with Maxi and I want to make sure you're safe.”

“Maxi's a big girl. Don't you think that should be her concern and not yours?” he asked coolly.

“No. Maxi never had a level head where you were concerned.”

Christopher frowned. “What the hell are you talking about?” he asked in an irritated voice.

“Nothing. Just as long as you and I understand each other. I don't want to see Maxi hurt.”

Christopher smoothed his lips into a flat line and met Mya's unwavering gaze. “I would never intentionally hurt Maxi.” His voice was quiet but absolute.

Mya smiled, evidently satisfied with his response. “Good.”

Their topic of conversation ended when Garrett returned with their drinks.


Christopher and Maxi made small talk as they walked down the long corridor to their cabin, partaking in chitchat about the surprises they had encountered that night.

“I can't believe Lee Jenkins is a minister. Ronald looked out of place without him as his sidekick.”

Maxi nodded. She then met Christopher's gaze. “That just goes to show people do change and most of the time for the better.” She had enjoyed seeing old friends again. Only a couple of people had asked her about Jason. Surprisingly, it didn't bother her as much as she thought it would when some had pulled out family pictures which reminded her of what she didn't have.

When they reached their cabin she stood aside while Christopher unlocked the door. Once they entered and turned on the lights she was suddenly made aware of how intimate their cabin was. That was something she had failed to take note of earlier that day.

“Are you going back out tonight?” Christopher asked, watching her survey the room like it was the first time she had seen it.

“Yes. Mya and I plan to do the midnight buffet. What about you?” she asked him as she tossed her purse on the dresser.

A smile creased his lips. “I've had my share of entertainment for one night. Especially since it had been my intent to just stay in my room tonight and chill. But now I'm glad I went.” He studied Maxi intently before saying. “I need to pay a visit to the gift shop and buy a pair of pajamas.”

Maxi lifted a dark brow. “You forgot to bring a pair?”

Christopher chuckled. “I don't own a pair. It wouldn't have mattered had I been in this cabin alone. But since I have a cabinmate, I don't think you'd appreciate me walking around in the nude.”

Oh, she would appreciate it, Maxi thought. She just didn't think she would be able to handle it. Around Christopher she was reminded, and not too subtly, that she was indeed still a woman.

“I'll see you later.” He gave her a smooth smile before opening the door and closing it behind him.


f I eat another thing I'm liable to hurt myself,” Mya said, pushing her plate back.

Maxi knew exactly what she meant. There was more than enough food at the midnight buffet to savor their every culinary delight and satisfy their every whim. And they had gotten a taste of just about everything.

“I'm too full to sleep,” Mya groaned. “But I'm not too full to hear what's going on with you and Christopher Chandler.”

Maxi smiled helplessly. She wasn't surprised that now that she and Mya had cleared the air about what had put a rift in their friendship ten years ago, it seemed natural for things to be back to normal with them. In a way they were somewhat better. They were older, mature, and they knew what they'd missed out on during the years they hadn't kept in touch. Neither wanted to go there again. True friendship was hard to find. And when two people had a history like they did, it was something you couldn't discount or throw away because of a misunderstanding. Restoring their friendship had been much more than just an effort. For the two of them it had been crucial. She hadn't realized just how much she had missed their girl talks until now. And there was so much she wanted to share with Mya. Things she hadn't been able to share with anyone, not even her mom. Although she and her mother had a close relationship there were certain things you just couldn't share with your mom. Like this intense attraction she had for Christopher.

“What do you think is going on?” she finally asked.

“You tell me. Of all the people for you to get your cabin mixed up with, you get Christopher Chandler, Mister Bad Boy himself. He still looks good, you know,” Mya said smiling.

“Yeah, I know,” Maxi said grinning. “I would have to be blind not to know. And the reason for the mix-up is pretty logical when you think about it since we have the same last name. The computer goofed.”

“Lucky you and Christopher.”

Maxi shook her head. “There's nothing going on between us, Mya. Although he's made a few comments to let me know he's noticed me as a woman, there's nothing else there. It's like old times when he and I were friends. There's still a part of him he won't share with anyone. So I guess you can say in a way he's still a loner. I can tell that he still lives by his own rules and allows very few people to get close to him.”

“Yeah, but you did get close to him once, Maxi. You got closer to him than anyone at school. And from the way he kept looking at you tonight, I believe you can do so again.”

“But I don't want to get close to him. A lot of things are going on in my life, Mya. A man is the last thing I need right now.” She inhaled deeply before continuing. “My doctor has informed me that I need surgery.”

Mya sat up straight in her chair. “What kind of surgery?”

“A hysterectomy. The doctor discovered I had fibroid tumors several years ago and lately they'd taken on a life of their own and have begun growing on me, literally.”

Mya nodded. “Have you had a second opinion?”

“Yes, and additional tests were taken to see if there's any other way. So far there's not. So that means unless I get pregnant before the surgery, I'll never have a child.”

Mya studied the dampness that appeared in Maxi's eyes. She of all people knew what having a family meant to Maxi and it didn't seem fair. First her fiancé had gotten killed and now this. She reached across the table and took Maxi's hand in hers. “I'm going to pray that things work out for you, Maxi. And for some reason I believe they will. You are too good a person not to have the family you've always wanted.”

Maxi smiled through the light tears clouding her eyes. “Thanks and I appreciate that. And please do keep me in your prayers. I'm going to need them. I'm okay when I don't think about the trials and tribulations I'm going through, but when I do think about them they become almost overbearing and I ask myself why me? Then I stop and think about all the other blessings I've had over the years and that makes it easier to bear,” she said softly. “Like your grandmother always said, the Lord gives us strength to endure all things.”

Mya smiled at the memory. “Amen, sistah.” Tiny lines curved at the bottom of her mouth. “And there's always adoption. A couple that Garrett and I know adopted a little girl recently and she's the most adorable child you ever want to see. Anytime Garrett goes around her it reminds him of the daughter he's always wanted.”

Maxi nodded. She remembered when they were in school together Garrett would say he wanted to one day have a daughter as beautiful as Mya. Maxi used to think that was the ultimate compliment a man could bestow upon the woman he loved, wanting her to be the mother of his child. “So the two of you plan to have another child?”

“Yes, but no time soon. Luckily Garrett hasn't brought the subject up lately and I'm hoping he doesn't. I just got my career where I want it to be and don't want to take time off to have another baby.” She tossed off the uncomfortable feeling she'd always had whenever she talked about her job and how much she enjoyed it.

“And how does Garrett feel about you working? I thought it was a long-standing rule in the Rivers family that the Rivers women don't work.”

“It still is, trust me. None of his brothers' wives work. We've had a number of arguments about it. But what good is having a college degree if you don't ever use it? I wasn't one of those women who went to college looking for a husband. I already had one when I got there. You know how it is for me. I've always enjoyed keeping busy and raising the boys just isn't enough. I want to feel more useful than that.”

Maxi smiled, nodding. “What will you do if Garrett brings up the subject of another baby?”

“I don't know. I recently got a promotion at work and haven't told him about it yet. I'm stalling because I know he's not going to like it if it means I'll have to travel more.”

“And will you have to travel more?”

“Unfortunately, yes. The client I've been assigned to operates his business in Orlando.”

“Orlando is a long way from Dallas.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. I have to pick a good time to drop the bomb on Garrett.”

“When do you start your new position?”

“Next month, which means I'll be going away quite a bit at the beginning of football season. That's going to be hard since I've never missed any of his games, both home and away. I really don't know how he'll handle that. I have a specific place where I sit in the stands and if he glances up, he'll expect to see me there.”

Maxi nodded. “Things will work out for you and Garrett. The two of you have been together too long for it not to. I don't know of two other people more in love and dedicated to each other after all these years. You can still make him smile like you used to.”

Mya chuckled as she remembered how she had him smiling earlier that day. “Yeah, I can make him smile,” she agreed.

“Keep the intimate details to yourself,” Maxi said jokingly. “Thinking about something like that is pure torture. I haven't been intimate with anyone since Jason.”

“You're kidding.”

“No I'm not. Although I've dated occasionally, there hasn't been anyone who has interested me enough to take things to that level. I guess you can say Jason spoiled me for any other man. I don't want an affair with anyone where I'm just considered his possession. I want more. I want the same thing Jason offered me—a chance to have a lasting, loving, and fulfilling relationship with someone who loves me.”

Mya studied Maxi for a long moment before asking. “What about this thing with Christopher? You can't convince me you're not attracted to him.”

“Well, yeah, it would be hard for any woman not to be attracted to him. But what's new? I was attracted to him in school.”

“But I bet you didn't know he was attracted to you as well. In fact it went beyond attraction. According to Garrett, Christopher pretty much warned all the guys away from you.”

Maxi lifted a brow. Was that what Garrett had meant when he'd made that comment earlier that night? “Garrett told you that?”

“Yeah, can you believe it? And from the way Garrett talked, it had been going on for a long time and not just during our senior year of high school.”

Maxi briskly pushed away the romantic thoughts that began swarming around in her head. “But he never said anything about it to me.”

“Do you really think he would have back then? He probably saw himself as not worthy of your affections and decided not to pursue anything with you. But evidently he figured just because he wasn't going to pursue you didn't mean you were open game to anyone else. According to Garrett it was understood that you belonged to Christopher and he protected you from all those other guys. That's the reason he and Ronald never got along.”

Maxi inhaled deeply. “Ronald said something to that effect tonight but I refused to believe him. I had no idea.”

“And evidently Christopher wanted it that way.” Mya lifted a curious brow. “Now that you know how he felt about you back then what are you going to do about it?”

“Nothing. That was years ago, Mya. He probably hasn't given me a thought during the past ten years.”

“But he's evidently giving you some thought now. While you were circulating around the room tonight he was watching you with enough intensity to make every single male at the reception know you're still off limits.”

Maxi regarded Mya's statement thoughtfully for a moment, her mind recalling that night's event. Whenever she had looked up, she had noticed Christopher's eyes on her, his expression controlled, his gaze sharp, clear, piercing, as he regarded her with open…What?…Interest? Admiration? Lust? The thought that his full attention had been focused on her sent the blood racing through her veins.

Maxi released a deep sigh. “Even if there is interest on his part, Mya, the timing right now is lousy.”

Mya sat back in her chair smiling. She had noted Christopher's interest in Maxi tonight, which had prompted her to ask him a few questions. “I happen to disagree, kiddo. I think it's perfect timing.”


The light from the hall caught Christopher's attention when Maxi entered the cabin returning from the midnight buffet. “Enjoy yourself?” he whispered to her in the darkness.

“Oh, Christopher, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.”

“You didn't. I wasn't asleep. Did you enjoy yourself?”

She turned on the lamp on the dresser, bringing light into the room. He lay in bed, flat on his back with his head propped up on the pillow and wearing pajamas just for her modesty. She met his eyes. Again the look in them was intense and almost took her breath away. “Yes, Mya and I almost ate ourselves silly. You should have joined us,” she said softly, finally answering his question.

“I ran into Garrett in one of the casinos and hung out with him for a while, then decided to come back here and turn in.” He tried not to notice her removing the flower from her hair, with such care and attention. A part of him imagined her touching him exactly that same way. He cleared his throat. “Will you be hanging out with the Rivers tomorrow?”

Tomorrow was deemed a “fun day at sea.” A lot of different activities had been planned as the ship made its way toward the Cayman Islands. “No, Mya and Garrett will be doing their own thing. Although she invited me to join them, I didn't want to intrude on their time together. Why?”

“No reason. I think I'm going to just chill by the pool and read an interesting book I brought along.”

She nodded. He was letting her know in a nice way that he didn't intend to spend any time with her tomorrow. “All right.” Without saying another word she pulled her pajamas out of the dresser drawer and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.


A short while later Christopher watched Maxi come out of the bathroom wearing a pair of silk pajamas. They were red. His favorite color. And in his opinion she looked sexy as hell in them. Although she didn't look over in his direction his eyes stayed on her as she turned off the light.

“Goodnight, Christopher.”

“Goodnight, Maxi.”

He heard the sound of her knees touching the floor. She was saying her prayers, he concluded, and tried to recall the last time he'd said his. His body tightened moments later when he heard the sound of her pushing the covers back to slip into bed.

He lay awake for several long, tormented hours listening to the evenness of her breathing, letting him know she had drifted off to sleep. He shifted position in bed thinking just how deep Maxi was getting under his skin. Desire was a powerful emotion when it came to Maxine Chandler, and he was determined to be careful how he dealt with it.

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